There was a popular race dog who had never lost a race. He was undefeated. The dog was so good that when he ran people wouldn’t bet on or against him because it was no contest. One man who had heard about the dog wanted to see for himself so he packed a bag, and drove four states over to see this dog. To his dismay when he arrived at the track to watch the dog he found out that the dog wasn’t running anymore. He asked the owner and told him his story. The owner of the dog said, “ask the trainer”. The man asked the trainer so he asked the trainer. The trainer said “ask the dog”. The dog said, “I have been running my whole life. Never lost a race. Always gave it my all. I poured out my heart and soul but I can’t do it anymore.” The man asked “but why?” The dog said, “Ill tell you why. Today, I just found out that the rabbit I have been chasing this whole time IS FAKE” (Preach Parallel to sin and life)