Do you want the gifts??? Pastora Lidia 1 Corintios 12:11 (RVR1960)

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Do you want the gifts???
Pastora Lidia
1 Corintios 12:11 (RVR1960)
It is crucial that we learn to recognize and flow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It’s not only a blessing to us, but the lives of other people may depend on it. You are carrying someone’s miracle. Don’t let it stay inside. You have to learn how to release it.( Tienes que aprender a liberarlo.)
1 Corinthians 12:1 RVR60
1 No quiero, hermanos, que ignoréis acerca de los dones espirituales.
1 Corinthians 12:1 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
12 No quiero, hermanos, que ignoréis acerca de los dones espirituales.
Paul is writing to the church... Notice the first thing: God wants you to move in the supernatural. You are designed to be a supernatural being. You are a spirit being living inside a body.( Estás diseñado para ser un ser sobrenatural. Eres un espíritu viviendo dentro de un cuerpo.)
With your body you can communicate with the external world; with your spirit you can communicate with the realm of God, the realm of the spirit. (Con tu cuerpo puedes comunicarte con el mundo externo; con tu espíritu puedes comunicarte con el reino de Dios, el reino del espíritu.)
You are designed to flow and access with the supernatural realm of God; you don't have to become a spiritual person - you already are spiritual. You already have a spirit dimension to you. (Estás diseñado para fluir y acceder con el reino sobrenatural de Dios; no tienes que convertirte en una persona espiritual, ya eres espiritual. Tú ya tienes una dimensión espiritual para ti.)
Your natural body has five senses: (Tu cuerpo natural tiene cinco sentidos. )you can see, you can hear, you can taste, touch, smell. Your spirit man also has spiritual senses. With your physical senses you can interact with the physical world. You receive signals, and from that you can begin to identify certain things. It's the same in your spirit; but many people haven't developed their spiritual capacity.
1) The first thing is: you are a spirit being - and God wants you to operate supernaturally. (y Dios quiere que operes sobrenaturalmente.)That's His plan; and so Paul writes: “I don't want you to be ignorant of the supernatural realm, or how to work with the Holy Spirit”.
God wants us to be empowered, and equipped to bring His power to people. (Dios quiere que estemos empoderados y equipados para llevar Su poder a las personas.)The church has long lost the flow of power; but now, in these days, God is restoring power back to the church. We'll see that part of the great commission is that you be anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit, and you are able to lay hands on the sick, you are able to minister to people - you are able to flow with the Holy Spirit.
That makes sense, because the world isn't going to come into a church building; the church has to go to the world, and bring God to the world. Don't wait for some revival, and don't wait for some big experience; take what we the Holy Spirit teaches you , and begin to apply it and practice it, and you'll get better and better and better. God is more willing to use you than you realise!
2) The second thing is: we're going talk a little bit about the gifts of the spirit themselves.
1 Corinthians 12:7 RVR60
7 Pero a cada uno le es dada la manifestación del Espíritu para provecho.
1 Corinthians 12:7 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
7 Pero a cada uno le es dada la manifestación del Espíritu para provecho.
It uses the word 'manifestation’, it means: something that's visible, tangible, that people can see. He's saying: God wants to operate through you, in a way that's tangible, that people can experience Him. (Utiliza la palabra 'manifestación', significa: algo que es visible, tangible, que la gente puede ver. Él está diciendo: Dios quiere operar a través de ti, de manera tangible, para que la gente pueda experimentarlo.)
The gifts of the spirit are manifestations of a person - the Holy Spirit; so it's not like you have some kind of gift. You have a person; and you work with Him to bring His life forth. It's all about a relationship with the Holy Spirit.
It says: “the manifestation of the spirit is given to everyone” - There's no one left out - this is for you! Everyone includes you.
1 Corinthians 12:11 RVR60
11 Pero todas estas cosas las hace uno y el mismo Espíritu, repartiendo a cada uno en particular como él quiere.
1 Corinthians 12:11 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
11 Pero todas estas cosas las hace uno y el mismo Espíritu, repartiendo a cada uno en particular como él quiere.
God is very clear in the word - He wants every person to be able to flow in the spirit. He gives the gifts of the spirit to everyone; so if you haven't functioned in them, or flowed in them, or received them yet - it's mostly because you don't know how to.
3) God wants to work through everyone; and the gifts are given to profit others. When God gives you a gift - it's not for you; it's for someone else - you're just the delivery person.
It's like I'm connected to God, so I can receive something from Him, and then I pass it on to someone else. That's what the gifts of the spirit are, and I'm just the channel through which this flows. I'm the gate through which God interacts with the person.
You are described in the Bible as: you are a temple, or a house, in which God dwells; and you are a gate for the supernatural to come into the earth. Example… gifts…
5) Now let's have a look at the different categories of gifts. It's in your notes under Section 2.3, and it says:
1 Corinthians 12:7–11 RVR60
7 Pero a cada uno le es dada la manifestación del Espíritu para provecho. 8 Porque a éste es dada por el Espíritu palabra de sabiduría; a otro, palabra de ciencia según el mismo Espíritu; 9 a otro, fe por el mismo Espíritu; y a otro, dones de sanidades por el mismo Espíritu. 10 A otro, el hacer milagros; a otro, profecía; a otro, discernimiento de espíritus; a otro, diversos géneros de lenguas; y a otro, interpretación de lenguas. 11 Pero todas estas cosas las hace uno y el mismo Espíritu, repartiendo a cada uno en particular como él quiere.
1 Corinthians 12:7-11
7 Pero a cada uno le es dada la manifestación del Espíritu para provecho.
8 Porque a éste es dada por el Espíritu palabra de sabiduría; a otro, palabra de ciencia según el mismo Espíritu;
9 a otro, fe por el mismo Espíritu; y a otro, dones de sanidades por el mismo Espíritu.
10 A otro, el hacer milagros; a otro, profecía; a otro, discernimiento de espíritus; a otro, diversos géneros de lenguas; y a otro, interpretación de lenguas.
11 Pero todas estas cosas las hace uno y el mismo Espíritu, repartiendo a cada uno en particular como él quiere.
There are 9 distinct operations of the spirit there; but it helps if we list them under 3 headings.
First of all, 3 of the gifts are ‘gifts of revelation’. That means: God reveals to you something you didn't know.
If I talk to someone, and they tell me, then I've learned it from them. If I've read it in a book, then I've studied it and learned it; but if someone just tells me a secret, it reveals something to me.
So in 3 of the gifts of the spirit, God just reveals something, which you couldn't have worked it out. You just couldn't have known.
Remember the woman at the well (in ) - when Jesus spoke to her, Jesus asked her a little bit, interacted with her, and then He said: why don't you bring your husband? She said: I haven't got a husband; and He said to her: that's true, you've had 5 husbands - and now you're living with a man.
When she went away, she said: I met someone who told me everything about my whole life. Now why did she say ‘everything about her whole life’, when actually He'd only said one thing about her life? The impact of that supernatural revelation was to cause her to experience the sensation that: all of her life was suddenly opened - and God could see everything.
So when you bring a word of knowledge, or move prophetically, it may not seem much to you. It's very little to you - because it's not for you; but when it goes to the person - oh, the person can be deeply impacted! How could you know that? It's like suddenly their whole world is opened up; but for you it was just a little tentative step. For them it's like oh! This is a big deal, because now you've opened up something in their life.
So there are three gifts. 1) Words of knowledge - word of knowledge, just a little bit of knowledge about a person, some fact about their past or present.( 1) Palabras de conocimiento: palabra de conocimiento, solo un poco de conocimiento sobre una persona, algún hecho sobre su pasado o presente.)
2) A word of wisdom is a supernatural insight about what to do, or how a person needs to act, or what they should do at this time.( 2) Una palabra de sabiduría es una visión sobrenatural sobre qué hacer, o cómo debe actuar una persona, o qué debe hacer en este momento.)
3) Discerning of spirits - the ability to see right into the root of what is behind things that are happening. It enables us to see the motivations of people; it enables us to see what the Holy Spirit is doing; it also enables us to discern demonic spirits.( 3) Discernimiento de los espíritus: la capacidad de ver directamente en la raíz de lo que está detrás de las cosas que están sucediendo. Nos permite ver las motivaciones de las personas; nos permite ver lo que el Espíritu Santo está haciendo; También nos permite discernir espíritus demoníacos.)
Then there are 3 gifts of utterance - where something is spoken.
1) The word of prophesy, an inspired something, words from God.
2) Diverse tongues
3) Interpretation of tongues - where the person speaks in a tongue; and someone interprets,
Finally, gifts of power - when something supernatural is done, i.e. something is 1) revealed; 2) spoken; 3) done.
By faith, miracles are done; the working of miracles, and gifts of healing, all fall under those power miracles.
Mark 16:17–18 RVR60
17 Y estas señales seguirán a los que creen: En mi nombre echarán fuera demonios; hablarán nuevas lenguas; 18 tomarán en las manos serpientes, y si bebieren cosa mortífera, no les hará daño; sobre los enfermos pondrán sus manos, y sanarán.
, notice what Jesus said, and this is associated with the great commission...
, notice what Jesus said, and this is associated with the great commission...
Marcos 16:17-18 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
17 Y estas señales seguirán a los que creen: En mi nombre echarán fuera demonios; hablarán nuevas lenguas;
18 tomarán en las manos serpientes, y si bebieren cosa mortífera, no les hará daño; sobre los enfermos pondrán sus manos, y sanarán.
Jesus is giving the great commission. He's sending us into the harvest field.Jesus was sending His disciples into cultures that experience supernatural power. What they needed was something stronger, more powerful, to deal with and confront the demonic realm.. He wanted them empowered spiritually, to be able to do this; so notice what He said: “These signs will follow those who believe”.
It doesn't say: these signs will follow only pastors. It doesn't say: these signs will follow ‘special people’. It doesn't say: these signs will follow just greatly anointed people. It just says: “these signs will follow those who believe”
For these signs to follow, God wants you to be a believer. You need to believe, for God to work through you.( Para que sigan estas señales, Dios quiere que seas un creyente. Necesitas creer, para que Dios trabaje a través de
We believe God will work supernaturally. We believe He'll do it… in another country. We believe He'll do it… through the Pastor on tv but what we struggle with, is to believe: He would do it through me - but that's what He said: the signs follow… believing.
In , there's a man called Ananias. Saul had been persecuting the church; and as he was going to Damascus, he had an encounter, a supernatural encounter. He was knocked off his horse, and he was struck blind. He went and fasted and prayed for three days.
Acts 9:10–18 RVR60
10 Había entonces en Damasco un discípulo llamado Ananías, a quien el Señor dijo en visión: Ananías. Y él respondió: Heme aquí, Señor. 11 Y el Señor le dijo: Levántate, y ve a la calle que se llama Derecha, y busca en casa de Judas a uno llamado Saulo, de Tarso; porque he aquí, él ora, 12 y ha visto en visión a un varón llamado Ananías, que entra y le pone las manos encima para que recobre la vista. 13 Entonces Ananías respondió: Señor, he oído de muchos acerca de este hombre, cuántos males ha hecho a tus santos en Jerusalén; 14 y aun aquí tiene autoridad de los principales sacerdotes para prender a todos los que invocan tu nombre. 15 El Señor le dijo: Ve, porque instrumento escogido me es éste, para llevar mi nombre en presencia de los gentiles, y de reyes, y de los hijos de Israel; 16 porque yo le mostraré cuánto le es necesario padecer por mi nombre. 17 Fue entonces Ananías y entró en la casa, y poniendo sobre él las manos, dijo: Hermano Saulo, el Señor Jesús, que se te apareció en el camino por donde venías, me ha enviado para que recibas la vista y seas lleno del Espíritu Santo. 18 Y al momento le cayeron de los ojos como escamas, y recibió al instante la vista; y levantándose, fue bautizado.
Acts 9:10-18 Había entonces en Damasco un discípulo llamado Ananías, a quien el Señor dijo en visión: Ananías. Y él respondió: Heme aquí, Señor.
Había entonces en Damasco un discípulo llamado Ananías, a quien el Señor dijo en visión: Ananías. Y él respondió: Heme aquí, Señor.
11 Y el Señor le dijo: Levántate, y ve a la calle que se llama Derecha, y busca en casa de Judas a uno llamado Saulo, de Tarso; porque he aquí, él ora,
12 y ha visto en visión a un varón llamado Ananías, que entra y le pone las manos encima para que recobre la vista.
13 Entonces Ananías respondió: Señor, he oído de muchos acerca de este hombre, cuántos males ha hecho a tus santos en Jerusalén; 14 y aun aquí tiene autoridad de los principales sacerdotes para prender a todos los que invocan tu nombre.
15 El Señor le dijo: Ve, porque instrumento escogido me es éste, para llevar mi nombre en presencia de los gentiles, y de reyes, y de los hijos de Israel;
16 porque yo le mostraré cuánto le es necesario padecer por mi nombre.
17 Fue entonces Ananías y entró en la casa, y poniendo sobre él las manos, dijo: Hermano Saulo, el Señor Jesús, que se te apareció en el camino por donde venías, me ha enviado para que recibas la vista y seas lleno del Espíritu Santo. 18 Y al momento le cayeron de los ojos como escamas, y recibió al instante la vista; y levantándose, fue bautizado.
Notice the revelation that's coming: he's being told things he couldn't know; and Saul has seen in a vision a man called Ananias coming to him - so God is downloading to him words of knowledge and revelation.
Then He said: “I want you to go him and lay your hands on him, and he'll receive his sight”. This is a freaky thing, because he knows that Saul's been murdering all the Christians; and now God's telling him go to this place in this street, inquire; the guy is in there, and he's blind; and he's praying. I've shown him that you're going to come, and you're going to pray over him.
Now that takes courage - remember this guy's life is on the line. Can you understand that all moving in the spirit, there's a point where you have to take a risk? This was a big risk; He has to go to the house of a murderer of Christians - that's a step of faith. He probably said ‘goodbye’ to everyone before he went… just in case! (Ahora que se necesita coraje, recuerda que la vida de este hombre está en peligro. ¿Puedes entender que todo se mueve en el espíritu, hay un punto en el que tienes que arriesgarte? Este fue un gran riesgo; Él tiene que ir a la casa de un asesino de cristianos, eso es un paso de fe. Probablemente dijo "adiós" a todos antes de ir ... ¡por si acaso!)
Notice he says: “Ananias, I've heard a lot about this man, he does much evil to Your saints” - so he started to reason with God about it. The Lord said: “go, he's chosen unto Me, and I will show him great things he must suffer for My name's sake”.
So Ananias went his way, entered the house, and laid his hands on him. He said: “Brother Saul, Jesus that appeared to you in the way as you came, sent me that you might receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost. Immediately he was healed; and filled with the Holy Ghost, spoke in tongues. (Entonces Ananías se fue, entró en la casa y puso sus manos sobre él. Él dijo: “Hermano Saúl, Jesús que se te apareció en el camino cuando viniste, me envió para que pudieras recibir tu vista y ser lleno del Espíritu Santo. Inmediatamente fue sanado; y lleno del Espíritu Santo, habló en lenguas.)
Isn't that a great story! There's an example of: words of knowledge; works of wisdom (knowing what to do); prophetic utterance (speaking over him); gifts of healing; and faith flowing - it's great! That's a great story, of many of the gifts all flowing together, with one man.( ¿No es una gran historia? Hay un ejemplo de: palabras de conocimiento; obras de sabiduría (saber qué hacer); expresión profética (hablando sobre él); dones de curación; y la fe fluye - ¡es genial! Esa es una gran historia, de muchos de los regalos que fluyen juntos, con un solo hombre.)
We see now that: you are designed to be supernatural. God wants you to operate in the supernatural. He is willing to do this for you.
Gifts of the spirit are given to everyone; so if God gives it to me, what does He expect me to do? What's my part? There's a number of things that we're called to do, so I'm going to identify them
So here are several things that God requires of us:
1) He wants you to learn how to flow with the Holy Spirit. He wants you to learn it. Your responsibility is to be a learner.God expects you to put in the effort to learn. Nothing comes easily; you have to put in some effort. You have to do something. (Él quiere que aprendas a fluir con el Espíritu Santo. Él quiere que lo aprendas. Tu responsabilidad es ser un aprendiz. Dios espera que te esfuerces en aprender. Nada viene fácilmente; Tienes que poner un poco de esfuerzo. Tienes que hacer algo.)
He wants us to learn how to work with the Holy Spirit… to build others. Here's an interesting thing: God wants you to be a builder of people. Flowing in the spirit is about discovering how to fulfil your destiny with God… wherever I am. (Él quiere que aprendamos cómo trabajar con el Espíritu Santo ... para construir a otros. Aquí hay algo interesante: Dios quiere que seas un constructor de personas. Fluir en el espíritu es descubrir cómo cumplir tu destino con Dios ... donde sea que esté.)
2) We're expected to passionately desire the gifts of the spirit. !” (
1 Corinthians 12:31 NTV
31 Por lo tanto, ustedes deberían desear encarecidamente los dones que son de más ayuda. Pero ahora déjenme mostrarles una manera de vida que supera a todas las demás.
1 Corinthians 12:31 Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV)
Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV)
31 Por lo tanto, ustedes deberían desear encarecidamente los dones que son de más ayuda.
Why? Because when you flow in them, it answers all arguments. If you have a miracle… no one can argue with the miracle. (¿Por qué? Porque cuando fluyes en ellos, responde a todos los argumentos. Si tienes un milagro ... nadie puede discutir con el milagro.)
2 Timothy 1:6 NTV
6 Por esta razón, te recuerdo que avives el fuego del don espiritual que Dios te dio cuando te impuse mis manos.
2 Timothy 1:6
Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV)
Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV)
6 Por esta razón, te recuerdo que avives el fuego del don espiritual que Dios te dio cuando te impuse mis manos.
The word stir-up means ‘to kindle a fire’ - to get something activated and happening; so we're called to stir up the gifts. This is completely contrary to a passive, ‘waiting around’ and ‘praying for a revival’, or hoping that ‘one day’ God will do something. This says: you - stir yourself up. (La palabra agitar significa "encender un fuego" - para que algo se active y ocurra; así que estamos llamados a agitar los regalos. Esto es completamente contrario a un pasivo, "esperar" y "orar por un avivamiento", o esperar que "un día" Dios haga algo. Esto dice: usted - agítese.)
1 Thessalonians 5:19 NTV
19 No apaguen al Espíritu Santo.
Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV)
1 Thessalonians 5:19
Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV)
19 No apaguen al Espíritu Santo.
There are things that facilitate the spirit of God working; and some things quench His working in your life - reasonings in your mind will quench the flow of the Holy Spirit. Negative, critical talk will grieve and quench the Holy Spirit;( los razonamientos en tu mente apagarán el flujo del Espíritu Santo. Las palabras negativas y críticas entristecerán y apagarán al Espíritu Santo;)
5) Finally: don't neglect the gifts of the spirit.
1 Timothy 4:14 RVR60
14 No descuides el don que hay en ti, que te fue dado mediante profecía con la imposición de las manos del presbiterio.
– “don't neglect the gift that's in you”. 1 Timoteo 4:14 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
– “don't neglect the gift that's in you”. 1 Timoteo 4:14 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
14 No descuides el don que hay en ti, que te fue dado mediante profecía con la imposición de las manos del presbiterio.
Don't take it lightly - don't just waste what God has given you; don't despise the little beginnings that you start with. Even if you start with a little, and it doesn't seem much, it can grow. It can grow until it becomes a great flow through your life.
Some practical keys on what I've found is a big help to stirring your spirit man up, so you can begin to flow in the gifts of the spirit.
….A key part of it of course is your personal devotional life. Building a life where you're in the word of God, reading the word of God, praying the word of God, spending time with the Lord, worshipping Him, sharing with Him, building your spirit man, praying in tongues, all of this is the normal devotional life of a believer, so we need to be feeding our inner life, feeding your spirit man, so you've got something to give.
….. second.., free up your spirit. You can't prophesy and flow in the gifts if your spirit is all uptight with tension, so free up your spirit, relax, laugh more and pray in tongues, because praying in tongues actually energises your spirit. When you pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit is speaking through you. He's speaking language to your spirit, and your spirit is expressing, you are flowing with Him. It's a great way, pray in tongues, stir your spirit man and it starts to energise you, and we'll do some exercises on that a little later.
Third.. thing is expect faith, expect God to speak with you. You've got to reach out expectedly. See if I'm going to pray for someone and I'm full of doubt, not that much happens when there's doubt, but when you come, you say God, I just expect You to give me something for this person. I'm believing that when I get myself in that place, You will give me something I need.
It sounds a little risky, but actually what faith does is it steps out trusting God. What am I trusting, that I'm good enough? No, I'm trusting that God is good, God loves them, and God's willing to help them. I'm just here available, so it's a faith that God is willing to do something.
Fourth… thing is, so we stir up our spirit, reach out our faith, then just focus your attention. One of the things that people find very difficult to do, is to just focus their attention to listen. You know if you want to hear someone, you've got to stop and listen.
There's too much distraction, you can't hear, so the key thing we saw in flowing with the gifts of the spirit is hearing, being able to pick up the small impressions of the Holy Spirit - and they're very small, so I've got to get the noise out of my head.
Now for some people that's a problem, because there's a lot of noise, and the noise comes from unresolved personal conflicts, spiritual, emotional conflicts. The noise comes from the voice of demonic spirits speaking into our mind, condemning, judging, accusing, belittling, pressuring, confusing. That's one aspect.
They also come from your own beliefs in your heart; I'm no good, God wouldn't work through me, or I've just blown it, or I'm not - you know, all of those sorts of beliefs of the heart, which are contrary to the word of God, demonic spirits use to stir up and energise confusion and turmoil inside you.
He's promised to give us peace,
One of the most important steps to flowing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit is to earnestly desire them. Paul said
1 Corinthians 12:31 NTV
31 Por lo tanto, ustedes deberían desear encarecidamente los dones que son de más ayuda. Pero ahora déjenme mostrarles una manera de vida que supera a todas las demás.
1 Corinthians 12:31 Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV)
Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV)
31 Por lo tanto, ustedes deberían desear encarecidamente los dones que son de más ayuda.
He repeated that thought in
1 Corinthians 14:1 NTV
1 ¡Que el amor sea su meta más alta! Pero también deberían desear las capacidades especiales que da el Espíritu, sobre todo la capacidad de profetizar.
Corintios 14:1 Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV)
Corintios 14:1 Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV)
14 ¡Que el amor sea su meta más alta! Pero también deberían desear las capacidades especiales que da el Espíritu, sobre todo la capacidad de profetizar.
Another way of saying this is, as long as you can live without flowing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, you will. You have to seek these gifts with all your heart It’s also very important to understand that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are always flowing. God doesn’t turn them “on” and “off.” We are the ones who are “on” or “off.” (Otra forma de decir esto es que, mientras puedas vivir sin fluir en los dones del Espíritu Santo, lo harás. Debes buscar estos dones con todo tu corazón. También es muy importante entender que los dones del Espíritu Santo siempre están fluyendo. Dios no los enciende y los apaga. Nosotros somos los que estamos "encendidos" o "apagados".)
Now how would you go about finding something about someone that you didn't know? You'll have to ask. Now this is quite important when you're going to move in the spirit, you'll need to start asking questions. You ask questions of the Holy Spirit and He shows you things. Okay, so here's a good way to start… gift example….
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