Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Intro into conclusion
What a journey we have had going through this wisdom literature for application.
And the application is apparent in this passage tonight.
Someone once said that life is like a school, except sometime we don’t know there is a test until after we fail the test or pass it.
sometimes we don’t know the lessons learned until after the fact.
God teaches in many fashions and many ways, primarily through His Word.
He has spoken through creation, through history, through life experiences.
Some lessons are hard to learn, some fun to learn, some we don’t learn well and have to repeat them.
When have you learned some of the best lessons you have in life?
In our passage tonight, in the conclusion, in the summing up everything, we will see:
Solomon in his teaching was wise (Ecc12:9; ref 1Kng3:3-28)
Solomon the wisest man who ever lived according to 1Kng3 passage> wisdom from above.
Wisdom that he used to rule the people, but also wisdom to search out and check things out.
He studied many things and many things you can find written in Proverbs.
Solomon in his teaching was orderly (Ecc12:9; 1Cor14:33)
Solomon weighed his investigations carefully but also arranged things in an orderly fashion.
For we know God is not the God of confusion (1Cor14:33) and Solomon using
Solomon in his teaching was careful and truthful (Ecc12:10 Pro8:6-11)
He used pleasing and acceptable words that were gracious .
He did not compromise the truth, he did not flatter the people, but was honest, he upheld words of truth
Solomon claims his words are inspired (Ecc12:11; 2Tim3:16; 2Pt1:20-21)
Inspired, meaning by the Holy Spirit as noted in 2Tim3:16 and then look at 2Pt1:20-21
Now let us look at the passage
Having said all that, now let’s look at the passage and see if what I said is true.
What do you see, what do you notice, what sticks out to you?
Restated purpose
To sum up all things, to conclude, maybe we better take a minute and look at what the purpose is this is all written.
He has repeated the theme throughout the book, can you remember it (hint, hint look at (Ecc1:2)
In his search to confirm his thesis
Vanity of pleasure (Ecc2:1)
Vanity of labor (Ecc2:11, 2:22-23, 4:4)
Vanity of human wisdom (Ecc2:15)
Vanity of life as a whole (Ecc2:17)
Vanity of leaving an inheritance (Ecc2:18-21)
In his own words of wisdom and his counsel
Vanity of life (earthly life) (Ecc3:19-21)
Vanity of acquiring riches (Ecc4:7—8)
Vanity of popularity (Ecc4:16)
Vanity of dreams and many words (Ecc5:7)
Vanity of love of possessions (Ecc5:10)
Vanity of not being grateful for Gods gifts to enjoy (Ecc6:2)
whew what a list, but that is not all of Solomon restating, proving out his thesis
Vanity of souls desire (Ecc6:9)
Vanity of foolish laughter (Ecc7:6)
Vanity of the injustices of this life (Ecc8:14)
Vanity of the days of darkness (Ecc11:8)
Finally, vanity of childhood/youth (Ecc11:10)
May we remember “context, context, context” He is viewing things as, well let me give you a passage or two so you can see his view.
How about
Did you get it?
What is it?
He is looking at everything from a view of things “under the sun” with no view of God, so from an earthly perspective.
Also no view of the eternal, no afterlife so there is no advantage to wisdom over folly (Ecc2:15-16) No difference between man and animals (Ecc3:19-21) and there is no reward for the dead for they are forgotten (Ecc9:5-6)
Now, if that was only view, if only looked at things that way, then everything is vanity of vanities.
But still true wisdom presses on to teach the truth.
For we all have to deal with the vanity of life.
It did not stop Solomon, and it should not stop us, his work continued as should ours, so may we press on to the next section.
Sum of all things
The epilogue: a section or speech at the end of a book or play that serves as a comment on or a conclusion to what has happened.
This section will tells us what he continued to do.
He continued to teach (Ecc12:9-10)
On safe side, let me give you you the passage again
His conclusion did not lead to him to inactivity at all
His conclusion did not lead to him to inactivity at all
May we, regardless of response be willing to be active and not in despair and this life can be discouraging under the sun can’t it?
Words of wisdom, right study, have great value (Ecc12:11-12)
What kind of words were used?
(Goads; nails)
Goads: To provoke, to annoy, to drive, to urge with a prod.
Or maybe think of it as prodding our thinking, to move us in the right direction.
Nails, what are nails used for?
To provide stability to hold things together.
Right words used to hold us and things together.
What kind of words (nails, goads)?
Ones from the One Shepherd, the true Shepherd the Great Shepherd.
Study is good of the right things, but too much study can weary the soul.
We need to pick and chose the books in which we chose to read, chose to study, for not all knowledge is beneficial.
Warren Wiersbe said this
“Don’t test God’s truth by many books written by men; test men’s books by the truth of God’s Word.”
Life is a school, school is in session and here is the good part about this school under the sun we have the answers needed for the test.
Wisdom instructions for application
What good are instructions if they are not applied?
What good is the book if we don’t have something we are to do with it?
We know the “vanity of vanities” of life under the sun.
Solomon tells us now what to do with our life under the sun.
OK, what are the instructions that you see?
May we remember our life is a gift from God (Act17:24-28)
One day we will give an account (Ecc12:14; Rom14:12)
So here is the whole duty of man (Ecc12:13; KJV)
Fear God (Ecc12:13; Pro1:7; Pro9:10)
add this
Keep His commandments (Ecc13:4; Jn14:15; 1Jn2:3-4)
Reference only jn14:15
Here is the purpose of life (Pro22:4)
THere you want to have meaning, want to have purpose?
read, study and know the right conclusion and application of God’s Wisdom given.
We can live and endure and even enjoy life under the sun.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9