Библийн уншлага
The first in a series of four messages on what to do with God's Word. This message is connected with our theme for the year of "Adding to Our Faith". We are currently studying the idea of Adding Knowledge...
4 aI charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, bwho shall judge the quick and the dead at chis appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant din season, eout of season; freprove, grebuke, hexhort with all ilongsuffering and doctrine. 3 For jthe time will come when they will not kendure lsound doctrine; but mafter their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and nshall be turned unto ofables. 5 But pwatch thou in all things, qendure afflictions, do the work of ran evangelist, ||smake full proof of thy ministry.
4 aI charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, bwho shall judge the quick and the dead at chis appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant din season, eout of season; freprove, grebuke, hexhort with all ilongsuffering and doctrine. 3 For jthe time will come when they will not kendure lsound doctrine; but mafter their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and nshall be turned unto ofables. 5 But pwatch thou in all things, qendure afflictions, do the work of ran evangelist, ||smake full proof of thy ministry.
Хэрэв бид өөрсдийгөө буруу сургаалаас хамгаалах бол Үгийг сайн судлах, түүнд орох ёстой.
The best antidote for error is a positive presentation of the truth.
1. Бидний уншлагын тушаал
“…Бичвэрийн уншлага(нд)…анхаар.”vs. 13
A. Паулын Тимотод тушаасан юм
Паул Тимотийн итгэл ба үйлчлэлд аюулыг нь танихдээ тэр зүгээр л Библийг унших санаа дамжуулсангүй. Тэр үүнийг тушаасан биз дээ!
Б. Тимотоор дамжуулан Цуглаанд тушаасан юм
Паулын хуувьд Тимотэд сайн байгаагаа бусдэд нь сайн. Тимотийн аюул бол цуглааны аюул. Түүний хэрэгцээ бол тэдний хэрэгцээ. Өөрийн Тимотэд тавьсан юмсыг Паул Тимотоор дамжуулан цуглаанд зааж ба тушааж байна. (11 иш.)
2. Бидний уншлагийн агуулах
“…итгэлийн үгс ба эрүүл сургаалаар тэжээгдсэн,..” vs. 6
A. Бурханы Үг бидний итгэл-ийн агуулах
Бурханы Үг бол бидний итгэлийн үндэс. Түүнээс бид итгэлээ, итгэх ёстой сургаалыг татаж авдаг.
Б. Бурханы Үг бидний сургаал-ын агуулах
Бурханы Үг бол бидний амьдралын эцэсийн эрх мэдэл гэж бид үздэг. Өөрөөр тайлбарвал энэ нь бидний нийгэм, гэр бүл, цуглаан, хуувийн шидвэр, болон бидний амьдралын бүх хэсэг дээгүүр эрх мэдэлтэй юм.
В. Бурханы Үг бидний хүч чадал-ын агуулдаг
It is the content and practice of faith and doctrine that builds strength in our lives. As we are strong individually, our families, churches, and communities will be strong.
Acts 6:7
7 And rthe word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and sa great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.
3. Бидний уншлагын болгоомжил
“Өөртөө ба сургаалдаа анхаар.” vs. 16
A. Бид нар Бурханы айлдвар-т анхаарах хэрэгтэй
If what God says is important, we should not only read it, but we should read it carefully, thoroughly, and regularly. The fact that God even wants to speak to us should give us pause…He is so great! ()
Б. Бид нар юу хийж байгаандаа анхаарах хэрэгтэй.
It is not enough to know what the Bible says, but we must also compare our lives to God’s Word to see if they match up. If not, we need to change our lives.
A nationwide poll was taken in the United States on religious questions. When asked whether they believed in God, 95 percent of those polled answered “yes.” When asked whether religion in any way affected their politics and their business, 54 percent said “no.” They had a belief, but they did not have a directing faith. Faith is action. Faith encompasses the entire spectrum of life’s encounters and experiences.
A nationwide poll was taken in the United States on religious questions. When asked whether they believed in God, 95 percent of those polled answered “yes.” When asked whether religion in any way affected their politics and their business, 54 percent said “no.” They had a belief, but they did not have a directing faith. Faith is action. Faith encompasses the entire spectrum of life’s encounters and experiences.