Praise Words

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Abram fell on his face (). So did Joshua (), Ezekiel (), and the magi (). Gideon bowed (), and the people of Ezra's day bowed low to worship the Lord with their faces to the ground (). The apostle John on the Isle of Patmos fell at Christ's feet like a dead man (). Isaiah immediately confessed his uncleanness (). Brokenness and dependence still mark those who truly know how to worship.
Words of worship Hallal הָלַל hālal A verb meaning to praise, to commend, to boast, to shine. The root meaning may be to shine but could also be to shout. The word most often means praise and is associated with the ministry of the Levites who praised God morning and evening (). All creation, however, is urged to join in (), and various instruments were used to increase the praise to God (). The word hallelujah is a command to praise Yah (the Lord), derived from the word ha¯lal (; Psa_146:1). The reflexive form of the verb is often used to signify boasting, whether in a good object ( [3]) or a bad object ( [7]). Other forms of the word mean to act foolishly or to be mad ( [14]; Ecc_7:7; ).
תְּהִלָּה tehillāh: A feminine noun meaning praise, a song of praise. This word is a noun derived from the verb hālal (H1984), which connotes genuine appreciation for the great actions or the character of its object. It is used especially of the adoration and thanksgiving that humanity renders to God ( [2]). By extension, it also represents the character of God that deserves praise (); and the specific divine acts that elicit human veneration (). It can also refer to the condition of fame and renown that comes with receiving this sort of praise and, as such, was applied to God (Deu 10:21; ); Israel (Deu 26:19; ); Jerusalem (; ); Damascus (); Moab (); Babylon (). In late Hebrew, this term became a technical term for a psalm of praise. In this capacity, it is used in the title of to designate it as David's Psalm of Praise. It has also become the Hebrew title for the entire book of Psalms.
רמַם rômam: A masculine noun referring to praise, high praise. It is used of lifting up, an exaltation of God by His holy people (; ).
śāmaḥ שָׂמַח A verb meaning to rejoice; to be joyful, to be glad; to gloat. It describes a state and agitation of rejoicing, of being happy: of people (); of tribes of Israel (Deu 33:18); of God rejoicing in His works (); of people rejoicing in the Lord Himself (Deu 12:12; ). It takes on the sense of making others rejoice, to be glad in its intensive stem (); making people rejoice the heart of others ( [9]). Wine can gladden the hearts of persons (). God gladdens His people with His presence (); but also their enemies when He judges Israel ( [43]). Although the word is used of all rejoicing, it is found most often in Psalms and describes religious and spiritual rejoicing ( [12]; [3]; ; ; [9], etc.; but also ; Deu 12:7; , etc.).
śiyś שׂוּשׂ A verb meaning to rejoice; to exalt; to be glad. It is a verb that indicates great rejoicing and jubilant celebration. It refers to the Lord's taking delight or joy over (?al), blessing, punishing, or disciplining His people if they need it (Deu 28:63; Deu 30:9; ; ). It indicates finding a cause to be happy, to rejoice even over death (). It describes a horse enjoying his strength (); the sun joyfully traveling across the sky ( [6]); but especially God's people rejoicing over Him (; [17]; Psa,68:3 [4]; Isa,61:10). It is used figuratively of the desert and the dry land rejoicing in its God-given fertility ().
"new song" שִׁירָה šiyrāh, שִׁיר A masculine noun meaning a song. This word is used to indicate a type of lyrical song, a religious song, or a specific song of Levitical choirs. In Amos, God uses the word to indicate that He will turn their joyful singing into mourning because of their unfaithfulness to Him (Amo 8:10). This time of mourning will be like that of mourning for an only son, and it will end in a bitter day. In a similar usage, Laban asks Jacob why he ran off secretly without telling Laban. If Jacob would have stated he wanted to leave, Laban would have sent him off with joy and singing (). Isaiah uses the word to indicate the type of songs that will no longer be sung when the Lord lays waste the earth (). The type of drunken revels associated with drinking wine and beer will no longer be heard. This word is also used in Nehe-miah to denote songs of praise (). In this particular context, Nehemiah indicates that the music directors in the days of David and Asaph led songs of praise. The noun is also used to indicate specific songs of Levitical choirs accompanied by musical instruments. When David and the Israelites brought the ark of the Lord from Baalah of Judah (Kiriath Jearim), they celebrated with songs (). Amos uses the word to denote complacency and apathy. Many Israelites lay on ivory couches and strummed their musical instruments while dining on fattened calves and choice lambs. These people were so caught up in themselves that they did not even give thought to the threat of destruction by the Lord.
"joyful noise" rûa‛ רעַ A verb meaning to shout, to sound a blast. The term occurs thirty-three times in the Old Testament and was utilized fundamentally to convey the action of shouting or the making of a loud noise. Shouting often took place just before a people or army rushed into battle against opposition; sometimes the war cry became the very signal used to commence engagement with the enemy (, , ; ; ; ; ). Many times the shout was a cry of joy, often in response to the Lord's creating or delivering activity on behalf of His people (; [2]; ; ; ; ). In several other instances, the shout expressed triumph and victory over a foe ( [12]; [10]; [10]); and occasionally mourning (; ). A few times, the term denotes the shout of a trumpet (i.e., the blast), usually as a signal to begin battle (; ; cf. ; ).
"Loud Noise" pāṣaḥ פָּצַח. A verb meaning to break forth in singing. It means to break out, to shout forth. It is used of the people of the earth bursting forth in jubilation (); of the mountains or nature breaking out in joy after holding in their excitement (; ; ; ). II. A verb meaning to break. It refers to shattering or breaking something. In context the "bones" of God's people are shattered ().
רָנַן rānan, רן rûn "Rejoice" ra¯nan rûn: I. A verb meaning to shout for joy; to sing joyfully. It indicates the utterance or crying out of a person or persons. The character of the cry must be discerned by the context or actual intended use of the verb: Often it indicates crying out in joy, exaltation (; ; ). It is used most often of exalting or praising the Lord (; ; ; ; ); especially in Psalms ( [12]; [5]; [2]; ; [5]; ). The absence of a cry like this is sometimes an indication of God's judgment (). God makes even a widow's heart sing for joy (). God causes even nature to shout for delight ( [9]); and commands His just, righteous people to shout for joy (). Its opposite is a cry of distress (; ). It is used in general of putting forth a cry of encouragement, exhortation, instruction (; ). II. A verb meaning to be overcome. It indicates a person who is under the influence of wine, who is making sounds, responses as a staggering person or one barely awake (, mit_rônen). III. A verb meaning to awake out of stupor. It refers to a person coming from under the influence of wine, still not fully alert
יָדָה yāḏāh: A verb meaning to acknowledge, to praise, to give thanks, to confess, to cast. The essential meaning is an act of acknowledging what is right about God in praise and thanksgiving (). It can also mean a right acknowledgment of self before God in confessing sin () or of others in their God-given positions (). It is often linked with the word hālal (H1984) in a hymnic liturgy of "thanking and praising" (; ;; , ). This rightful, heavenward acknowledgment is structured in corporate worship (; , , , , ), yet is also part of personal lament and deliverance ( [10]). Several uses of yāḏāh evidence an essence of motion or action (as something given), intensively referring twice to cast or to throw down (; [2:4]), and once it means to shoot (as an arrow; ).
עָלַץ ‛ālaṣ: A verb meaning to rejoice, to be jubilant. It is used of a person (leḇ, heart) rejoicing, especially the Lord (; [12]; [3]; [4]); of nature exalting God (1round them (; ). It is used of the rejoicing of one's enemies as well ().
עָלַס ‛ālas, נֶעֱלָסָה ne‛elāsāh: I. A verb meaning to enjoy, to rejoice. It means to find delight and pleasure in something and to express it (). It describes the act of sexual intimacy (). II. A verb meaning to flap joyously. It describes the appearance and manner of something acting or responding in an apparently happy manner (). It personifies ostrich wings in context. III. A feminine noun indicating to be attractive, beautiful. This translation takes the form of ‛ālas, ne‛elāsāh as a noun. It is probably a passive form of the verb ‛ālas. If taken as a noun, it means beautiful (, KJV).
זָמַר zāmar: A verb meaning to play an instrument, to sing with musical accompaniment. Stringed instruments are commonly specified in connection with this word, and the tambourine is also mentioned once (; ; ). The term occurs frequently in a call to praise-usually a summons to oneself (;; ; ). In the Bible, the object of this praise is always the Lord, who is lauded for both His attributes and His actions (; ; ). Besides the above references, this verb appears exclusively in the Book of Psalms, contributing to a note of praise in psalms of various types: hymns (); psalms of thanksgiving (); and even psalms of lament ().
תְּרעָה terû‛āh: A feminine noun indicating a shout of joy; a shout of alarm, a battle cry. It refers to a loud, sharp shout or cry in general, but it often indicates a shout of joy or victory (); a great shout anticipating a coming event (,). It can refer to the noise or signal put out by an instrument (; ). Amos used the word to refer to war cries (Amo 1:14; Amo 2:2; cf. ; ). The Lord puts shouts of joy into His people (;).
פָּצַח pāṣaḥ: I. A verb meaning to break forth in singing. It means to break out, to shout forth. It is used of the people of the earth bursting forth in jubilation (); of the mountains or nature breaking out in joy after holding in their excitement (; ; ; ).
II. A verb meaning to break. It refers to shattering or breaking something. In context the "bones" of God's people are shattered ().
גִּיל giyl, גּוּל gûl: A verb meaning to rejoice. It is a response of persons both religiously, as when they divide the spoils of the Lord's victories ( [2]); when they rejoice in His salvation (; ); or over idolatrous objects (). It describes the Lord's joyous response over His people and Jerusalem in the new heavens and earth (). The dry land, the Arabah, will even rejoice (). Many things rejoice besides those just mentioned: the heart ( [6]; ; ); the soul (; ). Rejoicing in the Lord is accompanied with proper fear and trembling as well (). God's people rejoice in many things: Jerusalem (); the Lord's salvation ( [15]); the Lord (; ); the Lord's name ( [17]); the Holy One of Israel ().
סָלַל sālal: A verb meaning to build up, to lift up; to exalt. It means to hold someone or something in a position of a high or excessively high reputation or worth: Pharaoh over God's people (). It also means to raise something up, for something to rise up: God's troops (); one's assailants (); a song of praise to God ( [5]); a person exalted by wisdom (); an upward path of life, a lifting up (; ); a roadway for God's people ().
שָׂחַק śāḥaq: A verb meaning to laugh; to celebrate; to rejoice; to mock. It refers to a strong expression of joy: of celebration (); of making merry, rejoicing (, ; ); it means to play, to sport, to have fun (). But it is often used in a context where ridicule or mockery is directed at someone or something (). It is used in parallel with mocking (). Great kings mocked at lesser kings (). Samson was forced to serve as a tragic comedian for the Philistines (). It is used figuratively of wisdom personified, laughing, rejoicing at God's creation (). The teacher taught that there is a time for genuine laughter (). It has the sense of playing, enjoying life, in some contexts, especially in the prophet's vision of a restored people of God (). It means to sing and indicates singing women (). It means to play a sport, to hold a contest or a match (). In its causative stem, it means to cause laughter toward persons, to mock them ().
מָשׂוֹשׂ māśôś: I. A masculine noun referring to joy, rejoicing. It indicates a response of inner happiness in the way of the Lord (); in anything a person chooses to rejoice in (). Jerusalem was considered to be the joy of the whole earth ( [3]); especially of God's people (; ); music creates joy in those hearing it (). It depicts the joy of a bridegroom (). God's people are created for joy (). It stands for the object of peoples' joy: wife, son, daughter, prophet (). God, however, brings an end to the joy of a rebellious people and city ( [13]).
II. A masculine noun describing a rotten thing, something wasted away. Some translators readJob 8:19 as a negative assertion concerning decaying roots or other rotten objects.
עַלִּיז ‛alliyz: An adjective meaning rejoicing, jubilant. It refers to a state of jubilation, a celebration over something. In context it is used of triumphant warriors who would destroy Babylon (); and of persons rejoicing in general (; ; ). It is used of Jerusalem itself (; ); and of Nineveh ().
In the New testament.
sugchaírō; fut. sugcharṓ, 2d aor. sunechárēn, from sún (G4862), together, and chaírō (G5463), to rejoice. To rejoice together, to share in another's joy, with the dat. depending on sún(G4862), together, in composition (; , [in these verses, the translation can be "to congratulate"]; ; ;Phi 2:17-18; Sept.: , in the mid.). Ant.: sullupéō (G4818), to sorrow or be grieved with someone.
καυχάομαι kaucháomai; contracted kauchṓmai, fut.kauchḗsomai, pres. 2d person kauchásai, (, ). Some Greek lexicons deduce it from auchḗn (n.f.), the neck, which vain persons are apt to carry in a proud manner (; ). To boast, glory, exult, both in a good and bad sense. Used in an absolute sense (,; ; , ; , ; , , ; ; ). Followed by the acc. of thing of which one boasts (; , , with the acc. of degree); by en(G1722), in, with the dat. of that in which one glories, of things (; ; ;; ; ; ;; ); of persons (; ); in God (; ; ;; Phi 3:3); by epí (G1909), upon with the dat. (); by katá (G2596), according, with the acc. meaning as to anything (); by perí (G4012), about, with the gen. (); by hupér (G5228), on behalf of, with the gen. (; ; ). Deriv.: katakaucháomai (G2620), to boast greatly; kaúchēma (G2745), the result of bragging, a boast; kaúchēsis (G2746), the act of boasting. Syn.: megalauchéō (G3166), to speak haughtily;huperaíromai (G5229), to become haughty;tuphóō (G5187), to envelop with smoke, inflate with self-conceit, be proud; huperéchō (G5242), to hold oneself above; huperupsóō (G5251), to elevate oneself above others; huperphronéō(G5252), to think of oneself as above others;doxázō (G1392), to glorify, magnify;perpereúomai (G4068), to be vainglorious, vaunt oneself. Ant.: tapeinóō (G5013), to make low, humble, and in the mid. tapeinóomai, to be abased, to humble oneself; elattonéō (G1641), to diminish;elattóō (G1642), to decrease, make lower.
εὐφραίνω euphraínō; fut. euphranṓ, from eúphrōn (n.f.), gladsome, cheerful, which is from eú (G2095), well, and phrḗn (G5424), mind. To rejoice, make joyful in mind. In a good and spiritual sense, to rejoice, make joyful (; Sept.: ); in the mid., euphraínomai, to be glad, joyful (; ; ). To be joyful or merry, in a natural sense (, , ; Sept.: Deu 14:26; Deu 27:7) or in a bad sense (; ). In , it refers to the rich man's luxurious and sumptuous living. See euphrosúnē (G2167), gladness, which is also from eúphrōn (n.f.). Syn.: chaírō (G5463), to rejoice; agalliáō (G21), to exult, rejoice greatly; euthuméō (G2114), to make cheerful. Ant.: klaíō (G2799), to weep; dakrúō (G1145), to shed tears; thrēnéō (G2354), to mourn;stenázō (G4727), to groan; alalázō (G214), to wail; lupéō (G3076), to make sorry, and in the mid. to be sorry.
ἀγαλλιάω agalliáō; contracted agalliṓ, fut. agalliásō, aor.ēgallíasa, from ágan (n.f.), much, and hállomai(G242), to leap. To exult, leap for joy, to show one's joy by leaping and skipping denoting excessive or ecstatic joy and delight. Hence in the NT to rejoice, exult. Often spoken of rejoicing with song and dance (Sept.: ; ;; ). Usually found in the mid. deponent agalliáomai. (I) Used in an absolute sense (, "my tongue was glad," meaning I rejoiced in words, sang aloud; ; ). It is sometimes put after chaírō (G5463), to rejoice, which is of less intense significance, and produces an expression meaning to rejoice exceedingly (; ; ; see ;). (II) With a noun of the same significance in an adv. sense ( with chará [G5479], joy, "rejoice with joy unspeakable"). (III) Followed by hína (G2443), so that, with the subjunctive (, "he rejoiced that he should see my day" [a.t.]). (IV) Followed by epí (G1909), upon, with the dat. (). (V) Followed by en (G1722), in, with the dat. where a simple dat. might stand (; ; ; Sept.: ; ). Deriv.: agallíasis (G20), exultation. Syn.: euphraínō (G2165), to cheer, gladden;chaírō (G5463), to rejoice; kaucháomai (G2744), to boast, glory, rejoice; katakaucháomai (G2620), to glory against. Ant.: lupéō (G3076), to grieve; stenázō (G4727), to groan; diaponéō (G1278), to be sorely grieved; prosochthízō (G4360), to be vexed with something, irksome; adēmonéō (G85), to be troubled; baréō (G916), to burden; odunáō(G3600), to cause pain.
μεγαλύνω megalúnō; fut. megalunṓ, from mégas (G3173), great, strong. To make great, enlarge. With the acc., in relation to the borders of garments (); to show great mercy to someone or to do him great kindness (); magnify or praise (; ; ; ; ; Phi 1:20; Sept.: ; ; ). Syn.: doxázō (G1392), to glorify; hupsóō (G5312), to, elevate; sébomai (G4576), to revere; hairéomai (G138), to prefer; aírō (G142), to lift up; phusióō (G5448), to inflate; auxánō (G837), to grow, increase; prokóptō (G4298), to cut one's way forward, advance. Ant.: tapeinóō (G5013), to humble; kataischúnō (G2617), to put to shame; elattonéō (G1641), to have less; elattóō (G1642), to decrease, make lower.
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