Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
We're gonna look today at what Jesus didn't say about guilt.
guilt and sin.
I researched guilt this week, just
I researched guilt this week, just for fun.
I found out that one of the top guilts that people feel is food guilt.
Just be prepared if you're going somewhere after this.
for fun.
I found out that one of the top
Food guilt.
Fully 29% of what we eat makes us feel guilty, interesting.
guilts that people feel is food guilt.
Just be prepared if you're going somewhere after
Food guilt.
Fully 29% of what we eat makes us feel guilty, interesting.
If you're a
man, you feel guilty for about 20 minutes.
If you're a woman, for some reason, you feel more intense guilt that lasts longer.
I have no idea why, nor will I comment on that, that's between you and God, I have no opinions whatsoever.
There's all types of guilt.
If you're a man, you feel guilty for about 20 minutes.
If you're a woman, for some reason, you feel more intense guilt that lasts longer.
I have no idea why, nor will I comment on that, that's between you and God, I have no opinions whatsoever.
There's all types of guilt.
If you're a woman, for some reason, you feel more intense guilt that lasts longer.
I have no idea why, nor will I comment on that, that's between you and God, I have no opinions whatsoever.
There's all types of guilt.
more intense guilt that lasts longer.
I have no idea why, nor will I comment on that, that's between you and God, I have no opinions whatsoever.
There's all types of guilt.
that's between you and God, I have no opinions whatsoever.
There's all types of guilt.
There's mom guilt, no matter what you do, it's hard to measure up.
If you're a working you want to be with your kids more, if you are with your kids all the time you feel like you should be working.
The same thing goes with Dads, you want to get ahead at work, you want to be productive but when you work really hard at work you find yourself maybe not being the husband or the dad you know you should be.
You have guilt because you want to live your life for Jesus but you just don’t measure up.
You went to see that movie that you know you weren’t supposed to see.
You said a word, or many words that dishonored God.
Maybe you lied.
Maybe you are living a lie right now.
You have some people who think they know you, you are putting on an act for them but when you are with this group of friends you are someone else, you feel guilty.
I Pastor this church and I am no different.
I get what they call Pastor’s guilt.
I work on church stuff so much that sometimes I feel I am not the dad or the husband I want to be, or, if I am spending time with them I am not getting the things done that the church requires.
It’s a never ending battle.
We all have something that we feel guilty for.
For me, I remember the time that I was driving down the road and for some reason I have this thing where I want everyone to be polite in the way they drive.
I want everyone to get along.
I am with a friend driving down a highway that goes down to one lane.
That means that there is a merge that happens.
I am in one lane, there is a car next to me on my left.
The right lane ends so I have to get around him to get in front of him.
Well he sped up!
And I sped up!
And it was on!
There is no way this guy is getting in front of me!
But he got in front of me.
And so I passed him on the shoulder.
I know, I know, it was completely wrong.
illegal, actually.
And I was in front!
Yeah baby!
Then he was behind me.
Got to the first red light where he was still behind me.
I turned right, he turned right.
At the next light I turned left, he turned left.
I turned onto the street I lived on, he turned onto the street I lived on.
I pull up in front of my house, he pulls up in front of his house next door!
IT was the next door neighbor!
I didn’t know him but I felt so guilty.
I was caught and I felt deep in my gut guilt.
So there you go, I have confessed my sin and thankfully, Jesus is merciful.
I felt bad about that for a really long time, mostly because I didn’t know that neighbor.
I was 22 years old, I never talked to him.
I never spoke to him.
I might have waved going out to my car.
But I never got a chance to talk to him about it.
I felt guilty.
On one hand I still feel it simply because I never got to clear the air.
Guilt is a powerful thing.
I haunts people.
It ruins any chance of intimacy in our lives.
I want to look at a story today from, Peter, a familiar character in Scripture who had a moment when he felt guilty.
The night Jesus was arrested He gave all kinds of advice, all kinds of teaching and at one point Jesus said that there would come a moment when all of the guys in this room would abandon Him.
They would run away.
Big mouth Peter says, “I will never leave you Jesus, I will fight to the death, I will go to prison with you!
Jesus then says, You are going to deny me three times in the next few hours.
Turn to
Peter was one of Jesus’ inner circle friends.
Peter was so close to Jesus.
He was the one who walked on water, he was one of those who saw Jesus transfigured on the mountain.
Peter was the one to told Jesus that he thought he was the Son of God.
He heard the teachings, he saw the miracles.
I think it is safe to say that Jesus was not only Peter’s savior but Jesus was probably Peter’s best friend.
So he finds himself associated now with a “criminal”.
Jesus was now arrested, And a servant girl, probably a young teenager says, you know that Jesus don’t you?
And Peter denied him.
Denied even knowing Jesus.
< .5
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