That the Generation to Come
Sermon Tone Analysis
Turn to and read Psalm 78:1-7.
We will not hide them from their children, Shewing to the generation to come The praises of the Lord, and his strength, And his wonderful works that he hath done.
That they might set their hope in God, And not forget the works of God, But keep his commandments:
In the Classroom
In the Classroom
Present the Gospel in Every Lesson
Present the Gospel in Every Lesson
Because new children come to Bible Time each day, the Gospel must be taught each day. Don't fear teaching the Gospel to young children. The caution should always be placed on giving invitations and counseling children.
Everyone - even those working in the kitchen - need to be prepared to share the Gospel with the Boosters.
There is never a bad time to sow the seed!
The Gospel needs to be communicated clearly and carefully to boys and girls.
The Gospel needs to be communicated clearly and carefully to boys and girls.
Throughout the week of NBT, everyone should use the 5 Facts Tract. (Make sure that everyone has a copy of the 5 Facts Tract.) This tract is based upon one of the most well-known verses, John 3:16.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
It is referred to as..
5 Facts About My Everlasting Life
1. God loves you even though you are a sinner.
2. God sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sins.
3. Whosoever believeth in Him!
4. Shall not perish but have everlasting life!
5. Receive Jesus and become a child of God!
Tonight, I will not take the time to go over those truths. Each volunteer should familiarize themselves with this Gospel tract. The Evangelists will use it; we should use it.
There are some foundational truths that should be taught as the Gospel is communicated to the children.
There are some foundational truths that should be taught as the Gospel is communicated to the children.
God’s love must be taught.
God’s love must be taught.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
It is likely that some of the children that come to Neighborhood Bible Time will seriously doubt that anyone loves them. They may have even been told that God doesn’t love them. They need to be taught and assured of the truth that God loves them. In addition to teaching them the Biblical truth that God loves them, we must also show them the love of God in our actions and words toward them.
And of some have compassion, making a difference:
The truth about sin must be taught.
The truth about sin must be taught.
Unfortunately, some of the children will come to NBT without any idea of what sin is. In fact, some of the children will flatly deny that they are a sinner. The world has taught them that they basically good. In fact, some adults would take offence at us telling children that they are sinners! But no matter how unpleasant it is, the children need to be taught the truth.
They learn about sin through definitions, Scripture verses, and examples.
Sin is anything they think, say, or do that breaks God's Law.
Examples of sin, that you can use, are such things as fighting, hitting, lying, disobeying, etc.
Romans 3:23 is the best Scripture verse to use because it is so concise.
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Because of sin, people are separated from God and deserve God's punishment. However, God loves us and has provided the only way for sin to be forgiven through Jesus' blood.
In Counselling
In Counselling
So, a child has raised their hand at an invitation and they have been brought to you to “counsel.” What do you do?
Introduce yourself and ask them what their name is. Spend just a few moments getting to know them.
Ask them why they raised their hand.
It is here that I would like to note the fact that you may have the opportunity to minister to children who have been saved in the past. There are several reasons why that may occur.
They may have not truly been saved to begin with. Don’t ever assume! Go through the 5 Facts with them.
There many be un-confessed sin in their life.
Talk with Billy and find out what he has been doing wrong. Use the illustration of the father who has a disobedient son. The father loves his son, but not his sins. The son belongs to his father even though he has sinned against his father. When the son confesses his sin to his father, then he is cleansed and his fellowship is restored.
Sin hinders fellowship with God the Father. Billy needs to apply I John 1:9 and through honest confession of sins, his fellowship with God is restored.
Once a child has been saved, the Holy Spirit will begin convicting them of ways in which they have been living that are not right. Therefore, a child may respond to the invitation each night as God deals with them areas in their life that are not right.
There may be a lack of Bible knowledge.
Children who have a lack of knowledge of the basic truths from the Bible need to be taught and instructed. Answer any questions they may have. It may be a child who was truly saved in a previous NBT who, because they have not been able to attend a good, Bible-teaching church, has never been truly grounded in God’s truth.
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
Once a child has been saved, the Holy Spirit will also begin to teach them God’s truth. As such, they may truly have questions simply as God begins open their eyes to the truths of God’s word.
Open thou mine eyes, That I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.
After you have taken the time to get to know them and sought to ascertain their reason for coming, you can begin to share with them “5 Facts About My Everlasting Life.”
If the child is old enough, have the child read John 3:16 out loud. Have the child read each of the 5 facts. Then, you can take the time to explain each of the 5 facts. Throughout, ask the child questions to determine their level of understanding.
The fifth fact, “Receive Jesus and become a child of God!,” brings a child to the point of receiving Christ.
“You can believe in Jesus Christ and receive everlasting life.”
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
“Are you ready to put your faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?”
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Once a child has received Christ, take the time to help them gain the assurance of their salvation.
Security is God's promise; assurance is the believer's confidence in God's promise. A believer must trust His promises. Often, children who respond more than once to the salvation invitation lack assurance.
Lack of assurance can be caused by many things. One problem could be that the child never really understood the plan of salvation or was saved. Another problem is not understanding how to deal with daily sins. Still another problem is his lack of knowledge of God's Word relating to the promises of eternal security and then realizing it.
Use Romans 10:13 to help the child understand that assurance is based upon God’s promise!
Closing: Tonight, at the invitation, let’s spend time at this altar asking God...
to prepare us to effectively present the Gospel message to the children and teens.
to give us boldness to present the Gospel message.
to allow us the opportunity to lead children and teens to a saving knowledge in Jesus Christ.
That they might set their hope in God, And not forget the works of God, But keep his commandments: