The Christian's Righteous Pursuit and Use of Wealth
Christians are to express their New Nature by pursuing wealth through honest means and using it to caring for the needs of others!
Do not such persons sometimes fall into grievous sin?
They do; and years may elapse before they are finally rescued therefrom.
8. Can a child of God be contented in this state?
No; the renewed nature God has given him must be disturbed at the presence of sin.
9. What is his plain duty when he finds himself in this condition?
Still to trust in his Saviour, praying to Him for pardon and for help to avoid sin.
The Mandate to Stop Stealing
Theft Defined
Ways of Stealing
The Root of the Issue
What is really at the back of stealing? The answer is, of curse, selfishness. It is one of the central manifestations of self. The desire to have, and to possess what I want. It is just one of these horrible manifestations of self showing itself in the desire to have and to possess and to hold, that it may build up in various ways the one who steals. That is really at the root of it. But it also needs to be emphasised that stealing is really the desire to have without effort.