Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
As we look at the text today, we see that everything we are about to see is contingent upon last week.
Paul uses the phrase in verse 15, “For this reason” and that ties all of this back to what we looked at last week.
If we remember, the first 14 verses of this chapter told us that "According to God’s eternal plan, God is redeeming a people for an eternal relationship to the praise of God’s glorious grace.”
Because of God’s plan, Paul wanted the church in Ephesus - and us by extension if we are likewise in Christ - to know something.
In fact, he wanted them to know so badly he prayed regularly for them and wrote them a letter to tell them.
It is evident that Paul wanted them to know this “God wants his people to know him in wisdom, hope and power.”
Know Jesus
As we get into this, it’s important to understand that God wants his people to know him.
Another way to look at that is that God wants his people to have a relationship with him.
There is no other way around it, God wants a relationship with his people.
He wants to know his people and for his people to know him.
To be in Christ is to be in a relationship with the very one who created you and saved you.
We see in verse 17 that Paul asked God to give this church the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ.
This means Paul wanted the church to grow up in their knowledge of Christ.
Although we see in verse 15 that Paul had heard of their faith, he wanted that faith to grow and wanted their relationship with Jesus to grow.
This isn’t a superficial friendship.
This isn’t a Facebook friendship with someone you went to high school with 40 years ago.
No, Paul wants us to know Jesus in a similar way to how we know our closest friends and family.
I’d argue even closer than that.
I would say that we are called to know Jesus in such a way that Jesus is the closest relationship we have with anyone.
This isn’t mere knowledge of facts nor even meeting a person.
It is an close relationship with the person.
In fact, you can know someone and know them well without knowing everything about them or getting some crucial facts wrong.
I mean, a man can know his wife and still believe she loves chocolate covered cherries.
It is a deep, intimate knowledge that knows the person and what they love and who they are.
I’ve mentioned before that I once met Robert Duvall, the actor.
But I don’t know him.
I’ve met politicians and race car drivers.
But I don’t know them.
I know about them.
I may know a lot about them.
But I don’t know them.
We see in verse 17 that Paul asked God to give this church the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ.
This means Paul wanted the church to grow up in their knowledge of Christ.
Whereas the world says “Know Thyself”, Paul prays that the church would “Know Thy Savior”.
This isn’t a superficial friendship.
This isn’t a Facebook friendship with someone you went to high school with 40 years ago.
No, Paul wants us to know Jesus in such a way that we know our closest friends and family.
I’d argue even closer than that.
I would say that we are called to know Jesus in such a way that Jesus is the closest relationship we have with anyone.
But I know Julie.
I know my boys.
For those of you who call this church your home and family, I know you as well.
Likewise, we are to know God.
Not simply to know about Him, but to know him in a personal and real way.
That comes from faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, trusting in that for your salvation as opposed to trusting in your own good works.
Last week, we determined that this is what it means to be “in Christ” - to turn from trusting in oneself, confessing your sins and turning to Christ for forgiveness and redemption - as is God’s plan from before time began.
Now, this is not an easy thing to accomplish, right?
I mean, Julie and I will celebrate our 24th anniversary this year and there are still times that I feel like I don’t know her very well.
That’s probably because I am a man and I’m not paying attention, but relationships take time, energy and work to succeed.
And when it comes to Jesus, well, it’s not like you can go have a cup of coffee with him at Caribou and talk about life and get direct answers.
This is why Paul prays for the church.
This wisdom to know Jesus and know him intimately comes as a gift from the Holy Spirit through gifts of wisdom and revelation.
If we want to know Jesus the way Paul wants this church to know Jesus, we need to be people who pray for the Holy Spirit to work in one another’s lives, bringing wisdom and revelation.
Paul starts off this section by encouraging the church because he is encouraged by their faith in Jesus Christ.
Two questions then for us based on our understanding of “knowing Jesus”.
First, do you know Jesus?
Have you placed your faith and trust in Him alone for the payment of your sins and redemption of your soul?
Do you trust in Christ alone for your salvation?
If that answer is no, do it today.
Trust in Jesus by placing your faith in him today.
Second, if you have done that, are you known for being a Christ follower?
This church made an impact on Paul with their faith.
Do others see your love and faith for Christ in such a way that it is evident?
If we know Jesus, then let us be known by him as well.
Friends, do you have that relationship with Jesus?
Do you know him or do you simply know about him?
Do you have a real, vibrant and personal relationship with him?
This is what Paul prays for the church in Ephesus.
And it is what we should pray for one another and it’s what we should all pursue through the working of the Holy Spirit every day.
Do you know Jesus?
Do you know Him deeply?
It is my prayer that you would do just that today.
Paul starts off this section by encouraging the church because he is encouraged by their faith in Jesus Christ.
Two questions then for us based on our understanding of “knowing Jesus”.
First, do you know Jesus?
Have you placed your faith and trust in Him alone for the payment of your sins and redemption of your soul?
Do you trust in Christ alone for your salvation?
If that answer is no, do it today.
Trust in Jesus by placing your faith in him today.
Second, if you have done that, are you known for being a Christ follower?
This church made an impact on Paul with their faith.
Do others see your love and faith for Christ in such a way that it is evident?
If we know Jesus, then let us be known by him as well.
Friends, do you have that relationship with Jesus?
Do you know him or do you simply know about him?
Do you have a real, vibrant and personal relationship with him?
This is what Paul prays for the church in Ephesus.
And it is what we should pray for one another and it’s what we should all pursue through the working of the Holy Spirit every day.
Do you know Jesus?
Do you know Him deeply?
It is my prayer that you would do just that today.
But, before we get into this, I think it’s worth a brief mention that God wants his people to know him.
Another way to look at that is that God wants his people to have a relationship with him.
There is no other way around it, God wants a relationship with his people.
He wants to know his people and for his people to know him.
To be in Christ is to be in a relationship with the very one who created you and saved you.
It also means to be in a relationship with the local church, as Paul did not write this letter to individuals but to a group of believers in relationship with each other.
Simply put, to know God by being in Christ is to be in a relationship as real as any other relationship we might have with our children, spouses or friends.
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