Craig Gilbert-Avoid the Burn
Rose Garden at 7
Does a recorder starts with rice or not? It is good to see all of you will have people coming in because it's lunch and feeling this weekend. So here's what's going to happen. You're going to make everyone feel welcome. We are going to give him help him find a seat. You're going to you're going to thank them for coming or whatever. We are going to practice.
They're going to help us because it's a price of proactive being avoiding burnout as a proactive thing. It's not something that we that we just possibly do. So before we get started on that only have 45 minutes, I'll be talking pretty fast, but I said a couple things I want to tell you about what's in your chair. I'm not selling anything. I'm giving things away to support a way to let me take a little bit about myself. So my worship Ministry for over 25 years. Until last July I was in every Sunday church Minister and last till I got called me away and I have been I've been Consulting churches on the side for many years and God gave me an opportunity to call and I accepted it and I stepped away into no-man's-land. I am now a completely independent worship Consulting ispecialize worship Worship in church. And basically what I do is I bring 25 years of experience to your church and say, you know, how can I help my specialization is a middle small-size churches, even though I've worked in megachurches and I'm very happy to work in megachurches my passion and calling is to the middle of salt life shirts with struggling in this new B culture is where people are going off the backdoor password when you come in the front door. And so if there's ever a time when I can help you as a consultant, that's great. But I also and freely sharing information and just have kind of pouring out 25 years experience into the into the internet music music. So I would really appreciate it. If you're interested that card the big car that you have has a heads-up that you can text phm 255-855-5888 newsletter and Sophie be watching for that. And then also I have a podcast it's been out for almost two months. Now you have to go to iTunes Google or Stitcher look up purpose Park Ministry podcast and you can sign up for that describe to it there. I would really appreciate it. If you did, I'll be honest with you help me get my listenership out information.
You know generics virtualization kind of things. I'm a teacher. I'm a schoolteacher out of training school teacher, which is my first pass in my first love and so I talk like a schoolteacher. I I use nuts and bolts onto things reality practical example, when I talk to you about preparing your work your worship space for worship and for visitors actually talked about how the bathroom smells I don't actually just talked about what your screen look like. I have a choice. I post a DVD that's a for talk of a support talk to you behave on the foundations of fundamentals of worship for congregation members is designed to change people's expectations part 4 worship. This is available in the bookstore, but I'm also giving some of these away for free two people to sign up this week for the next few days. If you sign up for my newsletter or you subscribing to podcasts you can angels in the drawing. It says to I'm just going to give away as many as I can before 4, so if you'd like something like that just sign up then I'll have all your information and I would really love to share this. What do you call three? I'm not I would love it. If you brought me off your church, that's not free. But that's how I make a living now, but I'm not trying to sell anything. I just really want to help as much as I possibly can. All right, that's enough of that was talked about how to avoid burnout. So this is a this is a really is a topic that is very popular. This. Needed after 25 years of ministry. I know that I've personally went through two or three. Burnout was a very very real very real fast. And to be honest with you when I left the ministry when I didn't leave the ministry when I left every Sunday Ministry, I had a lot of people asking me say, oh, well, you just finally burned out did you know there's a reason I left the classroom, but there was a couple times with the classroom look really good and we all can go through this. So today we're really talking about how to avoid if you're in a hole and you're trying to call out of it, I'm going to give you six areas that I want you to think about and focus on the baby these are possible areas of stress. They are areas of stress. How can you know, how can you find your way out? I want to make sure that leave time for questions. So again, I'm going to click through these fairly quickly. Now. This is based on a six-part series that I am writing for worship leader magazine in the first four are already published. So the first four points that you're going to see if you want to see what I'm talking about, you can go to worship leader magazine the digital the website to go to worship leader website and you search by my name or you search by a boy to burn you'll see the first four blocks are already on there so you can get those in glass door. So this is
General information is a cool. Are we good? All right, so Define stress anxiety and depression come to call word disguise some real issues. It's a cheap excuse to try to cover something that really stress induced issues in medical stress does to the body stress can manifest in the body to Real Deal nowadays. We used to know when I was still there still a stigma to it. And in reality. It's a true issue. It's something there still a stigma attached to it. And so I want to I want to talk about burnout and some pretty honest terms sometimes burnout is just it's just I'm tired. But sometimes burn out of something deeper and and stress anxiety depression come to call and if they're left unattended it manifests itself in two and so what I want to talk to you today, it's just be real honest about this kind of stuff. The second thing is it doesn't fix anything just like if you say I'm depressed, you know, there's therapy that has to be involved to find out where that depression is coming from. You can't fix what you don't understand or what you haven't identified. So again, if you know, it may be something along those lines but finding out and identifying where you're coming from and then and then working to alleviate that this is the only way that you're going to start to start feeling. Just sleeping. It off is not going to get you there. It is an active work that you have to do. It's it's it's not that and then so but what if they were waste had the stress off before became burnout season 2 six key areas of focus in the manatees areas. I want you to not addressing all of the various spiritual ways that you can head off burnout prayer Bible study in counseling very important in your continued Ministry task-oriented managerial skills to be addressed in your ministry. I say that because it never fails. I'm a, concrete task-oriented my classes. I'm I want to give you something you can do right so never fails, you know, I don't know. Let's just take let's just say that that's there and we're going to take that as that's one one area and there are plenty of people who can and I can do it, too, but Practical things you can do besides just pray and study your Bible to get through burnout. I mean, they're just they're just are and if we don't talk about him and be honest about him, you know, it's the same way would people say will turkeys in the churches of business and until we start treating Church like a business and I don't mean stop here. And so that's what I want to do today and end in God I have to tell you that I feel like God isn't very hard about what I bring what I present. So I hope that you'll feel you'll understand the fact we're not going to have a deep spiritual discussion. Although There Are Spiritual access to all of them, but I want to give you some concrete things that you can do want to give you some some stuff that you can hold on to somebody in here to remind me. I don't care who it is somebody and you're going to remind me at the end. There is another article that I just discovered today. That I want to give you but I didn't get it in my presentation and I don't want to get the end of the day and not at the end of this presentation can help me remember that.
All right. So the first one I call hashtag Sunday's coming.
So I swore about two years ago that I was going to start coming in.
Aztec Sunday's coming This is probably.
Because what we do is we don't give ourselves time to enjoy Sunday. Because hashtag Sunday's coming. How many of you are already thinking for next week? You're already marking things down that need to be fixed before next week though. That's why I was wrong. That's why I was wrong. They missed a mic to mic. Oh my gosh start practicing. I'm going to feel about drummers. I don't think I'm drummers too much bass players that are really good Chinese over as soon as the service is over your your your end of next week sometimes, you know, I'll never you'll miss an encouraging word because your brain is already gone. I can't tell you how many times I've had a congregation number come up to me on, I can't tell you how many times has come up to me and said while I really like that song on Sunday and I'll say what song I don't remember, you know know if they will let you know, okay. Planning Center, cuz it's gone. We have so much hard drive left right there smaller than I used to be. So I'm already I've already moved on and what is it? What's the cost of sorts of I've got a few. I've got to get it done. So I want to give you a technique to fight Sunday's coming. Not in this very simple call say thank you. Psychic now, there are a lot of ways to fight Sundays coming and I can't give you all of them in one session, but I want to give you one and call say thank you. How many of you know the story of Jesus and the lepers at the gate? You know the story of Jesus and lepers at the gate Jesus healed 10 lepers. And then told him to go and find can't go and get them self Mark clean up was a big deal to go and be declared cleanrite. How many came back and said, thank you. And what did Jesus say? Where the where do you think thank you doesn't make a difference to Jesus a lot of time praying about our services. We spend a lot of time asking God, I'm healthy. And if it's really not on good or requires really kind of pain and you know that we really get serious about coming out to see you but we don't take a lot of time to say thank you at the end of the service before you start tearing down say thank you not think Bill. Thank God, You see what I'm saying? Is that helping a way to not just dive into the house? But take time to thank God for being here. Thank God for being part of it. I see her I was I told you I wasn't real spiritual but this is a concrete goal. Thank the person on the third row comes every single Sunday and smiles at you and gives you that little lift that you need that person that you look at to know whether or not the song You Picked was a good one. benefits connecting or not
It is anything I can get you from?
Just getting into.. Straight into Sunday's coming because it's another thing we have a worship recap every church that I work at is either on Monday or Tuesday. We have a staff meeting for 6. Me and we would sit down and some other churches that I worked at in my last trip. We have 21 people in that means but what we did was we made it a rule you had to do the positive first.
We called it. Where did God show up this week? Where did you see this week? And it didn't have to be on the platform. It could have been so I got at the water fountain. You know, whatever but we started with the positive because it is so easy to get into the negatives, isn't it? It's really made a mistake because it's part of how we're judged and I get it but the problem is we left that become we let that become the goal instead of understanding the role that God plays in what we do and then start fighting negatives. How did God work through that negative? How did God show up anyway? That's something none of us too and it's something I can't even do. It's really really hard but we start to talk about. How did God show up anyway? You know that's like being able to take some of it isn't an excuse to be net is not an excuse to make mistakes, but it's putting it in a proper context word. That stress doesn't eat you up. Because what eats ass up here is that it's Sunday and Sunday out Sunday Sunday always come Sunday is always coming in feel that pressure of finding ways to take the pressure off finding ways to be like three or four and none of those are in the block. So now they'll read the blog and you'll get a few more.
Two Tonys come and I have to move on the plant. We are our own worst enemies when pressure come from planning. I don't know about you guys, but I am divorced procrastinator on the face of the Earth until I found out that that's really typical for artists. We where we typically are far procrastinate. We feel like we worked our rights Apple. I used to be proud of that.
You want if you want to do if you want to do a 15 minute presentation in a few we got two days. The problem is what it's an exponential and it grew up right and then eventually you get to your 53 years old and after 25 years of doing this you find out you know what I can't do that anymore. I mean, I got a conference that I'm doing on this guy have the romanoffs with honesty with you. I'm leaving worship conference with 3,000 people next week. I've got a team and worship team of 14 that the plan this thing with I got a hundred singers and players at each one of the worst of services. I got to build a stage with an out-of-state company on in a hotel. I mean I got look and I've been doing this for seven years I got news for you is killing me this year because eventually guys this stress build-up and it and you just can't do it anymore. And so do you want to have a nice long Ministry and you want to stay out of burnout you got to find ways to plan to plan de and one of the things is in when I say planning to plan. I mean you plan to plan not you plan. Is there a lot of different things but the one thing that if I can possibly help it get in there like on Monday and even if I don't know what the pastor sermon is. I'm still going to start digging in and start making some selections. Hopefully, you know, or are you work with your passerino? The best things I ever did was I set a password on full he was killing. And he said why I said cuz you're you don't plan your sermons on Friday. And then you want me to pick great songs and rehearse the choir anyone in the band and you want it all fit into the sermon. Do you want this, if you want this concrete unified until Friday how the world am I supposed to do that by the time we got it quite as bad.
Play sticking to it and just being being. How many we are married? Now if you have a date night with your spouse how protected is that date night how much trouble are you in if you schedule something on top of that date night anybody real trouble if I schedule something on top of that date night, so treat your planning time like date night. You're planning time should be protected. It needs to be at a time that you can be consistent and you can be at it because not going to help alleviate some of that stress and so stacked on top of that and play materials together get everything ready to go. Don't just go in there and I can't this is my favorite. How do you plant that? I put everything on the table. Show it to me.
Divine intervention, but if you're doing that on Friday afternoon.
I believe the plants but I plan on Monday. What can you what can you do to help relieve some of Olivia's whole thing to take some of the stress off now if their stuff that your pastor is doing to you, so that's the internal stuff. What about the external control or the you know, you picked You Pick 6 songs and everything is perfect. And then you find out nine people aren't going to be there, you know things like that told you things you can plan for to start treating this like an activity that's important rather than something that you kind of do on the on the side.
Unbelievable Planters in this doesn't apply to you at all.
That song was so good, and I don't like it. We put all kinds we allow people to put all kinds of. Because we're artists and we care and we work hard and we invest in our heart and we invest in what we do and then and then with the Carnation doesn't respond the way that we'd like they're supposed to respond when they actually get angry with us. We carry that we share that with us instead of proactively dealing with it. I said what I'm going to tell you.
Do you know what I mean by conflict diversity conflict avoidant? You don't like conflict and you don't want to deal with stuff. This stuff keeps you up. You know why cuz you never deal with it. And so it circles and Cycles in circles and cycles and Bill Bonnie and you view what if everything to death and you start tiling everything up and it's just and so this one little semi negative email that you got becomes the whole congregation hu and they're all coming at you with pitchforks and torches and they're going to fire you next week. If you sing the wrong song and you know, we build it into this thing that then turns it into and then you posted on Facebook and then you get you know, 144 people who say yeah, you're right, but you're not and then you know, they're not just further, you know, validates your your your your victimhood and and you got a few. You know what I'm not saying that there are times when it's not fair and I'm not saying there are times when it's not right. I'm the reason I'm really written on this because this is one of my biggest I'm a people pleaser folks apologetic people pleaser. And it's this is my hardest. This is this is one of my heart's Point stress when I get up there and I feel like everybody is against me Man. Is Hard of your worship leader. You know when I feel like you know, I know the sister Susie sitting on the third row, is she staring daggers at me and it doesn't matter the brother. Bobby is over here on the 4th robe and he's finding Jesus with every song that we sing it sister that I can't get past.
That's stress folks. That's anxiety that something feels and it's not true. It's only one side of picture. Okay. And you can't you have to find a way to learn to the soap. What's one of the solutions actually sit down and talk.
No, I don't do it in the church parking lot after church either. I don't do it by text. I don't do it by email. See how that works for you. Send her an email. Please don't do that. What's going on? You know why and that comes from having a relationship, you know, I'm going to have a relationship.
Sometimes you find out it's not you at all sister. Susie was having a bad morning and she's mad at her husband and she started you.
And you say it's not you at all. She's mad at her or she's mad at her son or her daughter or whatever, but you don't know that you don't know how to fix it. If you don't have a conversation with even know what the problem is the problem.
Because you know what, you know and University. It's whatever you think the problem is, whatever is bothering you about that song when you pick that song and you knew there was going to be somebody mad about it.
Cuz I want no problem cuz you didn't attack the problem problem.
Conversation. So when you start feeling this dance for stress that burns you out comes from its guessing. Go find out if you think your passwords mad at you go have a conversation. It's it's there's nothing wrong with it now.
Have a conversation.
But you got to dig into that one. By the way, that's another one or failure to communicate. This is where have you been in a place where you did it? And in your mind you told everybody about it, but in reality you did not. In your mind, you told everybody cuz she did Jimmy shows up at the rehearsal and Jenny like you. You're like you mean you didn't learn the song you found out. There was never an email to Jenny ever were still sitting. There is a coaching session with the worship leader of the other day. How do you communicate with your team? Will we have a Google doc we have Planning Center and we put some of it on Facebook sucks for you cuz now you got to remember to put that same information. So you have a problem for you. Yes, unless you just are super organized and you're just mr. Social media or Miss social media. Not just how you communicate communicate five different ways.
So Simple Solutions Concrete Solutions can help you a lot, but nobody can keep up with it. And so everybody gets a different piece of information or you don't communicate regularly live with them. Maybe you could solve this problem by designating just like you designate your planning when the teen emails going to go out for the team Facebook page for the team Instagram on Thursday afternoon. That's it, or it's going to go out at 1 and everybody knows that's when it's going out and no one's there's no there's no confusion. I'm doing it one place and it's going out at this time. How many questions otherwise reach out to me? Otherwise. I can share accountability and I can make my volunteer account or I make my pay sing or play or whatever. I can make them accountable. I can't even keep up with it. So badly to communicate puts us in a lot of a lot of problems because they're on vacation this week old. Do you have to sign out procedure? Have you established to sign up for seizure? Do you follow the sign up for seizure? Do you remind them every single way that you expect me where your pressure point is you got to solve it was failing to communicate. I can't tell you how many pants should I get into cars that are given to this is one of their biggest issues and it lands on the person behind the desk because ultimately it's not the people on the team that are filling it communicates. The person behind the desk that is and it starts with them and that's a great stressor. I'm just so fed up with never having a full band on Sunday. Okay, so What you can do about that right? Are you going to how are you going to how you going to work to solve that.
I use this for self-help. I use this for self-help.
When was the last time you went fishing? Fishing stands for whatever it is that heals your soul. Whatever practical activity is the clears your mind and allows you to get out of get out of your mode. self care is not a bad thing.
It is it is we are at we are a society is there are so many men if you go out and just Google burnout and go look through article after our flag article. This is one of the number one tooth issues with America. We don't take our vacation. Why don't we take our vacation? Cuz somebody think will be looks like a week. It looks like we're not responsible doesn't matter that they gave you the vacation. You don't take it because you know, if I take vacation that I'm you know, I'm goofing off. Yeah, you're goofing off exactly. That's the whole point. You're goofing off. Its okay, its vacation, you know setting aside some time. This has been there all my issues therapy session through and had to dig through in my own Ministries are all mistakes that I have made. This is one of my biggest one. I told you I'm a big people pleaser.
If you're like me, I work at mostly small shirts if it wasn't until the very end of my career that but my my every Sunday career that I got to be at a really big church with a lot of assistance and where was no big deal for me to miss use. It was a big deal for you like me for you to be gone for a Sunday for you to miss a Sunday. You got to work two extra weeks ahead of time and you got to work 3 weeks afterwards to clean up the mess. No matter how she left behind they always leave behind a mess because it's just a bunch of work to go on vacation. It's a whole lot of work to go to stay serious for me to be gone. The problem is right and not pressure. Just continue to you're you're you're you're headed to burnout you're headed for a crash and you're going to blame it on your ministry. But the reality is is that it's it's part of fetus in a missing missing that moment of self-help so finding that time whatever that is identifying it and sticking with it all of this notice it all of the solutions and I'm offering her all the situation of offering hardcore intentionality every single one of them sit back and imma be aware of these things and that's going to make it and it's not going to make anything better. Being aware of it just tells you where you need to be intentional and so you got to start digging it for you. As far as absolutely right because it's because I was saying that nobody else could do it, you know, whatever we want to be good to train up other people to work or if you go back and then a lot of these are linked together, so go back to the why don't they like me what if they like them.
Katrina PSI train up this young worship leader on 53 I train up this young worship leader. And I'm gone on a Sunday and they knock it out of the park. Where does that leave me? Right we bring that to none of these are simple. You have to find out not only where is the stress coming from? Where is it coming from? And what is their side? I mention this to my last but there is a psychological there's a psychologist have a thing called it does a percentage problems really the problem. It's a symptom of the problem. So so that's a great question of if I'm think I'm avoiding being gone on Sunday. Why that's the problem. That's the presenting the Alexa presenting factors that I'm not taking Sundays off. Okay. Well, that's great. Why am I not taking Sundays off? See that's the real problem. It's just the symptom of what the real, so you bring up a great point. The last one. He said she said,
Know what I mean by he said she said is inner interdepartmental in her team relationships. Now this I just saw the whole class on that this pass class. So I can't even I can't begin to get into this really deep when I just spent 45 minutes talk about relationships before it's a relationship that he said. She said she loves you every time because you get tired of putting out fires. You get tired of putting out fires. You have tired of the one team member who doesn't like the other team member and then these three team members don't like that team member and then there's four of them who don't like you and you know, and so it goes back to the why don't they like me but it's about it's it's about dealing with it is about being a leader and not dealing with the things that need to be dealt with sometimes this isn't even about you. This is not entertained discipline and entertain relationship and you're not pastoring and you're not shepherding and you're not for lack of Lee you're generating lead sheets, right your generation charts your scheduling rehearsals, you're planning worship, but you're not you're not digging and then guess what? You get tired of it and it starts to burn on you and it starts to wear you out now. Some of you don't have that problem at all. Some of you that in these kinds of problems. Come and go they don't really rarely are they all the time but I know some people that fits this is everyday every They're in a small church for people are related for people on the team or related. So you got the interpersonal family issues. And then you got the input then don't don't cross one of them because then all four of them gang up on whoever cross them because you can't even pick on I can pick my sister but you can't pick on my sister, you know that kind of thing, you know, there's all these different kinds of so are you from proactively dealing with Teen Titanic because this this can wear you out so what are you doing? This is 2 * 60 You know, if you're bad and you got 12 members in your van or five members in your van, that's bad enough, but then at 60, you know at 60 choir members and you really have to get something and this will hit you up in a bad part about this. Sometimes this isn't even you. You're not the one.
What time is you should the longer you let it wait the longer you let it Fester the harder it is to this goes back to that conflict avoidance. Right just goes back to why don't they like me? I mean all of these things are all tied together and you just have to find you know, the ones that are the ones that are there, so I'm going to open up for questions, but see I remember
I want to write this down. I want to write this down. So there is a we have a Rob Redwood. Rob Redmond is here at work leader conference and he is he's going to be is teaching and he's around but he wrote in our he wrote A Blog just a fantastic blog for worship leader magazine back into this is the title. Just Google this so Rob Rob Redman, Rob, Redmond. And the title of the blog is what worship leaders need to know. And Rob has a whole nother list of burnout issues. Just a whole nother listen, so well written and so I just want to offer it to you because mine is not the only voice in this right. I want you to get the help that you need whatever that help me be. So robbed. I just discovered this article this morning didn't even know it was there and I thought I read through it and I'll just like, oh my gosh, I watch just teach this article, but then my issues are different different song. I want you to have that question. Yes. Could you give us a picture of just what your Sabbath they look like? What is your rest look like and what kind of things would be like giving on your Sabbath day and what would it take to prepare? What are you so my Sabbath was almost always Friday? For 25 years treat my Sabbath was Friday when I was at school full time. So I thought school Monday through Friday. And then I was working on Saturday music Saturday and Sunday at the church. So I never got a day off and I see eventually what drove me to make a decision. I couldn't teach him. I couldn't be dual cool dual. So those of you were dealing as dual people. We know it's hard but you're working basically five days until Saturday becomes the day that everything else is the honey-do list a right. Mow the grass paint the yard, but whatever church Sunday night you had to be there to know but Sunny nightman is when I die. I mean, it's one of my friends that wasn't recovered.
Ceiling that was just that which is dead. I can't do anything else, but it was still with whatever it was. It wasn't work. Right and then the hardest thing is so I Chi started in Ministry before there was emails and smartphones and there was no such thing as 24/7 365 breaks when you went home. He went home you don't get to do that anymore. Turn the phone off and I did was tell my assistant. I'm off limits. If you text me on Friday, you better have a I mean the church better be burning down. I mean it literally because it was the only way I can protect myself or for the last several years has been try out one so I couldn't take a day off very often. So what I did was I took morning so I'll be on the bike run the pool. I'm at home with Ironman triathletes and I would do if I don't look it right now that I have to call and so I would know so for me, it was all the workouts during the week and it was part of the part of what I do. I can't do it in the pool and I can do it on the bike and I'm doing so when I'm out when I'm out doing my workout since I got three of them so when I'm out doing my house and nobody can get me beautiful thing, when you compete in Triathlon, you can't use headphones. It's against the rules. You can't do anything with headphones. So I literally have to take everything off there. Nobody can get me right and so at least have a Flowers and you know that and I know that they know that that's why I'm not worried about it cuz I can't there's nothing I can do about we talk I get to go. I need to go all day, you know when I can afford it anymore.
Just a question. I guess would be.
Get it for a lot of us. Now. It has become the the only form of communication me after practice. So what what kind of chips do I mean eye doctor PC on 2008 when it came out to see physically emotionally actively in my last session just like I had to take the time and when they come into practice to find out how you're doing. I try to make sure that I do the extra work available slip that that the sound is all checking everything ready to go for practice. I try to stay up on my Facebook and call them. I don't always just respond on Facebook to call them if they had just saw you posted that you know, dear your daughter got a it takes work you have to work but you got to get out and then that's something to be honest with you. That's something your generation and younger generation. That's not how you know how you've developed as leaders and something really have to try to do to be honest with you something I have to try to do. You know, I was
And so, you know, I falling into a two and so it's easy to fall into those technical technical crutches that we have to pick up the phone call. Even if they don't pick up the phone cuz they don't answer the phone. I don't know which one of your old voice mail. So at least it's got to be a real connection because you're right you can beat you can never talk to each other stuff for Planning Center and now everybody comes in a pussy of yours in it. So the only time they ever talk to each other with TalkBack mic. You know, they never really have a solid conversation. The other thing that you could do is develop some type of discipleship program and her to her team is required. If you're going to be on the team you required to sign up for Bible study. That's an entertaining Bible say they have two nights a week and they doing on Sunday afternoon and you have to belong to one of the small group Bible studies to be on the team and it's 14 building. It's not just for discipleship building is for relationship building because they have to be something other than with me. She's got a big enough. She can do that. I got to let you guys go. I do want to say a perfect heart That's me. I really would love it. If you if you reached out to me. If you have any questions, you have my email on my card. I do answer emails. I do want to I do want to hear from you. So I don't go through this week. I made you shake hands with each other at the very beginning.