The Sword that Severs the Enemy
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· 14 viewsGod sends us a reminder: find the sword that first brought you victory. "There is none like that!" No other weapon for spiritual warfare will do!
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The Sword that Severs the Enemy
The Sword that Severs the Enemy
We all know about the story of David and Goliath.
But Goliath’s fall was not the end of that story.
As a matter of fact, what we are about to read has been preached far less and perhaps goes looked over by many...
8 And David said unto Ahimelech, And is there not here under thine hand spear or sword? for I have neither brought my sword nor my weapons with me, because the king’s business required haste. 9 And the priest said, The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom thou slewest in the valley of Elah, behold, it is here wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod: if thou wilt take that, take it: for there is no other save that here. And David said, There is none like that; give it me.
8 And David said unto Ahimelech, And is there not here under thine hand spear or sword? for I have neither brought my sword nor my weapons with me, because the king’s business required haste. 9 And the priest said, The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom thou slewest in the valley of Elah, behold, it is here wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod: if thou wilt take that, take it: for there is no other save that here. And David said, There is none like that; give it me.
10 And David arose, and fled that day for fear of Saul, and went to Achish the king of Gath.
1 Samuel 21:
A Call to Space
I have always had a certain fascination, if you will, with space.
The other day, I had another moment that I’ve had several times in my life.
It was around 10 at night, and I walked out the front door of our home to take care of some errand …and I happened to glance into the sky.
And when I did, I had to stop what I was doing and stare at what a clearness and what a beautiful sky of stars was before me.
It’s a benefit of living in a small town!
I began to watch individual stars and blinking lights (UFOs?) and wonder which were stars and which were satellites…
And out of curiosity, the thought ran through my mind at some point: what are the qualifications to become one of these astronauts that can travel in space?
And to my dismay, NASA has gotten their heads together to create a list of requirements that strategically disqualify Ryan LaRue from ever getting past our atmosphere.
You have to (at least):
Have a bachelor’s degree from an institution in engineering, biological science, physical science, or mathematics.
Have 3 years or 1,000 hours of command-pilot time in a jet aircraft.
Have an advanced degree: either master’s or doctoral degree.
You have to pass the NASA long-duration space flight physical, which includes these requirements: 20/20 vision, blood pressure cannot exceed 140/90 in a sitting position, a height between 5’2” and 6’3”, and you must be in exceptionally fit condition.
And almost EVERY one of those things disqualify me...
But although any of our futures serving at NASA is not pretty… I want to say today that our future and our chances of being used under the hand of God - THAT future is quite bright, indeed!!!
Because you don’t have to meet this list of educational requirements...
You don’t have to have this uncanny ability to speak...
But what you do have to do, is meet His requirements of repenting, being full of the Holy Ghost, and being baptized in Jesus Name - and just be WILLING!!!
I am quite CERTAIN today that if I will simply make my self an empty vessel, He is not going to disqualify me from serving Him and being used by Him!
The fact is… we serve a MERCIFUL GOD! A GRACEFUL GOD!
And although we don’t even deserve to talk to Him, He still decides to reach down from above, and pour upon us His anointing, His blessing, and power!
He Offers to Use Everyone
In the Old Testament, God would specifically use and talk to the leaders that He placed over the people.
He talked to Abraham, told him about Soddom and Gomorrah.
He spoke to Noah, gave him instructions for a flood.
He used Moses to deliver the Ten Commandments and lead the people from Egypt.
And the only people who could enter into the temple (where the very presence of God was) were the priests - Aaron and his sons.
God communed with and used the leaders.
But I’m glad to be the one standing here today to report that the veil before His presence has been TORN!
We’re living in a new era today!!!
32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
John 12:32
Not just the leadership of the preachers and pastors and evangelists and the rest - ALL MEN are going to be able to draw close to God!!!
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Mark 16:
He did not say, “These signs shall follow the leadership and the ministry,” though they are certainly included. He did not say, “These signs shall follow the prophets and the experienced and the high-ups.”
But He DID say, “These signs shall follow them that BELIEVE.”
I would have you know: if you believe in God, you’re in a good spot today, my friend! Because if you so much as believe, God can use you in a mighty way!!!
Don’t think me arrogant today, but I am so very thankful that I am not living in the Old Testament times right now! Because wonders and speaking directly with God is not only for position-holders - it’s for everyone who BELIEVES!
This thing isn’t restricted to a temple where Aaron goes up and talks, and we’ve got to wait on him to let us know what God thinks and how His presence feels today.
Ladies and gentlemen, WE’VE GOT THE HOLY GHOST!!!
And you can approach the holy of holies - the very throne of God - without worry of being cast out or disqualified!
{insert things we think might disqualify us today}
I’ve come with a reminder: I want to let somebody know: YOU’RE QUALIFIED TO BE TOUCHED BY AND USED BY GOD!!!!!!
David’s Story
There was a day when David slung that stone and it went and hit Goliath in the head, and this beast against God’s kingdom was brought to the ground.
And he was used of God. It wasn’t just David. God was using him mightily.
You know this story.
Well, I’ve got some news for you today.
That moment, as great as it was, afterwards David was not always quite as bold. He was not always quite as used by God.
As a matter of fact, where we find him in our text, he is on the run.
Not Your Everyday Sword
And the man who, through God, brought Goliath down, is now on the run from someone who is so much less than Goliath in stature in Saul.
And Saul seeks to kill him. And David knows that. And that’s why he got out of Dodge, if you will. And he’s running.
And he’s at a low point in his life. And he’s not exactly got a whole lot of confidence in himself or this situation right now.
And so, he’s on the run and in the middle of his escape, the scripture says he comes to Ahimelech, the priest in the sanctuary.
And he lies to Ahimelech and tells him that he’s on a classified mission from Saul. And really he’s on the run and will be killed when he’s caught.
“You know, I’m on a mission here today from king Saul, and I’ve come to your sanctuary...” … and he’s lying.
This man that was supposed to be a man after God’s own heart, a man used by God, and he’s lying. To the priest, of all people.
And he makes two requests in this meeting:
First, for some bread, praise God. He’s hungry!
But then the second request that we find in our text is what I wish to focus in on:
8 And David said unto Ahimelech, And is there not here under thine hand spear or sword? for I have neither brought my sword nor my weapons with me, because the king’s business required haste.
David forgot to bring a weapon with him.
And he asks the priest, “Do you have a sword, Ahimelech?”
And the priest, who’s probably pretty nervous about this whole situation, says, “Well, let me see what I’ve got.”
And perhaps, if you’ll allow me this today, Ahimelech turns to the back of the building and opens up a closet door. He begins shuffling through different items.
He finds a small, sort of dull dagger. He looks it over and thinks to himself, “Ah, this is not enough for someone like him.”
He pops open a couple of the sanctuary’s Rubbermaid storage tubs, and searches through them.
And there he finds a sling and a few stones. He picks them up and thinks to himself, “Hmm… I think he’s certainly graduated from this style of weaponry.”
He also finds a bow and arrow, and thinks, “This just is not David at all.”
And all of these items are not quite as dignified as what he had hoped, and he could give them all to David...
And then, something clicks, and occurs to him...
It comes to Ahimelech… “I have a sword… that might be really important to this man.”
And he goes, and approaches David, and he says, “Well… there is this one sword that I’ve got that might interest you. I don’t know, maybe it’s nothing to you now.”
Ahimelech smiles, “I don’t know, David, maybe you’ve found a newer one, something that works better, that is of newer style for the day...
…it’s the sword of Goliath, who you slew… and it’s over there. If you want it, it’s yours.”
And David’s mood (a man who is frightened and on the run), his mood all of a sudden changes...
And he raises up his head in the direction that Ahimelech, the spiritual elder, is pointing, to the ledge on the wall, behind the ephod…
...and his eyes come across this sword, that stretches the full length of the ledge, at least three times heavier than the average sword of the day.
And he remembers the moment that he grabbed that sword, the moment that he had brought down Goliath, and he approaches him, and severs his head...
And all these men that were afraid of Goliath at one point, beagn to clap their hands, hit their swords against their shields, and cheer in an uproar at what he had done by the name of his God.
“This is the sword that I did that with. And He used me in such a mighty and unforgettable way.”
And it’s possible that all of a sudden tears come to David’s eyes, as he remembers.
He had used that sword and God had used him.
And now, God is returning the sword to David, and letting him know: “I used you back then - I can use you now! You need to remember the sword that I used you with.”
“David, I realize that you’re going through all kinds of troubles and problems right now, but I want you to know: that no matter where you’re at in your life, I’ll use you if you’ll let me... but you need to remember the only sword that severed the head of the enemy.”
I’m preaching to some people today, who, maybe you can remember a point in your life when you were serving God at your fullest, and you would stay up late studying scripture and in prayer, powerful for God, and you think to yourself today, “I’d love to get to that point again. I’ve come through some things; dealing with some things. But I would love to be at that spot again.”
Perhaps today, I am speaking to a Youth Pastor, an Evangelist, a Sunday School Teacher or Pastor, who you look at your ministry today, and you remember a time when you were on the offense, wielding the sword, but you currently find yourself feeling on the run, without a weapon. You feel as though you are ineffective...
You know that God is calling you up to something greater, and you want to feel at that point you used to be at...
I’m preaching to you today: you need to remember that sword! The way that God used you back then, you can be used that way again!
I have determined that I am not going to allow Pentecost to be recognized as a movement with only a powerful past - but my PRESENT MUST BE POWERFUL TODAY!!!
God is facing you today with exactly how he filled you up with the Holy Ghost years ago, and He’s saying, “I can fill you up just as much today, I can put as much anointing on your life today as I did back then!”
You need to remember a sword that God used you with before...
It’s so easy to get away from that first time that God filled us up. When He first gave our life true value and worth. When he placed His Spirit and power in us, and said, “I’m placing a sword in your hands!”
And then at some point, that sword gets taken away, wrapped in a cloth, sat on a ledge behind something else, collects dust, and we forget about it.
And then, eventually we end up on the run. Instead of running after the enemy, we end up running from the enemy.
But God faces us today with that sword. And says, “Reach out and grab that sword! Use it like you did back than! My Holy Ghost has not lost power! It’s just as powerful today as it was back then! I can lift you back up to that point and restore you!”
You can take hits to the heart and be on defense like David for so long that you forget how to play offense!
But I have come into this place to stir some people to the point where you catch a glimpse of the sword and you come off of the sidelines!
While others are merely wielding the Christian flag, as Apostolics, we have a responsibility to wield the sword of the Spirit, and the sword of Truth!
Can I say today that I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the man who pointed David back to the sword was an elder spiritual leader!
Ahimelech pointed David in the direction of the sword he needed to use!
Young men and ladies, we need to take our instruction from ELDERS OF TRUTH!
And when we are in need of a fresh word or a fresh idea...
It’s not programs that will sever the head of that enemy.
It’s not ideas and thoughts from areas outside of truth that will be sharp and powerful enough to sever that enemy’s head!
We can have freshness and we can have growth… but if we have any at all, it needs to come by that same sword that first gave us victory in our lives!
Anything else is not going to be sharp enough. It may show a sign or two of growth for a while, but don’t be deceived - it’s not the same sword!
And if I may, I’d like to make a plea to some elders today.
I stand here, making an encouragement to you as a young minister: we need some elders who will point us to that sword of the truth...
It’s a sword of the Spirit!
It’s a sword of oneness!
It’s a sword of holiness!
And if there was ever a day when we needed a sure sound and a clear word, it’s today!
We still need elders who, with passion and conviction, will unwaveringly point us in the only direction of truth!!!
And young men and women, when they point toward it in their preaching and their teaching, because we know it’s true, we need to say like David, “There is none like that! GIVE IT TO ME!!!”
I am submitting to you that God had divinely orchestrated this meeting where David would be confronted with and reunite with such a symbolic sword.
It was as if God was saying, “David, you need to become uncomfortable with where you find yourself today!”
I have brought you up, I have blessed you, I have started a work here, not so you can stay on the run, but so you can run with my anointing!
And I am telling you today, that if we’ll get uncomfortable with where we find ourselves, we can PRAY our way into change!
We can PRAY our way into a word!
PRAY your way into a miracle!
PRAY your way into CHANGE!
It is almost certain that prayer has singlehandedly brought down revival on our church in Rector!
We’ve come through our troubles.
But now we are seeing miracle after miracle. Growth after growth.
Catch a Glimpse of the Sword
Why did all of that happen?
Two reasons:
Somebody got a strong view of the sword.
And they got uncomfortable where they were at.
I don’t know what all it may be that you’re dealing with today, but God has touched down here today to offer you an answer!
You can leave this place healed! You can leave this place delivered!
But you’ve got to become uncomfortable!