Mission Practice
Week 3
Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Topics: Mission, Identify, Invite, Invest, Increase
Big Idea of the Message: When we combine our natural rhythms and passions with the
gospel and use them to build relationships, powerful things can happen.
Discussion Questions:
1. What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message?
2. Who has God placed around you that He may be calling you to be on
mission with (co-workers, neighbors, friends, those who share
hobbies/interests, etc.)? Are there ways your passions or natural life
rhythms may focus God’s mission for your life?
3. What would it look like for you to invest in the people God has led you to
identify? How can you consistently build relationships and spend time with
them? What changes might you need to make to truly invest in people?
4. What would it look like practically for you to invite people into disciplemaking relationships?
5. What does the increase step look like in your setting? How can you be
intentional about raising up others and sending them out?
Pray about who God wants you to be intentional with (neighbors, coworkers, friends,
people with similar interests/hobbies, etc.). Write down their names and pray for
them every day as you intentionally invest in them (for instance, invite them to lunch
or dinner, a local sporting event, a concert or to coffee). Whatever you do, be sure
to show genuine interest in their life. Ask questions or ask them to share their story.
Also, try to involve other Christians from your community.
A helpful question to ask people is: “This may sound weird to you, but I’m a Christian
and like to pray for people. Is there anything I can pray about for you?”