Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Mission and Vision
Today is the birth of the church
If you don’t know what that means… it means that on this day about 2000 years ago, the Holy Spirit, the third part of the trinity, fully God… was given to us as the body of Christ
The holy spirit fell as about 150 believers were in a room praying.
They were filled with the power and presence of the living God and that day Peter gave a sermon and added 3000 to the roll
We celebrate today, especially, as Wesleyans and those who believe in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the continued work of God through His Spirit here on earth
We also believe in the second work of the spirit.
In that we have a pentecostal faith.
One that believes that each of us has to have our own moment where the spirit has filled and warmed your heart
The Church in Ephesus
Today we continue our summer series on the 7 letters to the church in the book of Revelation
Last week we talked about Jesus and how he is currently living in his full glory
How many of you had heard a sermon about Jesus like that before?
This week we start in on the actual messages to the churches from Jesus
We start in with the first letter to the ephesians
little context about the city
built as a metropolis in the Roman empire in what is now turkey
Super Wealthy City
Was a major port city and had a diverse population
Home of the temple of Artimis or what was called the Temple of Diana
This was a wonder of the ancient world and inspired a huge cult who worshiped with temple prostitutes as well as idolatry
There is a book or a letter that paul wrote to the Ephesians where he is commending them and encouraging them to fight and to stand firm in the faith
We also see Ephesus in the book of Acts ch 19
This is really cool
The holy spirit fell in such a way that the church was so on fire for loving each other and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ that those who made money off of the temple of Artimis rioted because the Church had given people hope in Jesus and therefore people weren’t buying their goods and services
The church lived in such a practical way that it changed the economy in the city… Just think about that if what we believed influenced how we spent our money
So with this context let’s look at our text
Jesus starts off by saying this is the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands
Jesus starts by speaking to his authority
His presence and his preserving power
I know your works
Remember Jesus walks among the lampstands
He says I know your works
There is nothing that He doesn’t see
Remember there is no lying to Jesus.
When you are speaking to the one who holds by the sustaining power of his hand… he knows.
You can’t church it up.
You can’t put a 10 on it
Your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not and found them to be false
So one thing that’s crazy to think about… there have been people trying to divide the church ever sen e the first churches existed… because Satan hates the church
Jesus commends this church who had been there on their orthodoxy
That they know the truth of Jesus’ word.
They do good stuff, they test people’s teaching, they have a standard of truth that they measure everything against
THey don’t put up with fluffy sermons, they don’t let any crazy theology sneak in, they don’t let someone just flatter and smooth thier way into leadership
They edure… this tells us that this church has been through some things
They have held tight to the the truth and have not grown weary.
They continue to do the things
This church reminds me of the old faithful country churches
You know the ones who have solid theology, know their word, they have the Sunday school that digs deep into the word, They have the firey hell and brimstone sermons that get your blood pumping
The hymn game is on lock.
They only sing the classics
They have been through the ringer and come out
they persevere through rain or shine, they get up and they go no matter what.
But Jesus says I Have this against you
You have forgotten your first love
He says for all that you do right… you no longer love each other
You got all the right answers on the test, but you don’t love
Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians that without love we are just clanging symbols
Jesus is telling the church that your perseverence and your godly works are awesome.
Keep up the good work
But without you loving each other… which was the one new commandment I gave … its all for naught
He actuallly says I will come and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent
He tlls them to remember from where you have fallen
Look back to those days when you would do and give because you cared for your neighbor, not out of compulsion
Look back when you went to church not just because it was SUnday but because it was the day you could be around your church family and hear the word of God and be in his presence with your brothers and sisters…
Remember and then don’t just feel bad… but do something.
OR He will remove the lampstand… Do you guys understand the depth of that
Jesus is saying if you guys don’t get back to loving each other… I’m going to close the doors.
There’s no point in sitting in the gathering if you are only going to learn a bunch of facts that don’t actually prpell you to love others.
Just shut the doors
It doesn’t matter how much theology you know
How much doctrine you have memorized
I don’t care how many time’s you’ve read the manuel....
If you are not agape-ing
that is the selfless, Christ centered love
Then there is nothing different between you and a philanthropic social club
Jesus then says… Yet this you have
Saying… its not all a wash
there is hope in this
Don’t count yourselves out
You hate the works of the nicolatans… which I also hate
Found differing things about the nicolatians
What is clear is that they were a group of people who were false teachers.
they were spreading lies within the church that lead people back to worship idols and to eat food offered to idols and back to sensuality
To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, whichi sin the paradise of God
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9