The Core Message of the Gospel

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The gospel is not so much about what Christians are supposed to do, rather, it is more so about what God does for the Christian. The gospel is about entry into a relationship with God in which He equips and enables us to live in a fallen world in which there’s a lot of pressure, in a way that is honoring to God and is faithful to Him. And in that walk of that life, God is well represented by how we live. That is the core message of the gospel as we see it in the early church.

1 “THE CORE MESSAGE OF THE GOSPEL” JUNE 9, 2019 I) Identifying The Core Message of the Gospel A) The Core Gospel Message: 1) As a result of the forgiveness of sins—which the cross SERMON NOTE The gospel is not so much about what Christians are supposed to do, rather, it is more so about what God does for the Christian. The gospel is about entry into a relationship with God in which He equips and enables us to live in a fallen world in which there’s a lot of pressure, in a way that is honoring to God and is faithful to Him. And in that walk of that life, God is well represented by how we live. That is the core message of the gospel as we see it in the early church. CONTACT CHARLES KNIGHT (Preacher) PHONE: 386-427-8585 provides, one gains fellowship with God, to live and walk with Him for the rest of one’s life, with the power and enablement that He provides. B) God’s Plan All Along 1) Moses wished that all of God’s people were prophets. (Num 11:24-29). 2) Joel said that in last days, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes, that God would pour out His Spirit on all flesh. (Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:1-21). 3) John the baptizer said that Jesus would began this process. This started with the 12 Apostles (Luke 3:15-16). 4) Jesus confirmed this (Acts 1:1-5). EMAIL: CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST 5) Paul told Timothy that He should courageously serve the Lord 2119 STATE RD 44 because God had given them a Spirit of power P.O. BOX 231 and love and self-control (2 Tim 1:3-8). NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32170 CENTRALCOCNSB.COM Sunday Sermons, June 9, 2019 The Core Message of the Gospel 2 My Sermon Notes II) God Empowering & Enabling His People: A) From Death to Life (Ephesians 2:1-10). B) To be Identified as His Children (Romans 8:9-17, 26-27). C) To Battle The Devil (Ephesians 6:10-17). D) To Live Successfully With Weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). E) To Live Fruitful Lives for the Kingdom (Colossians 1:9-11). III) God Empowering & Enabling Me A) I must let God’s saving power work in me (Rom 1:16-17; Eph 1:16-20). B) I must take personal responsibility to workout my salvation with fear and trembling. (Philp 2:12-13). C) Like the apostle Paul, I will strive to develop an attitude that shows God I am ready to do and become whatever He needs (Philp 4:12-13). Sunday Sermons, June 9, 2019 The Core Message of the Gospel
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