The Ever Burning Altar
Hallelujah, sweet Jesus. Thank you savior. Thank you. See. amen truly that is my heart's cry. I truly cannot stop praising him a man whether I'm bouncing off the walls running the aisles rolling in the floor, whatever it takes to express my gratitude to the Lord. That's alright by me. Amen. Praise God. But it doesn't just stop here at the church. He man that ought to go on and on every day that we live. We ought to be showing how much we are thankful to be his child. He men free Scott Grace. Got you man. I'm thankful to be in the house of God tonight.
Hey, man, I am I am.
My heart is still full thinking about Africa and all the things that I've been able to experience the last 3-4 weeks and it's truly a blessing Amen to be able to see the hand of God moving in the midst of his people see how the people respond to the movie of God demand another man this week connected to me on Facebook and he is Pentecost Sunday at their Church baptize 11 people in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen, and I'm thankful for that today. He mad because his message still goes on a man no matter how many men are in one thing that I've I've had to step back and think about is the fact that I tend to get hung up by the wings on on the things that are bad think about the people that I know that used to preach this message that don't preach it anymore that walked on without God you managed to see where they are today some of them still preaching but not preaching what the scripture says and to me that is worse in my opinion than going out and getting drunk and and destroying your life with drugs and alcohol. He men because at that point a lot of folks that I've seen walk out and go to the drug World, they've come back to the truth, but people that walk out and go to false Doctrine they never I've hardly ever seen them come back he mad and that's where my heart cries out God help us today. But you know, even though those people are walking away there still a group of people that are hungry for the truth of the word of God a man and I I refuse
just tell the gospel for anything in this world. I can't sell the gospel for anyting Amman because it's true. It's sure it's never going away you man. He said he said he shouldn't Heaven and Earth shall pass away. He should put in my word. My word is never going to fade a man every word that is in that book history knee it's going to stand through eternity a man this church building this Earth all of those things. They're going to go away a man the Bible tells us these things and that day is rapidly approaching by the way you man, but it's time. I believe that's for the Church of God to rise up and say, you know what we're going to press through all the way a man. Jesus said before he left. He said when I return shall I find faith in the earth and I pray today that God would look down in this little bitty church tonight and find Faith a man that he would meet with us tonight. Amen. Forgot your Bibles. We're going to go to numbers. And I'm up here to rattling off and I don't even have my notes pulled up yet. Amen. Praise God.
praise the Lord
I meant priests could remember what my title was came in. Hallelujah Leviticus, I'm sorry Leviticus chapter number 6 Leviticus chapter number 6 We're going to read verses 8 through 13. I've preached this message before I've taught this as a lesson before I don't know how it's going to come out tonight, but we're going to Do what would feel here this evening? You men Leviticus chapter number 6 and you'll notice the scripture right off cuz I've talked about it a lot since the conception of this church a man, but we're going to pick up and talk about it again tonight Leviticus chapter 6 verses 8 through 13 says and the Lord's command Aaron and his sons saying this is the law of the burnt offering it is the burnt offering because of the burning upon the altar all night until the morning and the fire of the altar shall be burning in it to the fire shall be burning. Amen, everybody. Say the fire shall be burning. Amen. And the pre-show put on his linen garment and his linen breeches and shall be put shot. Shall he put up on his flesh? And take up the ashes which the fire has consumed with the burnt offering on the Altar and he shall put them beside the Altar and he shall put off his garments and put on other garments and carry forth the ashes without the camp onto a clean place in the fire upon the altar shall be burning in it. It shall not be put out.
It shall not be put out. and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning and lay the burnt offering in an order upon it and he shall burn their on the fat of the peace offerings and verse 13 is where we're going to pull our title from tonight the fire shall ever be burning up on the altar it shall never Can you say never? Go out it shall never go out a man lets their Bibles down and let's ask the Lord to step into this place tonight. Can we do that today? Lol. We love you God, I think.
Hey, man, you can be seated tonight. He men.
You men. The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar. It shall never go out.
The fire upon the altar according to the scripture is required to burn forever. forever Hey, man. He didn't put any stipulations on when it was okay for it to be put out. All he said was the fire shall ever be burning up on the altar.
Originally want to put this message together and even as I went through my my notes again today, I begin to reminisce of times that we would go out and we would go camping and then also I would think of times when we would get up we would have cold Winters and my family didn't have a lot of money and we try to scrounge as much as possible my dad found somebody that was giving away an old rusty cast iron stove and we had to do a chimney but down in the basement. Nothing was connected to the second shoot and so my dad put in a wood-burning stove in the basement and we put in a wood-burning stove in the in will you put it in certain side the fireplace Inn? That's what we had to keep it all the time because Mom and Dad didn't want to pay the gas bill. They want to keep it down as low as possible. He meant everybody can relate to those kind of things. He mad even today. I don't like paying the gas bill a man, but I like to stay warm and you been phrase get I got a fireplace at home, but it doesn't require to keep it fuel it cost because I pay the gas bill to keep that thing going. Nice, it looks good. It gets hot. But it's not the same as wood burning stove He-Man, but I would remember through the years is I grew up for some reason it I guess because I was the oldest kid growing up. It fell my lot to make sure that the wood was split and make sure that we had enough sitting on the deck so we can just go out there make sure it was covered to that was that was number one after we got it on the deck because if it was wet, then it wouldn't do us any good at least for a while a man and sometimes the tarp we had had holes in it. And so we would actually have to bring the wood instead on the Hearth. That way it would dry out so we could use it once it dried out amen. But the thing with that fire that wood burns. And we learned after a while that we can put a big log in about midday about 3:40 in the afternoon and save mid-afternoon. Maybe I should say it that way and then that thing would get so hot in there that eventually that that big old stump that we'd stick in there. It would stay burning throughout the night. So when we wake up in the morning there would still be some hot coals in there and the stove is still be too hot to touch by morning and all that good stuff in and I remember that Mom and Dad made me. My dad showed me he wake me up in the middle of the night just to go in and check the fire and make sure that it was still burning because we didn't want to wake up to a cold house because not only did they not want to pay the gas bill. They would shut it off entirely. So we were 100% dependent upon. Go to wood burning stoves. Remember that there was a lot of work that had to be done. There was a lot of not necessarily a lot of sleep that had to be lost cuz I I learn sister any that after a while if I just slept on the couch in front of the Fireplace and it started getting cooler in there. I would know. Hey, it's time to get up and fix that fire burning again. But it was work. It was something that we had to work at it didn't just Burn by itself the wooden just walk in off of the deck open the sliding door walk into the fireplace open it up and jump in we had to go in there and sometimes if we overslept or if I slept real hard we have to wake up in the morning. We had one of those I don't even know what the name of what's yeah, you can just blow the air out there on it. It's got a special name for but you would have to use that thing get them Kohl's real bright and hot and then set your dry wood on top of that and it would catch almost immediately. Even though I said also when you go camping a lot of times when we went camping by the time we woke up in the morning fire was out. We had to start from scratch. That was primarily what happened when we went camping or we went on one hunting trip went very far. We went on a canoe trip and same same old story. Everybody went in their tents for the night. They let the fire be in the fire went out and somebody had to wake up the next morning and get that thing going again. It wasn't going to stay by itself. We're talkin about an altar in the Old Testament were talking about. a fire that was sitting up on top of a of a fashioned alter out of a fashion amount of stone a big pile of stones Bishop brigands over in Israel now and he he took a picture of this shoe Mungus Stone platform and it had like three steps walking up to the top of the platform and he he caption underneath that picture and he said this is what some say was the altar that Joshua built before he went to war. I forget who was he went to war with did you see those brother Williams, but just know I don't remember who was he went to war with but it was a massive. He could have sacrificed five or six on top of that thing. It was that big and So it was these kinds of things that they would have to do. They would have to build them up and then they have to build a fire get it hot enough and and get it ready and then they would have to go get the sacrifice. Whatever that sacrifice was. They would have to set it up on the Altar and burn that sacrifice before. She will that's all fine and good for them faster. That's not what we do know it's not but I believe that there's plenty that we can learn from this story here this evening a man began thinking about the altar again today and I have preached this message not this one, but another message that talks about the Altar and the time of it. I told it the regulator of the Living Water. What regulates the living water flows in our life? Amen that regulator of our living water the living water comes from what Jesus Christ from the Holy Ghost and if we want that water that's inside of us. Jesus said out of your belly shall flow rivers of Living Water, right? And so we're going to have a river flowing out of it. You know sometimes in flood season farmers will Dam up the river. So won't come onto the property because it's overflowing its banks you with me. I travel back and forth on 435 going to and from work a lot. And then if you go by the Missouri River, you're going to find once you start getting close to the bridge. There's tons of acreage. That normally you see corn shooting out of in soybean shooting out of but right now it's just raining. It's about four feet under water. Because of all the flooding in the rain we've had we got to know what that's about down here in Racine, right? Hey Matt, it's it's flooded these streets out where there's only one way in and out of town and that that Living Water the more There is at the source.
for Colorado the Arkansas River that runs through the Rockies there. The height of the of the river is determined by the snow caps on the mountains if they have little snow in the winter. They're going to have almost a dry River during the summer one year we went and we were going to go white-water rafting and they almost had to cancel us because the river wasn't high enough to make it through. And that reason was because the source of the river there wasn't much snow up on the mountains that was melting and so there wasn't much water coming through the river canals. I know this is Elementary, but think about it if we're going to regulate what are the two saito's how can we allow the river that Jesus said should be coming out of us to be one like the mighty Mississippi where whatever is in its way. It's going to take out or whatever is in its way. It's going to it's going to it's going to provide the fields that are right beside it and and and there's going to be cross and the swamps that had been from flood times it can it can make those swamps not swamps anymore that they can beef vibrant ponds or the river and you can bring life to everything around it, right? it's so the altar can regulate how much the river flows from us to those we come in contact with
In my opinion I want if you'll let me use this analogy. I want that spicket turned all the way open so it can flow out as fast and as vibrantly as it possibly can. But there's a there's something sometimes that if we don't there something that can damn up that River. And keep it from giving life to everything that we come around and what's that? Not bread. Not not getting ahold of God not allowing God to work in our lives like like he wants to work in our lives because when the river of living water flows from us everything that it touches, I can promise you will come alive. It will affect family members. It will affect our home life. It will affect our friendships. It will affect everything that lives if that water to go unregulated from our souls imagined that Living Water to flow freely out of me a man reach God. This all true that I'm talking about today. God told Moses. He said I want you to tell the priest you've got to make sure the fire never is out because it must be ready at all times if somebody's ready and they need to come at midnight and an offer sacrifice unto the Lord the altar must be ready. It can't go out. It must be burning. It must be a blaze at all times. Amen. Let me read it to you from the English Standard Version quickly. I'm going to move on as fast as I can imagine it living it just kept her 6 verses 8 through 13 and in the English Standard Version. Amen says the Lord spoke to Moses saying kamanda Aaron and his sons saying this is the law of the burnt offering the burnt offering Shelby on the Hearth of the altar all night until the morning and the eye. In the fire of the altar shall be kept burning on it. And the priest shall put on his linen garment in his and put his litter linen undergarment on his body. I had to stop here for a second the King James said and he put on his linen breeches.
My son was with Bishop at their house is my family, right and my mother-in-law was watching my son. My following was there if I log out of the car and we look together Houston. My breeches are falling.
And Camden looked at him funny. He said them ain't your britches.
Did you do that buddy? You rather I didn't talk about you get your britches.
Grandpa said yes, they are there my breeches he goes, but that's not what breeches means grandpa said what does britches mean kanden kanden answer he goes as the Spanish word for underwear.
so when I read the word britches, I can't think help to think about that every single time and you mad so
The height of the priest when he would go in. To tend to the fire. Do you have to put on a Priestly Garb he'd have to go in because you can't go in to the Tabernacle without being dressed as God asked you to be a man. That's another message for another time a man, but I will say this it's a good thing when you want to be when you want to look nice. When you come to the house of God said make sense. Amen. Not saying you have to wear a suit and tie every single time. You come to church a man, but it's one of those things. That's alright. I want to look my best because you know what? I'm going to see the King of Kings tonight to make sense. He man, that's that right there in my opinion and I'm not shooting nobody. Please don't let nobody I just it came to mind just thinking of the things that I've been taught all my life He-Man. That's that's why when I come to the house of God I try to dress as nice as I can be men because I'm standing in in the stead of An Almighty God. And I'm declaring what does say the word of the Lord and I want to make sure that I look presentable when I come to stand in his stead being an ambassador of Christ. There's a lot of weight you mad. And so the priest is he goes to the church and is he goes to do his duties even though he's going into 10 to the fire. He must look his best. He must be dressed in the entire that the Lord has asked him to be dressed in a men and as she goes in and he begins to tend to the fire. He finishes tendon. He gets all the ashes together. He goes and changes his clothes and he goes back out into the field and finds a clean place to dump all of the ash that He is just taking from the altar. In verse 12 says the fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it the fire shall be kept burning on it it shall not go out. It's very clear the fire cannot dwindle to nothing. The priest shall burn wood on it every morning and he shall arrange the burnt offering on it and shall burn on it the fat of the peace offerings and verse 13 fire shall be kept burning on the altar. Continually. Continually. It shall not go out fire must be kept burning on the altar on a regular basis. There was never a time that God said it was okay for the fire to not be burning upon the altar. Someone had to always be there for the we aim to make sure that the fire was not going to go out that meant somebody had to clean out the ashes as they have to make sure not to mine the ashes were built up because it would smother the fire after some time a man had already become too messy for them to do their job on her like they should have been doing it. Tell me somebody in the middle of the night had to wake up and get out of bed and go and check and make sure that the altars fire was still burning. He-Man it was important that that alter be active at all times. Can I see it that way that fire could not go out that just simply meant. Hey, there must be some worship some type of rain going on in your life at all times a manager that we reach out to God. I know I spent three four weeks talking about the five purposes of prayer. But here I am again tonight. I wanted to go on to another series of lessons, but I woke up this morning thinking about this I got here tonight and I feel like God spoke it to me clearly that this is the direction he wanted us to go today. If it's important that we pray. It's important that the church have a prayer life a man like nobody else. We ought to be praying often. We have to be praying much. I can't express it as vehemently as I feel it in my in my bones a man. I woke up yesterday morning and I woke up too late. I kept hitting the snooze button. I know none of y'all have ever done that before a man. But as soon as I woke up, I realize how I'm supposed to be in a meeting now, so I had to go straight to my computer login and and be in the meeting and low and behold that meeting turned into a six and a half hour meeting and I I was on the phone for six and a half hours working with a guy trying to get some things figured out and get access to certain systems until on in and by the end of the day, I was like men I didn't free this morning.
So I told my wife so I got to go to church and pray for a while. I didn't make it to hear but I did go in the basement by the time I got done. My wife was sleeping in the bed and my kids were winding down trying to go to sleep, but I had to make time to pray because God's been working on this preacher God's been working on me not just for me, but I believe for this church as well. Amen. I sent out a challenge on Sunday. I sent out a challenge on Monday. How many of you are staying true to you challenge a man? He man, let's let's do better we can do better a man. Let's let's let's seek the face of God. Just an hour a day guys. Just an hour a day. Just seeking the face of God. That's all that's all I'm challenging to do. I can promise you you will not be the same and you will not want to go back if you can just devote an hour to God every day. Just say Lord. I'm just asking you to do it for 7 days a man. Is she what got to do in your life a man? I'm challenging you again church, if you haven't done it yet this week. Let's start tomorrow. Let's pick it up. Listen to God. I'm going to spend time in your presence. I'm going to spend time praying. Why is it so important? Because I want this church has heartbeat is spiritual heartbeat to be vibrant. I wanted to be healthy a mad and how do we make that happen is through praying and seeking the face of God. Hey, man. Hey man, prayer is our blood pump. If you let me put it that way. It's it's what keeps the life inside of our spiritual man. Amen. We've got to seek the face of God. It's important. It's important. I don't even know what time it is my watch. I left it at home. 8:20. I got two hours left. How just I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm looking for it. Take that long maybe men.
Woke everybody up then dinner. He-Man having the firebird to Bone up or bone having the fire consistently burning upon the altar is imperative in our life. Imagine knowing that we must have an active alter in our life on a regular basis not just on Wednesday night and not just on Sunday morning everyday of our life. We've got to have an active. Alter. Amen. I have in here to go talk about Abraham in and we can talk about him and we can see that every place that Abraham went through the word of God every time he wouldn't move is Camp Sister Sarah. He would build an altar so he finished building his tense up and he would get everybody settled. He build an altar and Worship the Lord he would do that over and over you can find that info in Genesis 12:6 through way you can find it in Genesis 13th 14th through 8. You can also find in Genesis chapter number 22 a man even and what's what's beautiful about Genesis 22 When when Abraham was facing the greatest trial of his life? You know what it involved. Involve the promise that God gave him. an adulterer
and whether or not he was willing to build another altar. And put his promise upon the altar. How much are you willing to give up? I know time is precious. I promise you when I leave here tonight. I got to go home and I got to turn my computer's back on and I have to work until 2 or 3. I think in this morning. I was I'm behind and we got to get this stuff done. I know time is precious. That's my point. All right time is precious but my soul is more precious than my time and I want to make it to Heaven. That's my desire. I've got to make it to Heaven. There's another story we could go through we can talk about Gideon when God called him and John told him. Hey, you're a mighty man. Even though he was cowering behind the winepress Haydn from the enemy. He was God sent an angel and said hey, oh mighty man of Israel. If I could just mad he's looking really.
I don't see anybody else who you talkin to. I know I would. Cuz he was scared because of what was going on in their life, but after God called him. Gideon built an altar unto the Lord Worship the Lord I'm going to rapidly try to close this out tonight, but I want us to understand that the Altar and prayer is most important in our life more than anything else that we can do for the kingdom of God. is prey Is prey I'm asking you folks. You've been in this church, most almost all of you have been in this church for the full two and a half years. We've been here.
I'm asking. I taught one one time on on the importance of intercession. Probably don't remember with me teaching on it was the middle of the Fall last year. I taught that lesson and I talked about what every church needs an intercessor. That when we get into a service if everything seems like it's bound up if I could just get one person to bind together with me in prayer and all you do is sit on you when you pray and you seek the face of God and let the service keep going on. I have seen God breakthrough and change lives in the most convoluted situations of a service but I watched him do it because somebody got under it and begin to praise and intercede for that church at that moment in time. That's why I'm about prayer so very much just because we need prayer in this Dave and in the shower. You want to know why you see so many churches walking away from the truth. It's because so many churches.
Are going through the motions of living for God and they're not incorporating prayer in their life. They come together. They say a 10-minute prayer when they get together at church. They say a 10-minute prayer when the church service is over. They worship God the praise God. But they don't pray to him. You with me tonight?
there was a do bear with me just a moment. There was a prophecy that went in 1901. And in this prophecy, they prophesied that certain things would happen.
And that was pulling the website up as a talk in here. He man, I I found this online here in this this tons of interpretation. Wake Forest and God spoke to his people in that day
and when God spoke to his people he said this He said in the last days three things will befall the great Pentecostal movement. Number one, there would be an overemphasis of power rather than righteousness. number to there will be an overemphasis on praise to a god they no longer pray to
And an overemphasis on the gifts of the Spirit rather than the lordship of Christ.
I can tell you. That paints a vivid picture of the church today.
We need a church that not only Praises God. praise to him and talks to him. That's what we need in this day and this hour. Let me quickly go over what and alter is this evening before I close. I'm going to skip through a lot of stuff tonight. What is an altar according to Strong's enhance dictionary? And alter is from I'm not even going to try to say these words. The Hebrew word It's A Primitive root word. It means to slaughter. It means to kill to offer the sacrifice. says it means this.
It means simply to slay.
There is if you let me put it this way and altar is a place of dying.
But not just dying physically. But allowing our wheel to die. And leave it on the Altar and they say God. Jesus did not mind wheel. But thy will be done. In the heart of the situations if we will learn some how to pray those types of prayers. The Apostle Paul said this he said hi. I daily. Every single day that I wake up I seek God's face. He said later on he said for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.
He-Man John the Baptist said this way he said did I must decrease? That he can increase. I must decrease. Preacher why are you getting so heavy? I'm so well, this is what prayers all about. The altar is a place of dying out to self and allowing his Spirit to be the soul Drive in our life. What about work and such you have to work the Bible clear if you don't work you shouldn't eat. Is very clear.
but at the same time I just as important as his first to work so that we can eat. We have to provide sustenance to the spiritual man as well. And we have to allow him to feast in the presence of the Lord. He-Man something had to die in the Old Testament at the altar something did. Do you know why something had to die on The Altar? You're simply because of what Paul told the Romans in Romans 6 and 23 for the wages of sin is death the wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
It's important that we understand that the altar is where we die out to because one of the things and one of the very first prayers that most people find themselves involved in is a prayer. For lack of a better term a prayer of death to ourselves and we call it repentance. Repentance is something that says. All right God I've been going in one direction for too long and it's time now for me to turn around a hundred eighty degrees and walk in the opposite direction.
This is my possible each and every one of us for one reason and one reason only because God gave us access to Jesus Christ Our Lord. We find how it got rolled himself in flesh, and he took upon himself the form of man and took upon himself. all of the sin of the world That means people. I think what I think about evil person I think of a man like Hitler's it's raining who would put Millions to death because he's simply hated the race to me. That's the epitome of evil. But Jesus Christ died on the cross for Hitler. And he died on the cross for me.
The reason I emphasize that is because of what Agony the perfect man Jesus Christ who have never in his entire life known what was the distance in? Because he knew how to die out the spirit. The Flesh of Jesus Christ was 100% submitted to the spirit of God.
We can go through Isaiah 53 and talk about all the things that Jesus went through.
But he only went through it and he is able to sustain through it because the Flesh of Jesus Christ learned how to communicate with the spirit of God. You understand. He was fully God, but yet the same time he was fully man.
To wit that God was in Christ.
God was in Christ reconciling the world into himself not imputing their trespasses unto them. And has committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
We don't have to go. a priest anymore
and have them offer sacrifice for us. at an altar that everybody else has to bring their blood sacrifice to
but today we have an alter it can be your bedside. It can be your couch at home. It can be in the church at the front of the church. It can be at the Pew it can be in your closet. I know some people that actually do pray in a physical closet.
All right, one man say that he he takes he takes time and he relaxes you take some nice long hot bath and spend time talking to God and there. the altar isn't a physical Place anymore that we have to go sacrifice an animal on top of The altar is not a confessional booth in a church somewhere where you sit? Are you talk to a priest and say this is all that I've done that's not an altar. It's not even necessary going to word of God.
But what I'm talkin about tonight is the place that you choose the Fall on Your Knees. And begin to talk to the Lord. And commit yourself to him. and alter
should not leave you the same. As when you came to it.
And alter altar. Should alter you alter.
You should change your life forever. If you get up from an alter the same as you went down to that altar. You probably ought to come back pretty soon.
Because it's not doing what it was supposed to have done. Hey, man, I know I know.
It's hard. 3D is hard. This flesh right here. He likes to lay down in bed and sleep in a little while, especially after you've been working late or been up late or whatever. But if it's just to get up to pray this ole boy, he doesn't want to get up to pray. He wants to sit down pull out his phone and get on Facebook and Instagram and will pick up a book or go get busy about doing something else. But what I'm talking about you here tonight is look we can't afford one day surgery knee if your house depended upon a wood-burning stove and you waited a full 24 hours before you went and checked on that stove. and it's 15 degrees outside How do you think your house is going to feel? pretty cool
the same goes for our spiritual house When's the last time you went back and stoked that old stove oven? When's the last time that you went straight up that fire put some more fuel in there? Let it burn a little bit longer little bit brighter.
Just asking questions tonight. I'm finished tonight, but I'm asking you. When's the last time? I know I've been challenging us. Let's spend an hour at least an hour. I don't always ask you to do an hour. I've tried to just let you develop your own walk with God, but I'm asking you I'm challenging you tonight. Please between at least between now and Sunday. Let's let's turn the fire up. Let's get it burning hot. I went I went to Jennifer and Alyssa and Michaela's house the other night because their step dad's been working on my truck and I went to talk to him about it. And and when I got there brother Williams, there was Flames next door their house as tall as the ceiling. Those people were and they were still feeding this stuff. I don't know how they were standing next to us. It's just I can feel the heat over it their house. I'm like good.
What day is Kip feet in the fire kept getting bigger? He-Man I don't care what what the analogy you want would best fit your life to let me ask you. How big is the fire on your altar tonight? How much is the water that supposed to be flowing out of your belly? How much is it being regulated today? Is it. In blasting out? Or is it on a trickle?
Just asking questions tonight. I want to I want you to think about your spiritual man today. It's easy to get busy about life and it's easy to get busy about what we I've I've even Justified myself because I was working for the church, but I don't care how much work you do for the church if you don't pray. You could die lost even doing work for the church sister Feeney. It's it's one of those things where we've got to make sure prayer is the most important thing in our life. Do you realize when you pray it it's going to drive you to want to read the Bible? Do you realize when you pray and you consistently pray in that fires burning in your heart? It's not going to be a burden to tell somebody about church or what God's done in your life.
Hey Matt, can we stay in tonight?
He man, I know I didn't not swinging from the fans and I'm not screaming and hollering all night tonight, but I feel like I've delivered my heart tonight. And I pray I wasn't just talking to the walls amen. But I pray I was talking to some hearts in this place tonight. We go home. I wanted to commit ourselves to him one more time. I don't want you to do it because I'm asking you to I want you to do it because you want to Amanda. I want you to reach out to the Lord and I want you to talk to him for just a few moments before we leave the sanctuary this evening and let's let's commit ourselves to him a new one a fresh you. Can we do that tonight low. We love you God. I thank you for your goodness. I thank you for the Ulster God that you have allowed me to field in my life. I don't want to be out brightness Byron. Is it possible because Lord I need that in my life. I need communication regular basis.
Did you would stop it from this day forward. We would like never before sweet cheeks. Find a reminder to get a dog for Community change them forever.
Oh, you are excellent in this house tonight?
Love should be the name of the Lord.
What I need tonight. Hallelujah, Jesus praise God praise God. He man, I used to that challenge again tonight you man when you go home and let's let's go home. Let's wake up tomorrow. Let's pray. Let's wake up Friday. Let's pray. Let's wake up Saturday. Let's pray. It's wake up Sunday morning, especially Sunday morning. We need your prayers here. I know it's hard sometimes to get here to the house of God early and pray on Sat Sunday morning, but I try to make sure that I have the girls and I'm back here by 10 and then we need these walls to ring with a man before ever service. It's important. You meant tonight was beautiful a man has Weaver Worship in the Lord and seeking God's face before the service a man. What a glorious present. We felt while we be into worshipping man and it's because some people decided to come together and pray tonight. Amen. I want to say thank you so much for being here early to pray a man. Let's let's let's do it again on Sunday. Let's see what God has in store for us a man. praise God Manuel Saturday I may need a little bit of help. I got a phone call yesterday and was reminded. That we have stuff in the storage unit.
I totally forgot it was there. so I need help this weekend. She I'm going to get up as early as you can so I can get down to the junkyard. Just get rid of it. Cuz I don't want to make a mess. That would be a big fire.