Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Why does God’s Word affect people in different ways?
Why is it on any given Sunday, you will have different responses to what is being heard and said?
Some people will be attentive.
Some people will be tired (it’s too early in the morning).
Some people will be confused (the preacher’s fault).
Some people will be on their phones scrolling through social media.
Other people will be in and out of the bathroom.
Some people will be sleeping.
Some people will dealing with a crying baby or a crying toddler (probably my son).
Some people will be convicted.
Some people will be bored.
Some people will be moved and changed.
Some people will show up at the closing prayer.
Some people will not even show up at all.
You have to stand up here and look at your faces to experience and know what I am talk about.
But not only on a Sunday, but even as we reflect on our own lives following Christ throughout the years?
Can you think about some people who were enthusiastic about Jesus, even shared with you the gospel of Jesus, served Jesus, who are no longer walking with Jesus?
I can give you a list of names of people I looked up to and people who were even influential in my own Christian life who are sadly no longer walking with the Lord.
Sometimes I run into these people and it is so awkward because I’m now pastor of CFBC!
Why is it that people respond differently to God’s Word?
The parable of the sower or I like parable of the soils because the focus is really on the receptivity of the soils and not the sower or the seed.
This parable answers that question for us.
We will see how one responds to God’s Word will determine whether or not you are a true follower of Christ.
That is why you and I need to:
Be Careful on How We Listen To the Word of God.
And we will look at four different responses, and only one response is how a Christian responds.
I. Parable Illustrated (vv.
Same Sun melts the wax, hardens the clay.
Parable Explained (vv.
Parable Applied (vv.
I. Parable Illustrated (vv.
cross reference.
Parable Explained (vv.
Parable Applied (vv.
I. Parable Illustrated (vv.
Notice the setting.
Jesus has to go on a small boat that functions as his pulpit because the crowds are increasing.
He is in one sense forced to preach on the sea.
It is not a large boat, but a small rowboat.
The crowds were on the land.
And the beach or land would have functioned like an amphitheater which would allow the crowds to hear what Jesus was saying.
Commentators tell us:
Exactly where Jesus taught cannot be said for sure, but a possible location is a natural amphitheater situated halfway between Capernaum and Tabgha to the south where the land slopes gently down to a lovely bay.
Israeli scientists have verified that the “Bay of Parables” can transmit a human voice effortlessly to several thousand people on shore.
And again, notice the importance of Jesus’ teaching ministry.
Jesus was a teacher.
The crowds were listeners and the disciples were his students.
But as we will see, the disciples were the devoted followers of Jesus while the crowds were only seeking Him to get something.
Jesus was a master teacher and he was teaching them many things in parables.
What is a parable?
The word “parable” means something that is placed alongside something else for the purpose of clarification
The term parabole (parable) comes from two Greek words—para, meaning alongside of, and ballo, meaning to place or lay.
The idea is that of making a comparison by placing something alongside something else for the sake of illustration or explanation.
Parable was a extended word picture from everyday life that illustrated a spiritual truth, especially about the kingdom.
In his book on Parables, John MacArthur defines parables as:
“A parable is an illustrative figure of speech made for comparison's sake—and specifically for the purpose of teaching a spiritual lesson” pg.
“A parable is an ingeniously simple word picture illuminating a profound spiritual lesson” xxvi
Parables are not allegories.
In other words, we don’t read too much into it and try to spiritualize every single detail.
The good Samaritan is Jesus.
The robbers are Satan and demons.
The Oil and Wine are faith and love.
Parables is an everyday truth that illustrates a spiritual lesson about the kingdom.
Why did Jesus teach in Parables?
You remember that Jesus was just accused of being associated with Satan by the religious leaders.
And now Jesus begin teaching in parables because the pharisees deliberately reject the truth and the increasing crowds are coming to get something, not really listen to Him.
Parables were meant to reveal truth to those on the inside, while conceal truth to those on the outside as we will see later.
In other words, pay attention!
Consider what I say!
The word listen is a command from the word akou where we get the word acoustics from.
The same idea is used in .
Hearing/Listening was not some passive thing.
Hearing meant obeying.
So listening required careful thought that would affect how you lived.
The word listen and hear is used over 10x in the parable.
There is a way to hear and not hear.
And there is a way to hear and really hear.
What do you mean Pastor Alex?
I just recently traveled to Baltimore by plane.
And before the plane takes off, the stewardess gives safety instructions on how to put on your seat belt, how to use an oxygen mask, where the emergency exits are, how to inflate your life vests.
And how many people do you think are actually hearing what she is saying?
As you look around people are reading books, or on their ipads or phones, or they are beginning to sleep, or talk to their friends.
Although they are hearing what is being said, they are not really hearing what is being said.
And there is another type of hearing.
It is the type of hearing when you are in a ER room and the doctor is telling you the medical procedures that need to be done to get you healthy again.
Or it is the type of hearing where the information you receive can be life changing when you are waiting for test results to see whether or not you have a serious disease.
That hearing is active and life-altering hearing.
The first type of hearing is passive and doesn’t affect anyone while the second type of hearing is active and life altering.
Jesus is talking about hearing in the second sense.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9