Luke 9:57-62 - The Cost of Following

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Whatever Jesus asks of us, whatever the cost, it is worth it when we understand and embrace His worth. Flowing out of this is - whatever cost that Jesus asks of us involves letting go of lesser things in order to gain something far more valuable, to gain more of Jesus.

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I consider it a privilege and a great responsibility to bring God's word to you today. And I asked you to pray for me is so preaching couple times a year is always leaves me nervous, but I know as you pray to God will give me Grace and I will pray for you as I have been praying for you as I've been preparing for the sermon.

father I thank you that you have declared that you will send forth your words to complish your purposes. I pray that you will be pleased to use me as your instrument help me to get out of the way so that your word will go forth as you plan and I pray for each one of us Lord God that we would be here help us to set aside the things that might be distracting us so that we might come here to listen to what you have to say and father. So speak your word into our lives for our good and For Your Glory. We ask these things in Jesus name. Amen. We've already been singing I will follow you and most of you will be familiar with the idea that there is a cost to following Jesus. And I acknowledge that amongst us for some of you this might be just simply now overwhelming God you're asking me to do this or that or carry that burden. I want you to show you that I feel the same way. And I have been encouraged by God as I prepared for this sermon that God will enable us to do this and I pray that you will be helped as you hear this word today. So let's get right into the text. You'll see it on the screen or followed in your Bible comes from Luke 9:57 to 62. As they were going along the road. Someone said to him. I will follow you wherever you go and Jesus said to him foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head and to another He said follow me, but he said Lord. Let me first go and bury my father. Jesus said to him leave the dead to bury their own dead. But as for you go and proclaim the kingdom of God. And yet another said I Will Follow You Lord, but let me first say farewell to those my home. And Jesus said to him no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God. We see Luke at this point in his narrative giving three examples of individuals who desire to follow Jesus to express that specifically one was already following has a disciple and we see in Jesus responses and implied question to each person. Have you counted the cost? Do you really want to follow me? Now we know that there's a cost to become a believer in Jesus Christ and yet we cannot earn our salvation. So for those of you in our mess that have not yet made a decision to follow Jesus. We're so glad that you're here. Let me remind you again of the Gospel great news bad news really wonderful news. The great news is that God. Our God is indeed the Creator and sustainer of everything. He made us our allegiance to him. The bad news is that we have all rebelled against us against him. the Bible call sets in we are without God and without hope in our Rebellion destined to Eternal punishment for our Rebellion. And we cannot earn our Salvation God is too. Holy and we just not good enough. That's the bad news, but the really wonderful news. The great news. Is that Jesus is that God Made A Way. By the life and the death and the resurrection of a son to Bear the penalty for our sins and reconcile us to God and our responsibility is to accept the gift. You don't pay a person for a gift that they're giving to you. God isn't asking you to pay anything except for this there is a cost. Our cost is that we need to agree with God that we have sinned against him and we need to say God. I want to turn away from my sins. You helping me and believe in Jesus Is Our Savior? And God says to everyone who believes he gives the right to become Sons and Daughters of God. This is a gift to God so that no man May boast. I let me remind you Brothers and Sisters in Christ that every week. You hear the gospel? And my hope is that this is just becoming so much apart of your life. But if God gives you that opportunity and he'll he'll give you those opportunities you just step into it because you got that gospel resonating in your mind. The great news of who God is the really bad news the really wonderful news. We are reminded as well as Believers in Christ. There is a cost Jude preach that from Luke 9 23 to 25 on May 5th to call that the cruciform life. One of those verses in there was Jesus said if anyone would come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me forever would save his life will lose it. But whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. So we see here in Luke 9 5762 that Jesus is asking something out of these men that we don't know how they responded. Actually. We don't know whether they agreed with Jesus and followed him or not, but it might have been overwhelming to them in the moment, but lettuce that whatever. Cost Jesus asked about this is about letting go of lesser things in order to gain something far more valuable, which is the game more Jesus and as we look at these three individuals help us Lord. I pray to look Beyond them to look to Jesus. To see Jesus for he is the Son of God to see Jesus because he demonstrated by his own life his willingness to follow his father wherever his father would take him and to pay the cost. That is Father asked him to pay. So I have is the big idea in the sermon. Whatever Jesus asks of us. Whatever the cost. It is worth it when we understand and embrace his worth. So let's get into the three examples. I have combined Luke 9:57 in 58 with Matthew 18 19 and 20 and a way that I hopes helpful. The main text that comes from Luke the text and brackets comes from Matthew. Let me read it to you as they were going along the road. Someone ascribe came up to Jesus and said to him teacher I will follow you wherever you go. And Jesus said to him foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head. We need to understand that this man is to be commended. He came to Jesus. I will follow you. He was prepared to say wherever you're going. He was also a scribe and we need to remember the scraps of those days were people by the people. And they had positions. Of wealth they were successful people. And so here he is and they were also generally as we know people that were actually opposed to Jesus they wanted to put him to death. And so this scribe is different he comes in the midst of all of that must have seen something about Jesus knew that Jesus was called himself from Messiah and he comes and he says teacher Expresses his desire to follow Jesus wherever he will go. Which meant he wanted to be a disciple and we learned a few weeks ago that is stifle is one who desires to learn but also one. Who wants to live with his master and become like his master? And so he says teacher I will follow you. and so Good for him he's doing what's right, what's proper and what's Noble and yet Jesus knew something about his heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. Penny challenge is this man? Will you really go? Where I go? I have no place to lay my head. Are you prepared? I lay your head without having a home without having honor without having wealth. Will you really follow me? Are you prepared to pay the cost? And the principal that I draw from this is that Jesus asks you and I are we willing to follow Jesus wherever he will lead us. Atlantis again look to Jesus is our example. He was willing to follow his father wherever his father would lead him. Confident that his father would provide for his every need even if that meant sleeping on the ground, even if that meant being dependent on those that would provide for his needs. He was prepared to do that.

I don't know where Jesus is leading you. For some of you at this time perhaps you're walking in Christ is going along really well and that you're there's not much of a cost. But you as Believers know that God is going to be asking cost of you.

Some of you are some amongst our midst I thinking about going out as full-time missionaries. We have our young adults that are exploring that we have in our midst Mike and Nikki who are preparing to go in a couple years. We have the in and Rebecca who were here with us a few months ago preparing to go out into the mission field in the fall. We understand those people. Paying the cost. But we have a cost to is believers. For our cost is that Jesus says we are to be like Christ. We are to be the Salt and Light we are to be his hands and feet. and that will mean giving up some of our own agenda to follow the agenda that God has for us and you might say What it cost? You might say this is too much. And I get that. As I think about what God is asking of me and has over the years. I feel exactly the same way. He might say God this is impossible and it is impossible in our own strength. What a gracious God because he allows us to come in our weakness and cry out to him. The most important thing that you can do is cry out to him and say God show me you're worth so that I might be willing to pay that cost help me to see your infinite worth help me to see that you have the right to make these demands on our lives. And praise him with a confidence that he will enable you. Second example comes from 9:59 to 60 and I've combined that with Matthew 18 21 and 22. To another disciple. Jesus said follow me.

But his disciples said Lord, let me first go and bury my father. And Jesus said to him follow me and leave the dead to bury their own dead. But as for you go and proclaim the kingdom of God now we see in this particular case that Jesus and initiates the conversation with a disciple. This man's already made a commitment to believe in Jesus and follow Jesus and so it's clear from the man's response that he must have understood that Jesus was calling him to a higher commitment. I saw the man says something with should appear very reasonable to us. Let us go bury my father. And the commentators are red. Safe from the way that Luke and Matthew recorded this in the Greek and Plies that the man had not died, but was close to death. I'm so so that request seems to be very reasonable. God's word is clear. We are to honor our parents. We have natural responsibility for those around us. I'm so Dan. We must look to Jesus who was the master and Lord of this disciple who knows this man's heart and is calling him to a higher purpose than going to be with his dying father. We might say, how can that be? But Jesus knows best and he says no you go and proclaim the kingdom of God. Can I see a principal coming out of that for us that says will you and I be obedient to God's commands? An underlying this is will you and I trust Jesus. When it doesn't seem to make sense and again, let us look to Jesus example, he was joyful obedient to his father. Any demonstrated that by his life and his death? And we were reminded last week that he had set his face to go to Jerusalem. He knew full. Well, what was awaiting him? And he was prepared to do what his father had commanded him to do. Knowing that is father knows what is best? Again, I ask you what is God asking of you? Perhaps it's some preceptor some command in the Bible that right. Now you're realizing is really really clear. Can I get around this one? But you might be saying God. I just don't know how I can do it. Perhaps it's some burden that you caring. I am a citizen Alder to join with other elders and praying for many people in our congregation that are suffering great burdens, whether it's physical health needs mental health news. grieving family relationships We pray and we pray Faithfully we need to understand that. Our God is a great God and he could at any moment. Just take that away. I took gradius and so we need to Humble ourselves before God and say God you've given me this bird and its and we get to pray but we need to trust God and say God you've given to this for a reason.

And the question is are you willing to pay that cost? Jesus says yes, you can do that.

Maybe there's some words that Jesus is prompting you to speak into somebody's life.

I encourage you I welcome you as Jesus says do not be afraid Come As You Are? Ask God to give you what it takes to hunger and thirst after him. To give you the wisdom the will the Courage the boldness and the joy to follow him to do whatever he is commanding you to do. The third example comes from Luke 9 61 and 62 and Matthew doesn't record this yet. Another says I Will Follow You Lord, but let me first say farewell to those my home and Jesus said to him no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God now, we don't know whether this man and seeing Jesus. I was planning this and just said I want to declare that but I need to save for a while or maybe it was a spur-of-the-moment. Maybe heard something from Jesus just locked in that commitment. He says. Cheese's not going to follow you, but I need to say goodbye to those. I need to tidy up my affairs. Let me see Jesus in his wisdom. Saying to this man knowing this man's heart. No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God. And we might say wow. It's family. How can you do that? But we need to know that Jesus always does what's best he asks what's best to declares what's best and we need to see the principal here for all of us is that we must put Jesus first above everyone and everything. Even as Jesus put his father first above everything. Okay, I'm up here. And you need to understand. I'm a work in progress.

So are all of us. I think to myself when I think of this worth no one who looks back and I say oh God, how often have I looked back? How often have I taken my eyes off Jesus how often have I done and have I pushed back against the cost that he has to me? And how about you? Maybe you can say the same thing? As we cry out to God for forgiveness. We are reminded that when I was asked how many times do I forgive my brother 7 times Jesus said Seventy Times Seven. The encouraging news is God gives us far more often than 490 * Over and over he forgives us. So if you're feeling that burden father, how often have I put my hand to the plow and look back come to God come to God asking forgiveness with this confidence that he will forgive you that he will never leave you nor forsake you that is Spirit dwells within you let us plead with our god with joy confident that he will enable you. And to give you that desire inability to put him first.

Let me remind you that big idea. I'm working on because that to be becomes the key not too often. I think we look at the cost. And fail to put her eyes on Jesus where we where it belongs. And we need to remember that all the time so that key ideas whatever. Jesus asks of us. Whatever the cost it is worth it when we understand and embrace his worth. And the more we grow in that what should flow out of that is to recognize that whatever cost Jesus asks of us. Involves letting go of lesser things. They might not feel lesser at the moment. But they've involve letting go of lesser things in order to gain something far more valuable to gain more of Jesus. So let us briefly. Remember God look to Jesus.

I recognize there's not enough time in the morning sermon to give you everything I'd like to say. So I made a supplementary download which is two sermons and one. If you want to download it, there's lots of scripture references there. So let me briefly remember to look to Jesus. Let's look to Jesus and remember that he is God. I tell you this even though you already know it John 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was God and the Word was with God actually got that in reverse. The word was with God and the Word was God. Jesus being God makes him infinite Eternal and unchangeable in his being wisdom power Justice goodness and truth. That means whatever. Jesus is asking you he only and always asks what is best. He knows our frame he knows how weak we are. He knows what we need. He knows how much we need to give up these lesser things in order to gain more of him. Let us remember that our God rich in Mercy because of the great love with which he loved us made us alive together with Christ God's great love his infinite eternal unchangeable love. poured out upon us Let us remember that he has lavished his steadfast love upon us through Christ. That steadfast love that is higher than the heavens are above the Earth and from Everlasting to Everlasting.

Let us remember that our God gives us everything we need for life and godliness and that includes the ability to pay the cost that Jesus asks us and to pay that cost wholeheartedly.

Not only do we need to look to Jesus and see his worth. But we also need to make the effort to really see the need.

You will know so well the needs of this world as believers. In Christ, you'll be inundated with knees for this and needs for that. And we the church ask you the same thing. We asked for our missionaries. We asked for support for the family lots of needs. So we need to work extra hard. Just to plead with God, but God would give us a burden for the needy and for those who do not believe in Jesus. We are reminded from Isaiah 5868 that there was a people coming to God and they were coming to God with fasting and prayer and they thought that they had it all put together. And God responds to his people and says you're fasting ought to be to loose the bonds of wickedness. To let the oppressed Go free share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your homes. When you see the naked naked to cover him and not hide from yourselves your own flesh and God makes a promise. He says then shall your light Break Forth like the Dawn and your healing shall spring up speedily your righteousness shall go before you and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. You see Jesus before us we see God behind us able to do what God would enable us to do to minister to the poor and the needy.

We also need to have regard for those that do not believe. Oh that God would break our hearts as we consider all those without Christ are without. Hope under the wrath of God. And that they should die without Christ. They would be eternally punished. Now this is not to lay a guilt trip on anyone.

I know if we think about it. There's / 7.5 billion people in the world and growing the majority of people do not know Christ and we might look out that way and say God this is impossible.

But God has given to us those people that he brings into our lives are family members those we work with. Those that we meet in friendship. I know how much that I have been afraid of reaching out to my brothers who do not know Christ for fear of what they would think about me. And yet the more I think about the fact of where they will spend eternity without Christ the more I am Propel to plead with them. To get to know Jesus and so I've taken that up in the last couple of months and I can tell you my brothers are not impressed. They would love it. If I would just love them as they are and accept their beliefs for what they believe. But that's not good enough and I'm trying to work this out. What does it look like to plead with them when I have not done that very well over long years, and they're not very interested. But God has given us the responsibility and the ability to be his Witnesses and to be his ambassadors to plead with people that they would be reconciled to God. How to take a moment right now to pray for you as I pray for myself, let's pray.

a mighty God Holy God precious God. Make yourself known to us.

Make yourself known to us. Father help us in our fear and our weakness to never try and lower your commands. Never try and lower your demands upon us, but rather help us to come in our weakness and confess that you have made us to be your children. You have made us to be your hands and your feet to a broken world and you've made us to shine brightly as your Witnesses. Oh Lord, God. Maybe there is some cost that we haven't been willing to Rejoice over but father help us to joyfully count the cost that we may gain more of you father. We confess that this is impossible in our own strength. but living the life of Christ is possible in your grace and strength for this is where you have said we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us. And you will supply your every need.

According to your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Whatever. It is Father you're calling us to do you will equip us to do it. We praise and we worship your holy name. Amen. We have the example. of the first disciples most of them are willing to lay down their lives become Martyrs for Christ. We have the lives of the Believers in the early church is we read it in the gospels in the Epistles that they too are willing to sacrifice their lives for God. We have that same example going down now to the ages two thousand years a Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Who said hey, whatever. You want God. I'm willing to do that. Now will we be able to do this perfectly? No. forgotten Osa We stumble and fall. Yes. God knows that. But we get to come to God we get to rejoice and say God your gracious God help us. Since I leave you with some things to do. The first thing to do is recognize that this is not something that can be forced. none of you thinking of someone you love would want that person that's loving to you coming to you and saying. I really don't want to do this. I am unhappy I'm going to love you. None of you. My God doesn't want the same thing either. He wants you to come to him with joy and thankfulness. Just like you want your loved one to love you. Joyfully and your loved one's going to want you to love them. Joyfully.

So don't come with reluctance or under compulsion, even though God commands us to love him. He knows that this is our joy, and this is our good recognize that For those of you who don't believe yet. Count the cost but not inside your own framework of thinking about yourself count the cost and looking outside of yourself to Jesus to see him for who he is consider his worth. Understand that he is the answer to your greatest need. I don't know what's holding you back. Maybe you have that sense that you need to be good enough or you need to be committed enough in order to follow Jesus. Jesus says come as you are. Maybe you got lots of questions in your thinking I got to get all these questions answered before I come to Jesus. No, you don't have to. You're going to have questions for the rest of your lives. We as believers do Come As You Are Maybe there are things about the validity of the Bible or who God is what he requires of you. God says come willingly come open to learn because he is a gracious teacher and he will help you. He will meet you in your every need. For you Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

Recognize that Jesus has the right to and will ask you to follow him and it requires a cost. And so prepare yourself prepare yourself, wherever you're at right now prepare yourself for what God will ask for you in the future recognize that your love for God can be nurtured for those of you that are married. You did not on your wedding day. Say to your spouse. I love you and the decide I don't need to tell him anymore. not one of you you need to be telling your spouse over and over again how much you love them? If you're not doing that enough then may this be to Spur you on until the more often? Jesus Wants us to do the same thing, and we need to nurture this we need to work at this. We are too easily satisfied. We're too easily distracted and we need to work hard and God knows that we need to work hard. To make every effort to bold to behold Christ to see the glory of Christ not only in his word. But if we go out to our day-to-day life is we see people as we see nature as we see circumstances, we need to behold Christ in the midst of all of that. We need to recognize how much effort it will take and fight the good fight. Second we need to fight for joy and God. I've given on the back of the bolts and four books that have been helpful to me. And I got to draw your attention to one of them. This is from John Piper. He makes a strong case for God in his book when I don't desire God how to fight for joy and I sent resting is in the early part of the book. He is making an argument that we Christians are to be joyful. And that would suggest to me somehow we lost that sense of joy, we get to that since 5 I'm going to be volitional a deliberate. I'm going to be obedient to you and we think he maybe we've arrived but he says know there's something far higher far more difficult, but with God still able to do that to be joyful and God to be joyful and God all the time.

In the midst of even the most dark and difficult circumstances and we need to recognize. This is not a one-time fight. It's a noble and it's a worthwhile fight and we need to remember that God will enable and Empower us to fight the battle. And thirdly we need to entrust ourselves to our great God who loves us infinitely more than we could ever love ourselves. And as we entrust ourselves anticipate God's good demands on our lives via the plane were to God by the Holy Spirit be in prayer seek Godly counsel. Gather with like-minded Brothers and Sisters in Christ for we need one another so that we can share the burden share the cost and share the Victory and this would be a great help if we did this more often. Let us come to God confident that our God who bought us for himself will direct our paths and lead us to Joy Philippe the cost for his glory and our good. Let me pray. almighty God

You know.

Who is here today? You know what you are asking them to pay. And I pray father for them as I pray for myself that whatever cost that would be. That we would see your worth Lord Jesus and we would see that what you are asking of us as great as it might be in the moment are indeed lesser things compared to gaining something greater, which is gaining you Lord Jesus help us to see that help us to believe that and help us to step out in faith trusting you to be everything we need we ask these things in Jesus name. Amen.

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