26th May
Good morning old. How are you? Great. Wonderful. Well, this is most likely the last time I'll ever preached in Mildura and District. You never know what could happen, but Christine, you know, I going to be slugging it out on the Sunshine Coast off the lease and I know you will feel so sorry for us and
That's a tough gig but someone's got to do with it.
Give me at 6 to get set up and we'll be on the way. wonderful
You're not paid out says if any man speak and I'm sure that's old woman. He says to speak as an oracle with God and I really want you to die to just do your best to listen and he would God's wanting to say to you and he does use human vessels and we know he spoken through donkeys before and someone so I'm sure I mean with a short. Sorry. I just really want you to you know, I just here listening to God filter me out and say go to what do you what do you want to say to me today? Cuz that's what it's not about the role that the latest Heaven the body of Christ and that's to equip the Saints for the work of the ministry. You know, I grew up in the church with the attitude was repaying the pasta so they go to the ministry and will cheer you want. But you know every member is a ministering someone in the word Minister means servant of course and so each of us have responsibility to serve God and my passion is to equip you so you better at that. So that's what's happening here this morning. So what's going on the way, so I just stay with me for the next hundred 90 minutes and we'll be good. Most of us know what the Bible says about you not being imitators of Christ and being like Jesus and analyze top of things and you know that we belong to God we can't have this attitude of Johnny and I won't load you all just relax you and you do it work in me and let me know when it's done and won't go ahead. Severn we do things in their things are going to expect you and I might want to take as well and Ephesians tells us that we are to throw a fair old identity. And if there's one thing I recognized one of the biggest snags that we struggle with as Christians is their old identity. You know who you were when you come from your family culture family culture is a tough thing. And you know, we're cool to be part of the culture of the Kingdom. Not just a culture that we've grown up in their family, which can be very different to what it is God's wanting to do an animal and there's good and bad of course in family culture. But you know where to throw for our old identity ending with the Holy Spirit they were working out if there's one thing I have learned and I've learned of two or three in however many years is that God wants to do things in a lock that we have to let him. And it's not just you know, well, God knows where all wavy can come and get me when he's ready. That's not how it works. It's you come close to go and he'll come close to you. You open your heart to God and he'll come and invited one thing I have found he is very tricky and it is one of those times when you're worshipping God in your singing some song and you might not be thinking about the woods. I'm not sure that you're not boring life. I I give you my love do whatever you want in me and then strange things start happening after that and it's actually the answer to prayer and at the time you can be going to be the devil. I'm not expressing oil for pressure in my life at the moment and it's actually got Junk right now you giving me the chance to pull myself in you and her nice change is not comfortable with it. No, it's not. anyway, so Goblin Slayer working out a real passionate fan of Discovery questions. I love questions that really helped us glean information and get an understanding of what's going on. And when it comes to Christianity in the Bible on love Discovery questions that help us really Define what it is that you and I should believe and especially what we should believe about. Our identity is going to have the bonuses as a person thinks in the Heights. All right. Now the truth is fundamentally important is no doubt about that. But you know, the truth can be or what is But if you don't aren't yourself if you don't believe it yourself, it's known as much value to you until you and I really have to go to get acquainted with that end. really now then what we believe in song in a touch on some things tonight at areas that are quite challenging for us, but I want you to go with me on this journey and because on the other side of the questions that I want to ask a wonderful rights and privileges that you and I have his children of God and things that we can get to happen because of a fight if we believe faith is the currency of the spirit realm fight is what gets things done. It's not need God does not respond to Nate. He responds to fight. That's a hard thing to hear. If God responded to need to be no problem quest in the world. Now part of that also is God wants to use us to sort those things. But God is moved by 5 and I don't have time to launch into all these tiles in the Bible people who made a demand on Jesus for something and he said, you know, I haven't come here for you. I've come to this and that but they fight somehow arrested him and he said, all right woman great is your faith be it unto you. Fight is what moves God anyway. Here is a great question. What do I need to do after on Saved to continue on to Heaven at least was a question that Martin Luther really challenged, you know, the Catholic Church of the tall was loading extra practices on to people that they had to do to be okay to go to heaven. You know that I should have deals with you start out thinking it's just going to cost so much but then you start forming the is hidden charges and another stuff that stops blowing up and you got to wait a minute don't feel this was just a hundred but you get there. The boy Bond fan to pesche's that said the just shall live by 5 Northpoint doing all these practices Onion at the Pharisees use through the same thing. They would just Ten Commandments the goodness I'd but they wind up with three tails and rules and one comes Jason and just misses everything else cuz I don't care if you wash around.
Enter God's always wanting to turn upside down a religious practices in formulas. We get to say this is how it works. I'm sorry, you're not waking up after I get what you want and need to do to continue want Heaven not in Luther challenge the practices. That's why you need to do this you need to do that. You need to do all these things or you might not make it You know Aunt Mary Sitting in purgatory at the moment. If you just give the church some money check for $2,000 made it tonight. I meet the one then we'll make sure that that Aunt gets over the line and nothing has been Charming that sort of limbo is on it.
The just shall live by faith and so he had a revelation from the Bible that it's actually have faith in God not a behavior that decides where we go unfriends. You wouldn't have got because I'm going to unpack something this morning. Then what are the church does not learn and does not leaving that actually is as and it's a gift from God.
The Bible exhorts us many times to not just be interested in that are an eternal future thousand, but that of a fellow man to which leads us to an even more important question. They want do I need to do off from side to continue on to heaven, but these question what must I believe to see Heaven Invader through me.
Now if you got that little food in your Iranian guy G how arrogant who do you think you are given flowing through you friends? The Bible says the kingdom of God is in you if your born again here today. so we've got to get past those insecurities and false humility in all that business and just accept that God's appointed you to do the job that you've got to do in a rich the people you're not I can't reach them all. Northern you work with them this people. I know that you don't know. We need to just look at it around Hobbs field inside God you've called me to do these so we've got to get rid of those things along with the oldest of the business because the just shall live by faith not by at least of whether you've achieved these things and now it's our Chi What did Jase this is have? Jesus would never be allowed to run a leadership training school these days. He would walk along the beach and say you'll do for me.
We're going to have a criminal one on leadership team and he's going to be in charge of the money yet. Come along you'll do.
What do I need to believe does he have any Invader through me friends, you know, I've got to believe that way you go the presence of God guys. When you touch someone go touch with someone we need to believe that stop tearing Pages out of the Bible. The kingdom of God is in you would go to on that. So in the Lord of that we can see what are the sort of looks like based on whether we are still living at the first question, which is to do with behavior performance and service. Have you performed a wake? Friendship you leaving that place the enemy is going to divert you because you want them to fight with someone you cuz you got or did something really bad yesterday. What time do that? But your righteousness isn't through your own behavior. It's true what Jesus did on the cross so we have to answer for ourselves to you today. When Jesus died on the cross GT pay for your sins just stopped to right now and he's going to keep going back every time you do something wrong. Otherwise, you're not cover the game.
You can hear that guy. That's just that's what getting off too easy. That can't be right.
There is and he took it.
Accord frankly Well, I have this idea that he's paid for all my sin. I don't have to every 5 minutes.
But you know what? I just think it's a good thing in my heart. I'm really sorry. I messed that up. It's good to stay in that place. But don't let that be a issue 1 where the instruction from fulfilling the Mandate that every person in this room has Are you with me so far? No one strong anything? That's good. We'll keep going.
archive United Way just caught up with the work sort of thing. He would talkin about attitudes on with your bad behavior and a performance in our service. But the second question brings us to attitude acceptance and some cheap order to ship before I go in simple terms with talking about getting rid of the whole thing of what we do to be with God as opposed to the truth of who we should be okay with God. And so we go to Arnett. The only have the raw chestnuts of Christ. You know, I am made Rogers by believing and go see that's why I fight works again. The Bible says Abraham believed God and it was counted for righteousness.
What is righteousness that is being okay with God? Onion Ibraham did a whole bunch of bad things. I mean, he was a coward being lied and said that his wife was his sister cuz he was scared. I'd killing.
I can hear my mother's voice made me I got when I was a kid. I told a few but just a couple actually there's another one there.
It means staying in locker. That's another tile. It's about Who We Are. What do you believe about you? Don't listen to go Eischen's tree. This is Paul talking and I'm going to ride the Pittsburgh versus evil spell on you for the meaning of Jesus. Christ's death was made as clear. To you as if you had seen a picture of his death on the cross. Let me ask you this one question. Did you receive the Holy Spirit by a bang the world may know?
Of course, not you received the spirit because you believe can you hear that? That's fine that again you believed. The message you heard about crossed how foolish. Can you be off to starting your Christian lives in the spirit? Cuz you know when you get born again, you make that decision to believe, don't you? Funny how it works with God believe first and then you will see but it takes courage doesn't have to believe first and then you're going to ripen it all makes sense. Why you now trying to become perfect for you aren't human efforts. Have you experienced so much for nothing show. It was not in vain was it I asked you again this God give you the Holy Spirit and work miracles among you because you were by the law of course not it is because you believe the message you have heard about crossed.
And we need to put in a big d'esclimont here. I'm not signing today. You know what God doesn't care if you just go on and just seen Froyo.
As long as we believe that's not what I'm saying, because the thing I know about this message and a whole bunch of stuff that we don't have time to go into today is if you won't let him work that transforming working and walk your Lord will add up to something far more than what we struggle with where we try to be high. Detroit Mike and all Nitra behave in a way that pleasing to God when he sign leave that behind take on the new identity of God for you and those things will diminish annual or unfriend you feel heated iron you but have been beating yourself up on now this I just feel like God sinus just someone who you have been beating yourself up over repetitive issue in your life and it's an issue that you are don't know how many times this would happen in a week in your life. But that is severely diminished you have gained progress. I want to say to you that I whoever that person is you have gain program. And being a whipping boy, he's not going to help. That's the enemy who does that stuff and we're going to have a look at that in a very short time in chapter 1 of Galatians pool with sign the same thing, but he adds that they started out The Rock weigh in face accepting Godfrey gift, but they went back to their old ways of trying to be made acceptable that aren't human efforts in the Book of Genesis the devil tempted Adam and Eve and he didn't tempt them with how you would you guys like a shot of heroin. He said would you like to be like God if you eat you'll be like God. Let me hear someone to be like Jesus. You hearing what I'm saying? I want to see what is something to think about these scripture verses but he really was taking advantage of the Potter wants to connect with God and wants to be like God, but it was something God said not to do. Would you like to be my god? Oh, yeah, I suppose I do want to be like the mood.
So they can become like God through there aren't if it by eating these fruit and yet the truth. He's in a sense that were already like God because the balls has that were made in His image.
Scary stuff you don't think of the struggles we have is papal Adam Adam and Jesus were the only people that were born without it seem nycha. I only take Adam to mess it up and yet we born with these condemnation Irving wasn't we anyway so He tricked them into their always nail being open and I were aware that I was sinful. And remember that the ball was like how about themselves and heat from God what he tricked them into was this thing that we are now fighting against these I'm leaving this water this condemnation and guilt of all the things that you have done and who you've been in all this other stuff when God's not interested in that he really is not interesting just keep whipping yourself and you know my phone it's so upsetting and Hunt break you want to see people punishing themselves over and over again because friends you might feel like you're paying for yourself, but it's already been paid for and when we try to pay for this of what we are really sign for want to be real honest is Jesus is not what year did it the cross was enough?
I've got a pie Mall. Imagine if I said Juanita Drive, I'm shutting you away for lunch.
Yes, and we will and we all got that for lunch, but yet there's one of us in the crib that somehow cuz I still need to buy I still need to pipe to Heights already piple. oldest living thing I know we can be like that with Cortana Piper around so, you know those times when you do something wrong and you've done it again, and so you just going to White. Fielder Road again and baking soda come back. Maybe it's to do with church ministry ultimune play whatever.
We need to get rid of that because you were roaches in the season for your actions. It's boy believing in Jesus and what he did at the cross and that's why we can come boldly Before the Throne. You know, I said if the past is do you know that prayed to know if Prince Charles went out and got drunk one not they still get only mean when he gets to the guy to Buckingham Palace at 2 in the morning because he's Prince Charles. He doesn't cease to be apart of the Royal Family. You know, he just come straight in there and help my mommy and why we got her. I want to give you a definition of religion that I might off myself, but I'm pretty good at trying to establish through performance. What we already have three Grice. Is not good say I'm not as dumb as you think.
big Mister University lecturer my daughter's birth went to all the universities cuz I've heard all their mothers lectures. So it's just me and the cat now.
I'm still not learning. I'm trying to establish True Performance what we already have through Christ Jesus, you know the Temptation in the wilderness. He tried to challenge Jesus or density in the wilderness. And again, he played that performance card if you are the son of God. On what do I do when I don't have to I can just rest in who I am. I don't have to prove it to me. I mean how many times have you thought Jesus is a friend of mine if you just threw this I believe. And go and go what's wrong with remember when Christina's youngest brother the next one up I'll be praying for him and believing God money man. If I was going to get side for Andrew and believing in believing and then once I know what we're sitting in church, and he said I'm ready to get out the front would you go out with me? No one was more shocked than me. Morning, man of God believing expecting. I mean fight this is going to happen and yet there was a part of me that was just shocked. Boy, you shouldn't be we should be completely.
Identity theft is always being high on your enemies agenda. He wants to keep you under condemnation by keeping you completely scene conscious and guilt-ridden about your efforts and pull performance. So I give you permission denied away to yourself guy. Don't worry about it. God wants your eyes of what you do and onto who you are and whose you are. Dangerous conscious of everything we've done wrong will not help us get better. but a change of thinking and believing about the God who wants us with himself only shot at becoming the corner, but they counting on you and I
the Lost accounting on us friends I'ma get so caught up on what's wrong. What's wrong what's wrong? I better put in another disclaimer pull the same girl. He talked about all this stuff is also the same guy who he and I don't we just had to come and talk to people that some of the stuff that we're doing. Sorry what this is about. Stop being sin conscious won't get us to where we're supposed to be.
We need to be conscious workouts done person whose we are all of that. Then you can change and become like your father in Romans 7:14 and entry light to pull was talking about the war inside. We're all familiar with that. We only want to do things.
Attracted to doing that what's wrong? Don't touch that electricity just got to stop and then he comes back into the grace of God. He had a game-high God's grace and eyeballs May. I'm going to get through these.
I bet that yeah, and it's not mention of works for the translators added the bit about the works at a later date. You know, the verse that says there is a fresnel condemnation in Christ. Jesus. At the end of that in the original original manuscript manuscript of that the translator sweetie had no revelation of God's grace Brethren to that copy what we better Ed who do the snap fulfill whatever it is, but actually didn't say that just as there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. What's interesting is not cuz we think design we not going to nice as long as we behave a certain why keep a performance to a certain level and goats guy 9. Unlove you already. What does Romans say while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. All right. We motoring along here. And let's keep going. Response to scene is to not leave with condemnation. But to rely on the spirit of life in Christ. Jesus is the setting for antenna listings of process more than an event. I'm sure there's someone out there is head to the stick with the star on Tech on the hidden in there another person pricing.
I'm sometimes I have to remind myself when I stop beating myself up again again Lawrence. You've done it again. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I'm not going to get better this boy just constantly fighting what's wrong with them on your child. You put your spirit in me. We can do this. Be conscious of your righteousness in Christ. Not the same pot.
I mean what kid ever really improved because their mother kept sighing or they father. You know what you've done.
We're going to have to move again.
We did have to move. I'm serious. I moved from Melbourne to Townsville. And then I kissed a girl these Christian school and got expelled but High we had to move again after that.
I have a prequel to iron and you know, whatever you've done to which we don't have time to put up on a big screen lucky. Zayn hey, you're not going to get there boy constantly weeping yourself about that. On Leavitt unit pole sign come on. Let's forget about that be focused on a new identity as a son and has a daughter of God and Roy on that to Schaefer as a follower of Jesus Christ that's exciting thing like Jesus. He's always undermind and stolen from us when we become seemed conscious. Do we get back into it again. Born again? Oh wait, I went this morning prayer for church and then hang on a minute.
Not the work of the cross at Sam foodworks is going to be the answer on so they're back to the Dakine self into doing good works. I'm supposed to come on so I could come and go as you forgot where you started at. Let's get back to what gods told us today. And that's why the devil told Adam and Eve I'd be like God but what really occurred was that we're now aware of seen any still laws to people he wants you to be aware of seen absolutely focused on it, you know, what shocks mini mechanic and in fact, I've always encouraged and youth passes to do a try to get out there in the real world have a real job. Just go straight from Barbacoa. If you've done that he did I go bless you if it's just we've done and who are not born again. Who are filled with whatever's going on after they're in the world and be offended if they behave you I mean, what else do you expect? How can you expect someone is not born again not filled with the spirit of God like you think? You yeah, we shouldn't be shocked that.
I mean how much more us Christians we need to be gone. I type. I haven't even got time to look at that. It's all going to get out of this judging myself.
Anyone who sits in Judgment of someone else do you you just haven't really got a revelation of what you have been yourself. You know, what time first signs of people that's why I love the way Jay-Z just leave the body to prove. None of us can make a person. Have you even sorted you're in the same group?
You know, so I never killed anyone. But if it's any consolation civilized assigned person not stop so he still wants to people that begin our ongoing condition of being deformed boy focused on rule boy and dictated to by a sense of being unworthy because if seen on Jesus the sign come on come up on the Hoya granule more child learn that aren't being a part of the family of God with me to work and your friends will find it easier to leave a mark that then we will if we just going to rock his at least the stuff I've done wrong today. whipping yourself another question Does seem disqualify you from being a son or daughter of God not going to go down that pathway with the whole story. It's one of my favorite tiles that are often discussed and I've always said that this story is not part of the flower the story. And it's like many stories that Jesus said the kingdom of God is like this.
The kingdom of God is like a man who had two sons. And so on this story till we need to hang on a minute. He's trying to tell us something about what God's work here on the kingdom of God is welcome and eventually something until we know the story about this now. Listen, I want to focus on the way we get banned up with these unworthiness business. All right. Tell the story of The Prodigal Son. The story shows us a complete scene Consciousness in the boy as he tells his dad that he is no longer worthy to be called his son right that seemed Consciousness. I am not worthy to be called your son. I've done it again.
Why because of his performance? Do you hear that fart after today? Don't say things you're going to use to catch up with this is today with performance in our Peak Performance behavior. All that stuff. That's when you catch a hook on Rod. I'm back in that old thing again. I got to get out of that. I'll go to get out of that. It's not about performance. I'm resting in God. I'm a child of God and it's God's working made its going to do this thing. Okay, so it's not a bad thing. I've got a question. He does the father agree with him and ask him what he did with the money.
I mean, we'd be lucky if there was one parent in this place. If you would appear in that situation that you would have said what you do with the money.
And judging by the story follows the Dead all wouldn't ask soon want to know when I get the idea.
I mean think about it. This kid is basically said that he's dead what I know. I'm supposed to write Bruce two-year-old to get the inheritance. You know, when your dog wish you would go potty. What was the father's response keeping one of the culture in the Middle East as well. The father is a wealthy dignified man. Those people don't run.
But he ran to the boy before he got to the guy. His father was watching at every day free son to come home. And if you don't heed it died, and you were going to go up there and I'll get you for the road. I'm keeping 10 meq to the storm stamp stamp stamp. He's up the Whiting looking at the guy. Come on. Come on, come on.
And the trouble is because if the parenting we've had all the teachers, we've had to whatever whatever I'm in there. Just people are mistakes. Can we put God in that box and then goes out the account over how you've done it again Bruce. I'm going to get you get you when you get home.
And again, I saw that brought I'll see what your attitudes walk first. Listen to these. We would see what the attitude is it the father who is a type of your heavenly father wouldn't hear of it. He didn't ask about that. He already started restoring the boy back to the place. He was in the put the ring of sonship on to give him the authority clothing back in the family robes. And you know what that means. He hasn't checked the boys out of true that boy could turn around so I won't mine errands again.
Hold on, we believe that the father has just put that ring of sound sheep on him and restore him.
I don't know till he better go to guy's height Justin some free for only a guy for breakfast. That's not good many many verses in the Bible that says you keep practicing your stuff. You're not coming in. I don't want to have to go to I want you just to know that I'm not saying don't worry about that. But I hope of changing and laws is why wouldn't God have his wife no point trying to pull myself to beehive more behavior when he saw it is still the same.
you know people who use other people's projects or on you a couple and this girl, you know, we've done and what canceling of the years, you know, it was picking on his girl because she was big and that's a nice cakes or whatever he was dying and You know when you look deeply depressed walking say home, please someone who perhaps food was the only site friend I had when they were cute. Maybe they believed in a waffle. I'm and food was alive. Which one is just trim the fruit of someone's walk to get the more respectable but yet the inside is still crying out. Thank God gets that to you. Sorry, I just checked. But anyway.
Can a frozen trunk situation with a push me out the door by now or I'll keep going. Just saying he's one of my best tonight so I can get away with that. Probably not but I I'm trying to the father wanted him wearing the ring dressed and he focused on the boy's identity naughties performance. God doesn't think second-class about you. It's second chance and I'm grateful for that. And third chance and more ties 4th 5th 6th.
Hey, that's God.
That's how he feels about you. So I'm rapping out now on the home stretch or promised see the planes coming in the way in now.
What two boys are you coming closer to the father? Will your identity will be reaffirmed are we being like the brother cuz he lived in the father's house. But he didn't remember how he was the son of yours giving him all this money. And he was miserable. He should have been great on the father said brother was dead and he's alive.
Once again, the brother was doing the thing that we all can do this also was he was judging his brother boys performance. Cuz he had a scene conscious hot himself the youngest son in the father's always was never disqualified. He's seen from being his son the devil through religion and a works by Strife is determined to stop us leaving at son and daughters of God by Leading us to be seen conscious constantly aware of what we've done wrong in here. We need to pay. Please be free today of that. It's paid for just remind yourself that can be a harsh thing to encourage yourself in the Lord speak to yourself heaters for half an hour a week. There's another hundred and sixty seven and a half hours a week. Are you listening to the voice in your head? I'm sorry Little Voices Tau did Baba blah.
But we need to say is he finally agree with you? I'm saying that what happened at the cross was enough and I'm not doing that to Jesus. So if you ever saw the movie A Beautiful Mind, I love that beat way the guy who had the schizophrenia or nice or the people really think you know what I'm not listening to you guys anymore. That's what we need to do it. I'm not listening to you anymore. I'm not listening to you anymore voice. It keeps your morning meal with a failure was to my parents or that teacher said I'll never meant for any I'm not listening to you anymore stuffed up really big anymore. Friends, that's the pathway to Freedom. We leave as children of God by relying on the spirit of adoption. And this is something that's very precious to me. The spirit of life in Christ Jesus crying at Abba Father, even if we do see and if you do don't be like Adam and Eve he ran away on Woodley and he seemed in a lease when you seen run straight to Jesus. I think about the song finishing up his newest Russian. Everyone here has had children. Imagine. If every time Your Child So oil day nappy that way.
directions to Leroy
if your parent a two-parent family, you're always happy when that happens cuz you helping the other parent get to fix the problem. Come on and meet at too many of us and pretended we were asleep. You know you have Jay Bruce, I can't do it you're going again.
Just as well. She's wearing that shirt to do Penance for that. That's right here on scene. We want the child to come and get it sorted out on Friends You & I we do the same things we mess up and laws and we run away on where the way Whiting until I feel a bit better and later. I'll come back to church and if you awake, so I'm going to just go. What am I doing? I didn't leave God's families. Not that sick. I'm a Child of God. What I think it is. I that are all like sheep with you is not based on a performance and works and I'll behavior that is simply based on having enough fight to accept you in sign. What do I do want to be in your family? And if you'll like that father of The Prodigal Son? Yes, please. Yes, please. When we come to you and just say, oh, I'm not worthy in all this business and you just don't want to hear about it. You're not sign your second class now you saying hey second chance. Come on, we can do this. God's spirit speaking. You did Einstein we can do this. Nobody has helped boy beating up yourself.
We can do this. Aurora now, I'm not going to get paper come out project. But right now I just want people here today till May those burdens of the thing that you beat yourself up over every now and then added comes again, Rhode Island Whipping Boy tan. Yes. Yes, it was me.
Prince God doesn't enjoy that. Jesus is a kind of tight, but you don't have to pay a game. It's paid. And you'll never be free while you keep trying to pie. So it's get those things at right now and hand in my roots. I load I have actually disease and seen I have hung onto these things and refuse to believe what you said about me is your child. I've been stood insisted on getting what the Galatians heading on finger works and behavior nobody's business when actually I should be resting in your ear. And maybe you were here and you're exhausted that I and a lot of it's because you just don't have time to rest in God cuz you're whipping yourself all the time. God sign Let It Die.
little jar Jesus said to a woman caught in adultery wants woman. Where are your accusers? Is there anyone here accusing just did 9 world and he said neither why?
And I know he said go and sin no more, but he said neither do I.
Check friends at voice of accusation. He's in God. He signed come on. Come on. Come on. Come on, I mean compilation. Thanks Trevor. Wanted to stay in that mode that time, you know Travis just put out something for us to be reminded about our identity. And I don't know the time is ticking along but I really want to just take this opportunity that he's this is you this is something that you guys. Yeah. I just really want to really step in it to know my identity in Christ in knife pues I am And this is an opportunity that it is we sing this song. I encourage you to come through to the front encourage you to come for prayer. We got our prayer chain that's ready to pray for you Trevor. Would love to pray for you as well. And did he say something that is spawn cheat that you have not let go that you just sometimes it said actions about be brave. We sing about that a lie about being brave and sometimes it's about the action that when we stand we moved that it's actually like hello. Do we want to be intentional about saying? Yes, we want the identity that you have for us that we hunt the identity that you love us that we can leave everything behind and beige is true into who you've called us to be. So we sing this song If this is she please just come and stand here at the front. Let us pray for you. Let's Champion you on and being the best you that you can be because Christ is created you. Because he do the highs for great things. Great things and that will look different for each one of us to to know that that's okay that we can lay the past we can draw a line and know that we will move forward and not looking back. That we step forward. So just as we stand we sing this song 2008 you just pray inside Lord. I'd love someone to pray for me. I want that then come forward. Thanks.