Jacob, Joseph, & Judah

Story of the Bible: Creation to Israel  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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We will continue look at the lineage of Abraham and do an overview of the story of Jacob, Joseph and Judah. We will look specifically at the story of Jacob and Esau, Joseph and Egypt, and Judah and Tamar. Through these stories we will learn about God’s sovereign plan & blessing, faithfulness, and repentance as He creates a people of Abraham.

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Recap: What happened
Recap: What happened
Recap: What happened
We ended last with Isaac being sacrificed. We are skipping to the story of Jacob and Esau, in .
Here is the recap of what happens in between
Sarah Dies
Abraham buys a field to bury Sarah
Abraham has servant find wife for Isaac
Finds wife, Rebecca for Isaac who is related to Laban (of lineage of Nahor and Haran)
Abraham dies ()
Both Isaac and Ishmael bury him
Jacob Esau & the Blessing (summarize together)
- Esau gives blessing to Jacob for stew
Rebekah conceives twins
She is bearing two nations, older shall serve the younger
Jacob and esau born, esau hunter, Jacob “tent dweller”
Isaac loved esau for hunting, Rebekah loved Jacob
Esau sells birthright for red stew (note Jacob makes Esau swear)
Note: - Esau despised birthright
Isaac lies to Abimelek king of Philistines that Rebekah is his sister
Isaac becomes powerful/wealthy
- recognition of the favor of the Lord by philistines
- Jacob + Rebekah deceive Isaac for the blessing (Jacob & Esau
Esau Made life bitter for Isaac and Esau because he married foreign women
Isaac sends Esau to go hunt game and make him food to receive blessing
Rebekah prompts Jacob to deceive Isaac with food and fur coat (hairy man)
Jacob approaches Isaac and lies - I am Esau Isaac seems skeptical but is deceived
Jacob double downs on his lie, I really am Esau
God has a plan that he in enacting despite deceptive/sinful behaviors of man
Jacob receives blessing & leaves
Esau promptly brings what father had asked him - food
Isaac trembled when he realizes that he was deceived and wonders who he gave his blessing to
Esau is enraged that Jacob has taken birthright and blessing
Esau begs for a blessing
Isaac prophecies Esau’s future descendents being under Jacob
Esau very angry with Jacob and plots to kill him
Rebekah plans for Jacob to escape to brother, Laban
Jacob told not to marry a Hittite
Esau marries another foreign women to spite his parents (v8)
Compare the blessings (jacob 27:27-29 esau 27:38-39)
God affirms blessing to Jacob in dream
Jacob arrives to stay with Laban, marries Leah and Rachel
Jacob begins to have children through Leah, Rachel + servants of Leah & Rachel in competition
Laban attempts to deceive Jacob, Jacob leaves with much
Jacob & Esau Reunite (together character analysis - what is the sense that you get of Jacob and Esau in this story?)
Jacob is afraid of Esau
Esau seems repentant
- Dinah, Shechemites, & God’s Blessing
Shechem, who was a prince, raped Dinah (daughter of Leah)
Saw, took, raped (similar to garden, saw fruit, took it, ate of it).
Jacob seems to be shocked/silent…
God introduces himself as 35 Then God said to Jacob, “Go up to Bethel and settle there, and build an altar there to God, who appeared to you when you were fleeing from your brother Esau.”
Personal touch, not God of the promise, but God of comfort?
Rachel & Isaac die
While Israel lived in that land, Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father's concubine. And Israel heard of it. - Reuben now off the blessing
Esau’s descendents named
Jacob, Joseph, and Egypt summary
Jacob loved Joseph more than other sons, gave him beautiful robe
Joseph shares dream about how he will be over his brothers
Brothers get angry and plot against him
They plan to kill him, Reuben convinces them to leave him in ditch to die (he was going to retrieve him later)
Judah sees slave caravan and thinks, why not make money off brother and sell to slavery
Reuben realizes that Joseph is gone and mourns
Jacob hears news that his son has died and mourns
We hear news that Joseph is sold into slavery in Egypt
Judah and Tamar (Together)
We then turn to lineage of Judah and trace three sons - Er, Onan, and Shelah
Tamar marries Er, but God kills him b/c evil
Judah does righteous thing and has Onan take Tamar as wife
Onan did the pull-out method of sex to avoid having an heir through Tamar b/c child wouldn’t be his
God saw that this was wicked and killed him
Judah is afraid that Tamar is bad luck, puts her aside with excuse gunna let younger son Shelah grow up
Tamar plans deceptions
Judah on the way to cannanite festival (orgy)
Tamar gets Judah’s signet ring and staff as collateral until payment received
Later Judah hears Tamar is pregnant and is enraged
She shows the signet ring and staff (indisputable evidence) proving Judah is father
Perez and Zerah are born
How to interpret story
Was Tamar right?
Tamar extended the lineage of Judah/the promise
We don’t really get to see clearly if her methodologies are correct - we always want to judge morality in the OT.
What do we think the purpose of this passage is?
To trace Judah’s lineage, and I am going to argue, to show how much he has changed.
Judah’s character
Greedy (sold Joseph for $)
Sexually promiscuous (into orgies/prostitutes)
Unfaithful - not trusting in God to do what is right
Defers responsibility to Tamar
Summary of life of Joseph
- Potiphar’s wife
Joseph does well
Potiphar’s wife attempts to seduce him
Joseph flees, ends up in jail due to false testimony from Potiphar’s wife
- Joseph interprets dreams for people in prison
- Joseph then called out to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, none of magicians or wise men could interpret.
Pharaoh gives his whole house and people to be under Joseph
Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has shown you all this, there is none so discerning and wise as you are. You shall be over my house, and all my people shall order themselves as you command.
Joseph then administers the Egyptians to endure the famine.
Jacob’s family experiencing the famine
Jacob sends all sons except Benjamin, who is brother to Joseph (and only other son of Rachel)
Joseph recognizes them but tests them. Wants to see his brother
Accuses them of being spies, tells them that they need to verify their story and bring the youngest son. One of the sons will be kept (simeon) until they return
Food given to the brothers, and they return
They find the money still in their sacks and they tell father what happened. Father is very grieved (feels like he lost Joseph and now Simeon and now he may lose Benjamin too)
Reuben then promises to bring back Benjamin
- Judah is Changed
8 And Judah said to Israel his father, “Send the boy with me, and we will arise and go, that we may live and not die, both we and you and also our little ones. 9 I will be a pledge of his safety. From my hand you shall require him. If I do not bring him back to you and set him before you, then let me bear the blame forever.
Judah assume responsibility
I would argue this proves Judah’s repentance of his lack of assuming responsibility to Tamar
Jacob finally concedes, and has the brothers bring down gifts and double money
Joseph sees Benjamin, his brother from Rebekah,
Brothers afraid, try to confess that they had extra money and try to repay because don’t want to die
Joseph invites them to eat (they ate separately because it was disgraceful to eat together)
Benjamin receives 5x portion of food…
They then buy grain, head home
Joseph wants to keep Benjamin with him, so instructs servants to put silver cup in Benjamin’s sack
Servant overtake them, and find Benjamin with “stolen” cup
Returned to Egypt
Judah Changed pt2
Judah takes responsibility
Instead of gaining at the expense of others, he offers to lose his life at the expense of others (benjamin)
Sons go home, then eventually bring whole family to Egypt. Due to Pharaoh’s favor of Joseph, they given land and they flourish.
Next week we are going to talk about the People of God in Egypt
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