Search for Peace
Search for Peace
Definition of peace
Peace. Total well-being, prosperity, and security associated with God’s presence among his people. Linked in the OT with the covenant, the presence of peace, as God’s gift, was conditional upon Israel’s obedience. In prophetic material, true peace is part of the end-time hope of God’s salvation. In the NT, this longed-for peace is understood as having come in Christ and able to be experienced by faith.
In the OT. Shalōm, the most prominent OT term for “peace,” held a wide range of connotations (wholeness, health, security, well-being, and salvation) and could apply to an equally wide range of contexts: the state of the individual (Ps 37:37; Prv 3:2; Is 32:17), the relationship of man to man (Gn 34:21; Jos 9:15) or nation to nation (e.g., absence of conflict—Dt 2:26; Jos 10:21; 1 Kgs 5:12; Ps 122:6, 7), and the relationship of God and man (Ps 85:8; Jer 16:5).
The presence of shalōm in any of these contexts was not considered ultimately as the outcome of human endeavor, but as a gift or blessing of God (Lv 26:6; 1 Kgs 2:33; Jb 25:2; Pss 29:11; 85:8; Is 45:7). It is not surprising, therefore, to find “peace” tied closely to the OT notion of covenant. Shalōm was the desired state of harmony and communion between the two covenant partners (God and man—Nm 6:26; cf. Is 54:10), its presence signifying God’s blessing in the covenant relationship (Mal 2:5; cf. Nm 25:12), and its absence signifying the breakdown of that relationship due to Israel’s disobedience and unrighteousness (Jer 16:5, 10–13; cf. Ps 85:9–11; Is 32:17).
3671 I. יֵצֶר (yē·ṣěr): n.masc.; ≡ Str 3336; TWOT 898a—1. LN 6.118–6.151 pot (Isa 29:16+); 2. LN 42.29–42.40 creation, i.e., a thing someone fashions or forms (Ps 103:14; Hab 2:18+); 3. LN 30.1–30.38 a thought, inclination, i.e., the content of thinking and reasoning (Ge 6:5; 8:21; Dt 31:21; Isa 26:3+); 4. LN 25.1–25.11 motivation, desire, i.e., what one wants or wishes for (1Ch 28:9; 29:18+)
6164 סָמַךְ (sā·mǎḵ): v.; ≡ Str 5564; TWOT 1514—1. LN 13.1–13.47 (qal) sustain, uphold, support, i.e., cause a state to continue, with a focus that whatever is necessary to remain in that state is given, including a maintaining power