Serving Worshipfully
It’s dangerous to use a word and not know what it means. (Mr. Barrett illustration)
There is a chance that you have used the word worship for a long time without knowing exactly what it means. And yet, so much can be said and only begin to scratch the surface talking about worship. Churches have feuded and split, opened and closed, succeeded and failed because of worship. On no other topic are Christians more opinionated and less informed than on the topic of worship. Key Statement: Maximize your understanding of worship to keep it from becoming meaningless.
(Illustration of earthquake cake, death by chocolate, turtle brownies, etc.)
Layers of Worship: Maximize worship by responding to God's revelation. (Psalm 148)
13 Honor God's holy nature – Only He is holy, holy, holy (Rev 4:8ff.)
(Acknowledgment: Praise, Glorify, Revere, Adore, Exalt)
1-12 Submit to God's creative power (don’t forget to submit to one another) (1-12)
14 Serve from God's redemptive work {Examples: Egypt, sins, Romans 12:1}
(Illustration of lessons learned at Bearthicket: Sunday school, Communion, Outhouse)
Lessons of Worship: Maximize worship by integrating past experiences of God's people.
Sacrificial (patriarchs) – Noah in Genesis 8:20 – Heb 13:15-17
Organized (Tabernacle/Temple) – Exodus 25:8-9 – 1 Corinthians 14:40
Creative (Psalms) – Psalm 150:3-6 (“new song”) – Psalm 33:3; 144:9
Spiritual (John) – John 4:21-24: placeless, personal, pious (truth --->
Educational (synagogue, Colossians) – Luke 4:16-17; Col 3:16 (singing)
Edifying (Corinth) – 1 Cor 14:26, 31 – Building up one another is the goal
Multi-ethnic (Revelation) – Rev 7:9-17 – People from around the globe contribute their unique perspective on God’s holiness, creation, and redemption.
Middle Song List: Ancient of Days; Fairest Lord Jesus
(Illustration of learning multiple languages, favoring one. [1st, 2nd, 3rd])