A Little Help
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A little Help goes a long way. And pride comes before a fall. There is nothing wrong with getting help. It does not matter who your are. At some point in your life you are going to need some help. Now, whether or not you get help is up to you, but you will eventually need some help. (elaborate, Run, Preach)
God promised to help.
The Sprit was in the beginning, Helped Joseph interpret dreams, Helped sinners from running amok, Helped the artisans design the Tabernacle, Helped Joshua get selected by Moses, Gideon fight 300, Helped Sampson kill a lion, Helped Saul prophesy, Helped David write music, helped every prophet speak truth to power and record the oracles of God.
(Catch up to Pentecost and what it is)
Anyone can be Used
Anyone can be Used
Peter has just preached his heart out. He has laid it all out. He has given a message of hope in Jesus that could potentially get him killed. Peter has just gone public with Jesus by not only confessing him before men, but by professing him to be both Lord and Christ. Peter has just reminded this large body of people that they are the ones responsible for his death and that they are standing in the way their own salvation unless they do what is required for salvation. Peter did this. Peter! Peter? Yes, Peter. You see Peter is the least likely person to go public, the least qualified person to preach.
You see it was Peter…Doubted in the boat, Sank while walking on water, who made a silly remark at the transfiguration, after reviving revelation on who Jesus was rebuked Jesus for what Jesus had to do, questioned Jesus about paying taxes, needed a lesson on forgiveness, needed a lesson on forgiveness, who needed help understanding parables, who didn’t wan Jesus to wash his feet, who fell asleep when Jesus went to pray, drew his sword, cussed out a little girl, denied just not once, not twice, but three time, who watched Jesus’ trial from afar but never came to his rescue as a witness, was absent at the cross.
But even after all of the ways Peter let Jesus down, with a little help of the Holy Spirit. Peter was able to great things for God.
Anyone can be Reached
Anyone can be Reached
Anyone can be reached because the message is simple.
Be Baptized for the forgiveness of your sins
receive the Holy Spirit
Promise is to all.
Anyone can be Saved
Anyone can be Saved
The good news of the Good News is that anyone can be saved. This anyone then must be seen here with the understanding that the people who have committed the most egregious sin against the Son of God are now seeking to be saved. He encouraged them to be saved from a perversion or crooked genteration.
What makes them perverse? (list as many as necessary)
Peter understood that this people and his era was exceedingly wicked. But, he also understood that you can be delivered from the wickedness that surrounds you. In other words, just because they are crooked doesn’t mean you have to be. There is another option besides perversion.