A Heart That Is Known (Wednesday Evening)
Me and We
Me and We
What did we learn about this morning?
What stories did we hear?
We heard about Jonah and how God wanted to save people who were evil. We learned about how knowing God is so important. It can actually change our lives. We all want to know how to know God.
The one person in my life that always surprises me is me. You would think I would know me? But that is so far from the truth. In fact I know very little about me. I bet the same is true about you.
There are so many times when I say things like, I can’t believe I did that! Like that time I told a flag football team I would shave my head if they won the game. Or that time I thought I was so good at archery, when in fact I am not. I just don’t know myself very well.
But do you know who knows me a whole lot more than I ever will? God. He knows me a lot. Because God knows me so much, He also knows what’s good for me. If that is true, it’s probably smart that I listen to him.
Story of Naaman and Jordan River. Focus on obedience/God knows whats best for us.
Naaman had a problem, he had leprosy. A terrible skin disease. Naaman didn’t know how to cure his disease. In fact after going from doctor to doctor, he realized no one knew how to fix his problem.
But then
You and We
You and We