Preaching to those in the know

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Peter shares the Gospel with a group that is familiar with Scripture

Sermon Tone Analysis
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Know your Audience (Acts 2:14)

Explanation: Peter knew his audience. He was talking to fellow Jews who were steeped in the Old Testament Scriptures. They were familiar with the prophecies that foretold of the Coming Messiah. Peter did not need to go into a bunch of background and explain who Jesus was.
Illustrate: Trick gun artist who entertained folks about the Wild West. He thought he was entering a train full of senior high students, so he went in guns blazing. Turned out the train was full of senior adults, and he almost caused several heart attacks!
Argument: When you are sharing the Gospel with a person who has at least a basic understanding of the Gospel you can share in a manner similar to Peter. But, it is not safe to assume our our listeners know much about Jesus. Many people arrive in our geographical area who do not have a faith heritage. And, there are many who never received solid teaching of Christian doctrine when they were in church. And, sadly with biblical literacy being low, many attend church who are still separated from Christ.
Illustrate: Trick gun artist who entertained folks about the Wild West. He thought he was entering a train full of senior high students, so he went in guns blazing. Turned out the train was full of senior adults, and he almost caused several heart attacks!
Application: Assess your listener’s spiritual status with some leading questions about his faith background. Do you have a church home you attend? When you lived in New York did you have a church home? I want to invite your kids to our VBS next week. Oh, you don’t know what VBS is? I would be glad to tell you about Vacation Bible School

Give your listeners a reason for your Behavior ()

Explanation: The crowd thought the believers were drunk. Peter gave an explanation for their unexpected activity (speaking in known languages). He told his audience what they were witnessing was a fulfillment of prophecy from
Example: The Charleston area Christians’ response of love and forgiveness toward Dylan Roof confused the media. The media covered the story and were expecting something like the Ferguson reaction, but they were hard pressed to understand the Christian response they actually witnessed
Argument: We never know when God is going to give us the opportunity to showcase His Amazing Power. Therefore, we are to live in readiness and preparation. Paul told Timothy that he needed to “be ready in season and out of season” (). The world around us unfolds at breath-taking speed, and in this age of “instant anything” we are called on to give immediate responses. This requires us to be living a Prepared Life. Peter told his fellow exiles to always to be ready to give a good word about Jesus ().
Application: This line of thinking only works if those around you actually observe a difference in your life compared to them. If you do the same things they do, and react to situations the same way they do, the question will never arise. You can, however, live for Jesus in a way that will attract the attention of unbelievers. And, you can be prepared - increase your understanding of the Word and strengthen your spiritual arsenal through prayer.

Clearly share the content of the Gospel ()

Jesus is the Messiah (v. 22)
This is foundational. For salvation to be possible, he or she must have a solid understanding of the person of Jesus. When sharing the Gospel tell your listener that Jesus is the God-man, that He is God in the flesh. His nature as Divine directly relates to His unique ability to pay our sin debt. A sinful person is unable to redeem another sinner, so it is crucial a lost person understands that Jesus is the Only One able to satisfy a Holy and perfect God in the area of sin payment
Jesus’ death was part of God’s plan to provide redemption (v.23)
Unbelievers are not able to comprehend the significance of the Cross. Some have actually described the Cross as cosmic child abuse, and find the idea of a God who requires a sacrifice as cruel, sadistic, and unworthy of worship. We do know that sinful people are unable to comprehend spiritual truth (cf ), but we can give a reasoned explanation and trust the Holy Spirit to convict of truth and to open blind eyes. The Cross was not Plan B, and it was not a knee-jerk reaction to sinful behavior. The Cross was planned in Eternity Past, and it has always been the Answer. Instead of abuse, the Cross is the greatest act of love this world has ever seen, and understanding the reason is essential for faith.
Jesus’ Resurrection serves as validation for who He is Ivv. 24-32)
The Resurrection is what sets Christianity apart from every other man-made religion. No other faith has a Redeemer who has returned from the dead! Jesus is uniquely qualified as Lord and Savior because He is the One who conquered death and the grave. God’s raising Jesus from the dead is the validating action that gives full meaning to the Cross. And the Resurrection is what gives us hope in the life to come

Confront your listeners with their problem of sin ()

Explanation: Peter clearly attaches personal guilt to them for their part in the Crucifixion. He does not sugar coat their sin. He boldly declares they are guilty of a terrible crime - they are morally and spiritually responsible for the Cross! Note the tension: He has just told them the Cross was part of the Divine Plan, and yet he also tells them the Cross is due to their sin! Peter is making sure they understand their individual status as sinners in need of a Savior
Note the tension: He has just told them the Cross was part of the Divine Plan, and yet he also tells them the Cross is due to their sin! Peter is making sure they understand their individual status as sinners in need of a Savior
Illustrate: A person sitting in a house isn’t going to grab hold of a life preserver even if it is thrown at his feet. But if that same person is in the ocean and going down for the 3rd time, he will grab hold with everything he has left
Argument: If a person does not acknowledge his or her sin, they are unable to be saved. This has nothing to do with Jesus’ power to save; it has to do with the fact that they don’t think they need it. A key element of a gospel presentation is the one of personal sin and the spiritual debt it brings (). A famous preacher named E.V. Hill was asked about his success in the area of evangelism, and his response was, “First I gets them lost, then I gets them saved.”
We dare not soften this area of personal responsibility and condemnation before a Holy God. If folks don’t realize they have a need that they cannot fix, or if they are told they don’t
“First I gets them lost, then I gets them saved.” (E.V. Hill)

Give them Hope in Jesus ()

Explanation: Those listening to the message were convicted of their personal sin and asked Peter for a solution. Peter gave them the solution and His Name is Jesus! First, Peter told them to repent of their sins. To Repent means a change of mind, a volitional choice of the will to turn away from something and to not go back to it.
Second, Peter told them to be baptized in the Name of Jesus. The outer baptism was an expression of obedience and identification. Being baptized meant the turning was real; these folks were living for Jesus now.
Peter also told them that their act of repentance and belief would result in their sin debt being forgiven. All the guilt and shame would be covered by Jesus’ death on the Cross
Argument: The Gospel message was proclaimed according to the Scriptures in a manner the audience understood. The Gospel was presented in the power of the Holy Spirit, and was accompanied by earlier prayer. God divinely used this presentation in a powerful way, and thousands of lost Jews became believers and followers of Jesus.
Application: We are called to present the message of the Gospel in a clear and understandable way. We can do this. Know the spiritual level of your listener, pray for God’s power and leading, and boldly proclaim the truth
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