And he led them forth by the right way,That they might go to a city of habitation.
Trial by Fire
Has anyone been mowing grass lately?
There’s been a lot to mow! It seems like as soon as you get done, you turn around and it’s already halfway grown back.
I had went without weed-eating our yard for a couple of weeks, and this past week when I had to go back and take care of all that that had grown up… it was murder!
Did you know that there’s actually a secret to having the best-looking lawn/crop?
Nobody does this, but if you were to go and burn all of your grass and allow it to grow after that, you would have the purest, most even, best-looking lawn on the street.
There’s something about that fire that just kind of purges the grass and drives weeds out of the picture.
In order to get the impurities out of gold and precious metals, they are heated all the way down to liquid. Only under these temperatures can the trash and substances be removed for pure gold.
It’s quite amazing that sometimes in life, we have to go through a fire (if you will), or high temperatures for a period of time, before things are better.