This is Jesus, Why Would You Refuse Him?

This is Jesus!  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  31:39
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In the face of so much evidence about the truth of Jesus Christ why would you refuse to believe?

THIS IS JESUS! Alpha and Omega The Way Shepherd Rock Anchor Vine King Immanuel JESUS Christ The Truth Lamb of God Messiah Light Savior Son of Man Son of God The Life Lord I AM Master What will you do with HIM? “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man abides in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” ~ John 15:5 “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” ~ John 10:27 Sermon Notes - John 5:31-47 This Is Jesus, Why Would You Refuse Him? A. 5:31-40, Testimony For Jesus 1. Under Jewish law self-testimony was not ________ so Jesus did not claim it. 2. 1st Testimony, _________________. They heard John call Jesus, “the Lord,” “the Lamb of God,” and “the Son of God.” (John 1:19-34) 3. 2nd Testimony, Jesus’ own ___________. The miracles Jesus worked revealed His identity as the Son of God. 4. 3rd Testimony, His ___________. From the beginning all God said and did pointed to the coming of Jesus to be our Savior. God affirmed this at Jesus’ baptism. 5. 4th Testimony, ____________. All of Scripture points to Jesus, prefigures Jesus, or prophesied of Jesus. 6. In the face of all the testimony, every excuse to reject Jesus is ______________ and foolish. B. 5:41-47, Why Do People Refuse Him? 1. You don’t ________ God. To be given eternal life changes you. The primary mark of this new life is love, especially of Jesus. You can’t love God but not Jesus. 2. You are full of ________. People want to show off how much they know and impress one another. But it is impossible to truly believe if you are more concerned about looking good in each others’ eyes than in the eyes of God. Pride leaves no room for God, or Jesus. 3. You reject ___________. Jewish leaders considered themselves to have the hope of eternal life because they did all that Moses taught - and more! But they missed that Moses pointed to Jesus. 4. It takes deep _____________ to admit you cannot earn eternal life and your only hope is in Jesus. What will you do? A Season To Flourish! Producing Nourished Rooted Week 27 May 27 - June 2 This Is Jesus! This Is Jesus! Monday, May 27 Tuesday, May 28 Living With Hope Read Psalm 6:3,4. At what moments or under what circumstances do you most need hope? One time of great need for hope is when you are in any type of pain. If your hope does you no good when you hurt, can you really claim to have the of hope Christ in you? How does hope help you when you are in pain? Living With Hope Emotional pain may come due to grief, depression, stress, trouble, or other causes. No one is immune from it. 1 Samuel 1 tells the story of Hannah, one of Elkanah’s wives, who was barren. Verse 10 says, “In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly.” Have you ever been there? Psalm 126:5 gives you a promise to hang on to through all the pain, “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.” Growing In Faith Read John 5:31 and 8:14. They don’t seem to jive together do they? In 5:31 Jesus is referring to self-testimony not being technically admissible. In 8:14 Jesus is saying that regardless of what others say, He knows the truth. What you would say to someone who asks you how you know He is Savior and Lord? Write out your testimony of Jesus Christ. (Don’t settle for just a word or short phrase, think it out.) Begin memorizing John 5:24. Write it out here and voice it out loud as you write it. Sharing God’s Love How do you share God’s love with someone who is dealing with the death of a loved one? What do these passages teach you: Galatians 6:2 Romans 12:15 1 Corinthians 12:26 Growing In Faith Read John 5:31-35 Jesus says that John the Baptist “was a lamp that burned and gave light.” In Matthew 3:2,3 John called people to repent in preparation for the coming of the Lord. In Matthew 3:7,8 John saw through the hypocrisy of the Jewish leaders and rebuked them. In Matthew 3:11 John told of the One who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. In John 1:29 John said of Jesus, “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” In John 1:34 John said, “I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One.” Anyone who came near John saw him shine the light on Jesus. Do you do that? How can you do that? Read this weeks memory verse out loud 3 times - slowly. Sharing God’s Love Sooner or later death touches every person and family. It is essential that you are willing to be there for others, and that you allow others to be there for you. What can you do now to grow the fellowship you have with others that makes it more natural to lean on one another in a time of grief? This Is Jesus! This Is Jesus! Wednesday, May 29 Living With Hope If you go to the ER they will ask you, “What is your level of pain?” And you have to give them a number from 1-10. It can be annoying. Whether from an injury, disease, illness, or just the aches that come with age, physical pain can discourage and overwhelm. Read Psalm 38:7-11. So, what can you do? Read Psalm 38:21,22. Until God heals you in this life or in heaven, He will be close to you and help you, draw close to Him, His grace is sufficient. Growing In Faith Read John 5:36. Jesus did not act independently from the Father. Everything Jesus did, He did in fulfillment of the Father’s will. Is it possible for you to live like that? If so, what would that look like? If someone asked you, “Why should I believe the stories of Jesus doing miracles in the Bible?” What would you say? What actions or miracles of Jesus stand out most prominently to you? List them and explain why: Thursday, May 30 Living With Hope Early in life you are faced with the mental pain of grammar, fractions, and algebra. Later it becomes things like taxes, paying bills, and helping your kid do algebra homework. Maybe it is coping with loosing a job, or a family members failing health. Life is hard! Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. What are you instructed to remember and do? Growing In Faith Read John 5:37-38. To the Jews a voice from heaven meant the approval of God. But even if 10,000 people testified to them that they were at the baptism of Jesus and heard a voice from heaven say, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased (Matthew 3:17)” they would still not believe. What do you feel toward people who stubbornly refuse to believe? In these verses we learn that as you open yourself up to God in faith, He begins reveal Himself and His Word to you! What assurance do you have from God that confirms your belief in Jesus Christ? Read the memory verse over and over, each time emphasizing and considering the next key word. Write this weeks memory verse, on a card and post it where you will see it often. Read it every time you see it. Sharing God’s Love After all his grief, Job said to his “friends,” “You are miserable comforters, all of you!” (16:2). It is better to be silent than to force something or say something that is resented. Don’t be afraid of silence, be willing to just sit with someone, cry with them, and pray for them silently. Years later people will not remember your words, but they will remember your presence. Sharing God’s Love Basic principles for ministering to someone who is grieving: 1. Think, before you talk. Will your words add grief or guilt? Or will they strengthen and comfort? Are they for your sake or theirs? 2. Gage your response according to how close your relationship is with the person. Don’t impose yourself on them. 3. Don’t feel like you have to take away their pain or distract them. The tears are a necessary part of grieving. This Is Jesus! This Is Jesus! Friday, May 31 Saturday, June 1 Living With Hope Sometimes pain comes from other people. Some people are jerks. Read Psalm 6:7-10. What promises does David count on? Sometimes there is pain because someone you love is in pain and there is nothing you can do to take it away. Read 2 Corinthians 12:9,10. What promise can you claim for them? Living With Hope The most underrated pain is spiritual. Some pain is actually good, such as guilt, doubt, or confusion. If you are wise, they will drive you find relief, mercy, and truth in Jesus. Other spiritual pain is hard to endure, spiritual attack and warfare, disunity in church or family, … Read John 16:33. Should the Christian expect trouble? What should your response be? Growing In Faith Read John 5:39-40. After the temple that Solomon built was destroyed and the Jews were taken into exile, they substituted the study of Scripture for the observance of the sacrifices. They poured over every word and knew every detail. Today, many undertake very serious study of the Bible and spend endless hours arguing (angrily) over things that don’t really help them trust and obey Jesus. It is like saying, “it depends on what the meaning of “is” is?” (Remember that?!) Some care more about winning a debate or looking very scholarly than about having life in Jesus and being faithful to Him. What do you care about? Recite the memory verse until you can do it all from memory. Sharing God’s Love More principles: 4. Don’t judge. Don’t make them feel like they have to deal with it like others. Don’t make them feel like the amount of their grief equals their love for the person. And DON’T tell them that Christians should not grieve! 1 Thessalonians 4:13 5. Don’t try to prove your spirituality, strength, or sympathy. 6. Don’t use their grief to process your own grief over a previous loss. Looking for sympathy from them is wrong! 7. Listen! When they are ready and willing to talk, let them. Let them share their stories and feelings. Pay attention to more than just the words, “hear” their emotions. Growing In Faith Read John 5:41-42. Have you ever seen someone praise Jesus on Sunday and then show a very different and negative attitudes or bad behaviors the rest of the week? If so, what do you think Jesus thinks of their praise? What should you do if this describes you? Some people claim to love God, but it is on their terms and only when convenient. They simply fit God in when they feel like it or when He might benefit them somehow. God will not be used! Love and seek God (Matthew 6:33). Align yourself with Him in His love, rather than trying to align Him with your desires. Today, ask someone close to you what evidence they see that the love of God is in your life. Find some way to share the memory verse with someone else. Maybe in a card, a phone call, in a random conversation. Sharing God’s Love Things not to say to someone who is grieving: 1. Be brave. The children (family) need you to be strong. 2. If only they had _________. If only you ______________. 3. It could have been worse. 4. Time heals all wounds, it will get better in a year or two. 5. How are you doing? (How do you think idiot?!) However, weeks or months later, you may ask, “How are you really doing?” This Is Jesus! This Is Jesus! ~ Prayer Journal Sunday, June 2 I PRAISE God because He is … Living With Hope So, there are many different causes of pain. They can knock you down, they can even rob you of all hope. But if you are in Christ that does not have to happen, you can live with hope in the very face of pain. As a believer this world is not your home, you are only passing through, your home is with God. Read Revelation 21:1-5. Ah, He will make everything new - so LIVE WITH HOPE! I CONFESS (agree with God ) my failures and His mercy … Growing In Faith Read John 5:43-47. If someone walked up to you and told you that everything you believe and do is wrong, and that your life is basically a sham, how would you feel? Would it matter if they knew you very well? Or, if you knew that they really loved you? When Jesus defended himself against the accusations of the Jewish leaders by accusing them of not believing Moses - it was a great shock. It crystalized their desire to kill Jesus. So, why did Jesus say these things to them? What does an addict have to admit before they can begin to recover? When someone first tells them they have a problem, are they generally receptive and agreeable? If you stubbornly held out against trusting Jesus, why did you do that? (If not you, what have you seen in others?) What did it take for you to back down and admit you were a sinner in need of God’s mercy? Sharing God’s Love More things not to say to someone who is grieving: 6. I know how you feel. (Say, “I’ve suffered loss to, it hurts, let me sit with you.) 7. You’ll feel better after a good nights sleep (… meal, … after the funeral, … in a few days.) 8. This will make your family closer. 9. Look at how ______ is handling it, better than you! 10. Don’t let them see you like this. I THANK God because He has … I ASK God to … 1. Lead me, my family, and our church to know, to trust and to abide in Christ. May we walk as He walked, may we love others with His heart, may we speak truth with His wisdom, may we be transformed by His presence in our lives and through it all glorify God. 2. Prayer for Family 3. Prayer for Church(es) 4. Prayer for those that need the Lord 5. Prayer for nation, community, world 6. Prayer for self Answers to blanks in sermon notes: valid, John the Baptist, works, Father, Scripture, baseless, love, pride, Moses, humility
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