Trinity Sunday - Year C - 2019
There are three things about the Trinity, from my prayer and study this week, that I want to share with you. 1) What is God? 2) God is Love. And, 3) Love is Playful
What is God?
God is Love
Love is Playful
And more, always more, infinitely more, “what no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived” (1 Cor 2:9).
The perf. ekkechytai, “has been poured out,” expresses the perduring condition of what has been achieved by Christ Jesus.
The perf. ekkechytai, “has been poured out,” expresses the perduring condition of what has been achieved by Christ Jesus. The
God, glory of
The revelation of God’s power and characteristics, sometimes accompanied by visible phenomena.
But more to the point, the Paraclete’s guidance along the way of all truth involves more than a deeper intellectual understanding of what Jesus has said—it involves a way of life in conformity with Jesus’ teaching
Two verbs are employed here in the perfect tense, “we have gained” (ἐσχήκαμεν) and “we have stood” (ἑστήκαμεν), to reflect a status gained by believers in the past and continued to the present.