06.02.2019 | Kicked Out BUT Not Shut Out, pt.2 Genesis 3:1-24
You see it in the presence of our King Lord Jesus. Good morning, BFC. It is good to be back with you all I love this is like the high-water mark of the high point of my week being able to join together and worship. Thank you Taylor and the worship team for leading us this morning truly truly. Truly. I believe that we touch the the Gate of Heaven already. We are finishing up a second part to the sermon. We started last week title kicked out but not shut out Nelson Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve sinned against God in Mark a turning point in how man and God interacted with each other initially. We were supposed to interact face to face cheek to cheek to cheek shoulder-to-shoulder with God 365 all the Days of Our Lives when we send when Adam send it messed all that up and then the Earth gets cursed as a result of all of that. We've got Journey from Genesis 1 up to Genesis 3 at this point. So what I want to do now how to do a recap video from the Bible project to bring us up to speed. So, you know exactly what's going on. I'll take a look at this video and I'll be right back.
First book in the Bible is book. You've probably heard of is called Genesis Genesis comes from a Hebrew word is pronounced erase sheets and it just means beginning now, there's a lot of stories from the book of Genesis. It's easy to pull out a specific story in and try to tell you what it might mean, but we think the best way to understand this book is to look at the book as a whole and show you how the whole thing is designed. The book is designed to fall into two main parts. You have a chapters 1 through 11, which is telling the story of God in the whole world. And then you have the second part which is about God and Abraham's family as chapters 12 through 50 and how the two of those parts relay. That's where you find the message of the book start back at the beginning the first part of Genesis begins with the creation story where God creates everything how exactly that happens. Of course, that's where all the debates, he takes a dark watery. Said he turns into a beautiful garden where humans can can play that sounds nice, but it's good. And this is where we meet the first human characters in The Bible Adam and Eve for Humanity and Eve is the Hebrew word for life. And God creates them in His image another which Humanity reflects or is meant to reflect the the creativity the goodness and character of The Creator out into the world that is made their supposed to reproduce and make cultures and neighborhoods and Art & Gardens and everything else but he gives them a moral choice about how they're going to go about building this world. And this is what the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil is all about and he tells them don't eat of the fruit of this tree or you will die. What's that all about? Set up till now. God has been the one defining and providing. What is good until God is the one with the knowledge of Good and Evil. But now this tree represents a Choy with human trust God definition of good and evil, or are they going to seize the opportunity and Define good and evil for themselves and Adam and Eve eat the fruit. This is the core biblical explanation for that concept of sin that desire to call the shots myself. It's the n-word turn of the human heart to do what's good for me and my tribe, even if it's at the expense of you and and your tribe in the problem is humans are horrible at the finding good and evil without God. It's so now that Humanity's made this Choice things get really really really bad. So Genesis 3 through 11:00 is like tracing this downward spiral of all all Humanity So Adam and Eve Each other anymore until there's a little story about how they were naked and felt fine about it beforehand, but now they feel shame because all of a sudden Adams definition of Knievel might be different than any of them so they hide from each other. All right, and that's where you're at today Adam and Eve eating the fruit and now we're finishing up what happened as a result of eating that fruit on last week. We learned that sin is never an isolated incident. We learned that Santa is never an event that's done in a vacuum. But rather when we send it negatively impacts our relationship with God in it hurts other people or we can stay at the other way around and negative. It hurts God and negatively impacts other people one of the biggest mistakes that we can ever make one of the biggest lies we can ever believe is to believe this that what we do to only impact you that what Douglas does only impacts Douglas and what you do only impacts you growing up one of my favorite basketball player because he was still in your face so rough and so Gruff was Charles Barkley and I remember Charles Barkley had this thing where he would say this certain quote and every time he said that he would get bad, press about it. He would say I'm not a role model as if to say that I can go and do and play ball. I want to play a live I want to live but what I do order off the court, it doesn't influence anybody else and no one should be following me because I'm My Own man. That's essentially what he was saying. But because he wasn't NBA baller because he was a man people were following him. He he he was people's role models. It will pattern their lives after him. Sir Charles failed to realize what his role was and how his role employees everyone else who was connected to him. You see all of us are connected. None of us are Island unto ourselves. And when Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they had no idea of the Fallout that would ensue. It was so focused on what they wanted. It was so focused on what they wanted to do. They were so focused on what they could experience that they never look beyond the decision.
And then they committed the single greatest mistake in human history. They knowingly they knowingly exchanged Truth for a lie. God said don't do this. You're gonna die. They said we don't think so. And then when he bit the fruit. Is signified to God that you don't trust me anymore. You don't believe in me anymore. You think that you can live this life without me? That's what it signified to God. And you were saying we know that your God who used to tell us how to live. You see the action of eating the fruit had two immediate effects. Number one, it broke trust between God and man. We know that we are looked at that. And unknowingly they Usher sending to the world everything that we see everything that we experience has been tainted by sin. My sickness why Disease by nvy War why broken relationships why multiple marriages why all the negativity is send and it started with one man and one woman they ushered sending to the world. All of creation has been influence has been tainted by it. And as you see at least at this point, I hope that you see that sin is never an isolated event. It hurts God and you negatively impact the people around you the people who are connected to you just like then Satan and he wants us to believe that our happiness is a single most important thing look it up think about all the advertisements they do out the way they're all geared towards what your happiness and you should be happy no matter what like even if it means abandoning. Someone else's needs. Someone else's desires. You should be happy no matter what Satan wants you to think that you belong to you that you can step on people to get to what you really want. He wants you to think that there's no consequences that there's no repercussions. It's all joy is all happiness is all pleasure. family Here's something you didn't know I think you know this already you don't belong to you. You belong to someone you belong to the Creator you belong to God what made in God's image therefore by association you belong to God?
And that truth was one of the most impactful truth I ever learned growing up. Is she I live my life as if Douglas was the most important thing most important person on the face of the Earth and everything. I did was desired was designed to make me happy, but then I learned that it's not about me I learn how to spell the word loved correctly. You spell the word love is you before me your needs your desires your whatever you need. It comes in front of myself comes in front of mine.
And as a created being each and every one of us are subject to the Creator. Charm and Eve. They're so focused on what they're one and the reward that they could get that they didn't consider how their choice how that single Choice was going to impact the entirety of creation.
I didn't think about their current relationship with the Lord with the future is going to look like they never even stop and consider how that choice on that day to eat. That fruit was One impact their offspring. May need from for what purpose to help fill the Earth with other human beings for procreation was part of her role. They never thought about the future generation. They just ate the fruit. Eve's desire grew into a since she's verse 5 tells us that she wanted the same knowledge that God had and that unchecked desire. It consumed her until she ate the fruit and then she passes the fruit onto her husband. And he eats their fruit and immediately. They realize that they make just made a horrible decision. And then Grace God steps in to deal with their sin. The first thing we noticed last week. He does that he confronts them. He gives them a chance to own their wrong. He's like Adam. Where are you at? What are you doing? What you been up to? After giving them a chance to own their wrong God punishes them Satan Eve and Adam all get life sentences. Satan gets the worst of all They also learned that their punishment wasn't just going to be for them, but it was going to transfer to creation and also their offspring. And this is where we going to start on today in burst number 20 after handing out their punishment. Musa step number three, which is he provides for them, which is provision. Even though they hurt God, even though they disrespected God even though that they walked away from God God still takes time to care for them. He still takes time to love on them to provide them with what they needed. So if your bibles are already open open your Bibles to chapter 3 Genesis 3 looking at verse number 20, it says this when the man named when the man named his wife Eve the man named his wife because she was the mother of all living the Lord God made clothing from skins for the man and his wife and he clothed them. Here's the here's where we're at. God is getting ready to put them out of the garden. God is getting ready to say you can't be here anymore. But before he does that he does something for then He blesses them with something. He provides clothing for them. You might be thinking like they were naked in the garlic is it outside right away would be sufficient because fig leaves you are like this like a leaf is like grass right in overtime. Browning and we're out or he's going to rip and not be any good. We learned that Adam is Job's going to be 10 times harder outside the garden taking care of the ground. So what does God do he gives them something? That's durable God make some other outfit. So we're going to use the skins of these animals are going to give you some clothing to use to cover your cell to protect you for life outside of the garden something as durable as my last for a long time. Also, we know that they're at the Garden was perfectly set up to sustain human life. It was a perfectly balanced ecosystem there going to be outside of the garden living living accursed existence because of their Disobedience to God also the Skins were protected from the elements.
God could have said this you could have said you messed up get out of my house you figure it out. 10 for yourself figure out how to survive he doesn't do that. He gives them close to where he makes clothes for them to where is everyone know how to swim in here. So I would say in terms of learning how to swim. I might have had the most traumatic experience as a kid growing up. This is how I learn how to swim. We went to the YMCA with me my best friend and my friend Gary went to the YMCA to learn how to swim. We learn to the left to breathe and all that great stuff that their arms over head for the stroke and then we get all that down bruh feeling pretty good about ourselves and then the swim instructor motions to Gary. Hey come here to fix Gary up out of the shallow in the safe into the pool and Marxism down to the deep end and you pics Gary up by his armpits and there's throws them out into the middle of the deep end. That's exactly why did I was like, oh my word and then he looks at us. Can I see myself in the shallow? And he's like go save your friend. You want to know how to swim go save your friend in Amelie. I'm thinking like if I jump in the deep and I'm going to drown that's going to you. I'm dead Gary's dead. What good is that?
Doctor done the same thing. You could have said get out of my garden fin for yourself. Take care of yourself save yourself, but he doesn't do that.
He puts clothes on Adam and Eve's back. He provides for them for life outside of the garden. Even though Adam and Eve messed up, even if they sinned against God he still cares for them. What is Push pause really quick? There's a growing belief that the god of the Old Testament is all right, and no love in the god of the New Testaments all love and no rap. I want to know that God of the OT and NT one in the same and I want you to know this from day one. We see God's presence hovering over the face of the Earth. If I'm day 1 of creation We Still Loving kind compassionate God. We have a god of love. Back to the sermon even though they made a horrible choice. They still need God and he's still going to be there for them. He's not going to turn his back on them another words. No matter how bad you mess up. God is still there for you. I love that about God. He wants the very best for you. No matter how bad you mess up. He wants the very best for you still there for you. Not only that knowing that he knows that the best thing for you is a growing thriving relationship with him. At the first relationship that he had with Adam and Eve back in the garden.
And I want you to know that God's love is unconditional. He doesn't love you more on tomorrow that he doesn't today. He doesn't love you based upon the things that you do or you don't do that's not God whatsoever. His love is unconditional parents love is for their child. So if you been on the run from God or you feel like he's around, but he doesn't really care about you. I want you to turn your Bibles to Psalm chapter 8 with me really quick at the middle of your Bible Psalm chapter 8. I want to I want us to read this to get I want you to see this for yourself. If you ever thought that God is like distant. He loves you a little bit but not as much or maybe he's angry at you. I want you to see that that's not true. But that he does love you Psalm 8 verse 3
says this
Psalm 8 verse 3 it says this when I observed your Heavens the work of your fingers the moon the stars, which you set in place. What is a human being that you remember him? A son of man that you look after him the song this is like compared to the rest of creation. I appear to be nothing but you oh Lord are concerned about me. You check on me you provide for me. And here's a conclusion. I must be valuable. I must be loved compared to the rest of creation. Your your personally concerned about me first five Lord. You made him you make meal or you made me a little less than God and crown him with Glory and Honor you made him rule over the works of your hands. You put everything under his feet all the sheep in it and oxen as well as the animals in the wild verse 8 the birds of the sky in the fish of the sea that passed through the occurrence of the sea. Hillary saying here. You entrusted creation to me. I have authority I have purpose I have a job to do I have work because you made me in your image. All of the created beings of everything else has created. I am the highest it doesn't sound like love that. Maybe you have some wax in your ears up is wrong with your heart that's loved compared to the rest of you is concerned about me. God loves you your valuable and when Adam and Eve messed up they felt like trash they wanted to throw themselves out but God stepped in and show them that he still loves them and he shows that he displays that by setting them up for life outside of the garden.
After they get some much-needed provision God protects them. This is number for the fourth step God protects them by kicking them out of the garden. Dana God does to do what they're saying is that he protects them by kicking them out. He's like you guys can't stay here. Y'all can't stay here and their Exile from the garden wasn't meant to shame to make me feel even worse about themselves. Rather is meant to protect them. Isn't Point putting salt in her wounds. This isn't meant to insult to injury. He's protecting them. Look at verse 22 in in Genesis 3 turn back there. It says this the Lord God said since the man has become one of us knowing good and evil, he must not reach out and take from the Tree of Life and Live Forever The Lord God sent him away from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken. He drove the man out and station a cherubim at the and the Flaming whirling sword east of the Garden of Eden to guard the way to the tree of where to Tree of Life. All right, what's going on here? How was his protection? I'd life in the garden was set up to the tub to sustain Adam and Eve and future Generations. How was this protection? God has a discussion with him sell to determine the couple's fate and he decides that life outside of the Guard isn't be better for them living in the garden. Why because it ate ate of the Tree of Life in their broken Fallen send riddle State, you know, what's going to happen? They're going to live for eternity in a way that God didn't design them to live there. Whatever broken miserable existence like a living hell if you will.
A morality is unrepentant Sinners means endless misery and torment and to eat from the Tree of Life meant they would have spent eternity in hell and their expulsion from the garden was meant to protect them not to hurt them. Is it to protect them from experiencing the second death write this down evolation 211 also Revelation 20:6 Revelation 2 verse 11 Revelation chapter 20 verse 6 what you go back and read that Apart from Jesus Christ as a Sentimental person. You die a second death of a horrible death Eternal eternally separated from God. That's a horrible existence. And so God in his wisdom. He's like, let me guard the way to the street because you know, what's going to happen. It was going to happen at the ate from the Tree of knowledge there to be tempted to reach out and eat from the Tree of Life is a picture. I have my money. Maybe I'm just a twisted guy or the seat things be different from everyone else Adam forgot to leave Adam and Eve in the garden. This is the picture I have is kind of like having a coffee table in the middle of your living room and you have a loaded handgun that table are you also have a toddler around around the house and you leave the house. It's not a matter of if the title is going to find that gun is a matter of when and what's going to happen. And so guys like, you know, I see man's heart they messed up the first time let me protect them from themselves before they pick up that loaded tree of life and eat it and live forever and Shannon the broken existence.
Remember this whole ordeal began with an unchecked desire. It began with the desire for more knowledge and then it grew into an act of defiance against God which was eating the tree. They lied to God having to confront them and then punish them and he protects them by kicking them out of the garden on the way out of the garden. He sells together some some animal skins to for them to wear to to live in. And then finally got us something else. Establishes their roles. As you look at the text, you'll see that God expects Adam and Eve to fulfill their roles and other words their role as man and woman wasn't based upon their location. They were still responsible to do what they were called to do with their position to do even though they were to be living outside of the garden looking for a 16 chapter number three, was it say about these roll. She's responsible for birthing children and serving a dumbass has helped me verse 17 Adam is still responsible for work in the ground and overseeing the land and then reverse 20, we see that Adam does his job. He names the woman Eve their sin what they had done previously. It didn't terminate their responsibilities. God was still going to use it was going to be more difficult. Absolutely. But God was still going to use them.
I think someone needs to hear this today send it doesn't notify your responsibilities. God created us to bring glory to himself into Baskin his presents for all eternity and we glorify God when we give him praise we point other people directly back to him. Despite what you've done God still has work for you to do like don't put yourself on the bench and take your name off the roster because you sin because you maybe you're stuck in a pattern of sin. Still wants to use you. And now is not the time to sit back and lick your wounds and feel sorry for yourself now is not the time to have a pity party now is not the time to do one of those stupid Facebook confessionals.
God didn't give Adam Eve a chance to feel sorry for themselves. He like. Yeah, you screwed up. I want to forgive you. Let's keep it moving lights going to be hard. It'll be difficult at work for you to do. And when you mess up you got to keep it moving. Monitor, this guy who was a horrible dude. He killed people in the name of religion. He got people sent to jail. He lied and he cheated and he stole and if we had this guy alive today, he was tried here in the great state of North Carolina. You will be executed for the things. He did Against Humanity time goes by and this guy has an encounter with Jesus Christ. And Jesus is like why are you doing these things? Why are you sitting against me? The guy's eyes are open and he realizes that he's been sinning against God himself. Talking about Paul y'all the Apostle Paul. If anybody can still be used by God men, it definitely wouldn't be Paul but it is Paul. He's at the great example, right? None of us have done anything close to what Paul has done talkative said thank you for the Your Grace. Thank you for the Forgiveness Lord, but I'm a loser. I did all these bad things. I'm going to lick my wounds in his drift off into history, but he didn't do that. You know what Paul does he goes on to write two-thirds of the New Testament planting more churches than we can even couch and impact in thousands and thousands of people for who for God's glory. I think sometimes we get stuck in his in his pattern of unrepentant sin. If you feel like God doesn't love us. He doesn't need us he won't use us. That's not true.
God saw something in Paul he want to use them for his glory god see something in you he wants to use you for his glory.
Paul didn't allow himself to wallow in shame. His past we did back in the day before Jesus Christ yielded became became fuel for his future. And when we send we have one or two options, we can receive God's grace and keep moving forward right keep making progress or we can wallow in failure and we know lots of people who get stuck right there. It didn't work out the first time. Why does something that was horrible and they're just still so can guess what? It ain't 1999 anymore. It's 20 years later.
My friends if you are in Christ, Jesus, you've been forgiven not just of your past sins before you met Jesus not just of your present sins. But even the ones you're going to commit down the road in the by-and-by when Jesus allowed his butt to be his blood to be spilt for our sins and to atone for our sins. He didn't just put something on our says he paid our send that in for up to this point and even the future ones. It was like you had $1,000 credit card bill in Jesus's paid $500 and left the rescue to figure out he paid the full thing and left extra.
Sin is horrible. Adam and Eve's treachery curse the Earth and left all of us to deal with the sentence you and up to this point. We've been primarily focusing on what sin did to Adam evil Adam and Eve Adam and Eve, but I think it's equally important to think about how send impacts God. I want you to develop a Biblical framework of what sin does between you and God hears a person that does I'll go really quickly through these cuz the first thing it does when we send the comforting thing when we send our legal standing before God remains unchanged, we believe once saved always say that because you said it doesn't mean that you lose your salvation for the doctrine of Eternal salvation 1st Corinthians 15:3 go back and look at it first Corinthians 15:3 Jesus death that pay for all of our sins and because it covered and pay for all of our sins. That means we can't lose our Salvation are souls are eternally secure. It's a great news to know bring freedom to be able to walk in. 42 does the sad one? So the first one is positive RR we don't lose our justification before the Lord. The second one is negative. Our relationship of God is negatively impacted. No surprise there Ephesians 4:32 this that when we sin we grieve our heavenly father, we knowingly eat the fruit or do something that he said flat out don't do or something that aren't the spirit within us is prompting us not to do when we go do that thing. We grieve the Holy Spirit we grieve our Lord and savior. I think a few weeks ago maybe last week I talked about how I lied to my parents and went to a hotel party and how I had heart broke trust with my parents. When I did that my parents were grieving their little honest baby boy a teenage boy. He was now a liar and a cheater and greet them and when you send it does the same thing to God mystery we distance ourselves from God we distance ourselves to God in order to send you distance yourself from God if you have a right here shoulder-to-shoulder relationship of God how difficult is it for you to send easy or hard? It's hard, right? Cuz he's like right there. What if what if what if God is right here and we stand over here. Is it easier to send maybe a little send kind of if there is a little sand god right there and we go sit in the back room. How easy is it to send is really easy right? It's so in order to send we have to distance ourselves from God. I want you to next time you get ready to send check yourself and see how close you are to the Lord because you can't get flat out an unrepentant. I hate Jesus in unless you let Jesus right here on your way down the block someplace.
What is that? He doesn't leave you but we leave him. Why do I say that John 15:4 points to that talks about how were designed to abide in Christ Jesus. Where does Ian to stay focused on Jesus? And when we stayed focused on Jesus was God the God man. It keeps us from sending it reminds us of Who We R Who We Belong to y'all.
But you take your eyes off God and you put them on something over there and you keep looking over there before long. You going to be over there?
send coming to a conclusion now send it broke our perfect relationship of God, and it curse the Earth that we all call home. No matter how good your neighborhood looks no matter how good your family looks know how it matter how good the perfect Landscaping looks no matter how good vacation destinations look on TV or once you get to go to stay pale in comparison to the original state of the earth before sent. All of creation has been negatively has been impacted by sin. The Earth is cursed.
When a man man send one person's choice to defy God and spread to generations and generations and generations of people. Now we're all born in sin. We're all left to deal with the send issue.
But in God's grace he provided a way to deal with the sin and God's grace. He sent someone to pay our sin debt and God's grace. He sent someone to allow us to reconnect with God and then into enjoy that relationship. He designed us to have
loved ones We may have got kicked out of the garden. But we didn't get kicked out of a relationship with God. And if you are in Christ Jesus, I want you to rest in that truth. And if you're not in Christ Jesus, I want you to know that Jesus is waiting for you. All you have to do is believe in him as Lord and Savior and confess him as Lord confess your sins and agree to live that way. Let's pray.
Heavenly Father how good you are Lord sometimes we don't even realize how good you are. Florida just briefly we let our minds drift. Regarding what happened with Adam and Eve you could have said I'm done with Humanity. This is the first man and first woman, who are they to defy me and is wipe them out before we see your grace. We see your love. We see your compassion. We see your concern for mankind that you even provide for us to now live outside of the Garden in a broken existence Lord, and then you ignore you gave you gave me time to repent to turn. Back to you lord, I can't help but think about how that relates to us. You give each and every one of us time to turn back to you two time to hear your voice time for us to see you as Lord and Savior to say, you know, what Jesus you are the way the truth and the light I need you. I need that.
Lord forgive us for the times when we make silly decisions that not only impact you but damage our relationships. But let us leave here on today with a better understanding what sin is of your unceasing love for us and what we can expect to happen to us when we do sin x sin doesn't go unpunished.
Chin doesn't go unpunished. Lord I'm just reminded of the notion that when we do send something else happens. When we send it's like Crucified My Lord and Savior all over again, like he's taking those stripes for us those that beating for us all over again. So horrible thought forgive us Lord help us unless we're looking forward to the day Lord with sin will no longer be an issue in our lives looking forward to the day Lord will send what will the new Earth and new heaven comes will send will be no more misery will be no more or we lean on you. It's in Jesus's name we pray. Amen.