The Devastating Results of Hypocrisy (pt. 3)

Romans   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Main Point: The world expects us to comply to our confessions—so we better!

Today I want to look at how we embrace the fact that we are all struggling hypocrites in such a way that shows our need for God, the work of God, and entices others to God.
Additionally, I want to demonstrate the extreme danger for living within ignorant or unashamed hypocrisy.
Romans 2:17–24 ESV
But if you call yourself a Jew and rely on the law and boast in God and know his will and approve what is excellent, because you are instructed from the law; and if you are sure that you yourself are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of children, having in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth— you then who teach others, do you not teach yourself? While you preach against stealing, do you steal? You who say that one must not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who boast in the law dishonor God by breaking the law. For, as it is written, “The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.”
The Jews proclaimed they were the true worshipers of God
The Jews lifestyle and practices proved they were not truly worshiping God
The duplicitous lifestyle of the Jews resulted in others rejecting and cursing God
Two questions we need to ask and answer:
What caused the Gentiles to reject God?
Why would someone reject God because of me?

What caused the Gentiles to reject God when they observed the Jews?

Three Aspects that Prompted the Gentiles Rejection of God:

#1 The Gentiles heard and were aware of Jewish confessions

As I mentioned throughout the last few weeks, the Jews claimed:
A Special identity as the people/nation of God
A Special position under the covenant blessings of God
Special revelation from God
A Special knowledge of God and His ways
A Special lifestyle that glorified God
The Gentiles heard these confessions and were familiar with them:
They knew the Jews would have to wash and purify themselves after visiting the market because they considered the unclean.
They knew the Jews hated the Samaritans because the Jews rightly understood that the Samaritans had perverted worship of God.
They knew the Jews hated Roman rule because they believed God had granted them a special position as a nation.
They knew the Jews refused to eat any meat that they did not kill themselves because they believed that meat sacrificed to idols was an abomination to God.
They knew the Jews refused to go into a Gentile home because it would defile them.
They knew the Jews dressed differently, lived differently, and worshiped differently because of their beliefs.
The Gentiles could see and hear what the Jews believed, and this would have been a very good thing IF the Jews lived properly within their confessions and demonstrated integrity.
However, it became a negative thing when the Jews failed to live according to their confession.

#2 The Gentiles saw and evaluated the Jews in light of their confessions

Others see and evaluate our actions in light of our Christian confessions
As the Jews lived a separate and distinct lifestyle, this required explanation. Certain questions would arise...
Why does God demand holiness?
Why does God care about interpersonal relationships?
How do we worship God?
As the explanation was given, this became a well-known and public standard for evaluating the lifestyle and actions of the Jews.
The Jews were supposed to live an exemplary moral life
The Jews were supposed to be exclusively devoted to God
The Jews were supposed to be the epitome of an abundant and joyful life
It was at this point that it became apparent that the Jews were hypocrites.
Divorce was rampant
The prevalence of corruption was normative among the leaders
The people were largely ignorant of God—but extremely devoted to tradition
The Jewish people were under Roman rule, and God seemed to not be powerful or alive
Naturally, this led to the third aspect of for the Gentiles rejecting God...

#3 The Gentiles evaluated the legitimacy of God based upon the integrity of the Jews!

Others determine if they will honor or dishonor God based upon our alignment to our Christian confessions
Immorality and perversion
Greed and thievery demonstrated God was not enough
Arrogance and pride demonstrated God was not fair or just
Immorality and depravity demonstrated God was not uniquely holy
Intolerance and separatism demonstrated God was not loving
Foreign control and domination demonstrated God was not powerful
Ignorance and tradition demonstrated God was not active or living
Interestingly, the example of Christianity that we have in the Bible and Jesus’ teaching absolutely refutes the hypocritical witness of the Jews.
Let’s briefly survey how the Christians (in the Bible) lived:
They sacrificially cared for one another and sold their belongings to do so.
They humbly confessed sin, repented from sin, and diligently fled from sin UNDER the power and free, unmerited, gift of the gospel!
They were repulsed by and avoided all forms of sexual immorality—even lustful thoughts!
They carried the gospel to all people—even praying for their enemies while being persecuted to the point of death!
They submitted to the government, except when the government commanded disobedience to God—then they respectively embraced death.
They engaged the living God who engaged them first!!!
What a shocking difference between hypocritical traditionalism and vibrant Christianity!
This brings us to our second major question for the day, and one that is absolutely personal...
That is, several factors led to not just an ineffective witness, but also to a blasphemous one.
The Jews (and we ourselves) proclaim the uniqueness of the life we have such as:

Why would someone reject God because of me?

Special identity
Special position
Special revelation
Special knowledge
Special lifestyle
Before we go on, I must address a concept that is often odious to us:
Take a look at what Jesus said to his disciples in His farewell discourse:
John 16:33 ESV
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 17:13–16 ESV
But now I am coming to you, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.
John 17:
Or.. here are a few more scriptures discussing persecution (rejection)
2 Timothy 3:12 ESV
Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,
1 John 3:3 ESV
And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.
1 John 3:13 ESV
Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you.
John 15:20 ESV
Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.
Persecution and Rejection are a guarantee within the Christian faith—if you do not experience opposition to what you say, then you are not saying anything of value.
However.... there is a massive difference between rejection that results from a godly witness and rejection that results from a hypocritical witness.
Look at what Peter says:
1 Peter 4:15 ESV
But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler.
1 Peter
Here is what we should see and understand:
We are commanded to reject somethings for the glory of Christ
We are instructed that we will experience rejection because of Christ
However, we are also commanded to actively avoid rejection that results from personal sin (hypocrisy)!
Thus, following God means we embrace positive rejection while working to quell negative rejection
Positive: When rejection brings us closer to Christ Jesus
Negative: When rejection pushes others away from Christ Jesus
Examples of Positive Rejection:
Christ calls us to reject our sin
Christ calls us to reject our way of thinking
Christ calls us to reject our way of life
Christ calls us to reject the sins of the world
Christ calls us to reject worldly philosophies
Christ calls us to reject the world’s approach to life
Examples of Negative Rejection:
We reject the word of God
We reject that call to salvation
We reject the people of God
We reject repenting from sin
We reject living a life in harmony with our confessions
Think of it like this… God calls us to willfully reject (positive) two things in favor of His way:
Our individual way of life
Our culture’s way of life
When we attempt to participate in this rejection, we experience a two-tier struggle:
We experience a CONSTANT internal struggle that wages war with our Lord!
We experience a CONSTANT external struggle that wages war with our Lord from those around us!
“If a new venture is really worth pursuing, it will probably be opposed. Some people will refuse to get on board, and others will intentionally get in the way. While these people may be trying protect their own interests, it’s more likely that they don’t like change—even if it’s for the better. God’s work among His people is not that different from innovation; after all, He is the Author of all good ideas since all ideas come from His creation. And just like new ventures, God’s work is often rejected. The difference between new ventures and God’s work, though, is that all people who oppose God’s work are opposing Him, their Creator; they’re choosing to put their own interests before His interests, which are only for good.” (John D. Barry)
Here’s why this matters:
God’s work among His people is not that different from innovation; after all, He is the Author of all good ideas since all ideas come from His creation. And just like new ventures, God’s work is often rejected. The difference between new ventures and God’s work, though, is that all people who oppose God’s work are opposing Him, their Creator; they’re choosing to put their own interests before His interests, which are only for good.
Since rejection is a given within Christianity, our struggle is not found in avoiding rejection but in experiencing the RIGHT type of rejection!
We should not live in such an evil manner that God rejects us
We should not live in such an evil manner that the church rejects us
We should not live in such an evil manner that our testimony is hypocritical and causes those around us to reject God!
Preaching ALWAYS alienates and assimilates—true preaching demands its hearers to make a choice and respond
Evangelism ALWAYS condemns and extends grace—when we share the gospel properly, some will reject Christ while others will engage Him.
Discipleship ALWAYS tears down and builds up—when we strive to encourage others to walk with Christ, some will reject and be disciplined while others will submit and be encouraged!


However, we are to live our life in such a manner that we avoid NEEDLESS conflict! What I mean by needless is this:
This brings us to this point...
Generally, indulging in sin creates needless conflict within us!
Remaining independent from the Lord creates needless conflict within us
Remaining independent from the body of Christ creates needless conflict within us
And, as Paul shows us, living contradictory to God’s instruction, creates needless conflict within others!


How do we reject the lifestyle that fosters hypocrisy, negative conflict, and others rejecting God?
A Special identity as the people/nation of God
A Special position under the covenant blessings of God
Special revelation from God
A Special knowledge of God and His ways
A Special lifestyle that glorified God
Sadly, and often is the case, that everyone but us can see our hypocrisy:
Look at this from the witness of Scripture against the Jewish way of life leading up to the time of Paul:
The prophets saw it and cried out against it
Jesus saw it and cried out against it
The Apostles saw it and cried out against it
Paul saw it and cried out against it
The Gentiles saw it and cried out against God!!!!
This insight prompted my own self-examination this week; that is, I wondered what sins everyone sees that I am blind toward:
Some sins are easily evident, I easily and immediately recognize my thoughts and actions as incorrect:
Volatile Anger
Jealous Coveteousness
Lustful Thoughts
Apathy and Defiance
Some sins take a little more work for me to uncover (the word of God informs me of these):
Lack of Faith
Sins of Omission
Others sins are visible to everyone except me (and are only uncovered through loving confrontation), for example:
Pride = I often am unaware of the fact that I am dead wrong!
Self-Deprecation = It tend to beat up on myself far more than is necessary for the effect of feeling better about myself.
False Beliefs/Understanding = Since I believe it, I’m not aware that it is incorrect!!!
Self-Advancement = I tend to be unaware that I am promoting myself for the sake of feeling better about myself!!!
Bitterness = I get so frustrated and aggravated that I don’t realize I lack joy, peace, and love!
Bitterness/Self-deprecation/= Since I’m struggling, I’m not aware that I’m looking for affirmation apart from God!!!
Self-righteousness = I often am unaware that God frequently allows for numerous paths for us to accomplish His will
Over-realized Zealousness = Just because God tells me to do something, that does not give me the right to flippantly wound others
Why does this matter? Why take the time to go through all of this? Well…
Well… its the sins that we are blind to that destroy our testimony and damage others

Its the sins that we are blind to that destroy our testimony and damage others!

We can easily admit, confess, and repent from the sins that are outright visible to us—This gives others the opportunity to see humble repentance in action.
Eventually, with time in God’s word, we can admit, confess, and repent from the sins that exist just below the surface—This gives others the opportunity to see that we do not view ourselves as complete, perfect, or beyond constant dependance upon God.
However, some sins are so deeply entrenched within us that it takes the word of God and the body of Christ (the church) to make us aware of these sins!!!
When we confess this sin, repent from them, and rely upon others to help us through these sins we demonstrate that extreme value of the church and what authentic Christianity truly looks like—WE LIVE FOR GOD’S GLORY AND THE GOOD OF OTHERS
When we fail to hunt out our hidden sins, we absolutely destroy our testimony—WE LIVE AS HYPOCRITES!
Let’s take a moment and unpack how repenting from sins we are unaware of is actually a very positive witness:
Somewhere along the way, those within the church began living like we were free from problems, sins, and struggles.
Obviously, such an approach has vastly negative results upon our testimony and how others view Christianity
However, someone once said: “The longest journey is the 18 inches from the head to the heart.”
When we understand this to be the case, we realize that our greatest struggle in this Christ is:
Engaging our beliefs so that we yearn for Christ
Developing our yearnings for Christ into a passionate all-consuming love for Christ.
Acting out of our love for Christ in such a way that it changes how we live.
Living consistently for Christ to the extent that others see the change
Consequently, the work of the church is to GLORIFY GOD THROUGH OBEDIENCE, but that obedience looks like:
Proper instruction that leads to proper belief
Proper belief that leads to proper affections
Proper affections that lead to proper actions
Proper actions that lead to proper living
Proper living that engages others in the pursuit of God
Proper pursuit of God that draws those outside of God to God.
The problem we face as Christians is this, while we struggle to develop a life that is forthright in glorifying God, we actually live in a constant state of hypocrisy that is visible to all!!!!
While this hypocrisy is definitely not a good thing, the sovereign transforming power of God at work in our life ACTUALLY bears a positive witness to God.
We must realize that WE WILL CONTINUE TO SIN!!!
Jesus redeemed us from the power of sin
Jesus redeemed us from the penalty of sin
Jesus redeemed us to life in Him
And Jesus redeemed us to a life for Him
But… He also left us in our flesh—this means we will continue to sin.
You see, many around us are interested in how we respond to our failures—not if we fail or not.
As long as we never present a form of Christianity that claims earthly perfection, but rather claims the mercy and grace of God… then we have a great hope in leading others to Christ in spite of our failures.
When we sin, we it is vital that we demonstrate that hypocrisy is not the result of sinning, but the result of failing to repent from sin!
It is a given we will fail/sin
It is a given that others will see our sin
It is a given that we are ignorant of some sins
BUT… what is not a given is our pursuit of God!!!!
So… what do I do with my knowledge that I love God, sin frequently, and others see this?
Let’s look at what true Christian belief and living looks like:
I was a rebellious sinner before the regenerative work of God within me.
Since being born again in Christ, I now have a desire and love for God that was previously non-existent.
However, I ALSO have pre-existent desires for sin that remain and burn within me.
Sanctification is the Holy Spirit working in me through my cooperation in responding to Him that intensifies my desires for Him while lessening my desires for sin.
However, while I live on this earth, I will still sin and act upon old desires
When I sin, I confess that sin to God and those I’ve affected, I return to seeking the presence (fellowship) of God, and live through the grace of God.
When I sin—TODAY—will I confess it to the Lord and run back to Him?
Sin, thus, is not unexpected, but a reoccurring reminder of my need of God and our need for God—it keeps us humble before God an others.
Consequently, God should get ALL the glory for saving us, lessening our desire for sin, constantly forgiving us when we still sin, and enabling us to freely re-engage Him.
In turn, this keeps us from boasting in our “arrival” as awesome Christians who don’t sin.
Instead, we boast in God while humbling admitting that we are so corrupt that we have sins we are completely unaware of.
In turn, this leads us to become dependent upon the body of Christ (the church), because of our need for assistance in discovering sin, fleeing from sin, and finding hope in God in spite of sin’s continued presence in our life!!!!
Thus, our constant hypocrisy has two vastly different effects on those around us:
Positive: Some see the hypocrisy and marvel that we are willing to change;
that is, they realize that we’ve just become hypocrites and wonder why we became Christians.
As we continue to fight against our former desires—this newfound hypocrisy—actually serves as an example of the work of Christ.
That is, Christ purging us from entrenched and disgusting sin ACTUALLY promotes Christ to others!!!
Negative: When our passion wanes and lessens for Christ, some wonder why we are Christians at all!
When we live lives that are similarly depraved without any remorse, others see this witness and despise God because of us.
When we live as if we’ve arrived and are unaware of our continued need for restoration, others see our hypocrisy and despise God.
When we live a self-righteous and condemning example, WE ABSOLUTELY TURN PEOPLE AWAY FROM GOD!!!
With all this in mind… I have three questions:
We teach, expound upon, and preach the word of God in such a way as to show the nature of God AND reveal our sinful/rebellious way.
We exhort, encourage, strengthen, and support each other in our battle against sin!
We rebuke, admonish, and discipline each other for indulging in sin!
We call, go to, and rescue each other from sin!
Three Introspective Questions Aimed at Fighting Hypocrisy:
Three aspects of our public Christian confessions:
Others hear and are aware of our Christian confessions
Others see and evaluate our actions in light of our Christian confessions
Others determine if they will honor or dishonor God based upon our alignment to our Christian confessions
What confessions do I make that others are aware of?
How well am I living out my confessions in front of others?
How well am I living out my confessions in front of others?
How am I demonstrating a humble repentance and sanctification in view of others?
God sought us and expects us to return the affection.
God frees us from sin, and expects us to live within His holiness and grace.
God frees us from guilt and condemnation so we can consistently turn (and return) to Him—not run into additional sin.
God enables us to find mercy in Him in this life so others would see His goodness—not our perfection!
God enables us to mature in Him to demonstrate His power—not our clout.
We start in God

Q: What does the world expect from us?

We stay in God
To live with a demonstrative love , kindness, and compassion
To live with humble conviction that demonstrates integrity
To be for something more than we are against something
To develop friendships
To help them understand the Bible
To explain the difference between Christianity and other religions
To be authentic about our struggles… but striving towards being better

Q: How do others evaluate us?

Social media
Personal interactions
Material possessions
Various Christian (and non-Christian) examples
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