Devotional for 5/13/19

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Hey You! (Get the audience’s attention)
I trust all moms in the room had a great time. And for those blessed to have a mother in your life or mother figure, you were able to let mom know how much you care.
Mother’s day each year for me is interesting and brings to my mind the gospel.
I have four moms and I only love three of my moms. So only 3 received cards and a phone call. I am not being mean...
Being adopted always brings to mind the gospel.
Galatians 4:3–7 CEB
3 In the same way, when we were minors, we were also enslaved by this world’s system. 4 But when the fulfillment of the time came, God sent his Son, born through a woman, and born under the Law. 5 This was so he could redeem those under the Law so that we could be adopted. 6 Because you are sons and daughters, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba, Father!” 7 Therefore, you are no longer a slave but a son or daughter, and if you are his child, then you are also an heir through God.
gal 4.
I am adopted. I have always known. So mom was always open about it. Due to infertility, she had to adopt. Of course this was a prayer of her and my dad to be able to adopt someday, and God worked it out.
My adopted mom and dad are all I knew for my whole upbringing. I had no hardfeelings are insecurities being adopted. However, I was curious to see family that I looked like. I was curious what the back story was. I wondered from time to time if I had brothers and sisters out there.
My biomom was My biomom at 16 gave birth at Hanford…she was being raised by her aunt and was estanged from her mother and father, I was adopted and gone before my biograndparents had a chance to intervene. They would have happily raised me.
If I hadn’t been adopted, I would have been enslaved to the upbringing of my birthfamily.
Portugese catholic.
Learned the backstory, met all cousins, 10 uncles/aunts, grandparents, but not her.
Learned right away my mom was the better mother. I wouldn’t have to earn her love.
No desire to pursue Sandra as my mother. That would be backwards.
I had it so good already.
Look! (Examine the Scriptures)
Yet this is what the church in Galatia was doing.
Galatians 4:8 CEB
8 At the time, when you didn’t know God, you were enslaved by things that aren’t gods by nature.
Galatians 4:22 CEB
22 It’s written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and one by the free woman.
Galatians 4:24 CEB
24 These things are an allegory: the women are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, which gives birth to slave children; this is Hagar.
Sarah gives birth to freedom.
It reminds me of
Digressing to legalism
Why when the better mother is so much better?
See! (Explain the passage)
I was in search of brith family, curious
However I didn’t lose touch with my mom.
I saw that birthmother was something I would have to work at. No love, no relationship, no inherigtance, no history to help build relationship, no obligation.
With my mom, all that biomom didn’t have, was already in place.
• Do! (Make application)
Do! (Make application)
Birth-certificate. Indicates my status, who my parents are. It is a legal document that can be used to claim inheritances, etc. I have not inheritance from my birthmother’s side. Because I received a new name. I am the rightful heir. And if I ever forget my status, I can pull out the certificate and read who my parents are. And I didn’t have to earn their love, they freely offered me.
In this analogy, Paul is reminding us that we are adopted into Christ and we then inherit eternal life through Christ’s merits. We are no longer related to the mother who brings slavery. Who provides nothing that can save us.
Why digress into slavery or leave the best mom? Maybe we do not do it on purpose. We are distracted in the business of life, perhaps self reliance seems appealing, since it might seem to work so well in other areas of life. Perhaps losing focus during life we spend less time contemplating the cross that guarantees our inheritance and is stamped on our new birth certificates.
We focus so much on the rules and laws, we lose sight of our heavenly father, the cross and those to whom we are to share the gospel.
Just as I can pull my certificate, and remember my story and how life could have been, each of us can be purposeful and draw our eyes to the cross and Christ and regain the sense that we are the rightful heirs to eternal life through Christ’s merits alone. And that inturn inspired renewed life with the spirit.
I don’t need a law to tell me to love my mom and act like a faithful son. Love leads me. Let the love of Christ compel us in our daily walk of faith in grace as we remain in him.
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