2nd Peter 1:8-21 • Saved by God: Make Every Effort to Grow

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If you have a Bible you are in second Peter. And I'm going to go ahead and read verses 3 through 21 to you because we're finishing the first chapter in 4 weeks. We were going to finish the book in 4 weeks stuff happens verse 3 says his divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to a life of godliness. I have this underlined starred marked in my Bible because it's one of the big houses in this chapter for us through the knowledge of him who called us to his own Glory next Once by which he has granted to us as precious and very great promises. So that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire for this very reason make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue virtue with knowledge knowledge of self control self-control with steadfastness and fastest with affection and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ for whoever lacks. These qualities is so nearsighted and he's blind having forgotten that he was once cleanse. Therefore brothers be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election first you practice these qualities you will never fall for ends this way they will be richly provided for you an entrance into the Eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities that you know them and are stabbed in the truth that you have. I think it is right as long as I am in this body to stir you up by way of reminder since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. I'll make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these Hang in there few more verses for we did not follow cleverly devised miss miss when we made known to you the power and confirming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we are eyewitnesses of his majesty will receive honor and Glory from God the father and the voice that was born to him by the Majestic Lori. This is my beloved Son. With whom I am. Well pleased we ourselves heard this gray Boris voice born from heaven for we were with him on the Holy Mountain with prophetic word more fully confirm to you which will do well to pay attention tattoo a lamp shining in a dark place until the day Dawns the Morning Star rises in your hearts knowing this first of all, but no prophecy of scripture comes from someone else his own interpretation or no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man for men spoke from God as they were carried Along by the Holy Spirit over the last couple of weeks. We've been talking about this idea of Christian. and if you miss those sermons his teachings, there is the crucial aspect that we've mentioned and I have to Simply highlighted a little bit, but I want to bring it around in a different way because of first of all the idea of creation that we are all created in the image of God. We've all been given this body. We've all been given Minds we have these Souls which is the command center the heart the Bible speaks of it the will of man that really directs our attitudes in our actions front of the abundance of the heart does the mouth speak to react all human beings have these basic things in place. Know what happened in Genesis 3 is we gotten out from underneath of God, and we said not your way but my way and because of that there's been an inverse that's happened in humanity and it's actually been a selfish inwardness that's been produced. So there's a way in which every single person in here and every human being outside of here orders there life apart from God. If you do not love God, if you do not know God I am not picking on you in any manner or any way but simply stating there is a order of priorities. but each and every person lives by What are ways we can then begin to order and structure our entire lives around it? It begins with you have a body and a desire to fulfill the needs of that body. You have a desire for food, you have a desire for friendship give a desire for sexual relationship your desire for intimacy. And your body is one of the highest priorities that you place upon a life. I need to be clothed. I need to be comforted. I need to have a roof over my head we can get in to Maslow's charge about hierarchy of needs in order to even explain it from a secular scan points every single person. When does apart from God begin with this idea that I have this body? And it has needs you also have a mind. Any thoughts and you seek to serve those thoughts and from that mind these feelings come in of how I feel in the moment and I think and perceive our situation. So what you're doing is your organizing and structuring your life in a way in which you're saying. My body is important, but I think what I feel with my mind that is important of going to serve that And our soul our heart our inner man, so the scriptures talk about it. Really the control center is a huge priority for each and every person in here what's going on is when we said we don't want you God we don't need you God. We don't love you God our attention moved from him to ourselves and we said, how can we feed this? How can we live for this? I posed a question a few weeks ago. If you follow her Facebook page my mom even wrote A Blog on this. What is the first thing you think about when your feet hit the floor in the morning? I don't mind her like tiptoes cuz I don't want to wake the kids. You know that mean I think about Comfort that's who I am. Will this bring Comfort to me? What would it look like for that to be radically shifted transformed and changed? This is the order of idolatry body soul mind and then God in that order is not that non-christians. Don't think about God what a misconception wouldn't IU standpoint to believe there might even be a single person in here who would assume those who don't think the other People don't think about God either. They don't acknowledge God or they have off of thoughts towards this guy. He's mean he's hard cuz of the things I'm not going to follow this. God is in this list Warner. What makes up human beings? What is the person who does not respond to the good news of Jesus Christ God is down there at the bottom and our experiences in our body our experiences with our mind and our experiences from the inner man. That's all they determine. What we View and think about. That's the natural man. You have a viable you can turn over to Romans chapter 8. We're going to look at verses 5 through 8. It says for those who live according to the flesh living according to their bodies. Do you see that this out or man? They're going to feed it. Give it whatever it needs set their minds on the things. The Flash Denver's five for those who live according to the flesh if their mind on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the spirits at their minds on the things of the spirit for the set. The mind on the flesh is death in the mind of the spirit is life and peace for the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God for it does not submit to God's law and TV cannot those who are in the flesh cannot please God. When we take the body as our main concern, it makes it absolutely impossible to please God and at the same time ensures a life of futility. unfruitful net So what needs to happen for a life to be fruitful is that life actually has to come underneath God. Retroverse this order but we cannot do that on our own we'll talk about that. Looks like the order of dominance BC changed my body my mind I want ads in God's God needs to be put on top of that. God needs to be the one who is redirecting Soul redirecting the body redirecting Our Lives. Is it the soul as that capacity that you change really what we want in life when it comes underneath God. It's no longer self-centered but it's placed upon the things of God Amun God want for us what we do with our mind we do with our body how we interact with one another what we think about begins to change when God is on top of that list. Dallas weather says the light from above flows from God throughout the whole person including the body. And once the spirit comes alive in God the lengthy process of subduing all aspects of the self under God can begin. What does this mean means you're into categories here this morning, you are either a person who is operating Under The Flash the body controls you the Mind Control these what you live for whatever you want in your heart. And your will you go after in fact our society has fed deeply into this. You guys might know the famous Burger King commercial have it? Is that about your future flash or as of late that idea of YOLO you only live once so do it feels good pursue your passion your pleasure. Whatever makes you happy. We're taking these pithy statements. We said these are what I'm going to pursue in my life and what they have done and why they resonate with us because a life apart from God truly says get everything you can in this life for yourself. And you will be happy. live for you good for your money your sexual drive your passions your work and then that you will be satisfied. And it is deeply failing us them or stunted and we're miserable as Society were broken or fractured or fragmented because it is not leading to the so-called good.

What category? Sorry to paints a grim picture the other category are those who come under God's rule? You still have that same body, but you're saying I'm going to use this for you God. You still have that same. Well, it's been change and transform now will. The goddess enter into that. He's redirecting it and out from God flows this new life New Passion do desires and even the way we think. Begins to be transformed and change because of what God has done. This is the person who has become we know is saved. It's such a generic Christian word that has been so Market is so important. We've been saved from God's Wrath to God's glory, but it doesn't just have some Eternal outcome and purpose for us and actually has a powerful present that's moving in our life presently. You are increasingly coming under the influence of God in every area of your life. This is Christian growth. This is what we've been talking about for the last several weeks in the Coleman 18 of this idea in this subject having come to Christ your heart. Your will is under the influence of God submitting our minds to Christ our bodies to Christ. If you say today, I love the idea of the Christian Life and I'd love to live a Godly life, but I don't like your Christ. So I do have the Holy Spirit working in and through me going to feel extremely mechanical frustrating and it's going to lead to burnout. Why so many kids we talked about this before who are raised in the church and youth group of churchianity. neurology how to act behaved Why they walk away because I've never understood the gospel and Peter here this morning as we shift his Focus from having to know who Christ is to grow. He's going to stay something. That's a little bit shocking and boggling in our minds and hearts. He's going to tell you Christian me Christian make every effort to grow in Christ now since the beginning of redeemers, We've been at church who is always talking about the grace of God by grace alone through faith. Have you been saved? There is no work. There is no thought process or sister that you can get yourself into Elevate you and bring you near to God. There's no didn't have enough of the world out of your head that you can do and checking out on the worldly things. That'll make you a deeper stronger believing person. We believe it is by the grace of God that comes into our hearts that saves us but here Peter says something he uses the e word just cringe-worthy in a gospel Center Church. He says make every effort to grow. When I first read that I get a little offended by it because I've always had this compassive view of Christian growth that go because I love you and I sing to you. I'm just going to walk right into this Holiness ask instead of just going to arrive but it is not what Peter says he says there is a active part because God has acted on your life. Here is the alpha because God is not come on top of that order everything to flow from a life that is centered around God. We are passive and receiving that salvation. It is his good gift that has come to us. Yes, we have responded to the gospel. images now he's same may this fuel your life is acting as active work at word of partaken. Peter is not writing to non-believers, but your followers of Jesus. And he says here it is by God's divine power that you are going to grow. But you need to walk in it. Since we said a few times in the one hand, we see how we are completely passive than this but on the other hand now we see the responsibility to grow in Christ that part from Christ no amount of devoutness faithfulness church-going. Prayer Bible reading is going to grow you. in Christ When your heart has been changed your mind as we ordered your life is reordered. It is fueled and by your love for him and we grow from that. It is by him. We grow because of him we growing for him. If that buy him, we grow you will not grow if you're not growing by God it is God who always brings growth in your life. Because of him you grow because of what he has done not because of what you are going to do after this sermon today because he is enabling he is fueling he is giving you all things pertaining to life and godliness you can grow and get this it's not for you. It's for him that you grow and when you grow for him as we saw last week and impact everybody else around us that we said we become beneficiary of the fact that we have grown in Christ. This is what's happening in a believer's life.

Never to say look at me and I got these Christian things down. It is by him cuz of him and for him now, there's three traps that Christians fall into if you're walking a nice today is 3 patterns that Peter is warning against infection going to take all of chapter 2. There's a lot of gnarly stuff in Chapter 2 of your reading ahead. I don't know how much of the gnarly were going to get in to have some fun in the next few weeks. Here's here's the deal. He's warning them against these false teachers for saying add this to your faith three traps is a moralistic gospel. Is IDF Jesus and Jesus plus this is how you become an elite Christian Rise Above the Rest. There's this other crap that some of you might fall into and Peter warns against it. some of you today are not growing in Christ cuz you forgotten the gospel. Oh, no, not me. Oh, yes. Maybe you will look at down the moments some people in here think I just simply don't need to grow saved hang out spots. Rest in Reliant. There's nothing there's no need to grow the first mistake of moralism as growth. If you have a Bible you can come over to Colossians. We're going to hang out in Colossians for the rest of the morning riddle ending or beginning 223 were going to end up the end of three right around 4:17, or just going to read 2:23 to start out here this morning. These have indeed an appearance of wisdom and promoting self-made religion asceticism and severity to the body cavities of the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgences of The Flash. Apologize writing against in Colossians is a group of people who come into the church and they said Jesus and if you want to grow Jesus and this kind of self-discipline Jesus and if you happen to send this week, just beat your body a little bit of the next week. You won't spin this is very popular even in the days of Martin Luther where he was one who participated in those kinds of Acts. He was heard was quoting Lord. I have sinned I slept too much and I enjoyed it and he felt terrible about that. Every turn in here is like if that's a sin. I'm in trouble rather. I told you my goodness Martin Luther

8 p.m. Saucony with himself to bring himself into subjection under Christ and that is not what this is talked about in this passage. And what happens is the heartless outward show of religion is of no use in growing in Jesus Christ. You find yourself any one of you walking around your house your church your place of work saying look at how much of a Christian I am home and you have messed it up entirely. your growth why you're growing it's all about you. Outward show of religiosity is a no use in growing. What actually does is it produces a religious snobbery? In which we can look down on other people who don't do it like us. I-16 a die-hard follower of Jesus I would say very heavy on the legalistic side of things must remember this now and I just thought of it cuz she just asked to be my friend on Facebook. And so you see that friend request like oh my gosh and Holly and we are friends and I remember I liked her and she'd like to meet at one point and then I just kind of like this is I don't and she went to a party. And long story short just did some things like that man. That's not the Christians deal. I wrote her this letter. And if the worst letter, I wrote my life and when she friended me just a thought of that letter were brought back up again in like man. I blew it because I wrote How could you how dare you you call yourself a Christian? I'm paraphrasing the best of my 6-year on their way and you do this.

I was probably more wrong than her. She had this idea and this mentality because of the way I walk because of the way I live that I must have arrived in some sense of the Christian Living and Christian idea of having the snobbery as I look down on somebody who could not do it. Like I was doing it in one area, but little does anybody know over here. My life is a complete disaster and mask but I'm going to minimize excuse.

outward religion and it gave me the upper hand to hold over other people while you don't do it like me. And this is what religious Authority produces it's snobbery in a way to look down on other people who can't walk like you talk like you act like you little do we all know our lives are in just disarray just like them. 2 G of this religious growth in moralism. Is this IDM be good be nice. Or maybe looking more forcefully if you will be good. God will bless you do things for you. If you just act and behave a certain way you can twist the arm of God. You can get what she wants and that's why I returned to moralism. And some of us have got our entire church lives. That's who we are.

I'mma tell you don't know Grace

when we look down on others like that. We can't even see our own sin. You've embraced morality and not the gospel. And I'll talk with you afterwards cuz I can see your story after Story of immorality will do and where to lead and I can tell you story after Story of what a grace-filled life does. It doesn't bring a despising. It's snobbery towards other people know it bring the broken hearts the 6 to pursue people in the gospel and to share the good news of Jesus Christ. That is the first mistake ever 2 verses 9 through 15 of 2nd Peter. He says that you have maybe become ineffective because you have forgotten the gospel. Basically what Peter is saying is unless you can visibly see yourself as ideal growing. these moments of becoming loving and kind unless you see this happening is this growth in Jesus? You have become nearsighted and blind. Why you forgot the gospel. Now, I'm not saying you're not save today. There's nobody in here who want to leave. This place was made this profession confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior warning beforehand. But there's nobody I should leave here. I guess okay. I wasn't self-control this week. I'm not saved. I didn't love my sister my brother my cousin my uncle my dad my friend the way I should have made. Maybe I'm not saved. He's not saying that you're not shaved. What are you saying? You're not growing. You're not growing because you have forgotten the gospel.

Best scooters riding to these Christians on this idea for getting the gospel. You have to understand something about our hearts and verse for it says that we've escaped these lustful desires that were in our hearts these deceitful Desires in our hearts. What you need to know about your heart is your heart is resistant to the truth. I'm not even speaking out the truth of the Gospel. I'm speaking about your heart. My heart is so often resistant to the truth. Unless you're constantly and relentlessly intervening on your heart from the outside your heart will forget all of the beautiful things all the loving things all the true things. You've experienced especially experienced through God. Think about this in life. We tend to remember the bad forget the good. When we sinned and humidity turn their backs on God, it wasn't just our bodies that are corrupted our souls that are corrupted, but our mind are corrupted as well. And we had a propensity to forget the good and remember the bat. I get to do a lot of counseling premarital counseling marriage counseling one-on-one counseling and when I asked people what are some of the most formidable things that have happened in your life that have made you the person you are today, very rarely my baby in a .00 1% but it's the bad things that didn't show up to the games. Mom was completely clueless what was going on in my life? My friends are constantly putting me down. My family center amount to nothing. These things are the things that stick with us. These things are the things that we begin to remember. We always have the propensity to remember things it the anger the guilt and the disappointment that have happened in life unless you journal and maybe some of you do you'll be shocked. Is if you actually do right down the good things in life shall go over. There was a time of extreme joy and hope that God is working and God was moving but often in life. We drift from remembering that because of said Remember the Bad and the negative and the hard things that have happened in our lives the Bible tells us that the human heart has been so hurt by sin and resist the good in the true. You always find fault with it. It always say it wasn't enough it always say it was in perfect or denied ever happens, but I will latch onto it and hold on to the ugly. Think about it you're married and your spouse has told you you're lovely. You're beautiful. You're wonderful, or maybe you have children and they told you that. We forget that don't remember the one time they or somebody else told us. We were not those things. And that feels us that hurts us and it crushes us. You just hurt by loved ones and Friends people that you deemed were valuable to you. No matter how many times somebody else to come along and said you are successful you are doing well in life the ugly disappointment and the hurt is what we remember parents. You're constantly trying to model to your kids how to live kind gracious good healthy lives. But the one time they saw you get angry. They go in model that for the rest of the week, huh. They know it's you what you just said. Don't don't do that, but they latch onto the bad. You see we have this propensity to remember the bad. Because of sin that's what we hold onto that's what we remember. Sin makes this mind operate perversely . It goes in reverse and that's why our minds need to be changed by Christ. Forget the reminder here. Peter is giving us is don't forget the gospel. What does that mean in the scriptures? Remember is a really important word When God says I'll remember your sins no more who's familiar with that verse. I love that first. That's a good verse. It does not mean that he got the disk and broke it but he erased the file and deleted it. But what God is doing. Is he choosing to see you as in Christ? That's why we seize you that's how he views you doesn't mean the information just simply is gone. I will no longer look at you through your sins. I will no longer view you for your sins. I will no longer act towards you as if you sent this is why being justified is so huge and so important because it's Justified never seen they talked about this at man camp is a book that we read. Who am I in Christ? They talk about this hugely Justified. That's how he views and sees us think about it in Exodus God looks at the Israelites you were his people and what does he say? I remembered my promises to them was God like, oh my goodness. I totally forgot about you guys down there suffering. You were hurting and I said did make that promise to you way back when and thanks for reminding me. This is great guys know. Wednesday. Remember these people. It means he begins to move and act on the promises that he's made to his people. That's how this word remember is being used. But it's one thing to see a choice. It's another thing to see through the truth everything else. Okay, that's not my line. I read it for my good friend. Timothy Keller what she's not really my good friend, but I read all his books. So he is my good friend. Look how this is. It's one thing to see a truth to see the gospel to see a reality, but it's another thing to see through the truth everything. What does that mean? It means to not just simply be aware of it and means to possess it and it means to let the truth possess you. When the Bible says I have to remind you I have to get you to remember these things and means you have to take the truth and in a disciplined way, you must intervene from the outside. This is how you grow Church. Your heart is cold York ice forming over your heart towards the truth. You have to allow for this to break into the melting it from the outside through intervention. today's daily Relentless pursuit of your own hearts What is Peter same if you're not growing and self-control? If you're finding yourself in bondage of addiction of something else, you're not growing and perseverance that you find yourself constantly getting up waving the White Flag. If you find yourself not becoming more lovely and more irritable. Peter does not say digging in. Try harder. Just go for read a positive book. He says you're forgotten the gospel. What does that mean means you've gotten it but you forgot and that's likely the main problem for many of you. What does that mean? You're flagging and you're waving that white flag and you're not persevering. This is what happens you forgotten that you've been cleansed from your former sins me forgotten. Oh, yes, you have your saying? I'm scared. I don't know how God is going to work this out. I don't know if God is going to be with me. I don't know if God is going to actually love and care for me. So what you're actually telling me in that moment is the god of the universe who became a man did the perfect life who was then murdered on a cross. I was buried resurrected and ascended into heaven for you all of a sudden cuz you're having a bad week. He's not with you. But really that's what's going on this. Who gave that much of himself to you and now you're wondering if he's going to walk through this trial with you or he went to hell and back for you to the fire for you. You have forgotten the truth, you know the truth, but you're not living your life through the truth. You don't look at your problems through the gospel. Oh, you know the gospel that God loves you and he has saved you and he cares for you and you are absolutely his 100% but your problems have eclipsed the good news of Jesus and you're not seeing them through the good news of Jesus. Look some of you you got these people that you just like they've hurt me so terribly bad. I can't forgive one. You run the risk of deep bitterness. I'm not talking about reconciliation right now. I'm talking about forgiveness and running the risk of bitterness. You have forgotten the gospel. If you do not forgive people, how do I know that because to see life through the gospel through that lens needs to see you like this. Forgave you and he forgave you of this debt that is bigger than anybody could ever concur against you. And you can forgive them. If you cannot forgive you my friend have forgotten the gospel. You forgot that you forgot that you forgot it. Remember from what you were saved remember the his chair for you? One thing to see the gospel. It's another thing to see everything through that gospel. That's what got to see me. So they don't remember your sins anymore cuz I see you and light up my son.

Sanger people

Is the third mistake we make will call it. libertinism in the word Liberty is this idea that I don't need to grow in obedience because Christ is just save me and he loves me. In fact that idea of growing and cry seems like a bad word but The Libertines have misunderstood the gospel the freedom that Christ brings that freedom from condemnation means we can then grow and Jesus Christ and I don't have time to expel and that once I want to finish this morning, what is this growth for this growth is to be effective and to be fruitful. Is not adding new doctrine that's what Peter is saying and 2nd Peter chapter 2 all of these people at a new doctrine. They're leading you astray. They have left the gospel. They have left it behind and sit add this to your life. But to be ineffective and fruitful Christian it such a dig in deep and put your cheese make it happen. It's to remember hair when you have trouble forgiving when you're having trouble persevering when you feel like giving up when you feel like the world is caving in on easy. I can't even love this got to be near this. How in the world you have forgotten. So what do we do Mirena finishing 5 minutes three things Colossians 3 First one if they do have been raised with Christ seek. The things that are Bob for Christ is seated at the right hand of God that your heart that your mind that your affection on the things of God. You want to grow to look at all the things that you need to do love God more love God more love God more. It's your mind on him since your heart on him make every effort than to grow in the face. The more you love God the clear you will see God and the clear you will see yourself in the clear. You see yourself the more you'll realize I need to confess my sins to God for other people more forgiving and kind and generous. You want to spend time in his word and around his people?

You want to grow set your mind on things above number to let me just reach you guys verses 12 through 16 in Colossians chapter 3 put on then Astros in one holy and beloved compassionate Hearts kindness humility and meekness and patience during with one another and has anyone has a complaint for giving each other as the Lord has forgiven you so you also must forgive and above all these things put on love which binds everything together in Perfect Harmony, but the Peace of Christ rule in your hearts to which indeed you were called in one body be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly teaching admonishing one another in a wisdom singing Psalms and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your heart to God you want to grow

Put your heart in God's word.

Growing a spiritual disciplines. We're going to talk about them this Summer. Peter and sis a growth is our responsibility that God feels it it's cuz of him is by him. And as for him with that were to pursue it to be increasing in our fruitfulness Effectiveness in the gospel. How the word of Christ dwell in you. Community centered on Christ singing song that's why we do what we do here. We talked about the word we sing the word we show the word and communion its proclamation of praise and thankfulness growing in Christ. Are you allowing the word of God to actually shape you though a lot of us like to read it. We don't read it with comprehension. We don't really to view the world through a gospel-centered lens. We read it to check something off our list. When was the last time your devotional time actually shaped you molded you changed you? Touches know the truth of this is important see all of life through this truth finally in verse 17 and whatever you do in word or deed do everything in the name of our Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him. We practice these things in all that we do. I grown Christ. Are you becoming more self-aware? Racine yourself for who you are also for how God is more than shaping and working in you are you growing in brotherly love we talked about this going to be the Pinnacle. It's not a list but as we see it begins with Jason at work stores brotherly love we saw that last week a lot of us come here and we did a really good job of seeing songs and then we go to lunch and barking at the waitress the waiter or the barista. I get worried about you from redeemers you're in a lot of trouble. We're going to have a conversation like brotherly love is not just in these four walls. But it's growing in our families and our friendships and our relationships what I love about Peter if he doesn't give us a list of all right, you want to grow? Are twice a day fast once a month, but if I Bible studies and sing these songs now he says a relationship with God. fluid spending time with into Converse in your talking you're taking in and we're to be the more eager and diligent in this so Church, is it be active part on your aunt Savannah talking and talking and talking. Here's the deal. What are you doing to shape your walk with God non-Christian. I'm not talking to you. I don't expect you to do any of this. I need to be cool if you tried but it won't go well for you. I'm talking about the person who loves God has been changed by God. He's been very ordered by God. I'll tell you about the person who is saved and here's the deal you can do this. And even if you fail there is Grace you see what happens when the transformation process is that God is calling us a picture of a desire to live on the higher plane. We have a desire to put others first with a desire to be generative a desire to be kind. We have a desire to be putting ourselves last. We change but even if we do fail because this is such a high Mark a high calling that we're pressing towards as tall says even if we fail he says there's Grace. You get the tightrope walk? You get the cord on the back you get the pillows down below I'm with you. It's not like you don't do it. It's over for you, but you can strive for it because it's fueled by him. You can walk in it. What are you doing the shape your walk with God? games of the surrender of whole self

body The inner man some people separate that into the saw the will I look at it as one we can talk about it later. Here's the deal is surrendering.

Are challenging is practical wedding write something down you so, you know, I want to start this one discipline not good dog and be happier. Do I love God want to begin to read my Bible? I will begin to pray. I want to begin to being Christian Community. I want to begin to serve. I want to begin to become generous. I want to begin to be Stand Fast. Well, so it's a party well for items like

Please get archieve because simply God Has Changed me and I want to grow and him it's not legalism acting on the truth or a father. Thank you for your love and your mercy, but I think it's a very formidable power forward for us here this morning. For those of us who are struggling to move from just knowing and comprehending and understanding the gospel Justine all of life through the gospel. I pray there's a shift today in our hearts that begins to happen.

Now we can rejoice.

And who you are and what you've done that you saved us, but that you've called us in to receive Christ Jesus to Walk and him in our minds to be succumb. So polluted and convoluted with the trash that gets put into him daily. Our hearts can be tainted and we can easily forgets and miss your goodness. And this is a reminder to remember the gospel. Undo something in us today. Did you give me the time of worship and praise men move throughout our Sunday in Jesus name? Amen?

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