El Dios Que Humilla al Hombre / The God Who Humbles Men

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What type of character qualities do you think of when you think of powerful/successful people? (e.g., CEOs, world leaders, business leaders, entrepreneurs)
Strong personality
Very vocal
Short tempered
Many strong leaders have fallen because of their pride!
Many strong leaders have refused to listen to those around them. They stopped valuing other people’s opinions.
Many have become so overbearing that they pushed people away.
Others have been accused of abuse and harassment because they have not treated people well.
There are two opposite character qualities that the Bible mentions time and time again: pride and humility.
speaks to us about how God regards those who are proud and those who are humble.
James 4:6 NIV
But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”
James 4:6 NVI
Pero él nos da mayor ayuda con su gracia. Por eso dice la Escritura: «Dios se opone a los orgullosos, pero da gracia a los humildes.»
God is opposed to those who are proud. God does not take delight in those who act with a high opinion of themselves.
Rather, God looks upon those who are humble with delight. God delights in blessing/giving grace to those who are humble in spirit.
In our journey through the Bible we come to .
teaches us about the great King Nebuchadnezzer, the great Babylonian King.
During this time the people of God had been conquered by the Babylonian Empire.
Nebuchadnezzer was the man in power.
God had allowed his people to be conquered by this enemy kingdom because his own people had rebelled against his word.
The people of God had become proud. How did they become proud/arrogant? By disobeying/disregarding God’s word and instead following their own wills/desires.
For this reason, God gave them up to their enemies.
Today we will consider:
Nebuchadnezzar’s testimony
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream
Nebuchadnezzar’s sin
Nebuchadnezzar recognizes the only true King
Nebuchadnezzar recognizes the only true King

I. El testimonio de Nabucodonosor / Nebuchadnezzar’s testimony

is Nebuchadnezzar’s personal testimony:
Daniel 4:1–2 NIV
King Nebuchadnezzar, To the nations and peoples of every language, who live in all the earth: May you prosper greatly! It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me.
Daniel 4.
Daniel 4:1–2 NVI
El rey Nabucodonosor, a todos los pueblos y naciones que habitan en este mundo, y a toda lengua: ¡Paz y prosperidad para todos! Me es grato darles a conocer las señales y maravillas que el Dios Altísimo ha realizado en mi favor.
Daniel 4:1–2 NVI
El rey Nabucodonosor, a todos los pueblos y naciones que habitan en este mundo, y a toda lengua: ¡Paz y prosperidad para todos! Me es grato darles a conocer las señales y maravillas que el Dios Altísimo ha realizado en mi favor.
Nebuchadnezzar summons the attention of all the “peoples, nations, and languages” upon the face of the earth.
Nebuchadnezzar makes a universal call to all humanity.
For what reason?
He calls their attention towards the “signs and wonders” that God has shown him.
He calls their attention towards the great works that God has done in his life.
Nebuchadnezzar is not speaking second hand of what he heard or read about.
No! This is his personal testimony.
This is what God has done in his own life!

II. El sueño de Nabucodonosor / Nebuchadnezzar’s dream

Nebuchadnezzar’s story is concentrated upon a dream that he had.
It is interesting how , , and 4 are similar in that in each the king has a dream from God and Daniel is summoned to give its interpretation.
Once more the King has a dream that leaves him extremely agitated.
Daniel 4:4–6 NIV
I, Nebuchadnezzar, was at home in my palace, contented and prosperous. I had a dream that made me afraid. As I was lying in bed, the images and visions that passed through my mind terrified me. So I commanded that all the wise men of Babylon be brought before me to interpret the dream for me.
Daniel 4:4–6 NVI
Yo, Nabucodonosor, estaba en mi palacio, feliz y lleno de prosperidad, cuando tuve un sueño que me infundió miedo. Recostado en mi lecho, las imágenes y visiones que pasaron por mi mente me llenaron de terror. Ordené entonces que vinieran a mi presencia todos los sabios de Babilonia para que me interpretaran el sueño.
Daniel 4.
Why would the king be so agitated?
After all, wasn’t he the most powerful man upon the face of the earth?
Wasn’t he the great Nebuchadnezzar who was conquering land after land?
He definitely was the most powerful man upon the face of the earth.
However, this meant that the more Nebuchadnezzar gained/conquered, the more he would need to worry to keep his power intact.
He would have to constantly be on the lookout to prevent rebellions or someone from his own government that sought to overthrow his power.
For this reason, kings would become agitated from hearing rumors that their power was in danger; or in this case, themselves dreaming some ominous dream.
Nebuchadnezzar calls the wise men from the kingdom so they can interpret his dream.
He had done this before - in chapters 2 and 3.
Unfortunately, each time his wise men and astrologers failed.
God has given Nebuchadnezzar the dream and only Daniel, God’s servant, would be able to decipher/interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
In a sense this is a surprising scene.
Nebuchadnezzar had conquered the people of God.
He had taken them out of their own land and brought them to live in Babylon.
They were now his subjects.
However, who was agitating the great King Nebuchadnezzar?
It was the king of the hebrews/jews.
Who was keeping Nebuchadnezzar awake at night? It was God, Jehovah, the great God of the people of Israel - the same people that were now his prisoners.
Nebuchadnezzar goes on to describe his dream.
Daniel 4:10–12 NIV
These are the visions I saw while lying in bed: I looked, and there before me stood a tree in the middle of the land. Its height was enormous. The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth. Its leaves were beautiful, its fruit abundant, and on it was food for all. Under it the wild animals found shelter, and the birds lived in its branches; from it every creature was fed.
Daniel 4:10–12 NVI
Y ésta es la tremenda visión que tuve mientras reposaba en mi lecho: Veía ante mí un árbol de altura impresionante, plantado en medio de la tierra. El árbol creció y se hizo fuerte, y su copa tocaba el cielo, ¡hasta podía verse desde cualquier punto de la tierra! Tenía un hermoso follaje y abundantes frutos; ¡todo el mundo hallaba en él su alimento! Hasta las bestias salvajes venían a refugiarse bajo su sombra, y en sus ramas anidaban las aves del cielo. ¡Ese árbol alimentaba a todos los animales!
Daniel 4.
This great tree reached the heavens.
This great tree gave shelter and food to all the peoples upon the face of the earth.
However, this same tree was suddenly cut down.
Daniel 4:13–14 NIV
“In the visions I saw while lying in bed, I looked, and there before me was a holy one, a messenger, coming down from heaven. He called in a loud voice: ‘Cut down the tree and trim off its branches; strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the animals flee from under it and the birds from its branches.
Daniel 4.13
Daniel 4:13–14 NVI
»En la visión que tuve mientras reposaba en mi lecho, vi ante mí a un mensajero santo que descendía del cielo y que a voz en cuello me gritaba: “¡Derriba el árbol y córtale las ramas; arráncale las hojas y esparce los frutos! ¡Haz que las bestias huyan de su sombra, y que las aves abandonen sus nidos!
A heavenly messenger declared that the tree would be cut down. It would no longer give shelter to those who benefitted from its shade.
However, it would not be completely cut down
Daniel 4:15 NIV
But let the stump and its roots, bound with iron and bronze, remain in the ground, in the grass of the field. “ ‘Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven, and let him live with the animals among the plants of the earth.
Daniel 4:15 NVI
Pero deja enterrados el tocón y las raíces; sujétalos con hierro y bronce entre la hierba del campo. Deja que se empape con el rocío del cielo, y que habite con los animales y entre las plantas de la tierra.
Daniel 4.15
The roots of the tree would be preserved and covered with iron and bronze so that it would not be permanently damaged.
The tree stump would be all that was left. It would be continually exposed to the dew of the heaven and left in the field as if it were one of the beasts of the field.
Suddenly a sentence is declared upon a tree. It is as if the tree is being punished for something that it has done.
Daniel 4:17 NIV
“ ‘The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of people.’
Daniel 4.
Daniel 4:17 NVI
»Los santos mensajeros han anunciado la decisión, es decir, el veredicto, para que todos los vivientes reconozcan que el Dios Altísimo es el soberano de todos los reinos humanos, y que se los entrega a quien él quiere, y hasta pone sobre ellos al más humilde de los hombres.
Nebuchadnezzar asks for the dream’s meaning. Daniel must now speak for God has given him the interpretation of this dream.
Daniel 4.19-
Daniel 4:19 NIV
Then Daniel (also called Belteshazzar) was greatly perplexed for a time, and his thoughts terrified him. So the king said, “Belteshazzar, do not let the dream or its meaning alarm you.” Belteshazzar answered, “My lord, if only the dream applied to your enemies and its meaning to your adversaries!
Daniel 4:19 NVI
Daniel, conocido también como Beltsasar, se quedó desconcertado por algún tiempo y aterrorizado por sus propios pensamientos; por eso el rey le dijo: —Beltsasar, no te dejes alarmar por este sueño y su significado. A esto Daniel respondió: —¡Ojalá que el sueño y su significado tengan que ver con los acérrimos enemigos de Su Majestad!
Notice how Daniel is reluctant to speak about the dream’s meaning.
Daniel knows that the words he is about to speak to the king will be very strong words.
Nevertheless, Daniel is God’s servant and he must speak the truth!
Nebuchadnezzar is the tree.
Nebuchadnezzar has conquered many peoples. Many peoples have been brought into his kingdom.
He has conquered many lands and is now responsible for many many peoples.
His kingdom has stretched out to the ends of the earth.
Daniel 4:22 NIV
Your Majesty, you are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth.
Daniel 4:22 NVI
Ese árbol es Su Majestad, que se ha hecho fuerte y poderoso, y con su grandeza ha alcanzado el cielo. ¡Su dominio se extiende a los lugares más remotos de la tierra!
The hard word starts in verse 25.
Daniel 4:25 NIV
You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox and be drenched with the dew of heaven. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.
Daniel 4.25
Daniel 4:25 NVI
Usted será apartado de la gente y habitará con los animales salvajes; comerá pasto como el ganado, y se empapará con el rocío del cielo. Siete años pasarán hasta que Su Majestad reconozca que el Altísimo es el soberano de todos los reinos del mundo, y que se los entrega a quien él quiere.
Although Nebuchadnezzar is great and mighty, his kingdom will temporarily be brought down.
Nebuchadnezzar will be brought down and will be put away from the palace.
Nebuchadnezzar will be in the fields just like the the rest of the field animals.
Nebuchadnezzar will live amongst the beasts of the field for seven straight years - until he comes to recognize that God is sovereign over all the kingdoms on earth.
Daniel is starting to understand that the king in his unstoppable empire had become proud.
He has probably started showing signs of his pride. Nebuchadnezzar has really started to think that he is high and mighty.
Nebuchadnezzar is starting to think that there is no one above him.
Nevertheless, God is over all. God is mighty. God is sovereign. He has the power to wipe out Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom in an instant.
God will bring him down. God will humble him. God will teach him a lesson - there is no one greater than the God of Israel - he is the King of kings and the Lord of Lords.
Daniel dares to give the king some advice. God has spoken and Daniel knows God will do just as he has declared.
Daniel 4:27 NIV
Therefore, Your Majesty, be pleased to accept my advice: Renounce your sins by doing what is right, and your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed. It may be that then your prosperity will continue.”
Daniel 4:27 NVI
Por lo tanto, yo le ruego a Su Majestad aceptar el consejo que le voy a dar: Renuncie usted a sus pecados y actúe con justicia; renuncie a su maldad y sea bondadoso con los oprimidos. Tal vez entonces su prosperidad vuelva a ser la de antes.»
Daniel 4.
Daniel tells the king:
You are in time to look unto God and humble yourself.
You can repent of your pride and arrogance.
You can act with justice and turn away from wickedness. You can turn towards God.
You can repent, turn around, and trust in God - if you do this you will prosper!
What will Nebuchadnezzar do?
Will he listen to his trusted advisor and turn towards God?
Will he leave his pride and arrogance and humble himself before God’s mighty hand?

III. El pecado de Nabucodonosor / Nebuchadnezzar’s sin

Unfortunately Nebuchadnezzar’s pride has completely overtaken him.
Daniel 4:28–30 NIV
All this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. Twelve months later, as the king was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon, he said, “Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?”
Daniel 4.
Daniel 4:28–30 NVI
En efecto, todo esto le sucedió al rey Nabucodonosor. Doce meses después, mientras daba un paseo por la terraza del palacio real de Babilonia, exclamó: «¡Miren la gran Babilonia que he construido como capital del reino! ¡La he construido con mi gran poder, para mi propia honra!»
One year later, as he was walking and admiring his great palace, he starts to congratulate himself for the greatness of his kingdom.
He really thinks there is no higher power or higher being to whom credit is due.
Nebuchadnezzar really thinks he is the reason for his great kingdom. Nebuchadnezzar no longer gives credit to:
His mighty army
His trusted advisers
…or even his false Babylonian gods.
Nebuchadnezzar is so full of pride that all he can think of is that he is the reason for the great Babylonian Empire.
A voice from heaven speaks and the great Nebuchadnezzar is sentenced just as the dream had foretold.
Daniel 4:31–33 NIV
Even as the words were on his lips, a voice came from heaven, “This is what is decreed for you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your royal authority has been taken from you. You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.” Immediately what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. He was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird.
Dan 4.31-
Daniel 4:31–33 NVI
No había terminado de hablar cuando se escuchó una voz que desde el cielo decía: «Éste es el decreto en cuanto a ti, rey Nabucodonosor. Tu autoridad real se te ha quitado. Serás apartado de la gente y vivirás entre los animales salvajes; comerás pasto como el ganado, y siete años transcurrirán hasta que reconozcas que el Altísimo es el soberano de todos los reinos del mundo, y que se los entrega a quien él quiere.» Y al instante se cumplió lo anunciado a Nabucodonosor. Lo separaron de la gente, y comió pasto como el ganado. Su cuerpo se empapó con el rocío del cielo, y hasta el pelo y las uñas le crecieron como plumas y garras de águila.
In that moment Nebuchadnezzar is condemned to be amongst the beasts of the field.
Nebuchadnezzar starts eating grass the of the field just like the beasts of the field.
He sleeps outdoors as if he were an ox.
Even his body/appearance starts to resemble the body/appearance of a beast.
He is no longer the great King Nebuchadnezzar. He is now a lunatic living amongst the beasts of the field.
Where is the great King Nebuchadnezzar?
Look at him, his is just another beast in the field.
He has gone mad! Can that really be the high and mighty king?
Can that really be that great King Nebuchadnezzar who thought he was the great one upon the face of the earth?
For seven years he would continue to live under the judgement of God!

IV. Nabucodonosor reconoce al único y verdadero Rey / Nebuchadnezzar recognizes the only true King

What was God teaching Nebuchadnezzar?

V. Nabucodonosor reconoce al único y verdadero Rey / Nebuchadnezzar recognizes the only true King

God was teaching Nebuchadnezzar that there is only one great one.
There is only one King of kings and Lord of lords.
There is only one who is the reason behind creation.
There is only one who is all powerful.
Man is insignificant before the presence of God.
Man is nothing before the presence of God.
God was teaching Nebuchadnezzar the folly of pride.
God was teaching Nebuchadnezzar the folly of pride.
Surely degrees, money, good looks, influence - none of these things impress God.
Your great business, your intellect, your knowledge - none of this impresses the creator of the universe.
God is not impressed by kings and queens, God is not impressed by the president of the United States of America.
God is not impressed by military power and world economics.
God will not be outshined by any earthly power.
People are not inclined to recognize God’s greatness. However, we are very inclined to turn our backs against God and do as we wish.
Men and women everywhere act as if they have no time for the creator of the Universe.
Men and women cannot be bothered to sanctify the Lord’s day and come to the house of prayer to give him praise for all he has done.
Men and women cannot be bothered to live a righteous life; they would rather live as they please.
Such was the case with Nebuchadnezzar. He could not be bothered to recognize that it was God who had by his sovereign power given him the kingdoms of the earth. It was God who had raised Nebuchadnezzar and increased his kingdom.
At the end of seven years Nebuchadnezzar came to his senses.
Daniel 4:34–36 NIV
At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: “What have you done?” At the same time that my sanity was restored, my honor and splendor were returned to me for the glory of my kingdom. My advisers and nobles sought me out, and I was restored to my throne and became even greater than before.
Dan 4.34-
Daniel 4:34–36 NVI
Pasado ese tiempo yo, Nabucodonosor, elevé los ojos al cielo, y recobré el juicio. Entonces alabé al Altísimo; honré y glorifiqué al que vive para siempre: Su dominio es eterno; su reino permanece para siempre. Ninguno de los pueblos de la tierra merece ser tomado en cuenta. Dios hace lo que quiere con los poderes celestiales y con los pueblos de la tierra. No hay quien se oponga a su poder ni quien le pida cuentas de sus actos. Recobré el juicio, y al momento me fueron devueltos la honra, el esplendor y la gloria de mi reino. Mis consejeros y cortesanos vinieron a buscarme, y me fue devuelto el trono. ¡Llegué a ser más poderoso que antes!
Notice what happens when Nebuchadnezzar comes to his senses.
Nebuchadnezzar raises his eyes to the heavens and worships the only true God.
Nebuchadnezzar regains his senses after recognizing that God’s kingdom is eternal. Only God is king, in the truest sense of the word.
Only God is truly sovereign over the kingdoms of the earth.
There is no one that can overcome God’s kingdom.
It is madness to not recognize God’s power and kingdom over all. Consider this:
In 20-30 years the president of the United States will be dead!
In 20-30 years Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Carlos Slim will be dead!
Fidel Castro, had been the Cuba’s sole governor from 1976 to 2008 (32 years)…and yet one day he also died.
100 years from now most people living today will no longer exists in the Treasure Valley. We will all die.
…and yet…you know who will never die? You know who will never cease to exists? You know who will forever exist and never cease to be? God!
We should all take Nebuchadnezzar’s to heart:
Daniel 4:37 NIV
Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble.
Daniel 4:37 NVI
Por eso yo, Nabucodonosor, alabo, exalto y glorifico al Rey del cielo, porque siempre procede con rectitud y justicia, y es capaz de humillar a los soberbios.
God must be exalted.
God must be glorified.
God will humble those who exalt themselves.
God will reduce to nothing those who seek their own glory, power, and position.
God will bring down earthly kingdoms.
God will bring down the proud and arrogant.
Why? Because there is only one King of kings and Lord of lord - the Lord Jesus Christ.
He humbled himself, even to death, and death upon a cross.
For this reason, God has now exalted him and commands all of humanity to bow before him and recognize his kingly majesty.
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