Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Please open your Bibles to .
Read Galatians 3:15-22.
Some things are too good to be true.
You ever go on the internet and see one of those bright flashing ads on the corner of the screen.
You ever go on the internet and see one of those bright flashing ads on the corner of the screen.
It’s colorful.
It has a moving picture on it.
It catches your attention.
Then you see the offer.
It’s offering something for free, a free iPad.
I’ll be honest, I’ve clicked on those ads.
I’ve thought, “I’ll take a free iPad.”
So I bite, I take the bait.
The first page says that before you get your free iPad, they need some information.
Just basic info.
Email address.
All of this before you even create an account.
Then you create the account.
They send you an email to verify that you gave them a real email address.
This takes all of about 5 minutes.
It’s starting to take longer than you wanted to spend.
But you want that free iPad.
Now it asks for 10 friends that you would like to share this special deal with.
This sounds like more typing.
I just want the iPad.
But, whatever.
I think, “I’ve got 10 friends.”
So I start typing in the LaPortes personal information, the Taylor’s personal information, the Bogers personal information.
And I give them all of it.
If I had your social security numbers they’d get that too, because this is for a free iPad.
The site is constantly reminding you that you’ve got a free iPad coming.
Now they have some special deals to offer you.
And all of them require you setting an account up with these separate websites.
There are magazine offers.
Credit card offers.
Time share offers.
And subscription offers.
You don’t want to do this, you just want the free iPad.
Then you see at the bottom of the page.
Before you can proceed, you need to accept 10 of their free offers, none of which are really free.
And now, it seems more like a bait and switch plan.
You’ve spent 15 minutes of your life chasing a free iPad, and now you feel more like a donkey chasing a carrot on a stick.
The deal changed.
It’s not what I was originally told.
Paul is writing to the Galatians.
The theme of this book is freedom.
The Galatians had fallen victim to a group called the Judiazers.
And they are being sold a bait and switch theology.
They saw a free gift.
The free gift is we are saved by grace.
Then the Judiazers gave them the old switch-er-roo.
They were told that it’s not really a free gift.
It’s the result of works.
And they took the bait hard.
Paul has said, “O foolish Galatians!
Who has bewitched you?”
He’s astounded that they have been so foolish.
Paul is writing to clarify and to correct what God has really given and what God has really promised, and that this is not a bait and switch offer.
First, this promise is an Eternal Promise.
And that’s our first point, an eternal promise.
God’s plan began in eternity past.
We react.
I have a plan, something goes wrong, I make a change.
God doesn’t react.
Sin did not surprise God.
He has a plan, and He will achieve that plan.
says, “even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.
In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.”
2 things to note in that passage.
This plan began before the foundation of the world.
God didn’t decide to have Jesus die after sin entered the world.
The plan has always been that God would have a people.
A very specific people.
People He chose.
And it would always be to the praise of His glorious grace.
God is gracious.
And as we unfold the story of the Bible, it must always be seasoned with grace.
Let’s walk through God’s actions in history, and what I want you to see is how He never treats us how we deserve.
Instead, He always gives grace.
That’s the theme.
Adam and Eve are in the Garden.
God had told them that they could eat whatever they wanted, just not from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
You know the story, they ate from it.
Here is where we begin to see God’s surprising grace, right from the beginning.
They were naked and covered in shame.
And what did God do?
God withheld what they deserved.
God clothed them in animal skins.
They were supposed to die that day.
But they didn’t die.
But instead an animal died in their place.
They were covered in the life of another.
Boy that sounds an awful like what we receive in Christ doesn’t it?
We deserved death.
But instead, we are covered in the life of Christ.
Then God went on to say that one day the seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent.
< .5
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> .9