Sermon Tone Analysis

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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Life Changing Book
Two part sermon
Keep in mind what Jesus has just done for the disciples.
Last week, we dealt with the first 14 verses of this final chapter.
To remind you of the contents of that chapter, we saw last week, that Jesus has performed a miracle.
He has once again shown his authority the created realm.
He has filled their boats again.
Last week, we hit on two important elements of the chapter.
Jesus fills their boat for a couple of reasons: (The purpose was not to gie them a successful fishing trip although it was).
To remind them of their previous calling ()
The resurrection hasn’t changed their calling.
It has empowered it.
Their fear hasn’t changed their calling.
Just because Jesus is ascending to the Father doesn’t mean that his is done with them.
Things have changed in the way they interact with Jesus after the resurrection.
Following him doesn’t end at the ascension of Jesus.
Its just beginning.
(We follow him today.
To show that Jesus is still Lord over what they will do.
Here is where you should see from verses 1-14 that they are only successful whenever they do what Jesus has told them to do.
They finish all night and catch nothing.
None of their efforts are successful apart from Christ.
(We are powerless.)
Then Jesus shows up, and whenever they do what he says, they are successful.
We come to verse 15 where the disciples have been prepared breakfast by God Himself, and he has prepared it over a charcoal fire.
Jesus has some business to take care of with the leader of the disciples.
Remember what Peter had done.
Peter, before the arrest and crucifixion, had professed his loyalty to Jesus.
Matthew 26:
We’ve heard this story before.
Matthew 26:23
Couple of keys to take away from Peter’s fall before we get to the restoration of Peter.
We are weaker than we think we are, spiritually.
This is why we are warned in .
Be careful of arrogantly or pridefully saying, I would never do that.
This is what Peter said.
We must recognize the reality that we have the tendency toward sin.
We have a tendency to let our tongue slip.
To let our eyes wander.
To let our devotion to God and to His church wain.
This is why Peter gives the warning in
Peter knows all to well.
You need the ordinary means of grace.
We need to attend church and hear the preached word of God.
We need to be involved in a smaller group of people like Sunday school that holds us accountable.
We need to pray as a church
We need to regularly read and study our Bible.
We need brothers and sisters who aren’t afraid to call us out for our sin, because we are weaker than we think we are spiritually.
We often fear the wrong thing.
We often fear the wrong thing.
Peter, for at least the moment feared those who questioned him more so than the one who had created the questioners.
Peter feared the opponents of Jesus more so than Jesus.
Peter feared death more so than the one who had promised him abundant life.
We often fear the wrong thing.
We should fear the Lord alone.
We learn from this next passage.
Our temporary failure, falls, and setback are not excuses to disengage from the mission of Christ.
Look what happens here with Peter.
The first thing we notice here in this verse is that when Jesus addresses Peter, he calls him Simon.
This had to be heartbreaking for Peter.
Jesus had been the one to give him the name Peter.
“or Rock”
But here, Jesus refers to him as Simon.
Because Peter in his shame and guilt had returned to his previous life and work.
He had left ministry and returned to fishing.
Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?
What is Jesus asking here?
I believe, in light of the context, Jesus is asking Peter if he loves him more than the fishing.
More than the boat.
more than the fish caught.
More than the nets.
Do you love me more than these things?
I think here Jesus is questioning Peter’s devotion and calling in life.
Do you love me more than what you previously did?
Am I more to you than these?
Something else you should know here is that Jesus uses
You should also know that there are two different Greek words used here for love.
agapaw- which is some scholars say is the “highest love of the will.
It implies total commitment.”
Essentially what he is saying here is “Peter, do you love more than anything?”
I think we should ask ourselves the same question.
Do we love Jesus more than anything?
Perhaps a little more pointed…Do our lives reflect that we love Jesus more than anything?
Jesus has not saved us to just be a welcome addition to our lives.
He has saved us to now be the purpose of our lives.
The supreme object of love in our lives.
More so than family, career, recreation, more so than ourselves.
Jesus is to be loved above all.
You should also know that there are two different Greek words used here for love.
Is he the supreme object of love in our lives?
If so, wonderful, keep serving him well.
If not, for believers, our affections for Christ must grow to that point.
What’s interesting here for Peter is that he responds with a different type of love than Jesus asked for.
Jesus asked for love without limitation.
Love that implies supreme and total commitment, commitment that if necessary would cost him his life.
But Peter is hesitant.
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