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Sermon Tone Analysis
Faith overcomes all obstacles.
Faith overcomes all obstacles.
(Die Lewende Bybel)
1 ’n Paar dae later toe Jesus weer terug in Kapernaum was, het die mense gehoor dat Hy weer by die huis is.
2 Daar het so baie mense na Hom toe gekom dat daar in die huis en selfs buite voor die deur geen plek meer was nie. En Jesus het aan hulle die woord van God gebring.
3 Daar kom toe mense aan wat ’n verlamde man na Jesus toe bring. Vier mense moes hom dra.
4 Maar die gedrang was so groot dat hulle glad nie naby Jesus kon kom nie. Hulle het toe bo-op die platdak, reg bokant die plek waar Jesus was, ’n deel van die dak weggevat. Deur die opening kon hulle die verlamde man op ’n bed laat afsak.
5 Toe Jesus sien watter vertroue hulle in Hom het, sê Hy vir die lam man: “Jongman jou sondes is vergewe.”
6 Party van die Skrifkenners wat daar gesit het, het by hulle self gewonder:
7 “Hoe kan hy so praat? Hy tas mos nou God se eer aan. Is dit dan nie net God wat sondes kan vergewe nie?”
8 Jesus het geweet watter vrae in hulle gedagte was en sê toe vir hulle: “Waarom dink julle dit tas God se eer aan?
9 Wat is die maklikste om vir hierdie verlamde man te sê: ‘Jou sondes is vergewe’ of ‘Staan op, vat jou bed en loop?’
10 Maar Ek sal nou vir julle bewys dat Ek, die Redder, die mag het om hier op aarde mense se sonde te vergewe.” Daarom sê Hy toe vir die verlamde man:
11 “Ek sê nou vir jou, staan op en vat jou bed dan gaan jy huis toe.”
12 Die man spring toe op en gryp die bed en stap uit. Almal kon sien wat daar gebeur het en was verslae. Hulle het God geprys en uitgeroep: “Dis die wonderlikste ding wat ons nog ooit gesien het!”
At the same time, it is quite obvious that the main interest of the story gathers, not around the paralytic, but around his four friends and our blessed Lord. The story is so replete with points that claim our notice, that, we had better, in this chapter, confine ourselves to a study of the four friends and their action.[1]
Massas is nie altyd ‘n teken van sukses nie. Ons vind verskillende mense in hierdie massas. 40 x in Mark voor hoofstuk 10
1. Die saam lopers. Dissipels. Aanskouers of paviljoen sitters.
2. Die kritiese skrifkenners.
3. Die hinderaars. “Verhinder hulle nie” Jesus stuur hulle weg. Stil makers.
Crowds form audiences for his teaching and are the object of his compassion, but Mark never describes crowds turning to Jesus in repentance and belief, as the gospel requires (1:15). In respect to understanding and faith, crowds generally demonstrate passivity, and given their precipitous reduction following Jesus’ teaching on suffering at Caesarea Philippi, they demonstrate even greater fickleness. The single most common attribute of crowds in Mark is that they obstruct access to Jesus. [2]
4. Die gelowige helpers en doeners. Bewys hulle geloof
1 ’n Paar dae later toe Jesus weer terug in Kapernaum was, het die mense gehoor dat Hy weer by die huis is.
2 Daar het so baie mense na Hom toe gekom dat daar in die huis en selfs buite voor die deur geen plek meer was nie. En Jesus het aan hulle die woord van God gebring.
The crowd stands and observes; disciples must commit themselves to action, as illustrated by the plucky squad of four
3 Daar kom toe mense aan wat ’n verlamde man na Jesus toe bring. Vier mense moes hom dra.
1. For one thing, they were deeply concerned about their friend and wanted to see him helped.
2. They had the faith to believe that Jesus could and would meet his need.
3. they did not simply “pray about it,” but they put some feet to their prayers; and they did not permit the difficult circumstances to discourage them.
4. They worked together and dared to do something different, and Jesus rewarded their efforts.
5. How easy it would have been for them to say, “Well, there is no sense trying to get to Jesus today! Maybe we can come back tomorrow.”[3]
4 Maar die gedrang was so groot dat hulle glad nie naby Jesus kon kom nie. Hulle het toe bo-op die platdak, reg bokant die plek waar Jesus was, ’n deel van die dak weggevat. Deur die opening kon hulle die verlamde man op ’n bed laat afsak.
If an opening to Jesus cannot be found, one must be made. That is a description of faith: it will remove any obstacle—even a roof, if necessary—to get to Jesus.5
At the same time, it is quite obvious that the main interest of the story gathers, not around the paralytic, but around his four friends and our blessed Lord. The story is so replete with points that claim our notice, that, we had better, in this chapter, confine ourselves to a study of the four friends and their action.[4]
Dan sê Jesus “jou sonde is vergewe” Uiterste vorm van laster.
Maar wie is die sondaars in die verhaal? Wie mis God se doelwit
Wie is die sondaars vanoggend?
[1] Jones, J.D., 1913. The Gospel according to St. A. R. Buckland, ed., London: The Religious Tract Society.
[2] Edwards, J.R., 2002. The Gospel according to Mark, Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: Eerdmans; Apollos.
[3] Wiersbe, W.W., 1996. The Bible exposition commentary, Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
5 The textual tradition is divided among prosenenkai (“to offer”), prosengisai (“to draw near”), and proselthein (“to approach”) in v. 4. Although the second reading claims the strongest manuscript support, it is likely, as Metzger suggests (TCGNT, 77), that the absence of a direct object (required by prosenenkai) prompted copyists to substitute the other two words that do not need direct objects.
[4] Jones, J.D., 1913. The Gospel according to St. A. R. Buckland, ed., London: The Religious Tract Society.