Jesus has warned about making friends of “unrighteous mammon” so they might welcome into eternal dwelling-places ().
He will now give meaning to that statement.
He has explained that wealth cannot be used to verify righteousness. God does not use the same standard as men. ().
Within the Gospel of Luke, the failure of the Pharisees and those like them to listen to or recognize in Jesus the fulfillment of Scripture has played a key role in the antagonism that builds between them.
He will now demonstrate that the Pharisees are at further variance with God, and what the implications of that are.
Two Proofs the Pharisees Ignored the Scriptures
Jesus demonstrates that the Pharisees looked at things differently from God and makes two accusations against them.
The time for the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets had come, but the majority of people opposed it or waged violence against it.
Jesus has pronounced woes upon :
Yet, the opposition will not prevent the fulfillment of scripture, it is part of it.
It also demonstrates their true heart.
They have little interest in the Kingdom of God despite how they’ve made it appear to men.