Funeral Sermon for Danielle Veen

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Great mysteries life and death, this world and the next, what’ is beyond heaven and hell, precious value and what is worthless, hope and espair, strength and weakness.
Passage speak of what is PRECIOUS IN VALUE - passage just before one of most famous passages of the BIBLE - LOVE - loved and was loved…
World values the swift and the strong. … ie. Isaiah wins gold Junior Nationals - Terry Fox Stadium - one mother her son didn’t win, but cheering for him - but keeps looking back not at me - but our son Reuben - comes over does not say congratulations to Reuben - but Looks right into Reuben’s eyes, no his soul - And says: You are the World’s best cheerer!
She had eyes to see, what so many of you here today see - celebrate that in Danielle - what was precious and valuable in her eyes - Grace and Arn - want to make sure that this service and this message Records and honour and lifts that up - PEOPLE - nthing else is going to last forever - but God made us - souls that wil never die Family, friends… THOSE WORD FINDS… PENCILS with little quote, little picture of Danielle!
I know it too - change everyday what you live for those routines -they remind us - what really most important ! I. WHAT IS WEIGHTY
Think of her work Camp Hill, think of Her Bowling with Special Olympics, going to the movies in first week, just last with with Her sister!- WEIGHTY - dginity and worth
But you know who also was weighty in her life - the Living God! Each meal, each night
Passage calls us to ask - not only what weighty to us, but what is weighty in the mind and heart of God!
Race doesn’t belong to the swift, let not the rich man boast of his riches , let the wise boast in his wisdom, but let him who boatss boasts inths that He knows me the living God
God weighed in Danielle’s life -
Who does God value - least will be the greatest , one who knows her need, his need - turns to me in humble faith and prayer!
Country’s in the world that have eliminated Down Syndrome by eliminating babies - but we know , Daniel and this family - experience that - God has a special plan - for the huan family and HIs family - includes in it in a special way those who have special need - realize we all have special need and it knits us together, Like Arn and Grace and Matthew and Lauren and Daniel…
Our weaknesses, our need - helps us see our strengths and lean on each other - Christopher DeVos - Upper State New York - Power of Powerless - story of the life of his brother Oliver - changed lives, even Presidents - never walked, never spoke much, never left His room - In His wekanesses - power of Christ rested on Him and changed lives!
Andrew Peterson - We Will Survive Lyrics
It's only when the straight line breaks and heals a little crooked That you ever see the grace Well I had to find a better place Maybe the bend in the river's the only way I wonder do you see it - God’s family of faith. It’s the same thing -
Read more: Andrew Peterson - We Will Survive Lyrics | MetroLyrics
I wonder do you see it - God’s family of faith. It’s the same thing -
Beatitudes Blessed, happy are who - those who are poor in spirit - entrance into the kingdom is for those who know they are weak - spiritually disabled, need to be knit back together - all a little different way in Jesus!
Why are text’s conclusion is: Now you are the the body of Christ and individually members of it!
Minister of the gospel I’ve got to unpack these words of hope - only hope in the face of death and the grave - and what lies after! These words for we who are left behind - not worthless words - but precious ones of hope!
Do you see the love of God here at Danielle celebration of life and at her funeral?
Love of God sent the Son of God - down into this world for Danielle and you and me
In early years - lot’s of questions of WHY< God, but Christian gospel is that Living God in the Person of Jesus Christ the Son of God incarnate - He took on our weak body and human nature - One of my favourite - pictures of Christmas - Virgin Mary holding Jesus - and Jesus with Down Syndrome - Jesus came to take on our weakness - for you maybe not down Syndrome - made like us in every way - to lift us up out of every brokenness - Not ahsmaded to be one with us! He became like you! Lived a perfect life - His heavenly perfection touched every part of our lives - sanctified it! He came to make us a member of His body, all our ability and disability wrapped together!
But that’s not all the body of the LORD Jesus the Son of God incarnate - it was crucified he really died for us, yes as punishment for all our sin and even our sinflu nature, but listen these are not worthless words but precious ones - he died a real death a death like Danielle’s and a death like - so that sharing in our death - he could defeat death and hell for us! And funeral’s would just be an ending - without Christ’s death. But they don’t just have to be an ending do they?
Why not? Because When Jeuss died on the Corss, not just dying like you and me have to die. He was dying a special death, that would take our death into his. Take the punishmentn of sin for us.
B. Like a honey-bee - Big stinger -scary - death is like that. But did you know that when a honey bee stings someone, that stinger gets stuck in that person, and the honey bee itself has to die and it can’t sting anyone any more. And when you and I put our faith in that Cross in that death of Jesus 200 years ago - He takes the stinger out of death, so death not an end, not a punishment any more - when you have trust Christ, turn to Him - the Saviour of the World - part of his body! Christ has sucked all the poisoin of death out - still bothers us -buzzing bee - but no stinger - The Sting of death was sin, and punishment - But Christ said - I Lay down my life for you. I die for you - -= sure still separation for a time, sure body and soul separated until Christ returns - but life forever … So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.
John 16:22 ESV
So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.
You know why? It is the last precious word that needs to be spoken - The body of Christ, though with weakness, layed into th grave, 3 days later He rose again - so mystery of life with anyone in Christ - is yes in the middle of life comes death - but if in Christ - in the middle of death comes life!
That is the Christian hope in v 26 If one member suffers, all suffer together - why we are here sad together .. but if one member is honoured, all rejoice together - Why wer are here too - so good to hear what Danielle brought to your family to hthis world,
But here is the hope - God said, in all your affliction I was afflicted, When one member of mine suffers, I am there with them touched by there suffering - in Christ doing something about it! But just like Christ’s body raised from death - resurrection, member of Christ by faith - God the Living God honours us in death just like he did Christ, and rejoices that we rise again with Him!
And the way Jesus expained this to us before he died and rose again was with this Last Picture we need C. SEED .
God siad, in all your affilction I was afflicted, When one memeber of mine suffers, I am there with them touched by there suffering - in Christ dooing something about it!
John 12:24 ESV
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
But just like Christ’s body raised from the dath of the arth - resurreciton, member of Christ by faith - God the Living God honours us in death ljsut like he did Christ, and rejoices that we rise agian with Him!
Jesus said, I am like the first fruits, but you believe in me - and Like Mat’s text - we as members of Jesus - all different parts - we get raised too - Jesus is the first seed, and his rising gives all who put faith in Him, even a mustard seed of faith -
Grace and Arn, Matthew & Lauren - we are not given the why’s what strengthens and weakness we’re given, we are not given the why of how many years - remember thinking that around the corner in the cemmenty - where mere child and old grandmother Snaak same cemetry - Poem the dash puts it well - not the dates 1989-2019 - dash - how you lived that counts. Danielle’s life counted
God had a plan, For Daniel. This world, your home, your lives, were better place for Danielle’s prsence and the reminder of what’ of value what’s worth living for…
And her life is part of a bigger story too - story that points to God strength in weakness - his victory in Jesus Christ -= all called to find.
Song at the beginning - my heart will choose to say - Blessed tbe the Name - name is Jesus who heals what crooked even stronger, bend in the river - what we have here, place it in the hands of God
Inthe middle we sang: Why should my heart be sad, Lord still king even in our dying - place our lives and Daniel’s life in his hands of the merciful God who made her!
But Last song you have chosen is about resurrection life -
I can only imagine - Bart Millard - After life with a lot of hardship - especially with alcoholic father, reconciled, dad died of cancer - wanted more time together - wonderful because had what you had with Daniel - loving relationship - And he sings from the core of his heart - what it will be like to have what came to Matt, JOY THAT NEVER ENDS IN HEAVEN!
When I walk by your side, I can only imagine what my es
in presence of the Living One Jesus Christ - before we hear that as we leave. Let me pray with you:
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