1-OT 36 Daniel 7-12
Lesson #36 - Daniel 2, 7-12
Before starting this lesson, re-read Daniel 2 and then read chapters 7-12. You may find it helpful to read the chapters, go thru
the lesson and then read the chapters once again. Since it is a short section, it will not be difficult to do.
History proves God is in control 1 – 6
Prophecy proves God is in control 7 - 12
Daniel has written this book to show that whether we study history or
prophecy - whether we study about the past or about the future, we can
see the evidence of God’s power - that God is in control. In the previous
lesson we looked at history. This lesson is about prophecy - information
God reveals about the future.
But to see the evidence of God’s control, we need to start with 3 basic beliefs.
God knows the future
God is involved in world events
God is the author of Scripture
Without these beliefs, the chapters will sound like nothing more than fantasy or science fiction.
With these beliefs, our faith can be strengthened and encouraged. I am starting with these beliefs.
In these chapters, God is telling Daniel about 6 world empires or kingdoms. Living in the 21st century, we know there have
been far more that 6 world empires since the days of Daniel, so why does God only mention 6?
The answer is that Daniel is a Jewish book, so the content is Jewish. God only talks about empires that exist when Israel
is on the map as a nation from the time of Daniel until the time of God’s kingdom.
This includes Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome in the past. Israel, as a nation was destroyed by Rome.
She was off the map from 70 AD -1948, so all empires during that time are not mentioned.
With Israel back on the map, God says there will be 2 more kingdoms in her future.
The book of Daniel is Jewish
Its content is from a Jewish perspective.
Its style of writing is also Jewish. There is lots of picture language and repetition.
There will be many different pictures to talk about exactly the same six empires or kingdoms.
Sometimes it is looking at them in the big, overall picture.
Sometimes it is zooming in to give more details about just one or
two of them.
Other times it is looking at the kingdoms from different points of
Babylonian Empire
605 - 539 BC
Picture language and repetition - 2 major styles of Jewish writing.
Before looking at the verses in Daniel, we need a foundation of history.
was the ruling empire during most of Daniel’s life.
It lasted 70 years - from 605 - 539 BC.
Medo-Persian Empire
539 - 331 BC
Babylon was conquered by
the Medes and Persians.
Media was geographically
larger, but Persia was always stronger.
Media’s army joined with the army of Cyrus. Cyrus, as general, led them to
conquer Lydia and Babylon to form an empire. He then became the 1st king.
His son later conquered Egypt.
After Cyrus, there were 3 more kings …
The following king was Xerxes, called Ahasuerus in the Bible.
That empire lasted 200 years, from 539 to 331 BC.
Greek Empire
331- 63 BC
Medo-Persia was conquered
by Alexander the Great,
who formed the Greek
Divided Greek
Greek Empire
331-63 BC
When he died, his empire was divided among the 4 generals who
served under him.
The 4 areas were Macedonia, Asia Minor, Egypt and Syria.
Only 2 of them affected Jewish history - the Syrian and
Egyptian divisions.
In history, the Greek kings ruling from Syria were known as the
Seleúcids. In the Bible, they are called the kings of the north.
The Greek kings ruling from Egypt were known as the Ptolemies or the kings of the south.
These kings were always trying to control the Jews and their land.
Near the end of the Greek empire, a king from the Syrian division wanted to annihilate the Jews.
The empire in both its unity and divisions lasted 250 years - from 331 to 63 BC.
It was conquered by the Romans
63 BC - 476 AD
Their empire lasted 500 years from 63 BC to 476 AD.
These are the facts about the 4 empires of the past.
Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome
In the future, there will be 2 more kingdoms
Satan’s kingdom
God’s kingdom
God’s kingdom had been promised to the Jews as a people and nation thruout the Old Testament. But they had no
idea of how or when it would come.
These chapters in Daniel are the first clues.
Before God’s kingdom would come, there would be a series of other kingdoms that involved the nation of Israel.
Their identity is revealed thru picture language from the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel.
Because this is the Jewish style of writing, we need to remember not to take the dreams or pictures literally.
An object or animal is used to emphasize one major quality or characteristic. It will be something dominant
about that object or animal.
For example: to emphasize speed and agility, the Jews would use picture language of an eagle, leopard, or
something with wings.
All the chapters in this lesson are talking about the same 6 empires or kingdoms. But each chapter uses a different set of
pictures. The only way to see how they fit together is on a chart with the kingdoms/empires listed and the pictures from each
chapter inserted.
In the first column are the 4 empires of the past and 2 in the future.
The names of kings or geographical areas in the list are ones mentioned in
these chapters.
NATIONS in . . . . . . . . . . Daniel 2
REPRESENTED by . . . . . . . . . . . IMAGE
606 - 539 BC
Head of
539 - 331 BC
Darius Gt I
Xerxes Ahasuerus
The bronze section – belly, thigh represents GREECE.
Alexander Gt
4 Generals over:
Asia Minor
63 BC - 476 AD
Legs iron
The 2 legs of iron picture the ROMAN empire with its eastern and western
divisions. In 476 AD, it comes to an end.
Feet - iron w/ clay
10 toes
Satan's man
The silver arms and chest represent MEDO-PERSIA.
The fact that there are 2 arms with one chest, illustrate there are 2 parts
to one empire - the Medes and the Persians.
331 - 63 BC
10 groups
He sees an image of a man, made from different metals.
There is a head of gold which represents BABYLON.
Chapter 2 is the dream of Nebuchadnezzar (see note at end)
The feet of the image –
iron mixed with clay represent SATAN’S KINGDOM.
Because it has iron like the legs, means it will have something in
common with the Roman empire of the past. Personally, I think it
means the power base will be in Europe.
In other ways Satan’s kingdom will be different. Iron and clay can
never be mixed so that it holds together on its own. So Satan’s
kingdom will be united, yet divided. It will be strong, yet brittle. The
only way to hold it together will be thru brute force.
There are 10 toes that form the feet. This is picture language to say 10
leaders or groups, will join together to form a power base. This could
be groups or their leaders – such as the European Union along with
OPEC, APEC, UN, NATO, World Trade Organization, World Health
Organization, etc. Whom-ever this power base of 10 are, they will
create Satan’s kingdom with a global government, economy and
But then, in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, a stone comes out of a mountain and destroys the
whole image by striking it on the feet and toes.
The stone represents GOD’S KINGDOM that brings an end to all human empires.
The fact the stone hits the image on its feet says that when God’s kingdom comes, it
will destroy a kingdom that is in power at that time. This is why we say the feet
represent a kingdom yet future.
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in chapter 2 covers the world scene from the Babylonian empire
in 605 BC until the fall of the Roman empire in 476 AD. It leaves a gap for the time in
which we live and picks up again to describe 2 future kingdoms - Satan’s kingdom and then
God’s kingdom.
Chapter 7 is the dream of Daniel
The picture language in his dream involves a series of animals. One of the best ways to
understand Jewish picture language is to think of the most obvious characteristic for that
symbol. It is usually the meaning.
For example in Daniel’s dream there is a lion with wings.
A lion is known for it’s strength. Wings make us think of swiftness.
The lion with wings represents BABYLON in her strength and swiftness.
It was Babylon who first used the military tactic of swift and surprise attack which
was later called the blitzkrieg.
The next animal is a bear with 3 ribs in its teeth.
The bear represents MEDO-PERSIA.
It is raised on 1 side, meaning 1 of those 2 countries is more dominant.
From history we know Persia was always the stronger. The 3 ribs in the
bear’s mouth makes us think of a bear capturing and devouring other
animals. It is a picture of 3 areas that Medo-Persia captured to expand her
The next animal is a leopard with wings.
The leopard is known for its agility - the wings once again for swiftness.
So we have a picture is agility and swiftness.
Alexander the Great became king of GREECE at the age of 20 and
tragically died at the age of 32, an alcoholic. During his lifetime he
conquered 1½ million square miles. On one occasion, he captured 5 major
cities in just 2 days. He and his soldiers covered 35,000 miles on foot in
those 11 years. How appropriate to represent him as a leopard with wings
- agility with swiftness.
The leopard is also said to have 4 heads.
After Alexander’s death, his kingdom was divided between his 4 generals. The 4 heads of the leopard
represent the 4 divisions of the Greek empire.
The last animal is called a fearful beast. The beast itself represents the
ROMAN empire of the past.
The 10 horns of the beast picture the joining of 10 leaders or groups that
create SATAN’S KINGDOM of the future.
They picture the same thing as the 10 toes of the image. Since the horns
are part of the beast, it once again is saying that Satan’s kingdom will have
something in common with the Roman empire of the past, probably that
the power base will be in Europe.
Suddenly a little horn appears among the 10 horns, meaning Satan’s man
or leader appears from one of the 10 groups or leaders. Three of these
groups or leaders do not accept him, but he has so much power, he can
instantly put them down. In Daniel’s dream, this little horn has eyes of a
man - meaning the leader has great intelligence. It also says he will speak
boastfully against God. In the time of Satan’s kingdom, Satan’s man will
have power over the Jews for a time, times and half a time. Time means
one year; times - 2 years; half a time - half a year. For 3½ years, he will
try to destroy the Jews. This number is confirmed in Revelation, when
John the apostle says the time period is 42 months or 1260 days. (A Jewish
year is 360 days; each month has 30 days)
Daniel then sees thrones and fire and the form of God the Father, called the Ancient of Days.
The Ancient of Days sends the Son of Man to come in clouds of glory. This refers to Jesus, who
will take control of all kingdoms by destroying Satan’s kingdom. He then will set up GOD’S
NATIONS in . . . . . . . . . . Daniel 2
REPRESENTED by . . . . . . . . . . . IMAGE
606 - 539 BC
Daniel 7
Head of
Daniel 8
Lion w/ eagle’s
Bear / 3 ribs in
539 - 331 BC
Darius Gt I
Xerxes Ahasuerus
Ram w/ 2 horns
1 horn = Persia
Leopard w/ 4 wings
Alexander Gt
4 Generals over:
Asia Minor
1 horn broken
4 heads 4 horns
little horn
Legs - iron beast
Feet - iron w/ clay
10 toes
10 horns
little horn
Throne - Judge
Son of Man
Satan's man
This time God uses the animals that will
be the actual symbols of the Persian and
Greek leaders.
First there is a ram with 2 horns. It
represents MEDO-PERSIA.
One horn of the ram grows longer than
the other. Like the bear with one side
higher than the other, we are reminded
Persia is stronger than Media.
10 groups
God has Daniel describe two dreams with
different pictures to give 2 viewpoints
about the same empires.
Chapter 8 Daniel next dream.
63 BC - 476 AD
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream gives our
view of empires - they are valuable
and to be desired like the valuable
Daniel’s dream gives God’s view human empires are savage and brutal
like the wild animals.
331 - 63 BC
The animals in Daniel’s dream of
Chapter 7, picture exactly the same
empires, in the same order, as the image
in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The
purpose is to present 2 viewpoints.
The ram conquers westward,
northward and southward.
This is the same as the 3 ribs in the bear’s
mouth - the 3 major areas Medo-Persia
adds to her own. From the capital of Persia, Babylon is westward; Lydia, northward and Egypt, southward. (Refer to the
Medo-Persian map on page 1.)
According to ancient history, the ram’s head was the national symbol of Persia.
In the Persian capital of Persepolis, king Xerxes had columns in his palace, with rams sculptured on them.
When Persian kings entered into battle they wore a ram’s
head over their head.
The 2nd animal in Daniel’s dream, is a goat. This goat comes from
the west and breaks the 2 horns of the ram. In comparison to MedoPersia, Greece is in the west. The goat with the prominent horn is the
first king of GREECE Alexander the Great.
Looking at a map, you will see the water on the east side of Greece is named
Aegean Sea. The word Aegean is Greek for goat - Goat Sea. According to
ancient history, the goat was a symbol for Alexander the Great.
So the goat breaking the 2 horns of the ram is a picture of Greece conquering
Medo-Persia. But then the one horn of the goat is broken - Alexander dies.
In its place are 4 horns - the 4 divisions of the Greek empire under the 4
generals - just like the 4 heads on the leopard.
Then out of 1 of the 4 horns comes a little horn - that is, out of one of the Greek divisions of the empire will come a
king. He will be stern-faced in the last part of the Greek empire. He will attack Israel and destroy many Jews. He
will demand worship. He will make the Jewish temple unholy so it will be unusable for 1150 days. (For the Jews,
one day includes both an evening and a morning. So 1150 days is the same as 2300 evenings and mornings. 8:14)
Secular history as well as the Jewish book of 1 Maccabees verifies that this actually happened. In 168 BC, there
was a Greek king from the Syrian division named Antíochus Epiphanes. He attacked the Jews in Jerusalem, went to
the Jewish temple grounds and burned a pig on the altar of animal sacrifices. He then entered the temple itself and
went to the room where the ark had been in the past. In this room, the most holy place, he put up a statue of the
Greek god Zeus. He then went outside, said it was a statue of himself, demanding that everyone worship him.
This action made the Jewish temple desolate, meaning, unholy and unusable - desecrated.
During this time, the whole nation of Judah or Israel was under this king’s control. Then exactly 1150 days later, in
165 BC, Jews get their freedom and purified their temple. The opportunity to rededicate their Temple and have
freedom of worship was so wonderful, they made it a holy day to always be celebrated. To this day they celebrate
the Feast of Dedication, Feast of Lights or as we know it, Hanukkah.
Daniel’s dream in chapter 8 deals only with the Medo-Persian and Greek empires, from 539 to 164 BC.
Chapter 9 The life of Daniel
When Babylon falls and the Medo-Persian empire begins, Daniel has been in
the capital city, Babylon, for 67 years. He knows the change of empires
means the future of the Jews could change. He goes back to the letter that
Jeremiah had sent the exiles 58 years earlier, in 598 BC.
Jeremiah told them the exile would last for 70 years. Daniel realizes - 67
years have gone by; only 3 more years left. Knowing the Jewish people need
to prepare and repent, Daniel begins to pray. First of all he recognizes God
was fair to send them into exile. Then he asks God to forgive them as a
O Lord, listen. O Lord, forgive. O Lord, hear and act. For your sake, O my God, do not delay, because YOUR city
and YOUR people bear YOUR Name. 9:19
Daniel is praying specifically about Jerusalem and the Jewish nation - Your city, Your people. The angel Gabriel
comes to tell Daniel that God’s program for Jerusalem and the Jews involves a period of 70 “sevens”. For the Jews,
this meant 70 time periods of 7 years each. 70 x 7 years is a total of 490 years. Some Bibles use the phrase 70
weeks. The literal Hebrew is 70 sevens.
The angel Gabriel tells Daniel that by the end of 490 years, 5 things will be accomplished regarding the Jews as a nation.
The Jews as a nation will believe in Jesus as their Messiah.
The final payment for sin will have been made.
Their sin as a nation will be forgiven.
All of God’s promises to the Jews will be fulfilled.
Jesus will then set up His kingdom and will be the center of worship.
Logically, Daniel wants to know when these 490 years will start - when should the Jews start counting?
The angel Gabriel says it starts with the command to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. From that command until the
coming of the anointed one, their Messiah, there will be 483 years. (7 sevens plus 62 sevens equal 69 sevens /483 years.)
During the ministry of Jesus, near the end of the 2nd year, the Jewish people were ready to believe Jesus was
their Messiah. But God had given Jewish leadership the responsibility to determine who the Messiah was and
then lead the people to accept Him. So the Jewish people went to their religious leaders and asked, Is Jesus
our promised Messiah? The leadership said, No, He is not our Messiah. The reason they said no was because
they did not want a Messiah who would save them from sin - they were looking for a Messiah who would save
them from Rome.
If the national leadership had accepted Jesus as their Messiah, Jesus would have died, risen and ascended into
heaven. At some point, the Romans would have destroyed the Jewish temple. But within a few years, someone
would have come, made a 7-year treaty with the Jews, including the right to rebuild the Temple. Satan’s kingdom
would have come and lasted for 7 years. After that, Jesus would have returned to establish His kingdom. It would
have happened before the end of the 1st century. Remember, John came with the message, repent, for the Kingdom
of God is at hand - near. Jesus said the Kingdom was at hand.
Jesus offered the Kingdom to the Jews in His century. But when the leadership rejected Him, God’s clock for the Jewish
nation temporarily stopped running.
Daniel was told there would be a period of 483 years. After that, the Anointed One, Messiah, would be cut off,
meaning killed. Then later, a people would come who would destroy Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple. From
history we know it was the Roman empire who destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in 70 AD.
Daniel also said that later, a ruler would come who was connected with the people who destroyed the Temple. This
ruler will make a treaty with the Jews which will let them rebuild their temple. This is the same person referred to
in Daniel 7 as the little horn among the 10 horns.
Je ebu
ru ild
So from Daniel’s time forward, God’s
entire program for the Jews involves a
70 - 7’s = 490 years
total of 490 years. When Jewish
leadership rejected Jesus, God’s Jewish
God's Jewish clock
clock stopped at 483 years - 7 years short
483 yrs
7 yrs
of the 490 years. God’s clock is still
stopped in our day. However, the
moment a world leader makes a 7-year treaty with the Jews so they can rebuild their temple, God’s Jewish
clock will start up and will complete the 7 years that are left. But half-way thru, the world leader, Satan’s
man, will break the treaty. But in the end, God will destroy him, and God’s program for the Jews will be
In chapter 9, Daniel is told about 2 time periods - 483 years and 7 years. Together they make a total of 490 years.
Chapter 11 Daniel’s final dream
Once again he is given details about the Persian and Greek empires, a period of 366 years.
After Cyrus, the Persian king, there will be 3 more kings.
Then a 4th who is richer, is going to turn everyone against Greece.
From history, we know this to be Xerxes. In the Bible he is called Ahasuerus.
But then a mighty king will appear - Alexander the Great.
Later, his empire will be broken up and parceled to the 4 winds - it will be divided among the 4 generals of
Alexander. This is the same as the 4 horns of the goat or the 4 heads of the leopard. Notice, that even tho the
pictures change, the numbers are the same, because they are talking
Greek Empire
Divided Greek
about the same historical facts.
331-63 BC
Chapter 11 is difficult to read and understand because of all the details.
It describes the Greek kings ruling in Syria (Seleucids) who
challenge the Greek kings ruling in Egypt (Ptolemies). It tells
about their wars as well as their marriage alliances. There are 135
specific predictions about the various kings in the Greek empire.
Comparing it with history, we find they all came true between 530
and 164 BC. Only God could have given these details to Daniel.
God then tells Daniel that near the end of Greek history an evil king will
come to power - Antíochus Epiphanes - the same as the little horn that
came out of the horns of the goat in chapter 8. The description of him is almost the same.
He will stop temple worship and desecrate the Jewish temple so it will be unusable.
He will try to annihilate the Jews.
From history, we know this happens, but thru the Jewish high priest Mattathias and his 5 sons - known as the Maccabees,
God protects His people. He gives miraculous victories thru the oldest son, Judas Maccabeus and the Jews who followed
When someone of the past does something and then a person in the future does exactly the same thing, Jewish writing
compresses the time and the 2 events are mentioned in the same verse or verses so readers get the connection.
Daniel, is told about Antíochus, a Greek king in Syria.
He is then told about Satan’s man, a world leader in the future.
Like Antíochus, he will set himself up in place of Christ. It is why he is sometimes called anti-Christ - the
one in place of Christ. He also will attack Israel and try to kill all the Jews. But God will intervene, destroy
him and he will come to his end.
Daniel 7
NATIONS in . . . . . . . . . . Daniel 2
REPRESENTED by . . . . . . . . . . . IMAGE
606 - 539 BC
Head of
Daniel 9
3 more kings vs. 2
4th king-richer vs. 2
Leopard w/ 4 wings
Alexander Gt
4 Generals over:
Asia Minor
Daniel 12
Ram w/ 2 horns
1 horn = Persia
331 - 63 BC
Daniel 11
Lion w/ eagle’s
Bear / 3 ribs in
539 - 331 BC
Darius Gt I
Xerxes Ahasuerus
Daniel 8
1 horn broken
4 heads 4 horns
mighty king vs. 3
4 winds-others vs. 4
contemptible person
vss. 21-35
little horn
Legs - iron beast
63 BC - 476 AD
10 groups
Feet - iron w/ clay
10 toes
Satan's man
7 years
(1 Seven)
10 horns
Ruler to come
little horn
Throne - Judge
Son of Man
the king vss. 36-45
vss. 1, 7, 11
time of trouble
Resurrection to life
vss. 2, 12, 13
From the chart, we can see how these 3 chapters fit together.
Chapter 9 It describes 2 special time periods for the Jews - 483 years and 7 years. Together they make a total of 490 years.
From the past, it gives details about the end of the Medo-Persian empire, covers the Greek empire and gives details
about the beginning of the Roman empire.
For the future, it gives details about the seven years of Satan’s kingdom
Chapter 11 It gives details about the Medo-Persian and Greek empires from the 500’s to the 100’s BC.
Then it jumps to the future and tells about Satan’s man, the leader of Satan’s kingdom. He is the same as…
…the ruler in chapter 9 who makes the 7-year treaty and
…the little horn who comes out from the 10 horns in chapter 7.
Chapter 12 It continues with Satan’s kingdom. Verse 1
At that time,- the time of Satan’s man - the world leader, Michael the great prince who protects your people will arise.
This is referring to Michael, the archangel. He is the angel responsible for protecting the nation of Israel.
He is needed at this time because…, verse 1,
There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then.
Satan’s kingdom will be so anti-Semitic, it will bring the greatest time of suffering the Jews have ever known.
It will also bring the greatest time of spiritual insight and belief they have ever known.
Verse 1 ends, But at that time, when Satan’s man comes to his end, your people - the Jews - will be delivered.
Chapters 2 and 7-12 – chapters of prophecy –- use different pictures, but they all talk about the same empires.
They show that God was active in the affairs and activities of nations in the past. And the same is true in our day.
God lets nations grow. He then gives them information, opportunity and time to choose how they will develop, how they
will use their power and how they will treat their own people as well as nations around them.
He will warn them if they abuse their power. He will rebuke them if they become proud.
God will give them time, but if they do not respond, He will bring another nation to either weaken or destroy them.
And the pattern will repeat.
I am sure that Daniel felt like the world of his day was totally out of control. And certainly we feel like the world of our
day is out of control. Daniel reminds us – yes, it IS out of the control of human hands, but not out of God’s hands. This
is why we need God – in our nation and in our own lives.
History is HIS-story, God’s story. In the end, God will have the final victory. GOD IS IN CONTROL.
Blessed be the name of God forever and ever…
He removes kings and sets up kings…He knows what is in the darkness and the light dwells with Him. 2:20-22
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream – chapter 2
Altho king Nebuchadnezzar did not yet recognize Yahweh, the God of the Jews as relevant, God put within him the
awareness that this dream was of great importance. He was afraid that if he first told the interpreters his dream, they
could make up any interpretation they wanted to. He would have no way of knowing if it was accurate.
But if they had to first tell him what he dreamed, he would know they had special abilities.
His interpreters were accurate when they told him it was not humanly possible for someone to know what he dreamed.
They depended on the Babylonian gods, but these gods had not reveal it to them.
Daniel then told Nebuchadnezzar both what he had dreamed and what the dream meant. For the first time,
Nebuchadnezzar knew and admitted that Daniel’s God, Yahweh was in control and greater than all other gods.
Further details about the history of Medo-Persia
Altho Cyrus, king of Persia had a smaller nation, he declared war against the larger nation of Media. But the general of
Media’s army did not want to fight. So he decided to make his army available to Cyrus. It was with the power of the
combined forces that Cyrus was able to win battle after battle.
Because it would take time to consolidated the empire, Darius the Mede (former leader in Media) was made temporary
governor of the capital region. His role was to organize the government in the capital of Babylon.
After 3 years of consolidation, Cyrus then took over as king. Since it was Persia that had done everything, instead of
being called Medo-Persia, eventually it became known as the Persian empire.
In J