Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Patterns in the New Testament
A Pattern provides a template so that something can be reproduced (plants, blueprints, clothing, etc.)
God is a god of patterns, and as his people we respect and follow His patterns.
As New Testament Christians, we seek to follow the patterns provided in the New Testament.
This was the bedrock foundation of the Restoration Movement.
Follow the Biblical pattern of Salvation (Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, Be Baptized, Live Faithful)
Follow the Biblical pattern of Worship
While we should on abiding by these patterns, have we gone far enough?
Have we truly sought to restore the totality of God’s pattern for the Church?
If so, surely we would want to follow the pattern laid out in the New Testament for leadership.
What is that pattern, and have we followed it?
The New Testament pattern is for congregations to be lead by a group of recognized, appointed elders.
This sermon will review the New Testament to verify that claim.
The New Testament Pattern of Leadership: Elders
The Early Church: Elders Present
Christ, as the Head of the Church, directs us concerning the leadership of His church.
He is the head, but He has also provided direction on earthly leadership.
We recognize the importance of the apostles and prophets in giving us Scripture.
We acknowledge the need for and seek to develop evangelists and even teachers.
Why, then, are there so few shepherds/elders among God’s church?
The Early Church: Elders Present
In Jerusalem
Elders present in Jerusalem early on, and were viewed as the first point of leadership/administration for the Church’s needs.
Elders present in Jerusalem, and their function was known and recognized by Antioch.
They played a crucial role in determining the truth about doctrinal issues.
In Ephesus
The presence of elders was not a manmade idea for leadership - it was by the plan of the Holy Spirit.
Paul expected the elders oversee, care for, and protect God’s flock!
What council of elders was this and when was this?
The elders of Derbe or Lystra where Timothy was a member ().
Elders played a role in selecting and appointing men to carry out the task of evangelism.
It’s estimated that Paul wrote Philippians ~11 years after he first founded the congregation.
Within that time period, elders and deacons had been appointed and begun leading the congregation.
The Early Church: Elders Pursued
The reason there was such a presence of elders in the early church is they were actively sought after, developed, and appointed.
Lystra, Iconium, Antioch
Paul, and inspired apostle, viewed the establishment and presence of elders as an imperative need for congregations.
Congregations can exist without an eldership for a time, but it is not ideal and it is not the plan.
Until congregations have appointed elders, there is something lacking - there is a hole that needs addressed and resolved.
This may take time, but no congregation that has no elders should take such lightly.
All congregations should be determining what needs to be done in order to take care of those things that are lacking.
Even though Ephesus had elders (), Timothy is charged with ensuring more men are developed and become qualified to become elders.
We must develop elders, and every generation must seek to train the next, and develop a new generation of qualified leaders.
The Early Church: Elders Prescribed
Christ, as the Head of the Church, directs us concerning the leadership of His church.
He is the head, but He has also provided direction on earthly leadership.
We recognize the importance of the apostles and prophets in giving us Scripture.
We acknowledge the need for and seek to develop evangelists and even teachers.
Why, then, are there so few shepherds/elders among God’s church?
While the full meaning of this passage may be debated, what is clear is elders play an important and functional role in the Church.
So much so, that James simply assumes his readers have elders they can call upon.
Whether one believes James is referring to physical or spiritual sickness, the solution is the same - have the elders come and pray!
How can that be done without elders?
In every age, the church has faced false doctrine and false teachers.
The first line of defense against such is supposed to be godly leaders - primarily elders.
When congregations do not develop spiritually mature men who are capable of studying, exemplifying, and teaching the truth, then the whole congregation is put at risk.
A mature, fully and scripturally organized congregation is one with elders and deacons.
If we seek to behave as the household of God, not just as individuals but as a local body of Christ, we must be striving for this goal.
From the beginning of time God has given mankind His plan and pattern for proper leadership.
In the New Testament, that pattern included elders who act as shepherds and overseers of a local congregation.
Can a congregation exist without elders?
Is it ideal?
No. Should it remain that way perpetually?
Certainly not.
It may take time to develop and establish elders, but that process must start now.
What do we need to do to start that process?
We need, as a congregation, to agree this is what we want: we want to be organized and led in accordance with God’s pattern.
We need teaching on the Biblical pattern, including roles and qualifications of elders.
We need teaching on the Biblical pattern, including roles and qualifications of elders.
We all need to learn and study further the roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of elders.
We all need to learn and study further the roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of elders.
We need men of all ages committed to spiritual maturity.
(Younger men - the road to eldership starts today if it hasn’t already!)
We all need to encourage men to grow and develop as godly leaders.
We need to pray.
< .5
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