Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Imagine that you knew the exact date/time of your death?
What would you do with the time you have remaining?
Would you take as many trips as possible?
Would you use up all your credit cards and spend as much as possible?
What you want to spend more time doing the things you love?
Would you want to spend more time with your loved ones?
We tend to think a lot about making plans for the future but we rarely stop to think about the the day of our death!
We make plans for tomorrow, for next week, for next year.
We make plans for our future careers.
We make plans for when we retire.
We rarely make plans for the day of our death.
We live as if we were to live for ever and ever.
We forgot the exhortation from the writer to the Hebrews:
We know that we are aging, we know that we are wasting away, but we act as if that day will never come.
Young people act as if they will always be that age.
Adults thinks that by taking vitamins, becoming vegans, using face creams, etc…that they will be able to reverse the aging process and never die.
Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes:
Why does Solomon say that it is better to go to the house of mourning - were people are mourning the death of someone that has just died?
In fact, he says that it is better than going to a house of feasting (e.g., a party).
Solomon says we should go to the house of mourning for by doing so we will be understand once and for all that we too shall die, the day of our death today is closer to us than yesterday, our time upon earth is running out.
In our journey through the Bible in 2019 we come upon the story of king Hezekiah.
Hezekiah was confronted by God with the reality of his own mortality in a very direct way.
Hezekiah was confronted by the prophet of God and told that he would surely die - his death was right around the corner.
We will consider:
Hezekiah reign
Hezekiah’s death declared
Hezekiah’s life extended
Hezekiah’s wasted life
El Reino de Ezequías / Hezekiah reign
Hezekiah was one of the kings of Judah ().
Hezekiah had become king of the southern kingdom of Judah when he was 25 years old.
The Bible summarizes his life in
We are told that he got rid of all the idols in Judah.
The people of God were worshipping false gods.
For this reason he purged Judah of its idolatry.
God prospered his kingdom for he had been obedient to God’s word and genuinely feared God.
Hezekiah can be credited for implementing religious reforms amongst the people of God.
He worked hard to cleanse the people of God from false worship.
In summary, he was a faithful king who feared God; nevertheless he was just like all of us sons and daughters of Adam - he too was a fallen human being, prone to sin, prone to disobey God’s word.
Hezekiah’s 29 year reign was marked by his faithfulness to the Lord in this area.
La muerte de Ezequías declarada / Hezekiah’s death declared
There came a day when God sent the prophet Isaiah to Hezekiah to deliver most serious prophetic word.
Do not forget that the prophets of old were essentially God’s mouthpiece.
They spoke for God and whatever they declared was God’s own words.
2 Kings 20:
When Hezekiah was 39 years old, he became very sick “at the point of death”.
In we learn that he had some kind of open wound which was the cause of his grave condition.
This was no ordinary illness.
It was completely under the control of God’s mighty hand based on the prophet’s message:
The Lord declared that he was to set his house in order.
Hezekiah would die.
Hezekiah would not recover.
Hezekiah’s condition would continue to worsen until he would eventually die.
Hezekiah would not overcome his illness.
Hezekiah’s health was failing and had no hope of recovery.
How would you react knowing that you had a death sentence?
How would you react if you were told you had a terminal illness?
How would you react knowing that you had only a few days left upon this earth?
How would you react knowing that you would not make it to your next birthday?
What would matter most?
Surely not money.
Surely not possessions.
Surely not physical looks.
Surely not anything that this world had to offer.
…all you would want is some more time!
La vida de Ezequías extendida / Hezekiah’s life extended
Hezekiah reacted like many of us would react if we were faced with the same terrible news.
2 Kings 20:2
Hezekiah pleaded before the face of God.
Men want to live.
No one wants to die.
No one truly desires death.
Even those that sadly take their lives want to live - just not the life they are currently living.
Our instinct is to fight for our lives.
No one wants to think of themselves in a coffin being lowered into the ground.
The Lord heard Hezekiah’s cry!
God was merciful to Hezekiah.
God was under no obligation to hear Hezekiah’s cry - it is God that gives and takes men’s lives.
God told his prophet to return to Hezekiah:
2 Kings 20:5-
God extended Hezekiah’s life by 15 years.
Hezekiah was 39 years old when he was about to die.
He cried out to the Lord and was given 15 more years.
This means that Hezekiah finally died when he was 54 years old.
God told him - you will not die.
You will live!
In verse 7 Hezekiah is given the cure for his mortal wound:
Hezekiah did as he was told and lived as God had promised.
Hezekiah must have been so grateful knowing that God had heard his prayer and extended his life.
God has smiled upon him and blessed him with 15 more years.
Ezequías desaprovecha / Hezekiah’s failure to take advantage
If you were given 15 more years, knowing that you were about to die, what would you do with those additional years?
What would you do with your time remaining upon earth?
What would you do with the rest of your days knowing that you were about to die; but God had mercifully gifted you additional years of life?
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9