Sunday May 26, 2019
To Worship in the word of the series lessons from the cross that we've been looking at those last words of Jesus on the cross Post Easter and looking at what? Jesus had to say while he was on the cross and his last moments here on Earth.
And they are fruitful words meaningful words and words that have impact on us today. and the 7th and it last word that we come to Father into your hands I commit my spirit.
And I must confess there are times when we will brush past that on Easter and not really get the gravity of what Jesus was having to say. at that moment
to us and for us and to encourage us as Believers and I hope you will see that in our lesson today found in our reading of scripture from Luke in chapter 23 verse 46 just a simple verse and What you just read it along with me then Jesus calling out with a loud voice said father into your hands. I commit my spirit and having said this he breathed his last.
best finality there Of course you and I in retrospect know that it was not the end as everyone supposed. He died. Yes, he buried in a borrowed tomb. Yes. but if you raise up on the third day and we serve a risen savior. He's in the world today. But they did not know that at the time and when they heard him say father into your hands, I commit my spirit and having said this he breathed his last gave up his ghost.
So, what does that have to say to us today?
When Jesus called out with the loud voice and said father
father the son is calling to his father
in the garden Leading up to this time. Did he not pray to the father father? If there be any other way we can do this and accomplish your will could you remove this cup from me father? The sun crime great drops of Blood Sweat came from his brow has he prayed in Earnest to the Father the Son? Now we know that God is one God the Father God the son God the Holy Spirit. There's a Triune nature about God. In fact in Genesis Elohim is referred to the God name of God. That is the Triune God. God the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
But there is this division between the three never more obvious than on the cross the sun fully God, but fully man hanging on the cross spikes in his hands and feet dying with a crown of thorns in his head.
And Jesus cried out in loud voice. father
if you see Jesus is always pointing us to the father. He said father wasn't that the first thing he said on the cross. Father forgive them for they know not what they do father hear my prayer forgive. forgive and forgiveness needs to be a lesson that we learn from the cross a lesson given to us as Jesus forgave those who were even then crucifying him and at the foot of the cross gambling away his his clothes. father forgive them Even if she taught us how to pray didn't he? He prayed Our Father Who Art in Heaven.
Hollywood be thy name fathers by kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day father our daily bread and help us to forgive others even If they have bronchitis. It's all there. He is praying to the father. He is showing us that the father is who we are to pray to. Reference the father come to the father.
and so then Jesus calling out with a loud voice said father. In the next portion says in to your hands. I commit my spirit.
and I found this graphic specifically because of the the graphic at the hand, but In Psalm 31 verse 5. Is it recorded David's prayer? And I had not seen this before. So even pastors can find things that they had never seen before as they look into studying God's word. In Sum 31 verse five David praise and hear Jesus is repeating a prayer that every Jewish child would have learned. There was a prayer that was pop from father to child. Into your hand I commit my spirit and fully let me show you the the verse into your hands. I commit my spirit David prayed. You have Redeem Me Oh Lord. You are a faithful God. It's so this was a prayer a model prayer. The Jesus learned and even on the cross you praise to the father even David's prayer into your hand. I commit my spirit. What's it mean to commit? When you got married you committed. You were faithful.
to love honor and cherish
we make commitments when you sign the mortgage when you bought a car when you signed any contract you've made a commitment to make a payment in return for something. You put into their care and they put into your care that new car that you drove off a lot.
That new home they gave you the the keys to. and Jesus what's Committee in his life into the hands of his father? Into your hands I commit my spirit.
Who better to take care of his spirits? He has his life and the next step in his life where we going from here.
Jesus points us to placing our cars at our pains are disappointments, even our failures and yes, even our concerns for our future place in the father's hands and guess what he can hold your cares in your concerns your problems in your pains your failures.
He's got big big hands and a big big shoulder and he can take care of your needs.
I learned a little prayer. Maybe you did too. It went like this now. I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep and should I die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take amen. That was my first prayer that I can remember praying as a child because I was taught that prayer Jesus. Jesus was taught a prayer.
Father into your hands I commend commit my spirit.
I got to tell you even as a little child. That was a waiting prayer look at it. I lay me down to sleep and I pray the Lord my soul to keep if I die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take I'm committing my life into God's hands and keeping when I go to sleep, then he'll wake me up. And I'll be okay. How many if you woke up this morning? How many of you just woke up when I shouted?
Then Jesus calling out with a loud voice said father. Committing to the father into your hands. I commit my spirit.
You carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. It feels fat by sometimes. That's the whole weight of the world is on you you're taking care of your family's needs your taking care of of working and and caring for family members.
And I love the words that we find.
in the scripture Well, it's lastly. We need to see that Jesus.
Burden by all of our sin felt the whole world the whole weight of the world on his back. He did one last thing. You know what that was?
He prayed to the father.
And when you feel the weight of the world upon to you, it is incumbent on you and me to pray to the father he cast his cares all of his burdens into the Potter's hands.
And that if it's if it's just the only example you can see cast your cares upon Him. because he cares for you.
1st Peter 5:7 the Lord gives us that very beautiful point for us to the capture casting all of our care all of our concerns.
when we've exhausted our resources that Kim says Godzilla full measure has only begun but we cast our chairs are concerns our worries our frustrations on him. He has broad shoulders because he cares for you. It's the Great Exchange we exchange our cares for his share on the cross. We cast all of our sin upon him and he gave us Redemption. Cleansing for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life cast your cares upon Him.
All of your burdens cast them on him.
I'm going to share a little thought for Max Lucado. I have it here on my my trusty phone.
and he he is looking at 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 17 Max Lucado. says of this verse our light our light afflictions which is but a moment is working for us far more exceeding.
And the Eternal weight of Glory hangs in the balance the words weight of Glory conjure up the images of the ancient pan scale. You've seen that the old lady Justice is holding a scale and there's a pan on one side and the other and the thought is that you lay all of the weight
of the purchase price in one side and the prices on the other think the weight scale is that I put all of my concerns on one side. And and then the balance is their God does the same with your struggles on one side. He Stacks all of your burdens. The famines the firing State the parents who forgot you bosses who ignored you bad breaks in life bad Health bad days Stacks them up on one side of the pan and it plummets down. Now witness what God's responses does he remove them eliminate the burdens to know rather. He been taking them he offsets them with the weight of glory on the other side endless Joy measureless piece. Eternity with him and Watch What Happens?
the weight of Glory brings balance to our lives Everything Changes the burdens lift the heaviness becomes light and the weight against us of Eternity. In that moment is balanced.
rehabs the balancing of all of our frustrations failures pains cast me and all of our cares upon Him all of our burdens upon him.
enclosing I'm asking this question if you and me, can you trust God with your life to do what he promised he would do.
What I thought of an example the movie may not have seen its called the kingdom of heaven.
and in the story a young man named Balaam is brought with his Newfound father that he was estranged from takes him to Jerusalem Strange Land and Country during the time.
When Jerusalem had been one back by the Christians. from the Muslims borin death was all over the area of Jerusalem, but the Christian Knight said come. To bring holy order. And a Christian kingdom was established in Jerusalem. and Saladin the leader of the Muslims arrayed his Army against Jerusalem. after defeating the king I bet City and most all of the soldiers and nights out on the battlefield in the desert. And it falls upon young Bayland who was a blacksmith back in England.
To defend the city against the horde of an army and War waged. In the movie, it seems like just days but actually it lasted for a couple of months. one side beating down on the walls with large rocks and battering rams
Siege Towers
but after so many deaths on both sides Saladin comes with the white flag of truce to talk to Bayland to offer him one last time Just Surrender the city.
And Palin says to Saladin.
Why is the city so important to you? Why what is what is there about the city? Rather than try to give it up.
I will defend its walls and its cities until the last man. and for every Every one of ours that you kill I will kill 10 of yours and I will take your army down to nothing and you will never be able to mount a Siege again. Is it worth it to you?
And Saladin is quiet for a moment. Then then he says to bang you have women and children behind your walls. Do you want your women and your children and your old people to die?
and so Palin turns to solid in and says I have
I have no no pretense. So what's going to happen here? What terms do you have? I have none. What terms do you have and saw the dean says I will guarantee safe passage to Every Soul. Every Christian soul in the city women and children your old people your Knights and your soldiers. I guarantee safe passage from this city to Christian lands. I will give you safe passage you can leave. Just Surrender the city
and Balin remembering what it happened in the past with all of the Muslims who were in that City said
the Christians killed every Muslim that was in the city when they took it and here's the important thing.
Saladin said I am not those men. I am Paula Deen. I am Saladin Dale and I had picked up on the fact that he said I am which is the true name of God.
He said I am Saladin. I'm giving you my word and my word is my bond you can count on it. And young balances on those terms I Surrender the city.
Why did I say that? Can you trust God with your life?
Jesus trusted his father with everything that he had everything that he was he trusted it to God and committed his Spirit into his hands and keeping can you and I commit our Whole life to Jesus what's going to happen? Still are going to be truck struggles and temptations and problems. Yes. But as you trust in God and surrender your heart to him completely.
He gives you his word and you can count on his word that he will give you safe passage to heaven.
Now I'm not ready to go today, but I am ready to go. I don't want to go today. Did I say that right? I'm ready to go. But there's so much I would like to still do so much. I would still like to see but I'm I'm ready and I've committed my life.
Father into your hands I commit my spirit.
Can you say that today? It is my prayer that you will.
There is a kingdom of God. Not what Balaam saw in Jerusalem that would a Christian City know. It is the kingdom of God that Jesus came to die for and it is in our hearts. And it is in the time to come that where he is. We will be also he told us he's gone to prepare a place for you and me that where he is we will be also is that good news this morning?
the news from the cross the lesson from the cross this morning is father into your hands I commit my spirit. I give my spirit into your hands. for safekeeping
Amen Let Us Stand Together
Are gracious and loving Heavenly Father? We have come into your house. Williams worship together we've gone to your word and we've heard a lesson from the cross. But if we would commit Our Lives into the safekeeping of the father
that he would vouchsafe he would guarantee our safety in our transition from this life. into the next into your presence Lord And in the meantime, you will never leave us nor forsake us. You will be with us always your promise to us. It's so father this morning. We give our lives to you. We cast all of our burdens all of our cares upon you because you care for us and we know the burdens are lifted at Calvary. We give you thanks this morning forgive us our trespasses even as we forgive those who have trespassed against us father. We thank you in Jesus name. Amen. We're going to sing together burdens are lifted at Calvary.