Where Is God Sending You?

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A devotion for Missions Sunday, as we consider the work of foreign missionaries and their calling to carry the gospel to the remotest parts of the earth, we are reminded that God gives each of us our own mission field. Where is he sending you?

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My kids and I enjoy making paper airplanes. Sometimes, during the week, we will use some of the old leftover bulletins from the previous Sunday, and see who can come up with the best design. With a few folds, here and there, you have the nose of the aircraft… and then the wings… and before long your plane is ready for its first flight. That’s the best part, sending your creation through the air, watching it soar from one side of the room to the other. It’s amazing how far they can fly.
Scripture shows us that God is sending his people into the world with the message of Jesus Christ. He not only saves us by his grace, but he gives us a purpose, calling us to impact the lives of others with the gospel.
Scripture shows us that God is sending his people into the world with the message of Jesus Christ. He not only saves us by his grace, but he gives us a purpose, calling us to impact the lives of others with the gospel.
Scripture shows us that God is sending us into the world with the message of Jesus Christ. He not only saves us by his grace, but he gives us a purpose, calling us to impact the lives of others with the gospel.
Scripture shows us that God is sending his people into the world with the message of Jesus Christ. He not only saves us by his grace, but he gives us a purpose, calling us to impact the lives of others with the gospel.
He sends us near and far. Some will travel across the globe reaching the unreached in distant lands. Others will travel to their home, their neighborhood, their workplace, their school, and their community with the good news. In one sense or another, every Christian is called to be a missionary wherever the Lord is leading you.
He sends us near and far. Some will travel across the globe reaching the unreached in distant lands. Others will travel to their home, their neighborhood, their workplace, their school, and their community with the good news. In one sense or another, every Christian is called to be a missionary wherever the Lord is leading you.
He sends us near and far. Some will travel across the globe reaching the unreached in distant lands. Others will travel to their home, their neighborhood, their workplace, their school, and their community with the good news. In one sense or another, every Christian is called to be a missionary wherever the Lord is leading you.
He sends us near and far. Some will travel across the globe reaching the unreached in distant lands. Others will travel to their neighborhood, their workplace, their school, and their community with the good news. In one sense or another, every Christian is called to be a missionary wherever the Lord is leading you.
God sends us because there are people out there who have never heard about Jesus, who know nothing about his love, and who have never experienced his salvation. He cares deeply for them, and will not rest until he has drawn together into his family a people from a people from every nation, tongue and tribe.
God sends us because there are people out there who have never heard about Jesus, who know nothing about his love, and who have never experienced his salvation. He cares deeply for them, and will not rest until he has drawn together into his family a people from a people from every nation, tongue and tribe.
God sends us because there are people out there who have never heard about Jesus, who know nothing about his love, and who have never experienced his salvation. He cares deeply for them, and will not rest until he has drawn together into his family a people from a people from every nation, tongue and tribe.
God sends us because there are people out there who have never heard about Jesus, who know nothing about his love, and who have never experienced his salvation. He cares deeply for them, and will not rest until he has drawn together into his family a people from a people from every nation, tongue and tribe.
That’s the message of the book of Acts. It is a record of how the gospel spread beyond the borders of Israel to the furthest reaches of the earth. One the key figures in the early church was the apostle Paul. God would send him on three missionaries journeys across the Roman Empire, and he would plant a number of churches, leading countless people to Christ. It is here, in our passage in , where that work began.
That’s the message of the book of Acts. It is a record of how the gospel spread beyond the borders of Israel to the furthest reaches of the earth. One the key figures in the early church was the apostle Paul. God would send him on three missionaries journeys across the Roman Empire, and he would plant a number of churches, leading countless people to Christ. It is here, in our passage in , where that work began.
That’s the message of the book of Acts. It is a record of how the gospel spread beyond the borders of Israel to the furthest reaches of the earth. One the key figures in the early church was the apostle Paul. God would send him on three missionaries journeys across the Roman Empire, and he would plant a number of churches, leading countless people to Christ. It is here, in our passage in , where that work began.
That’s the message of the book of Acts. It is a record of how the gospel spread beyond the borders of Israel to the furthest reaches of the earth. One of the key figures who led the missionary efforts of the early church was the apostle Paul. God took him on three missionary journeys across the Roman Empire, during which time he planted dozens of churches, leading countless people to Christ. Our passage, in , describes the moment when God sent him to carry the good news to the world.
At the time, he was ministering in the church of Antioch. This was a special congregation. Scripture tells us that it was one of the first places where the gospel brought people from different ethnic backgrounds together. Old divisions and racial barriers were broken down, so that believing Jews and believing Gentiles worshipped the Lord side by side. It was beautiful thing, and a testimony to the grace of God. Believers were also called Christians for the first time in Antioch. So it was appropriate that would be the church that would launch the Christian missionary movement.
At the time, he was ministering in the church of Antioch. This was a special congregation. Scripture tells us that it was one of the first places where the gospel brought people from different ethnic backgrounds together. Old divisions and racial barriers were broken down, so that believing Jews and believing Gentiles worshipped the Lord side by side. It was beautiful thing, and a testimony to the grace of God. Believers were also called Christians for the first time in Antioch. So it was appropriate that would be the church that would launch the Christian missionary movement.
At the time, he was ministering in the church of Antioch. This was a special congregation. Scripture tells us that it was one of the first places where the gospel brought people from different ethnic backgrounds together. Old divisions and racial barriers were broken down, so that believing Jews and believing Gentiles worshipped the Lord side by side. It was beautiful thing, and a testimony to the grace of God. Believers were also called Christians for the first time in Antioch. So it was appropriate that would be the church that would launch the Christian missionary movement.
At the time, he was ministering in the church of Antioch. This was a special congregation. Scripture tells us that it was one of the first places where the gospel brought people from different ethnic backgrounds together. Old divisions and racial barriers were broken down, in Christ, creating an atmosphere where believing Jews and believing Gentiles could worship the Lord side by side. It was beautiful thing, and a testimony to the power of God’s grace. This was the first place where believers were called Christians. So it was appropriate that would be the church that would launch the Christian missionary movement.
Things were going well for that congregation. They had strong leaders. The people were serving the Lord together, and people in their community were being saved. They enjoyed strong Christian fellowship. But God began to show the church that was calling them to be part of a greater work. He was directing their focus outward, beyond the walls of their meeting place, to the world out there.
Things were going well for that congregation. They had strong leaders. The people were serving the Lord together, and people in their community were being saved. They enjoyed strong Christian fellowship. But God began to show the church that was calling them to be part of a greater work. He was directing their focus outward, beyond the walls of their meeting place, to the world out there.
Things were going well for that congregation. They had strong leaders. The people were serving the Lord together, and people in their community were being saved. They were enjoying a good spirit of fellowship. But God began to show the church that was calling them to be part of an even greater work. He was directing their focus outward, beyond the walls of their meeting place, to the outside world.
God continues to direct our attention outward, to the world around us. There are people all around us who need the Lord, so we must follow wherever he leads us.
God continues to do the same, today. There are people all around us who need the Lord, so we must follow wherever he leads us.
God continues to do the same, today. There are people all around us who need the Lord, so we must follow wherever he leads us.
1. We must follow him into the unknown.

1. If the Lord is sending us into the world with the gospel, we must follow him into the unknown.

1. God sends us into the unknown.

A. Notice the lack of specifics in verse 2 when God calls these missionaries in verse 2. He says, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” He doesn’t give them specifics. There’s no itinerary for the trip or a list of all the cities they’re going to visit along the way. God doesn’t open the heavens and cause passports and plane tickets to fall from the sky. Instead, he places a burden on their heart for the lost, and calls them to follow wherever he leads.
A. Notice the lack of specifics in verse 2 when God calls these missionaries in verse 2. He says, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” He doesn’t give them specifics. There’s no itinerary for the trip or a list of all the cities they’re going to visit along the way. God doesn’t open the heavens causing passports and plane tickets to fall from the sky. Instead, he placed a burden on their heart for the lost, and called them to follow wherever he might lead.
A. Notice the lack of specifics in verse 2 when God calls these missionaries in verse 2. He says, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” He doesn’t give them specifics. There’s no itinerary for the trip or a list of all the cities they’re going to visit along the way. God doesn’t open the heavens and cause passports and plane tickets to fall from the sky. Instead, he places a burden on their heart for the lost, and calls them to follow wherever he leads.
B. We may not always know where God is leading us, or how he plans to use us. We may not be able to see the challenges that are waiting for us or how we will overcome each obstacle. That’s okay. We don’t need all of that information. The only we really need to know is that God is with us to guide our steps.
B. Believers today are called to follow the same way, trusting God to lead us, even if we don’t always know where he is taking us. We don’t know how God plans to use us. We don’t know about the challenges that might be waiting for us about ahead. We don’t know how we are going to overcome each obstacle. And that’s okay. We don’t need to know all the details. He simply calls us to trust in him.
B. Believers today are called to follow the same way, trusting God to lead us, even if we don’t always know where he is taking us. We don’t know how God plans to use us. We don’t know about the challenges that might be waiting for us about ahead. We don’t know how we are going to overcome each obstacle. And that’s okay. We don’t need to know all the details. He simply calls us to trust in him.
C. That means being willing to step outside of our comfort zone, instead of remaining behind the walls of the church where it’s safe and familiar. That’s not easy to do. Think about a parent taking their child for a week of summer camp. The child is excited, but also a little nervous. When they’ve loaded the suitcase and sleeping bag into the van, its time to head out onto the road. But the child doesn’t want to step out the door. Come on, it’s going to be exciting, her parents tell her, but she isn’t so sure. Don’t worry, you won’t be alone they tell her. Finally, she decides it’s going to be okay, takes a deep breath and climbs aboard ready for her new adventure.
C. That means being willing to step outside of our comfort zone, instead of remaining behind the walls of the church where it’s safe and familiar. That’s not easy to do. Think about a parent taking their child for a week of summer camp. The child is excited, but also a little nervous. When they’ve loaded the suitcase and sleeping bag into the van, its time to head out onto the road. But the child doesn’t want to step out the door. Come on, it’s going to be exciting, her parents tell her, but she isn’t so sure. Don’t worry, you won’t be alone they tell her. Finally, she decides it’s going to be okay, takes a deep breath and climbs aboard ready for her new adventure.
C. We have to be willing to step outside of our comfort zone, instead of remaining behind the walls of the church where it’s safe and familiar. That’s not easy to do. Think about a parent taking their child for a week of summer camp. The child is excited, but also a little nervous. They’ve loaded the suitcase and sleeping bag into the van, and it’s time to hit the road, but the child stands at the door frozen with fear. I’ve never been to camp, how do I know I will like it? What if I have trouble meeting friends? What if I get poison ivy? The parents encourage her, you can do it, be brave, it’s going to be an exciting trip, you don’t want to miss it. And so finally she steps through the door and climbs into the van, ready for the adventure that awaits.
D. God is calling us to climb aboard and follow him into the unknown.
D. God is calling us to step out the door, and follow him into the unknown. (NIV84) says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified… for the Lord your God goes with you…”
D. God is calling us to climb aboard and follow him into the unknown. We can’t wait for the world to come to us, we have to be willing to go to them. So let us ask for the courage to go.

2. If the Lord is sending us into the world with the gospel, we must go with an attitude of prayer.

2. God sends us with the attitude of prayer.

2. We must go with an attitude of prayer.
A. It’s evident that the believers in Antioch where a praying church. Verse 3 tells us, “When they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on the, they sent them away.”
A. It’s evident that the believers in Antioch where a praying church. Verse 3 tells us, “When they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on the, they sent them away.”
A. It’s evident that the believers in Antioch where a praying church. Verse 3 tells us, “When they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on the, they sent them away.”
B. It would have been easy to forget that step. They could have been so excited about this new ministry that they rushed out the door without taking the time to seek God’s guidance. “Who has time for prayer, there is so much to do, gathering supplies, chartering a boat, plotting our course, making contacts in each city.” But they didn’t do that. They realized that prayer must be the foundation of everything the church does, because if it isn’t we won’t accomplish much.
B. It would have been easy to forget that step. They could have been so excited about this new ministry that they rushed out the door without taking the time to seek God’s guidance. “Who has time for prayer, there is so much to do, gathering supplies, chartering a boat, plotting our course, making contacts in each city.” But they didn’t do that. They realized that prayer must be the foundation of all that we do, because if it isn’t we won’t get very far.
B. It would have been easy to forget that step. They could have been so excited about this new ministry that they rushed out the door without taking the time to seek God’s guidance. “Who has time for prayer, there is so much to do, gathering supplies, chartering a boat, plotting our course, making contacts in each city.” But they didn’t do that. They realized that prayer must be the foundation of all that we do, because if it isn’t we won’t get very far.
C. We can picture the members of the congregation forming a circle around Paul and Barnabas, place their hands on their shoulders, lifting them before the Lord. Praying for God’s protection on their journey, for open hearts that would respond to the gospel, for the right words in their preaching.
C. We can picture the members of the congregation forming a circle around Paul and Barnabas, place their hands on their shoulders, lifting them before the Lord. Praying for God’s protection on their journey, for open hearts that would respond to the gospel, for the right words in their preaching.
C. We can picture the members of the congregation forming a circle around Paul and Barnabas, place their hands on their shoulders, lifting them before the Lord. Praying for God’s protection on their journey, for open hearts that would respond to the gospel, for the right words in their preaching.
D. Prayer must be at the center of all we do, as well. In a few weeks we will have the opportunity to witness to young people through our Vacation Bible School. Pray for the Lord to accomplish great things that week. Pray for Deb and our leaders, pray for the children who will come, pray for hearts that are receptive to the gospel, and that God’s word will be spoken clearly in a way that speaks to their hearts. Next month we will be serving in the Ada Food Pantry. Pray for the families we will have the opportunity to meet, that they would see the love of Christ in us, that we might be able to strike up spiritual conversations, and maybe invite them to church.
D. Prayer must be at the center of all we do, as well. In a few weeks we will have the opportunity to witness to young people through our Vacation Bible School. Pray for the Lord to accomplish great things that week. Pray for Deb and our leaders, pray for the children who will come, pray for hearts that are receptive to the gospel, and that God’s word will be spoken clearly in a way that speaks to their hearts. Next month we will be serving in the Ada Food Pantry. Pray for the families we will have the opportunity to meet, that they would see the love of Christ in us, that we might be able to strike up spiritual conversations, and maybe invite them to church.
D. Prayer must be at the center of all we do, as well. In a few weeks we will have the opportunity to witness to young people through our Vacation Bible School. Pray for the Lord to accomplish great things that week. Pray for Deb and our leaders, pray for the children who will come, pray for hearts that are receptive to the gospel, and that God’s word will be spoken clearly in a way that speaks to their hearts. Next month we will be serving in the Ada Food Pantry. Pray for the families we will have the opportunity to meet, that they would see the love of Christ in us, that we might be able to strike up spiritual conversations, and maybe invite them to church.
E. When I go on a trip, the first thing I do is stop and the gas station and fill up the tank with gas, otherwise I’m not going to make it to my destination. In the same way, when the Lord is leading us to share his love, we should begin with prayer. When you feel God tugging at your heart to witness to a friend or neighbor, by all means, follow him. But first, pray for the Lord to work through that conversation. There is power in prayer.
E. When you feel God tugging at your heart to witness to a friend or neighbor, by all means, follow him. But first, say a prayer that the Lord would be working through that conversation. Prayer needs to be at the center of all we do.
E. When you feel God tugging at your heart to witness to a friend or neighbor, by all means, follow him. But first, say a prayer that the Lord would be working through that conversation. Prayer needs to be at the center of all we do.
F. (NIV84) 3 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.
(NIV84) 3 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.

3. If the Lord is sending us into the world with the gospel, we must reach out to those who do not know Christ.

3. God sends us to those who need to hear the good news.

A. Verses 4-5 tell us, “Being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia and from there they sailed to Cyprus. 5 When they reached Salamis, they began to proclaim the word of God…”
A. Verses 4-5 tell us, “Being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia and from there they sailed to Cyprus. 5 When they reached Salamis, they began to proclaim the word of God…”
C. Paul’s first missionary journey took place around 47-48 AD. They departed from Antioch in Syria, and walked on foot to the coast where they set sail on the Mediterranean Sea. The team stopped on the island of Cyprus, before continuing on to the cities of Asia minor in modern day Turkey. Wherever they went, they spoke to all kinds of people. They began in the synagogue because they knew they would meet people who already had an understanding of the Scriptures, and they could tell them that Jesus is the Messiah spoken of in the prophets. They also spent time in the market place, where they met all sorts of people, many of whom worshipped Greek and Roman gods, and had no knowledge whatsoever of the one true God. Paul and Barnabas were able to explain that these man-made gods were nothing more than idols, unable to save. They went on to tell them about the God who created the heavens and the earth, who offers forgiveness to all who come in repentance and faith. Paul and Barnabas went wherever people would listen, and along the way many believed their message.
C. Paul’s first missionary journey took place around 47-48 AD. They departed from Antioch in Syria, and walked on foot to the coast where they set sail on the Mediterranean Sea. The team stopped on the island of Cyprus, and from there continued on to the cities of Asia minor in modern day Turkey. Wherever they went, they spoke to all kinds of people. They began in the synagogue because they knew they would meet people who already had an understanding of the Scriptures, and they could tell them that Jesus is the Messiah spoken of in the prophets, who has come to bring redemption through his death and resurrection. They also spent time in the market place, where they met all sorts of people, many of whom worshipped Greek and Roman gods. Paul and Barnabas were able to explain that these man-made gods were nothing more than idols, unable to save. They went on to tell them about the one true God, who created all things, and calls all people everywhere to turn to him in repentance and faith. They went wherever people would listen, and along the way many believed their message.
D. God is sending us to people who need to hear about Jesus. We sometimes take for granted that everyone has at least some knowledge of the gospel. After all, we live in a town where there are churches on every corner, Christian radio stations broadcast the message over the airwaves, billboards line the highways with Bible verses… these are good things, but there are still so many people who don’t know Jesus.
D. God is sending us to people who need to hear about Jesus. We sometimes take for granted that everyone has at least some knowledge of the gospel. After all, we live in a town where there are churches on every corner, Christian radio stations broadcast the message over the airwaves, billboards line the highways with Bible verses… these are good things, but there are still so many people who don’t know Jesus. Maybe they’ve been to church, but they never really spent enough time in the Bible to understand the gospel. They have the wrong idea, thinking Christianity is about trying to earn God’s love by being religious or doing enough good works. They have never heard it is by grace through faith that we are brought into a relationship with God. Many have driven past billboards, but never paid attention. Many have clicked on the radio station, but turned the dial without listening. Don’t take it for granted that everyone in your life has already heard about Jesus. We need to tell them. Statistics tells us that most people come to Jesus through personal contact. Someone shares the gospel with a friend, or invites a neighbor to church.
E. Maybe they’ve been to church, but they never really spent enough time in the Bible to understand the gospel. They have the wrong idea, thinking Christianity is about trying to earn God’s love by being religious or doing enough good works. They have never heard it is by grace through faith that we are brought into a relationship with God. Don’t take it for granted that everyone in your life has already heard about Jesus. We need to tell them. Statistics tells us that most people come to Jesus through personal contact. Someone shares the gospel with a friend, or invites a neighbor to church. Through that contact they meet the Lord.
E. We can’t wait for the world to come to us, we have to be willing to go to them.
F. We can’t wait for the world to come to us, we have to be willing to go to them.
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Conclusion –
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

Conclusion –

Where is God sending you? It may be to a distant country, or it might be to your own neighborhood. Wherever it is, step forth into the unknown with courage. Pray for God to lead and direct your steps. And look for opportunities to share the good news with those who need to hear about Jesus.
Where is God sending you?
When I graduated from Bible College I had no idea God was going to lead me back to my hometown in Ada, Ohio. I thought he might take me across the country, or some other exotic location, but what a blessing to be in Ada, Ohio. And there is a mission field all around us. There are people in our community who are unchurched, who have not heard the gospel, who do not know Jesus. God is using us and our congregation to reach them.
God may send you to a distant country, or he may send you to your own back yard. Wherever he wants to take you, step forth into the unknown with courage. Pray for God to lead and direct your steps. And look for opportunities to share the good news with those who need to hear about Jesus.
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