The Will of A Father

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It’s Father’s day and the church should be on fire, because we all have a Father in common and that is our creator God. Let me go ahead and attack this monstrous mindset that has been imbedded into this social outlay called America. As African Americans we understand that fatherhood for so many of us was stripped and marred due to the racist and oppressive history of the Willie Lynch system that predicated itself on destroying fatherhood amongst slaves and/or people of color. Families were separated, but more importantly either the Father was stripped from the family and moved to another place or the wife and children was stripped and taken far away. The reason and purpose of this tactic was to do two things. The first thing was to weaken the family ideal and unit. Even in some states marriage was illegal for slaves. This strategic move was intended to not only weaken the family unit then, but would echo throughout history and even effect us today like the scientific theory of the butterfly effect. This theory says a butterfly can flap its wings in China but can turn into a hurricane as it travels and gains momentum. I digress, but the other reason is more on point with what we will deal with today and that is it was designed to remove identity. See if you don’t whose you are you cannot know who you are. I said something right there. Many people today are struggling with their identity because they don’t know who they are or whose they are. If you realized that God is your Father and everything that God has you have access to then you would stop acting like a poor lost soul and recognize your kingly blood relationship purchased by the precious blood of a spotless lamb in Jesus Christ and be the child of a king that you ARE!!!!! The devil throughout history has demonically attacked our relationship with the Father by placing doubt and disarray in our minds, but I want to encourage somebody today it doesn’t matter what color you are, what side of the tracks you are from, or what gender you are You are the child of a king irregardless of the circumstances you were raised in or whether your natural father was in your life or not YOU ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE KING!!!!! Touch your neighbor and ask them do you know who you are?!!!!

Do you know the Father?

Jesus finds himself in a frustrating place as he is teaching his disciples while dealing with church folks. If you notice many times in the text Jesus chose to teach some of his most powerful lessons while dealing with church folks, Pharisees, and Scribes. Sometimes people need to pay attention to the teaching tactics of Jesus. When people questioned him he always taught, but sometimes he would get frustrated and give them the business. So Jesus says with assertion You have seen me and yet do not believe??? Sometimes as a Father we do what we are supposed to do and yet don’t get the respect and love that we should. Can I talk to and encourage the real fathers. You pay the bills on time, work consistently, take care of business, take time for your children and family, love your wife like the Bible says, and still you feel like Rodney Dangerfield some days and say I gets no respect!!!! It seems as if the things you do and sacrifice goes unseen, but I want to encourage you that God does see you and God does recognize your sacrifice! Don’t stop doing what God is calling you to do just because people don’t recognize the king in you. So Jesus is a little frustrated, because he had just fed 5,000 plus with a school boy’s lunch. He had just walked on water and got in the boat with his disciples. I am still scratching my head on that one, because Jesus can walk on water but still chooses to get into the boat with us. Somebody should have shouted right there! Then they question him! Show us a sign they say. As a Pastor I get frustrated sometimes in that you work tirelessly to serve and work for the church. You get up at 5AM to make sure the air is on so that the people don’t get hot, you fix carpet that was waived like the Atlantic ocean, you help fix leaks in a roof that has been dripping for years, you help to re-carpet almost the entire church, paint, fix the parking lot, redo the baptismal, add technology and get thing up to date, and after you do all of this folks still question your motives! Yeah that’s frustrating, because it shows that just like Jesus you see the works, but still don’t know what you have! Preach Pastor Tharpe I am doing the best I can. Even though you get frustrated fathers you still have to remember it’s not about our will but about the Father’s will! See what happens is when you tell people who you are they cannot handle it. When Paul told the church if anyone was an Apostle he was their’s they were upset, when Isaiah prophesied they got angry and said he was lying, when Moses told the people to move forward they wanted to go backwards, when Johnathan challenged them they still were shaky, and after Jesus told them he was the Bread of Life they couldn’t handle it. Sometimes as a Father, Pastor, and business owner I want to ask some folks Do you even know me? I have to put it into the same context, because the scriptures are contextual they have hills, valleys, and plains. So let me clean this up a little for you. Jesus was talking spiritual talk to carnal minded folks. What are you saying pastor I am so glad you ask. Sometimes the reason you don’t understand me is because I am talking about spiritual things and you can’t get it with your natural mind. I’m teaching tithing and blessings you are thinking the church, deacons, and pastor don’t need all of that. I’m teaching about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit you are thinking about water Baptism. I am teaching about gifts of the spirit and many times you are thinking about talents such as singing and such. I am looking for Wortham to become a spiritual oasis in the middle of a dry place so that when folks walk in sick they leave out healed, when people come in broken they leave out put back together, when people come in discouraged that they leave encouraged, when people come in poverty leave out in abundance. Somebody worried about what my plans are instead of being worried about what God has planned!!!! You cannot move forward Wortham Chapel until you drop your will and pick up God’s will! Somebody tap your neighbor and say you still don’t know me??

HIS Will

When we look at will let us go to the dictionary. Holman’s dictionary says, Will of God is God’s plan and purpose for His creation and for each individual. God’s will is always good, acceptable, and perfect according to . That’s the will of the Father. Now man has a will too. God did not destroy man’s will. Man’s will is the ability to make moral decisions or what you long for or breathe for. The Greek word for will is Thelema. Which comes from the Greek word thelo which means wish or want. So Jesus says I did not come to do what I want or wish, but to do the wishes of Him that sent me. In other words Jesus says I am here on assignment and I am going to do what the FATHER assigned me to do. Sometimes as a Pastor I have to realize that I can do what I want, but I have to do what God has assigned me. Truth be told there are a lot of things I would have changed at Wortham Chapel day one if I had my way, but I have to obey God and do it God’s way! Father’s we have to understand that although we have a will for our children and our families we cannot destroy their will, because God did not destroy ours. However if you want the Father’s blessings then you have to line up with the Father’s rule. God won’t stop you from doing what you want, but that does not negate the fact that you will have to pay for it yourself! God will not cosign on your note baby if God tells you not to get it. Look at your neighbor and Say Neighbor you better check HIS will!
Then there is another will that we are familiar with and that is a last will and testament. With man that means when you leave here your will gives what you have to those you want to leave it to. Many families break up over what somebody leaves us naturally, but I am more concerned about what God left us spiritually. Can I talk about it as I close. God since Genesis had planned to bring humanity back into right relationship with God, but although God said it humanity had trouble receiving it. So God first instituted the Law of Moses to show us sin. This helped to shape our understanding of God’s expectations for His children. Later humanity perverted the law of God by using what God gave us to enslave and persecute others. Watch this now, and Isaiah prophesied to a captive Israel and told them that a messiah was on the way. This messiah would undue everything that the devil done in the garden, because the word would not be written on stones any longer but in our hearts. That’s why we have to be reborn, because it doesn’t matter how you say you were born because Jesus says I came to give you a new life. He that is in Christ is a new creation behold or look old things have passed away and all things have become new. Follow me! God’s will was that Jesus would be born of a virgin as the scriptures says that he would be of the house and lineage of David, and also that he would come to save the lost of the house of Israel and all of the world. Then he would pay the sin debt with his life and bridge the great chasm of sin with his precious blood and save all of humanity. When he was in the garden he said Father I bid this cup to pass but never the less Not my Will but your will be done! reads the will of the Father , “And for this reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.” That’s why Jesus says He who that father gives I will lose none of them, and “ And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” I just came this morning to help some of you celebrate your Father even your earthly father. If they have God in them then their will should line up with God’s will and that is you should have life and have it more abundantly! Even if you fall His Will will pick you back up!
And for this reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.
And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”
The New King James Version. (1982). (). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
The New King James Version. (1982). (). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.The New King James Version. (1982). (). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
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