Age of Ignorance
Sermon Tone Analysis
Proposition: In this age of information (or ignorance) we must be passionate about reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- We live in a fast-pace age where all information is a mouse click away.
- 10 minutes on the computer will make you a pseudo-expert on any field. Any question can be answered in the same amount of time.
- We have a new phrase - "just google it."
- But with this much information it means people are also exposed to every possible alternative or idea. This can lead to ignorance. So much like Paul delt with in Athens, we too need to be prepared to witness in a world that is ignorant about the Gospel.
We cannot afford to wait for people to come to us. (16-17)
- Paul's tenth stop on his second missionary journey is Athens.
- Athens had been since the 5th century B.C. the cultural and intellectual capital of the world.
- This town represented all that was great in the world. (Starbucks, Target, etc.)
- When Paul saw the town he was "greatly distressed" - his spirit was provoked. He had to respond.
- So he goes not just to the Temple but also to the marketplace (only time in Scripture)
- There are many idols in the world today. We can no longer afford to hope and pray the people come to church. We must go and be the church to the world.
People are willing to listen but we must be willing to act. (18-21)
- The message we have is a message that the world has not yet completely shut out.
- Yes some may say we are "babblers" (seed-pickers) but they will still be willing to listen.
- There came a point when the people asked to hear Paul. He was ready to tell them. But more than that he was ready to show them.
- The philosophers did nothing - they talked and argued but never acted. As Christians with this wonderful message of salvation we are required to act. Act in love, in kindness, in compassion. Act to tell the message.
- There are so many competing messages in the world today but most of them convince you to do nothing or to talk about it. Few require you to act in faith. But that is what is required of us.
Our message is too important to ignore. (22-34)
- Paul speaks their language, but wastes no time telling the good news.
- V. 27 Paul relates that God has never been far from us - He's not just some idea or some idol-He is God and He longs for each of us to know him. This message can't be ignored.
- Paul then says that God used to overlook this "ignorance" but now He is commanding that people repent. Do you hear that? God is not overlooking "ignorance" (unknowing) any longer.
- Some responded but others left. Yet Paul saw an urgency to get this message out. So even among the smartest people of the day he did not relent in spreading the Gospel. We should do no less.