The Crucified Life

The Crucified Life  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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In this lesson Pastor Bogan discusses the importance of believers taking up their cross and living a crucified life.

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I want to introduce today a doctrine that might just be one of the most hated and rejected doctrines in all of the Bible—walking according to the cross and living a crucified life. While this doctrine maybe one of the most disputed doctrines, it is also quite possibly one of the most important ones, for without it you cannot be a disciple (Luke 14:27).
Why must we submit to the crucified life?
To Be His Disciple (, ) Jesus commanded His disciples to ‘take up their cross’ and follow Him. Therefore, those who do this (live a crucified life are obeying Christ.
To Gain Eternal Life (, ) Eternal life cannot only be received by those who live a crucified life (; , )
To Please God () God loves all those who, like Jesus, lays down their life to please (obey) Him (, ).
What does it mean to “take up one’s cross” (lay down your life)?
To take up one’s cross means to deny oneself (). First of all, the phrase “let him” should be translated, “[they] must say no to the things they want” (GW). Other translations read: “you must stop thinking about yourself and what you want...” (ERV), “say no to the things they want” (GW), “leave self behind” (NEB), “give up all rights to himself” (Philips), and “no longer thinks of himself.”
Therefore, before a person can follow Christ, he must stop thinking of himself.
“you must stop thinking about yourself and what you want...” (ERV)
“say no to the things they want,” (GW)
“leave self behind” (NEB)
“give up all rights to himself” (Philips)
To take up one’s cross means to lose one’s life () The word “life” is a reference to what one has in this world (). If any man wants to follow Christ, he must take up his cross and stop trying to save (care for, preserve or keep safe) his life in this world! If you try to hold on to the life you have here on earth, you will never experience true life.
This word “life” can also be a reference to one’s person. In both Hebrew and Greek the word is used as an equivalent to the pronouns “I,” “you,” “he,” “she” and “himself” or “herself” (). Therefore, to save one’s life may mean to try and save the person we are today rather than allow that person (life) to die that we might discover (gain) the life/person we are in Christ (). John said, “It does not yet appear what we shall be…but we shall be like Him.” If we want the ‘life’ (person) that is ‘in Christ,’ then we must mortify (completely remove) those things about our life/person that are from the earth ().
pneúma it is our life in this world (; ). The old man is a vessel through whom the devil can manifest himself in us. As long as we have this flesh, the devil has a vessel through which to manifest himself. It is also warring against the new man and trying to keep him from coming into the image of Jesus.
psuchḗ , it is our life in this world (; ). The old man is a vessel through whom the devil can manifest himself in us. As long as we have this flesh, the devil has a vessel through which to manifest himself. It is also warring against the new man and trying to keep him from coming into the image of Jesus.
sṓma, it is our life in this world (; ). The old man is a vessel through whom the devil can manifest himself in us. As long as we have this flesh, the devil has a vessel through which to manifest himself. It is also warring against the new man and trying to keep him from coming into the image of Jesus.
All these things that are listed in this verse are things associated with the ‘old man’ that still lives within us (). As long as the flesh is present within us, the devil has a vessel through which he can manifest himself. Also, the flesh wars against the soul to destroy it (). Therefore, the flesh is self-destructive.
How can we recognize our cross and die to self?
How can we recognize our cross and die to self?
We can die through repentance. Whenever we read the word the old man dies and the new man is renewed. The new man is born of the word and is renewed by the word. (explain)
God has already determined that He will turn His “sword” against His Son (Jesus) and against all of His little ones or disciples. The “sword” is a reference to wicked men (enemies, the beast). He already turned His sword against Jesus. Meaning, He took credit for bringing wicked men against Christ (, ; ). Now, He bringing these same wicked men against Christ’s followers!
What about us that needs to be put to death or crucified?
It is our “flesh” that must die. The flesh is in a constant battle against our spirit (new man). The “flesh” is not our physical body. It represents our life, the vestiges of our unregenerate self that still remains with us after regeneration. (explain)
The Father ‘loves’ all those who, like Jesus, lay down their life to please Him. First, the Father loves all those who obey His Son (). Second, the Son has commanded that His disciples lay down their life ().
In order for our “old man” (flesh) to die, we must willingly lay it down or give it up. No man can “take” your flesh (old man, self-life) from you. They may take away your physical life from you, but they cannot take away the flesh. The flesh must be laid down by each individual willingly. Moreover, those who do not lay down their life will lose it. You only get to keep your life if you lay it down. You don’t get to keep if it’s taken from you. The one that takes it from us is God ().
Moreover, Jesus said that He had the power (authority) to put down His life and pick it up again. We receive similar authority because Christ laid down His life. (explain) Authority is the right to use God’s power. Therefore, we use God’s power to lay down our life. Not everyone exercises this authority against their flesh. Also, those who walk by faith receives power from God to live the crucified life. (explain)
Enoch walked with God (against the course of this world) and God gave him eternal life. God loved Enoch (he pleased God) just like Christ. As a result, he was able to pick up (receive) eternal life/resurrection.
Denying one’s self is synonymous with taking up one’s cross.
The word “life” means soul or self (). Notice that we “forfeit” our life when we don’t take up our cross or deny ourselves. Therefore, if we’re not denying ourselves, then we’re not just losing. We’re breaking the rules (being disqualified, not showing up to play).
How do we cooperate with God in bringing the crucified life to pass?
God is turning the sword against us (), but how do we cooperate with Him?
When you suffer because you’re trying to obey God (Scripture), this is good and acceptable/grace with God.
The cross (affliction) is how God creates sons. He’s still creating! (explain)
Not every Christian will die, but every Christian must lose their life or forfeit being a Christian!
Jesus denied himself by not defending Himself. As a result, He ended up going to the cross. We always end up at the cross whenever we refuse to defend ourselves. This happens whenever we are being corrected with the word. Typically, when we are corrected we try to defend (justify) ourselves. Rather than try to defend (justify) ourselves, we should repent (, ). When John rebuked the people because of their sins, they repented and justified God rather than themselves. The Pharisees, on the other hand, refused to repent and instead of justifying God, they justified themselves.
The next time you’re tempted to refuse correction and defend yourself, just remember that when you do this you are refusing not only correction, but the cross! Second, we don’t only defend ourselves against the truth/correction, we also try to defend ourselves against our enemies. When people treat us badly, rather than submit to our cross (suffer patiently) we seek to defend ourselves. But, Jesus did not do this (). We don’t realize that God has placed many people around us to help bring us to our cross. We cooperate with God when we do not retaliate against these people.
Not every Christian will die, but every Christian must lose their life or forfeit being a Christian!
This is how we go to our cross—refusing to defend ourselves. The wicked around us have a job to do—take us to our cross. No one is in your life by accident. God put them there for this purpose. (explain)
Jesus is not here talking about principalities or powers. We’re not commanded to suffer devils. We’re commanded to resist the devil (; ). Neither is Jesus talking about those who are acting as agents of government or the Church. For example, police, parents and even pastors/church leaders. Jesus is talking about personal defense, not national or religious or even parental defense. These things operate according to a different standard. What we can say is that those who are in these areas must never discharge their duties to serve their own pleasure. Parents shouldn’t discipline for personal pleasure and judges and law enforcement shouldn’t judge for personal pleasure. When you do, then you are feeding your flesh (serving yourself).
When we are treated badly by men the first thing that happens is our flesh rises up to retaliate. That part of us that rises up to defend itself is God’s enemy! The way we defeat this enemy is by not indulging it (feeding it). Simply refuse to give in to retaliation. By the way, this is what fasting is all about. You fast for the purpose of weakening or starving the flesh so the new man can live (dominate). The more you deny the flesh, the easier it becomes because the flesh is slowly becoming weaker!
Anger is a form of retaliation. Anger tries to over evil with evil. Anger is siding with the devil or the flesh. Remember Jesus nailed the flesh to the cross. But, it’s been trying to get off the cross ever since.
Anger is a form of retaliation. Anger tries to over evil with evil. Anger is siding with the devil or the flesh. Remember Jesus nailed the flesh to the cross. But, it’s been trying to get off the cross ever since.
Many have railed against this ‘pacifist’ doctrine.
If we don’t retaliate (seek revenge), then God will (avenge). Moreover, if God does it, they will learn a lesson from it. If we do it, they won’t learn anything from it! Moreover, if we retaliate, we disobey a direct command from God. Therefore, instead of disciplining your persecutor, God will discipline you (Proverbs).
Notice how Paul calls this mentality of not being willing to suffer a wrong a “defect” (verse 7). The most important thing in life is not to make sure no one gets over on you (win over others). The most important thing in life is to win over the flesh (i.e. lose your soul).
When we don’t ‘take the wrong’ and allow our brother to defraud us, then we are actually guilty of defrauding them! Moreover, if we do not allow ourselves to be defrauded, we cannot inherit the kingdom of God. If we do not inherit the kingdom of God, then the alternative is to receive the wrath of God!
Part 2
The commands regarding our crucifixion are some of the most hatted commands in all of Scripture. Theologians have tried to dismiss them. This doctrine is only hated by the carnal or fleshly man.
Although we wrestle against principalities, we do not wrestle against flesh.
This same doctrine was in the Old Testament.
Here God is divorcing or breaking off His people?
Those who accept this doctrine will have ears to hear (verses 4, 5).
Jesus did not defend Himself. The times that it seemed like He was defending Himself, He wasn’t really defending Himself. He was defending His disciples. He defended them from the leaven of the Pharisees, Sadducees and of the leaven of Herod. When His disciples were not around, for example with Pilot or the magistrates, He did not defend Himself. Jesus did not defend ‘self’.
Again, this doctrine is for those who want to be His disciples. There are many who consider themselves Christians, but very few disciples.
David also demonstrated this over and over.
David is suggesting here that God was using Shimei to curse David. Is this wrong to think of God this way?
God uses the wicked to bring chastening to His people if they commit sin. Many people think that because the Devil is called the “god of this world” it means that he is in control of everything that happens in this world. But, the Devil is not called the ‘god of this world’ because he controls everything that goes on this world. The Devil is called the ‘god of this world’ because he is worshipped by this world. God is the one who rules in this world, not the Devil. God rules over vessels of honor and dishonor (Provers 16:4).
What is the “day of evil”? The wicked are used to bring God’s people to their cross and to discipline them (). God uses the wicked to bring chastening to His people if they commit sin.
We’re getting the impression, especially from , that God is out to kill us all. Is He? Yes, but probably not in the way you think. He’s out to defeat and kill our flesh because the flesh is enmity against God ().
There are many people who are putting their sanctification off to the end (in the sweet by and by). But, if we’re to receive sanctification, we must receive it here. In fact, if we are not sanctified here we won’t see the Lord (“without sanctification no man shall see the Lord”).
If we let this crucifixion take place, God will bless us (). God will see to it that we go through this kind of crucifixion (filled with insults). He’s doing this because He’s correcting the sin that is in us. He won’t just correct us for our sin, but He will also correct or chasten the nature of sin (see Job). Our old man or the old nature is God’s enemy. Therefore, God may not have been chastening David for overtly sinning. He may have just been coming against the old man that was on the inside of David. Remember the men that walked with David was insulted along with David even though they weren’t guilty of anything. Your new man may not be guilty of anything in particular. God is not coming after the flesh. But, because we live in the same body we experience the same chastening. God doesn’t just want to deliver us from the penalty of sin. He wants to deliver us from the nature and the power of sin (and ultimately from the presence of it). This is His plan.
Here David says, “I am as a deaf man and a dumb man.” Paul said, “Reckon yourselves to be dead unto sin.” What does a dead man do when you strike him on one cheek? He turns to you the other one! He doesn’t resist or speak back.
Notice that when David refused to retaliate he felt there was something ‘hot’ in him. Meaning that when we refuse to resist the evil we can feel the flesh being burned up! You can sense that old man being burned/crucified through your flesh.
Let the wicked have their time. They will soon be cut off. But, those who wait upon the Lord will be rewarded.
Notice how God kept David from avenging himself (, ). Many people are being chastened because they have avenged themselves and won’t forgive!
Like David, we’re not called to fight our own battles. We called to fight the battles of the Lord! We are not called to defend ourselves (flesh). We are called to defend the people of God and God’s doctrines. God is offended when we fight our own battles because we are letting God’s enemy, the old man, live. The old man is a vessel through whom the devil can manifest himself in us. As long as we have this flesh, the devil has a vessel through which to manifest himself. It is also warring against the new man and trying to keep him from coming into the image of Jesus.
Notice how David calls ‘defending himself with his own hand’ bloodguiltiness. In other words, guilt that is obtained through murder. This is not justice, but violence and murder.
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