Man's Judgement VS. God's Judgement
God is full of Grace, He is always right, patient, loving. However, man is usually wrong and quick to blame others.
Wife Going Deaf?
Matthew 7:3–5; Luke 6:37; John 7:24; Romans 2:3; James 4:12
Preaching Themes: Marriage, Pride
A man thinks his wife is losing her hearing. A doctor suggests that he try a simple at-home test: Stand behind her, ask her a question from different distances, and see when she can hear it. The man goes home, sees his wife in the kitchen facing the stove, and asks from the door, “What’s for dinner tonight?” No answer. Ten feet behind her, he repeats, “What’s for dinner tonight?” Still no answer. Finally, right behind her he says, “What’s for dinner tonight?” His wife turns around and says, “For the third time—chicken.”
Jesus taught us to look at our own shortcomings before we blame others.
—Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell
I} The judgments of man are full of
II} The judgement of man is self-
III} The judgments of man are self-defending.
IV} God’s Judgement is Completely Without Mistake
V} God’s Judgments are Tempered by Mercy.
VI} God’s Judgement are Merciful, and Delayed, but Still Valid
The mills of God may grind slowly, but they grind surely and exactly.