A Man Full of Leprosy
Major Ideas
To speak of cleansing rather than healing focuses attention not so much on the disease itself as on the sense of defilement that attached to the condition.
Luke 5:13–14 leaves no doubt that the leper had the disease before coming to Jesus and that he left without the disease.
Everything we know about Christ would make him all the more willing to heal than any physician we have ever known, but again this man somehow recognized that he was in the presence of One whose power and authority far transcended anything he had ever encountered or even dreamed of encountering.
Mark notes that the crush of people trying to see Jesus is so great that Jesus can no longer enter the city. He must minister in the country (Mark 1:45).
Despite all the activity, Jesus is portrayed as seeking time with God, rather than fanning his fame.
Characteristically Luke tells us that there he prayed (both verbs, withdrew and prayed, indicate continuous action).
What are we all but lepers spiritually in God’s sight? Sin is the deadly sickness by which we are all affected. It has eaten into our constitution. It has infected all our faculties. Heart, conscience, mind, and will are all diseased by sin. From the sole of our foot to the crown of our head, there is no soundness about us, but only wounds and bruises and putrefying sores (Isaiah 1:6). Such is the state in which we are born. Such is the state in which we naturally live. We are in one sense dead long before we are laid in the grave. Our bodies may be healthy and active, but our souls are by nature dead in trespasses and sins. But there is no spiritual leprosy too hard for Christ.
That power is still in the world. People need to come to Christ today with the same attitude, with the same drive, with the same beseeching spirit of that leper who cried, ‘Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.’
What are we all but lepers spiritually in God’s sight? Sin is the deadly sickness by which we are all affected. It has eaten into our constitution. It has infected all our faculties. Heart, conscience, mind, and will are all diseased by sin. From the sole of our foot to the crown of our head, there is no soundness about us, but only wounds and bruises and putrefying sores (Isaiah 1:6). Such is the state in which we are born. Such is the state in which we naturally live. We are in one sense dead long before we are laid in the grave. Our bodies may be healthy and active, but our souls are by nature dead in trespasses and sins. But there is no spiritual leprosy too hard for Christ.