A Greater Baptism - 1 Peter 3:18-22
Yafo, God is real patient with us. And how patient well that's what a hundred and twenty years each one get a one-line sermon. It's going to rain.
Every time you saw know what he said it's going to rain. He had a third eye. What is rain I ain't seen no rain. What does rain look like in North kept saying to is it going to rain? It's going to rain and God. He said to some of us right now some young for right now. As soon as I sit right here right now. It's going to rain. In other words, it's the time is coming when you won't have time no more until take the time right now to make the distance best decision right now next move your best move.
amen so at this time It is that time to declare God's Eternal truths. Let us do that now.
Father we are grateful to you today. for your son Jesus For Ashley, you did say as your word states, there is no name under heaven. Whereby men must be saved by. Other than Jesus name? So today father as we dig deeper. Better understand how we are to relate to you. Father we pray that the power of your holy spirit with fall fresh. That's your son. Jesus would be glorified. That God would be exalted in this place. And that you would bring in all of the distracted Minds that they make concentrate on you and your worth today in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Amen.
This is going to be just a wee bit challenging to some extent. But nevertheless it is the word of God. And so we find ourselves here again finishing up Chapter 3 of 1st Timothy.
Peter that's right.
Peter everybody else know where I'm at you And we right here and verses 18 to 22. 18222 now at one of the challenges are fine that when you are a young person is understanding what's going on in the church. And you're young person. It seems like that the church is 404.
Lord have mercy let me say that one more again because it seemed like
Seems like the church is for old folk. No, folks who might be on their way out. Seems like it is old hat. And I will say that there are occasions matter fact many occasions when we need to upgrade. Come on say Amen somebody. We have been locked into the tragic Trapper tradition for so long that we have gotten trapped. We can't go any further because we've been overcome by tradition. So there are some places in the church that need to be massaged if not totally renovated. Some cases you can decide that weather. You want to be a renovator or an arson is just burn the whole house down. But the situation is just that bad. But there are some things that stay the same. There's some things that stay the same in the church and one of those things are those rituals that I done every first Sunday and every fourth Sunday. Play John because they continue to bring home to us the significance of why there's a church at all. Why there's a people that continue to come through the doors to worship. Almighty God. If Jesus hadn't died then we wouldn't be here.
If Jesus hadn't died, there be no reason for us to do the other thing and that is to get baptized. So today just for a few moments what I want to talk about to the young folk as well is a greater baptism. You say ribbon? What what do you mean by greater baptism or I will tell you what I'm not talkin about before I start talking about it. Somebody said the way that you can tell whether that somebody is doing well is that they first tell you what they going to tell you tell you then they tell you what they told me.
So I just told you what I'm going to say. a man First thing is is that what up what I'm not talking about. I'm not speaking about this idea of known and unknown tongues. There's a belief that that that this greater baptism has to deal with that and even though that happened in church history and Acts chapter 2 specifically verse 38 and following we're not talkin about that. At least this text is not Norwegian talking about being slain in the spirit, you know, sometimes you see folks they fall out and you know, they need smelling salts and they call that slain in the spirit been trying to find it in the text somewhere. I haven't been able to find it yet. But that's what they call it. Yes it then they're not talking about an outer body experience where a person somehow another ex receive special Revelation from God. We talkin about that if you're not talking about a greater baptism with regard to that. But what Peter does in this particular chapter here on the last section here is begin to expand upon some profound truths related to what it means to have a greater relationship a deeper and a body relationship with Jesus Christ.
Which is say ensure that it has a deal with the issue of what you do when you commit yourself to fall in Christ. See that's where this misnomer this idea. That church is just for old folk needs to be put the rest. Cuz if you are somebody young if you somebody that's living on this Earth you going to need Jesus sometime in your life. And only after you die, you will need him for sure. But if you don't get him now, you won't be able to get him on the other side.
So you have to learn right now how to go deep in Jesus, even though the culture around you young fool is saying there's so much most stuff to do. Sometimes we have to let some things go in order to develop a closer walk with the Lord. Yes, yes. Yes, sometimes you have to let some friends go. I know that the that the streetlights sometimes is calling I know that the game box is calling the Xbox is calling the TV is call Linda Netflix is calling that friends are called all that stuff is calling but none of it has any internal value. You have to learn right now to walk the walk of the Christian Life of us. Look at how they got to where they got the age to where they got where they learn to start walking with the Lord when they were young. Somebody do them just like they did you they took him to school that you can do Sunday school just like they did with you and they didn't took him to church just like they did with you at but they just kept right on. Is something about when you have folks who got that deeper walk with the Lord if you will what what happens if you don't have you ever knows you don't have to tell them to be quiet in church.
I don't know. I don't know about you. But when I was growing up when I was growing up my mother and then had to say be quiet in the church. Cuz as you can pick yourself up off the floor.
You can understood that church was a place where you learn how to behave yourself because if they can get you in the church, they might get you after church and something that might get you in the church anyway.
Oh, yeah, you sitting there all of a sudden you feel two eyeballs burning through the back of your shoulder. You knew that was big mama or momma looking at you.
Why did they take it serious? Why did they take it serious? Why I didn't text you because otherwise you have to come to the conclusion young for that life just ain't in having fun. What is a place for Fun? Trust me on that. I had as much fun as I can handle matter fact, I worked overtime. But what side understood who Jesus was that and what he had the wrong with me. I begin to understand that I need to put all my eggs in dispatch. I need to go all the way with you. I need to be all in with Jesus. Because when it's all said and done everything that end in Jesus it goes by the wayside anyway. Oh, yeah, it's good to be popular is good to be known on your team is good to be known for the instrument you play it's good to be known for me the captain and basically it's good to even have knowledge but knowledge without Jesus equals the ultimate spiritual ignorance. You got to have Jesus to give you roots. As far as Peter was closing out this chapter. He says these three things first though. He says that it was Christ. That bought us to God. Nobody says right there and also has one suffering for since the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God watch this that that's a euphemism. That's a phrase which means to Usher us into the presence of God. I don't know about you. When when when when when the president shows up or when the The Man shows of everybody makes a whole lot. They try to make sure that they recognize their in an audit place. Because this this this this particular dignitary it sucks that they command a certain amount of respect. What could you imagine that Jesus put you in the presence of almighty God put you in the presence of the king of the whole entire universe and he did everything he did it by first of all suffering young folk. We think we suffer that we can play a game for today. We we we think we're suffering if our parents don't give us the opportunity to to do what we want to do to have some type of leisure activities or be involved in some activity.
You just being obedient to what's been told to you to do what you're not suffering. No, no, no. No, not you might enter to suffer if you Disobedience that might be another way to enter into suffering. But you're not suffering. Oh, yes, my beloved my beloved. I wish you could understand this young folk that it was Christ that brought us into the presence of almighty God. He did it by suffering watch this for the just for the unjust and what that means is that Jesus did nothing to earn the right to suffer, but he suffered so that those who deserve to suffer. I don't know about you. I don't know about you, but can you imagine You get a parking ticket. Somebody come up and say let me pick take care of that for you. You imagine. Can you imagine that does a policeman show up today the lock you up for a crime that you deserve to be locked up for somebody said let me take your place and it spent all the time that's been given to you. Let me take that on me and you gon freecs. That's what Jesus did. Jesus looked at you said yeah, you deserve it the penalty but I will pay the penalty so that you can live free and be an example of what it looks like when I extend my
I don't know about you. I don't know about you smoke some of your might understand if you got a scholarship, you understand that somebody pay for your scholarship. Somebody spend some time. Somebody had some money the way they put it down the fixer so that you can reap the benefits of going to school freely, but somebody had to work for that money. Oh, yeah. Yeah, if you got parents your parents, they slave scraped and Sprouts if you will to make sure they could just put money down so that they can buy your books almost as much as the class.
parents who work long hours slaving over stoves sewing on buttons caught you around from place to place as if they are the greatest Moving Service in the world. You don't have to suffer. Imagine Jesus did the same thing he suffered so that we could go free but not only that he he did it by way of his death, but it says here being put to death in The Flash be in Quicken by the spirit. Jesus able to
I remember sharing with gentleman at the mission that one time they had me to play Jesus at Mount Sinai. That was a mistake.
Cuz I remember they were trying to put me on the cross and I was jerking like what y'all trying to do to me. I forgot all about that Jesus. I was not supposed to say a moment where? Jesus Who have the right? To not suffer for being just took it upon himself to suffer for the unjust Kim being just but I only suffering but then dying. Oh, yeah, he died died on calvary's cross over if we could live that. Jesus died valiantly courageously totally committed without a month. You ask one of us to clean our room sometime. We have problems with that. You don't have issues without yours, but but I recall that something now, you're not suffering. That's just a discipline that you have. Because you not dead you at least clean your room. Like it was a step further that he also did it because he rose from the dead. To the Bible shows us that it was not just that Jesus suffered. That was powerful. It was not that's he died with sex scene that it was an error finality. But then Jesus rose with all power in his hands. Just that gave us the victory see Jesus died for our sins. That means he paid for all of them past present and future but then he rose to ensure our Victory. So that means we can walk in Victory today. We can we don't have to worry about being defeated as long as When was Christ that brought us into the present but also it was God's patience to God's patience that men were able to hear the gospel. Is it by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison? What's Showtime were disobedient When what when Once the long-suffering God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark Was preparing wearing few that is eight Souls were saved, by the way. How do you say read and why is that important? Because what it says to us beloved is God is very patient with us. Oh, yeah, that's why some of us it took us a long time to get say. I got saved when I was 9 years old, but it took a while for me to get and learn how to walk the Tristan light. It's right now right now you been coming to church cuz Mom and Daddy been bringing you the church, but that will come a time when you have to come to church on your own and you have to find a church of your own and a city someplace other than the one that you're in right now because Mama and Daddy won't be there to bring you the church no more. You'll be on your own. You have to figure out how to make it work for you and you will have to figure out how God wants you to maximize your potential within another place is open so you don't need to understand that if you're not living for him now God might be waiting on you, but guess what time can run Auto
Somebody said that those folks thinking they're going to die at 12 using up dying at 11:50. Yes, yes. Yes beloved young folk understand something that God is patient. The Bible says that God is Not slack concerning his promise not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. God is patient with us getting one line sermon. It's going to rain.
Every time you saw know what he said it's going to rain.
What is rain I ain't seen no rain. What does rain look like and Noah kept saying to is it going to rain? It's going to rain and God he
it's going to rain. In other words, it's the time is coming when you won't have time no more. So take the time right now to make the distance best decision right now next move your best move. Can I talk to me so far? It's like a chess game is like a chess game a chess game using when you look at the chessboard that usually five different moves happening all the time. Depending upon what do you have in the bank where you not you have a queen or king or not? Those different pieces can move in your so many ways and cause a Cascade effect in every other direction. You might think you're making one move when you mess around look up and something else gets wiped out your phone. Let me help you out with this right here. Make your next move your best move.
Don't think because you're young. That you had time. Question is is what does God say with his childhood of your life. God has given all of us a clock. He's giving us a time and we don't know what time it is, but we do know that we will go home to meet him. Young Folks, don't take for granted that just because you're young. Bet you won't meet him soon. many children in the nation's capital young folk they were going to be going to school this year end up being on the way to someplace else. My God is patient. But I will tell you like my professor used to say to me is Seminary hurry up and make a decision because it might be Everlasting too late. The time is getting short. The old folks used to say it something like this right here. They should say a few more rising and setting of the sun and it all be over. It's getting late in the evening.
And I hate to be a sinner and not have my Lord. Call me home to be with him. Yes, he says he says here and he said he says his patients and his patience is shown first of all and his preaching and he preached to watch this. He preached to these folks doing the time that that Noah had preached that one line sermon it's going to rain. Jesus after he died he was able to preach to these folk and he he let them know he was not preaching to them for the gospel, but he was preaching in the let them know that all this time that I have been communicating by way of the Holy Spirit through no, I guess what that that that what I said has happened.
I don't know about you young folk. But I've had a couple of occasions where I've been caught behind the 8-ball. I had an opportunity to make a right decision and I made the wrong decision and the wrong decision caught up to. And when I caught up to me all I can think I meant I wish I had another chance to make a better decision.
I wish I had a chance to do this or I wish I had a do-over. God was patient with me. He gave me time and gave me time. It was almost like he was saying to me run. I'm going to give you enough time to hang yourself.
But he also did it. Communicating is to those folks who were in The prisons? What prison are you in?
Are you in the peer group prison? All your friends dictating to you what you want to do.
And they're all going in the wrong direction.
Are you hanging out with the wrong folks? Are you doing the wrong things? Are you having the wrong thoughts about what you're doing? Are these influences from your peers around you lose that either say let me be obedient to my parents or let me challenge them on these different issue. Which one is it? Don't find yourself in that prison. God is patient. But patience Runs Out. So so so so so he has to deal with this other thing. It's by way of the spirit that we enter into that Baptist. Family 1st Corinthians chapter 1213 the Bible that says know that when we are baptized watch this, we're not baptized if you will into this thing where we baptize just buy water. That's what he brings out here in this text you right there. He says right there. He says with such time on some time with disobedient when Once the suffering a long-suffering God waited in the days of Noah Wyle the art Was preparing where in few that is eight Souls were saved by the water now watch this. He says the like figure we're on to even baptism. So now save us not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience to work.
They were not saying. those folks who didn't listen to the one line sermon they were lost at and even though I watched it there a lots of water around the ark. Somebody's and testified to the fact that they did not adhere to the message that Noah had been saying but he says but it is the reason that they got saved because they got in them. Young Folks, are you in Jesus today? Some of you going to be going off to college. Let me share something with you again, just because you're smart don't mean you say.
Just because you have scholarship. It doesn't mean that you have salvation no know if you don't have Jesus and then you you not even scratching the surface of what it means to really maximize all that God has for you.
And we got some pretty smart folk, but I Like the Way Pastor abuse a smart phone mess up stuff quick it quickly and worse.
Call them clever Crooks if you will. The NBA can do more damage to you in a lawyer can do more damage to your than a janitor will come on say Amen somebody I mechanic in mess up your car quickly because he has the knowledge, but there's not a knowledge Come on talk to me somebody it's not going to help you or me. Say is by way of the spirit verses 21 and 22. He says his by way of the spirit that that that Jesus resurrection came about why she said who is going to heaven at his home on the right hand of God angels authorities and Powers being made subject to him. So this deeper greater baptism if you will is a baptism that one Lord One Faith one baptism one father off of this one fake baptism if you will have to do with you and I answering to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by way of the Holy Spirit.
Is that the deal with you going down in the water? It was to a savior than so water with the means by which people were saying and then the man on the cross the thief on the cross would have not been saved. Jesus said to him this day Thou shalt be in with in Paradise be with me in Paradise, but there was no water by which this man would say know what he said was because we have this relationship with him now, even though I'm done. I'm going to stop just long enough to assure that you make it to heaven with me. Come on. Say Amen somebody.
so here
Peter brings to attention Got an order for us to experience that greater baptism. That we have to submit to the Lord Jesus Christ, and this Jesus. He brings to our attention because he's suffering. He's now exalted. That's why he says who is going into heaven. Yes. Jesus went down, but he did come up. Jesus did suffer, but now he is glorified. Jesus went through pain on this side, but he didn't got glory on the other side and ask for that being said he's On the phone, if you will that Jesus said that he is above that that that that that that there's no other name under Heaven whereby men must be saved because of this name of G. In the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess to the glory of God the Father why because Jesus went through such suffering. But now God has exalted him. And now even the angels. The authorities the powers are being made subject to him. Let me share something with you. You might suffer a little bit for being a Christian and I know particularly today. It ain't popular to be a Christian.
People see you carry around your Bob. I saw it happen to a young lady not too long ago. She was happy. She had her own by but she had her name extended in and she was here and she was she was happy and then she got to the school and somebody said to you want them or you do you really believe that you really do need that that that that the first 11 chapters of Genesis did God created heaven and the Earth in in Six Days on the 7th Day of the arrest you really believe that he created Adam and Eve you really believe that a man was swallowed in the belly of the fish. You really believe all that. I had imagined she probably said yes. They process some wrong with you girl, you believe in myths and fairy tales. I mean that's just like Walt Disney.
but it is cuz the Bible says that man shall live by the word of God.
I needed a man dies by the workout even today even today even today men go back into the dust from whence they came as God plans. and one day One day God will call all of us to stand before him one day. One day he's going to come back and crack the sky when he comes back and crack the sky all of those. That know him. We'll meet him in the air one day. Easton bats don't fault. You don't care how old you are if you know them now you going with them if your dad, you know him, you'll be with the one way or the other you will be with Jesus. You might say what does that have to do with right now? Because it is long as I know that Jesus Lives now I can have both for and fellowship. So I guess you're standing on your feet today.
very very poignant words Thank you for joining us today. If you happen to be in the Washington DC area. Feel free to join us at the Mount Olive Baptist Church 11 46th Street Northeast, Washington, DC 20002. Again, thanks for listening. God bless you, richly and have a great week.