Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Layout of bible study
Following the creation accounts we will trace the two paths that Genesis outlines, covering the stories of Cain & Abel, The Flood, the Tower of Babel, Abraham, Isaac, and God’s covenants to humanity.
We will look at what life living in and outside of the blessing of God looks like and begin to unpack God’s plan for redemption.
Layout of bible study
1 board per “seed”
Seed of Serpent board
What are the characteristics of the Fall
Story of Cain
Ham, Nimrod, and Babel
What can we learn about those who rebel against God?
Seed of Blessing
What can we learn about the blessing of God & what God requires of us
Cain and Abel
What happens:
Cain and Abel make sacrifices
God is not pleased with Cain’s offering - Why?
Offering of blood, not of grain
What could Cain have done?
Some suggest buying Abel’s animals
Cain gets angry
Lord gives Cain wisdom/advice & a warning
Cain goes with Abel into fields and kills him
God confronts Cain
God curses Cain
no longer able to yield harvest from the ground
Cain required to become a wanderer
Cain protests punishment
The Lord protects Cain
Cain "get sicks of wandering" and obeying God and creates a city and names it after his son
Seed of Cain 4:17-24
Sin of Cain & Sin of Lamech ()
- Lamech & polygamy - A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife becomes a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wives.
- 4:24 - Cain's revenge was from God, Lamech's revenge is from himself.
Lamech will protect and avenge himself instead of God being our protector and avenger.
What does this say about the seed of the serpent?
Obeying God is tiresome
Seek to serve self’s desires over God (polygamy)
Seek to protect self through violence (instead of protect Garden)
Dominion redefined/corrupted.
Pre fall: Garden dominion was domestication of the world and cultivating garden
Post fal: Dominion is achieved through violence and self-preservation
Seed of Blessing
- Seth is born - two seeds
: Genealogy from Adam to Noah - (see geneology chart Seth - Noah, no need to expound)
Corruption of world + Noah
God sees the great wickedness of man, every thought and intention of their hearts evil continually.
- What does continual evil look like?
God regrets/is sorry?
Same word in hebrew, antithesis of seeing creation is good
Noah builds a boat
Noah/fam/animals board boat
Rains 40 days 40 nights
Rain subsides
Noah sends birds out to see if it has dried
- The Blessing of God & The Covenant of God
After Noah has sent out birds, God tells Noah it's time to leave
God blesses Noah with the original blessing/charge to Adam -
What does God tell Noah to do?
Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth
What does this tell us about the seed of the promise?
Obedience → salvation, blessing, and promise.
What does this tell us about God
God enjoys blessing
God is grieved, possibly even regrets, when he sees the corruption of mankind.
Blessings and Curses - Noah’s Descendents
What does Ham do?
Scholars agree it was something sexual
Shem and Japheth - who gets the blessing?
Understanding genealogy and the curse of Ham/Canaan
Many major nations come from Ham (and evil)
Through Cush comes a man named Nimrod
Who is Nimrod
Father of many cities (babel)
Established a kingdom on earth
What did this kingdom stand for → Babel
Canaanites are the ones that the Israelites took over in Joshua primarily
Founding Sodom and Gomorrah
Ham committed sexual sins, what are these two cities known for)
Tower of Babel - Two cities
What is wrong with the Tower of Babel?
Who does this image?
Cain got tired of wandering, and settled and built cities when God commanded him to wander the earth vs fill the earth (God said to fill earth )
11:4 lest we be disbursed - disobedience to God.
Found power in each other instead of obedience to God
Sought the glory of man/king (Nimrod)
Images Genesis serpent - How does serpent tempt Eve?
This will make you like God.
11:4 let us make a name for ourselves
What is the end result?
God disburses his people as planned, but has to force them by dividing them through language to accomplish his purposes.
Here is the question - Why does God care that humanity fills the earth?
God is attempting to fill the earth and have man carry out his mission - be fruitful and multiply, subdue the earth, and fulfill it.
Babel is attempting to have Man focus on his own achievements, consolidation, and kingdom.
Do we serve the kingdom of God or the kingdom of Man?
- geneology up until Abram
For sake of time, we are specifically going to look at the interactions between Abram/Abraham and God.
Call of Abram 12:1-9
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9