It shall come to pass

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Morning Service (9 Jun 2019)

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The Book of Micah the prophecy of Micah And chapter 4 and I read the first five. This is Micah chapter and verse 5.

It shall come to pass in the latter days for the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains and it shall be lifted off about the hills and people's show flow to it. How many nations will come and say come let us go out to the mountain of the Lord to the house of the god of Jacob 3 my teaches his way the meme a walk in his for Alta Zion shall go forth the Lord and the word the Lord from Jerusalem. He should John's between many peoples on Shaw decide disputes, but strong Nations far away and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their Spears into pruning hooks Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation. Neither. Shall they learn War any more? But I feel sick every 9 under a sheet every man an under the Fig Tree and no one shall make them a cry for the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken. All the peoples walk each in the name of its God. But we will wolf in the name of the Lord Our God forever and ever.

But not lost week rights, and I probably been 7 section.

We mentioned last Sunday. That's on Thursday. It was my birthday and it was Steve's Thursday. But much more importantly it was on Thursday he died. Unplanned initially to actually say anything about that today, but towards the end of the week. I felt it would be appropriate to do so. I don't know whether you saw any of the things on the TV on Wednesday and Thursday particularly. If you did see the memorial service bio on search Light reading from The Book of Micah have just read. And I thought I haven't seen that. I haven't heard from those that survived D-Day and it's still alive the 300 with a 302 here from it was removing and I thought it would be appropriate for us to think about that. Particularly to die. The boy, actually to the scriptures themselves. I'm not sure the actual reasoning for that passage being read on Thursday, but it is appropriate but it may be that in that context. The appropriateness was not quite what it should be because you be major truth being percentage of crops will not emphasize. but at the same time as many people say it is not right that such an event the Ferguson. That's not to say that we was ever any of us glory in war and in the casualties that those was Green. But it is to say the one that is a charity of these we faced a game. But it is something that sadly has to be done. It's always incredibly difficult. To actually say with choker certainty. the any war is Justified but I would suggest that with what we saw this week and what happened 75 years ago. That is was a very real justification. D. Self was an amazing and incredible die.

If you have a dentist assistants. It's incredible that it was Kept Secret.

initially that the Germans and Frank didn't realize What was happening? nice Austin attacked with Cam in Colour I'm prepared for that. I never would have thought that an invasion the walls in the largest amphibious invasion in the Hall of History would actually take place in Normandy a 50 mile stretch of sand beaches. No hablas, no deep water up to the beach. What us in their right mind? words attack

are we did? I'm on that guy. $156,000 troops British American Canadian including 177 free French. Landed on those beaches on the early hours of the 6th of June 1944. Sadly 4413 of them died or not die. along with that 11,000 aircraft They were flying from the UK to the off skies above Normandy. My parents used to say to me that when I was born. There was a constant drone of Accra. Many coming from nose out Airport East Road and Airport in existence will that I started taking out the foundations for the northern runway on that day. 11600 Akra Vitus woman's many different background Towing gliders and those gliders landed a place for Pegasus Bridge. I need a bag of that. You'll find nightstand Kroger with feet in love itself has 7000 ships crossing the channel. 1000 of those warships others with taking the various equipment that was needed hundred five thousand tons of equipment Chang Jeeps other vehicles motorbikes cycle sells 400 million items of kids. all happy Titan by sea, but I have to be built on my truck. They specially constructed. Mowbray Harbor. It was known concrete. Things will be made a knight sanctums along the beaches. All these pickles should be taken off. absolutely incredible

But that was the case. That was the beginning beginning of what is known as the Battle of Normandy which lost its 77 days until the liberation of Paris. During that time. That was 22,000 Allied casualties. Those killed those injured. I know those that were lost. Many will taking cat Uncle a few days off the deed. I dropped by Parachute and he was taken as a prisoner of war because I looked in the wrong so I need to know beyond. The understanding and indeed they notice when they should be for each one of us the freedom we experience today.

stops from that point

Is that a notice happen? Things will be incredibly different. What wire is meet us Muni today? Is there are so many. I was seeking to take that freedom from us. So we need to give thanks. We need to remember those things. Because they are nice to be important.

I'm the only one in this building. Was that she alone is cheering in the UK during the second Ball Pool? I can't remember it, My brother said the old he can remember D-Day was this pink thing in a crib that you saw in the morning. That was me and I should be picking mind you so so very kind to me and what he said to me on my birthday. He says the moment you were born under 56000 people left the country. But thank God, but I did leave the country. Nights, we need to remember.

This portion of scripture with writing. It shall come to pass. It shall come to pass Micah Chapter 4 verses 1.

If you're familiar with the scriptures. You would know that these messages in my car eventually identical to versus the beginning of chapter 2 of Isaiah. But there is a difference. Difference as we go through this nice restaurants. First of all, the mountain II the god of Jacob Dudley dramatic change. Falsely rest V. Clean wool in the Lord We read the swan of Michael Poole. It should hunt Us in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established and it shall be lifted up about the hills and peoples shall flow.

the mount the mountain of the House of the

What is meant by should be tight from these words? We actually sang up our frightened Civ. I saw it chapter two earlier in the circuits that speaks of things. In order to understand what this means we need to understand firstly what is meant by the latter day. That price is being that which is yet to come in the future.

But it's not that. And do you need the scripture makes it abundantly clear that these last two days now? Hebrews chapter 1 the first two of us since we agreed long ago and many times in many ways God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days or these Latter Day You're supposed to ask my his son will be appointed the end of all things through him all so he created

These last days.

Ali Slaughter days are days where Jesus Christ is pre-eminent in all his work. He is the one who was, as the savior is the adorable things. He's also the one who has created all things. understand this We need to see Jesus crying and we need to acknowledge Him. We told it in the slanted days. So the mountain of the Lord shall be established as the highest mountains and it shall be lifted up above the hill. Call the mountain of the Lord. in the initial understanding of that in many people's minds and do degree. Wrong in this I thinking of the Mount of Jerusalem Are the situation Riesling is situation? Are there are those who see this purely in the fact that that sissy will become predominant as what they feel the doctor days off to be that's not the case. What we are saying here. That these mountains be established. Is the God's purposes God's will God's word will be truly and fully established in these Latter Day.

And that's what we need to pray for. That's what we need to us. That's what we need to see. and using that I saw this in all that we do. But I Lord and his purposes might truly be established. Did you pray that match the moment but God would fulfill his purpose? But I start Mound as it was established, its seeing his significant other which hold the many peoples shall flow to it. That will be in effect. There will be a very traumatic experience of these latter days from this job placement of the you Testament. Should we see that there have been many times when that just being the case? Will we see many loving or coming to the place where the purposes of God I've held when God himself is C.

We don't experience that much if at all in our situation in this line today, but we have done in the past. And I said before and I firmly believe that the way things are working out within a society with all this going on as far as I can. See there are two ways that we can go from that. I don't know exactly what God's purpose is to But there are two purposes that could well. the implied as it were I just want to either of those The First Tee what is happening? Because we are rejecting his word and we don't really all that. God is going to come a very severe and great judgment.

And that would be a terrifying thing.

Can we see the signs of that?

Why which God is reject?

language we I'm not suit against.

But the other hospice could be and this is what we should really pray for is the God will come in even greater revive. If you look at her if I was in this line over this street, you think of the times of the Reformation when Luther Proclaim that great truth of justification by faith and not Reformation spread throughout Europe and the Reformation came into the unit. You know, I take change of reformation was seeing to Acton work amongst the hearts of many turnpike right hundred thousands of people dying to know what it is to truly trusted him when the Puritans are so rejected by so many Faithful Men of God by Oliver Cromwell stood up against their leaves of a society that said no you're not going to do to this kind of work in this white. We are going to challenge that I'm the greatest revolution in this line took place and at that time, everyone said if promo gets his wife, Malaysia movie dismissed by everyone in the world within 10 years of Cromwell becoming Lord protector in this land. We had the most strongest economy. We will buy every no Nation throughout the world at that time because she stood On the ground of scripture. We love to sing that hymn guide me all that great Jehovah that will ship by William Billings Apothic athlete who was used also of God, Noah Harris many many others lights.

Sharia not Revival in the 18th century that was all dream past preaching the word of God on a Sunday morning. I'm going Ministry continue ahold of that. Anon nation was dramatically changed. which way Do we want God to act? Shoot me now HBO now I need desperately, please.

Does he would have stopped and she's purpose and his purpose betta of true Revival? Amanie, Joshua Sasse calming to him, say, let's go out to them out to the Lord for the house of the god of Jacob. Then he made cheats just sees what he's doing a walking his paws around his on Shallowford Road from Jerusalem. Let us go.

How many years ago? the Isle of Skye

there was all those two old ladies. Praying God would revive a line. I'm Revival broke out in that area people in the local Shaw. What's whole can of that confession of that salvation and authors with confetti? The captain of a ship but make much and shape who was dumped in Hong Kong became from the Isle of Skye. I need Felton absolute compulsion.

Show me books of flies result back to school honey went to a surface and he was converted and use of the Lord the Lord does amazing thing. And we need that. But no one just come flowing to the Church of Christ unless he enables them so to do and they come to the god of Jake. Janessa glorious thing that statement the god of just think of Jacob. He was a cheap ride from the very moment of his birth as he clung to his brother sang. Elation he cheated his brother out of his Birthright the latest still when his father was dying. He lied to him.

But God changed. And he says your name is no longer Jacob the cheat to deceive your name is Israel. love of God

We need to come to that guard the people living around to see it needs to come to that God. the god of Grace the god of Mercy the god of under God who proclaimed the creation.

but I know that you would teach they say that he may cheats just as why he's the way he may walk in his paws around to Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from

this is what it's absolutely vital. This is why we're having this meeting next week and we bring the same things but being shared elsewhere.

And I might be drawn to know that what is that at all dramatic change the street. You should judge between many people answer. They showing star wife. I'm now you shall beat their swords into plowshares and their Spears into pruning hooks Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation. Neither. Shall they learn War any more? We should probably one of the reasons why this passage was chosen to be read on Thursday. fish for many years with the most over the BBC Nation against Nation ellora Temple design

But I'm thirsty. Adam any other situation my implication applied in totally the wrong way. Beyond statue I need the answer to I will to need the answer to a society's need. Isn't that that be peace between mine between nation and Nation Beyonce is a be peace between men and women and

But that is the only true. Peace. And that piece Channel count. And then anybody answer? Then a glorious work of Grace by the suffering. God When he speaks of those sores being changed into plowshares and Spears and printers he's talking about that shame that takes place in an individual's live when they truly come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. They are change people. They own you people. They are different people. That wealth of Grace is taking place in that Alliance. And that is the only why. That is the only house. launch is the glory of what God says to the that should take place and that's when

Jesus says that he gives us his peace not as the world gives. But he gives us that piece. It is between us and God. But we know we are at peace with him. We have peace with God. Saudi be crushing his sovereignty he's brought that peace to us. And that peace is not.

And that in turn brings rest. Relationship every man under his Vine another history tree and no one shall make them afraid for the mouth of the Lord of God of Lord of hosts has spoke. What a glorious picture please. people sitting in their own home in their own God

And everything is fine. So I'll meet you in a precise Wellness in the states and that's how I feel was the intolerance of Tolerance.

What's happening today?

People say they are tolerant of others. And they are until the mummy disagreement. I may become incredibly in tar. They say that looking for peace.

Then looking to control. All is around them. And bring their own purposes to fruition. true rest a guy only come through an experience about Lord Jesus Christ He's a sadist Matthew 11 verse 28 come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

But that is not otherwise. I'm at rest is a rest that can be found in the deepest the most your matching the most painful.

Because Jesus Christ is that. That's what we need. That's what we should desire. and then lastly walk in the Lord verse 5 All the peoples walk each in the name of its God. But we will walk in the name of our God forever and ever. What is this? It is not included in chapter 2. What is this the first that is so significant? I don't know. I say the reason for that being chosen on Thursday. I have a suspicion.

The reason was this verse is the Clarion call eventually everyone in a society today.

the fact That we enough to dismiss. Altos is being wrong. The fact that we are all to have the Liberty. the worship the gods have I own make

If you're still there to sign. There's only one true God. I don't need one true way of salvation.

That is totally a board violently rejected. What is this verse saying? All the peoples War H in the name of his car that was the situation. in Micah's time the many dismiss God they rejected him. They wanted to go their own way. They wanted to do their own thing and they want you to know once a child learns. I want to get away.

But we cannot do that.

the right way Is the Wii wolves? in the name of the Lord our God

that is what he sold lights. now as I said at the very beginning it is absolutely right that we are thankful. But not just $156,000 plus you too, hun 2 million men.

The went to fight in the back of the Normandy.

Renacci 44 not that I receive salvation. Because I stopped for not that is so many people seem to believe that because they died in conflict that bound to go to heaven. He's just totally untrue. But we signed them. We thank God for. about symmetry in bio There is a grave. Every young man just 17 years old. It was killed. terrenos de Thailand

that is tragic. absolutely tragic

Let me sign God. 3 work things out

reflection experience the DD General Eisenhower Allied Supreme Commander Set these words.

If there is nothing else in my life.

To prove the existence of An Almighty and merciful god. The events of the next 24 hours did it? the greatest break in a terrible Outlet weather the cud next day I'm allowed The Invasion to proceed.

Which ion has given apology I spoken America meteorologist. Is that the wave breaker the last week that was wrong Scottish meteorologist? Who got to James? Stein

and I somehow acknowledge God's intervention

But it's General Montgomery. British who led the army forces that combine forces is a man the write his Bible Faithfully everyday trust in the Lord

and the Lord used

how many ounces?

Everyday Use a prayer But the judge didn't call the forger in the world. The King and Parliament cold a dicer prayer. One note about D-Day. Aria Saman speaks of his experience of that. recent amperage Wells on a Sunday

you shut the place was empty.

everyone was in a church. praying for the Lord's into bench

Any price similar things? No idea. I would come up now. I might it would be no not exactly what he would have child. Suddenly having no concept with it whatsoever of the sky hell Of what I am child.

You're going to be any other answer. The fact that the Germans didn't realize when they were magic warehouses built throughout the country to contain all that was necessary.

Hola activity going on and I didn't realize what was happening.

Wasn't God. working But I pointed.

That we need God to work. Braxton even Grace, Hawaii In a situation to die. High Society it's just really sick. desperately wicked

seen sent me the states and come his suit. young boys Dressed up as girls.

homosexual pleasure of men

I said Judy woo furnace. Some years ago. once they begin to legalize homosexuality Once that gets to be something that's totally accepted in the exclusive nature of a society like pedophilia is going to fall out very quickly.

We see so much. receive on ins young lives being taken We see Creed Ezio selfishness.

number of abortions increasing people arguing. In fact that abortion is a great blessing.

The Taking of a human life the blessing

and there's only one way.

The Becca never be stopped.

I should have said it. Each of us commit yourselves to constantly pleading with God. I see you. will work he would like the we don't follow God. we walk in the name of the Lord our God forever endeavor

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